

Guildford, Surrey, UK

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
Legion: 1x05 Chapter 5

Better. The balance seemed right here between the insane (infuriating) imagery and delivering a compelling narrative. Nice to get the beginnings of some answers, and it was even terrifying in parts. Still, I can't help but feel that the show is more interested in how it looks than its characters and story. I hope it's going somewhere and we can all look back on this with more understanding.

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iZombie: Season 1

Season 1 was excellent overall, although it took a little while to really click. Clearly using the Veronica Mars template to great effect, this is a witty and gripping show that works as both light entertainment and something you can get more invested in.

If it has any weakness, I would say that some of the casting is a bit off. Major is just a useless and uninteresting character, constantly trying to act the hero but coming off as pathetic, and his high school jock look doesn't help. Meanwhile, Babinaux is still a completely blank slate by the end of the season and his character needs a lot of development, or at least something to make us care about him.

Rose McIver carries the show really well, though, and makes up for a lot of this. She gets to apply different characteristics to her performance each week, which is no easy task, and while some of these do miss the mark and fall into pantomime territory, for the most part she is an absolute gem.

Hope to see more Veronica Mars cast appear in season 2!

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Star Trek: 2x24 The Ultimate Computer

The 1960s view of how computers work is charmingly quaint. A tight and focused episode, but no real tension. I enjoyed how worked up Kirk got.

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Sherlock: 4x01 The Six Thatchers

That was a jumbled mess until the last heartbreaking 15 minutes.

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Star Trek: 2x14 Wolf in the Fold

"Gee, Jim, do you think Scotty's finally got over his hatred of women?
Scotty proceeds to murder three women.

Total silliness aside. this was quite a fun whodunit episode, and James Doohan was pretty great.

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Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2
Star Trek: 2x02 Who Mourns for Adonais?

Mostly a fun episode, gleefully over the top. But it also has an unforgivably sexist slant with Carolyn's character, maybe the most offensive in the show so far. Chekhov is fun and the ending actually was sad.

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Killjoys: 1x01 Bangarang

Extremely choppy storytelling, jumps around way too fast with no indication of time passed or distance traveled. Difficult to follow, but kind of fun at the same time.

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Under the Banner of Heaven
Star Trek: Enterprise: 1x08 Breaking the Ice
Star Trek: Enterprise: 1x05 Unexpected
Star Trek: Enterprise: 1x02 Broken Bow (2)
A Small Light
Double Fine PsychOdyssey: 1x17 The Heart of Double Fine

Anna <3
So, this one actually quite upset me. It's a beautiful look at the qualities that make Double Fine special, and at how important it is to have the right people. People that care about their work, but even more so care about each other.

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Doctor Who: Season 2
Doctor Who: Season 1
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous: Season 3

What an improvement after the poor second season. Strong character development and exciting dinosaur encounters throughout with some creativity, as well as a good sense of dread and horror. And I finally have started to appreciate Kenji! The show has clearly established that these kids aren't in any real danger by now, but somehow it still works.

I just wish that the t-rex was featured more.

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Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous: 3x07 A Shock to the System

This is getting out of hand; now there are two of them!

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Stargate SG-1: 8x04 Zero Hour

Despite how this episode resolves things, I really get the sense that O'Neill is in over his head in this new job :)

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Cobra Kai: Season 3
I'll Be Gone in the Dark

An enticing documentary series, but not put together with as much skill as I had expected. Delving into a sprawling case like this one of the most important things a documentary can do is establish a clear timeline, and this doesn't attempt to do anything of the sort. It's frustrating that we jump in somewhere in the middle and then consistently go back and forth.

What it does have is a massive emotional punch. The stories being told by the survivors are heartbreaking and the tale of the author herself, Michelle McNamara, and her unexpected death really add a lot. Her role in uncovering further details about the East Area Rapist cannot be understated, and the time devoted to her was very welcome.

Aesthetically, there's a bit too much "podcast"-style delivery here. A lot of voice overs, scribbled text fading in and out of the screen, images of fingers typing and reconstructed backgrounds being slightly out of focus with ominous music. This would have worked far better if they'd kept it simpler and just told to the story from beginning to end.

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Cursed: 1x02 Cursed

So, this seems to have the cast, writing and acting quality of a BBC early evening family show like Merlin, but it's full of violence and swearing and gore. Who is this aimed at?

It's watchable, but not good.

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Star Wars Rebels: 2x08 The Future of the Force

Shout by LeftHandedGuitarist
BlockedParent2020-06-27T23:34:11Z— updated 2020-06-29T17:52:41Z

[Rewatch] This felt very Clone Wars but unfortunately not in a good way, more or less taking an episode that had already been done and giving it a new coat of paint. Ahsoka and the Seventh Sister continue to be great though, it's just a shame how mediocre the surrounding story was.

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What We Do in the Shadows: Season 2
Perry Mason: 1x01 Chapter 1

Loved the production design and I'm happy to watch Matthew Rhys in just about anything. All I ask of a TV show is for it to do something to make me sit up and take notice - so far, this hasn't.

I can't claim to be super familiar with the previous Perry Mason TV series but this obviously bears little relation to it. Gratuitous shock violence and sex are in place of interesting characters, but I can see potential here for development.

It felt like it was rehashing a bit too much of the Boardwalk Empire vibe. And I'm not sure that television was really crying out for another downbeat private detective who drinks too much. Let's hope this has some surprises in store because I feel like there's quality hidden in here.

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Star Wars Rebels: 1x09 Idiot's Array

Shout by LeftHandedGuitarist
BlockedParent2020-06-13T08:37:23Z— updated 2020-06-27T17:26:47Z

[Rewatch] It's hard not to enjoy a story with Lando, and this one stays fun the whole way through. I'm finding myself enjoying Rebels a lot more on my second time through, especially these relatively silly early episodes.

I have to say though, the Ezra/Zeb antics are getting tiresome already. And this episode highlights that Hera has been underused so far.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 2x09 Bitter Work

I have to agree with Iroh. Tea is life.

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Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures: 2x09 An Unlikely Friendship

The bromance we all needed.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x03 Fugitive

Getting some background on Order 66 is fantastic. It works extra well because we know how it's going to end up and that there's no stopping it, so giving us as the audience some new understanding of it feels like a treat.

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