

Guildford, Surrey, UK

Alien: Ore

Nice to finally see an alien! The budget obviously didn't allow for much so the filmmakers managed to use a "less is more" approach. The two main characters were quite developed for such a short amount of time spent with them.

This is nothing amazing and has some really dodgy moments of acting, but it did manage to create that little bit of unease I associate with the Alien franchise. It's just a shame that this didn't try to do anything original.

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Alien: Specimen

Wow, this is more like it. I can't remember the last time a film actually scared me, and this managed to do just that. The sense of dread and impending terror runs all the way through this, and this is of a far higher quality in every area compared to the first short film.

Of all the previous Alien entries, this recalled the atmosphere of Alien 3 the most for me, and I even feel like the soundtrack music was inspired by that.

A strong lead actress really helps and the production values are great (some dodgy CGI the only weak link). Mostly, the story here is the real surprise. I had low expectations for these short films and this raised the bar in a big way.

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Alien: Containment

More or less what I expected: an amateur short film given access to far higher production values than it normally would have. It's not bad, but neither is it anything special. The performances are average, the cinematography pretty basic and the staging of the actors is really poor.

But the short does effectively create some tension and manages to pull off a good chestburster sequence without actually showing all that much of it (I assume the budget wasn't quite big enough to include much in the way of effects). Our imagination is often more powerful than what we actually see, so this plays that to its advantage.

I'm hoping the rest of these films will be better, though.

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Star Trek: The Motion Picture

I hated this slow, cerebral film as a kid. This time, though, it clicked with me a bit more. That's not to say it's a fun or exciting film, it really does drag. But this time I'm watching it coming off the original TV show for the first time, and I just really like spending time with these characters. It's a shame it's all so beige. Certainly, it has one of the best scores of any film, and I really liked the 3 minute opening musical overture.

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Amazing and heartbreaking. Depressing and uplifting. An absolute must-watch.

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Went in knowing next to nothing about this, and pretty much loved it. Engaging story with good characters, and a flawless performance from Jennifer Lawrence.

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