

Guildford, Surrey, UK

Avenue 5: 1x01 I Was Flying

There's some potential here, but it has some work to do. First impressions are everything and this didn't make a great one. Mostly, for a comedy it wasn't funny at all, but the cast and situation are interesting enough to keep me watching for now.

The best moment was easily the reveal about the captain. I hope the characters aren't going to be jerks all the time (everyone seems to hate what they're doing) because it's a lot to take.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x16 Q Who

The first encounter with the Borg was probably quite creepy back in the late 1980s, but watching it today it feels a bit underwhelming. Far more interesting is the performance of Guinan, and Picard's need to become humble before Q. Lots of things here which were never followed up on, notably the concept of baby Borgs which was completely abandoned. The 18 dead crew members do lead a bad taste in your mouth, and severely alters any playful side we may have seen in Q.

They also set up a big mystery with Guinan's background, which was never mentioned or explored again. Lt. Gomez could have become an enjoyable recurring character, too.

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The Expanse: 1x03 Remember the Cant

I have to be honest, I really don't understand the factions and politics present here. Am I not paying enough attention, or is the show doing a poor job of explaining?

My only impressions so far:
- OPA: some kind of terrorist group. Bad.
- Belters: Gangs, criminals, violent, corrupt. Bad.
- Earth: elite, ignorant of others plight. Bad.
- Mars: isolationist, seen as a threat by everyone. Bad.

Surely this can't be right?

However, this episode was better for characters. People really seem to dislike each other but at least there was some reasoning behind it this time.

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Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous: 3x07 A Shock to the System

This is getting out of hand; now there are two of them!

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Stargate SG-1: 7x04 Orpheus

It's nice to finally get the issue of Tretonin addressed after it's introduction last season. Is it as effective as a symbiote? Will it have any side effects? And what happens when you don't have enough of it? I had been wondering these things and it almost felt as if the show had forgotten about it outside of vaguely mentioning its name a couple of times.

The episode is a fairly large story split into two distinct halves. Both halves are good, but I think I was most taken with Teal'c's recovery because it reveals things not only about him but for Daniel too.

The action in the latter half is fairly epic and very nicely done, with some strong material for Teal'c, Bra'tac and Rya'c. And I love that once again it looks like Bra'tac is going to die, but no!

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Stargate SG-1: 5x06 Rite of Passage

Colleen Rennison does a perfectly fine job as Cassandra, but I always thought it was a shame that the original actress wasn't brought back. The change is jarring. Otherwise this is not a spectacular episode, but it gives Dr. Frasier a good role to play.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x10 Terra Firma (2)

I was worried after the sharp turn last week's episode took, but this was MUCH better. Although, I really wanted to see exactly when/where Georgiou ended up.

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The Outsider: 1x06 The One About the Yiddish Vampire

Did anyone else get major Pennywise vibes when they heard, "Hey there, Jackie boy!"?

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x05 Landing at Point Rain

Ordinarily I would not particularly like an episode that is nothing but action, but this is visually stunning and has some fantastic cinematography. There's an intelligent flow to the battle, and this is exciting enough to manage without much in the way of characters.

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Looking for Alaska: 1x03 “I've Never Felt Better…”

It's hilarious how seriously the characters take things. I guess we are all guilty of it at times when we can't see the big picture, but damn teenagers take it to extremes.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 6x05 Alice

And it was all going so well.
This barely kept my attention and I ended up browsing Reddit while it was on. Really low effort Star Trek that fell back on the most obvious tropes it could. My main comment would be that Claire Rankin (Alice) is very good at doing crazy eyes.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 6x04 Behind the Lines

It's really hard to talk about these continuous episodes as seperate entities.
My main takeaway from this is that I'm annoyed we didn't get to see Dax's mission on the Defiant, and I really didn't like the way she copied Sisko's speech word-for-word to the crew at the end. It made it feel inauthentic, whereas Sisko's felt spontaneous and true.

The stuff going on back at the station is fantastic. I actually feel genuinely angry at Odo.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 3x19 Rise

Neelix: Darn it, I'm going on this away team and I just can't get Tuvok to respect me.
Tuvok: I do not respect you, Neelix.
Neelix: But look, I can save our lives in an emergency.
Tuvok: I now respect you, Neelix.

Could this episode be any more formulaic? Also, that's one of the worst space battles I've ever seen, Voyager just sits there and gets shot.
Although, the orbital tether platform is cool.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 3x09 Future's End (2)

Better than the first part, things just flow better here. The character of Rain begins to work and there's good interaction between the Doc and Starling, as well as Paris and Tuvok. In fact, it might pretty much be the Doctor who saves this whole story. The addition of a portable holographic emitter for him is going to allow his character to grow, and I like the fact that it referred to his memory loss in the 'The Swarm' (which, chronologically, should come right before this episode) and explained that he's recovering and gives us a possible reason as to why he was barely in part 1.

Ed Begley Jr. does do a great job as the bad guy, despite how low budget his entire business appears (he just has the one henchman working for him).

The whole sequence with Torres and Chakotay getting captured by gun-toting American survival fanatics was painful and moronic. And no explanation as to why bullets passed through the Doc.

If the 29th century has "time police" to sort out people they detect aren't in their correct time, why have they never shown up before whenever Star Trek characters accidentally travel to the past?

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Star Trek: Voyager: 2x24 Tuvix

Shout by LeftHandedGuitarist
BlockedParent2017-11-27T16:01:36Z— updated 2017-12-03T22:03:59Z

Almost a disaster of an episode due to the central premise, which ends up only being creepy. It's the ethical situation which arises around it which makes the episode work much better than it has any right to. Merging Tuvok and Neelix, two of the most uninteresting characters on the show, results in Tuvix who honestly freaks me out more than anything. I'm not sure he was cast quite right, even though Tom Wright does a pretty fantastic job in the role.

It doesn't really get interesting until the final act (honestly - that opening sequence is torture, as Neelix STILL doesn't seem to comprehend the basic fact that Vulcans don't feel emotions). Once Janeway makes her decision it's quite uncomfortable viewing, and the ending leaves a bad taste. That's the second episode in a row to finish on a sour note, and it certainly makes things memorable.

One of the few things I kind of liked about that was the Starfleet uniform mixed with Neelix's garish suit patterns. This probably would have had some real ramifications if Tuvix had stayed around for a few episodes.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 2x13 Prototype

It's impossible to overlook the biggest issue this episode has: how utterly cheap it feels. The robots look ridiculous, like something from the original 1960s Star Trek or Doctor Who. It's such a failing on the part of the design team that I'm surprised the episode went ahead at all, because as a viewer watching it all I could think was "that's a guy in a really terrible suit". Star Trek should be aiming much, much higher than this.

Story-wise, though, it kind of works. B'Elanna tends to improve things when she's front and centre and it's easy to get invested as she attempts to do the work demanded of her. The ending is unfortunately cheesy, because there was never a sense that she felt any kind of motherly feelings to Prototype 0001, who never does anything other than repeat the same annoying line of dialogue.

Janeway citing the prime directive feels like nonsense, too. These robots came and specifically asked for help, there was no interfering going on at all.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 1x12 Vortex

Our first hints at where Odo may come from, and our first time hearing the word "changeling". Of course, it all turns out to be completely untrue and given the nature of The Dominion that we learn in later seasons, it's kind of surprising that Croden knew nothing real. It basically boils down to the fact that none of that had been written or even thought of at this point. Still, seeds are planted.

It has a fairly emotional ending and some really beautiful cinematography during the scenes in the vortex, but this is overall a bland episode. Quark's scenes are great and its a good look at Odo as a character, but it's overwhelmed by all the poor alien designs and one-dimensional characterisations given to them. Rom still has the mean streak to his personality from 'The Nagus', given that he seems to relish the thought of Odo dying.

First contact with Gamma quadrant species sure isn't going well so far.
Odo getting knocked out by a rock - or even feeling any pain from it - makes zero sense. Somebody wasn't thinking that through.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 6x16 Birthright (1)

An episode that consists of all set-up for the next part means that it feels like nothing really happens here. On the other hand, it's not the worst thing to just spend time with these characters we've gotten to know so well. The main focus here is on Worf and Data, the latter of whom has the most interesting story. His attempts to start dreaming unlock some lovely moments and some creatively shot sequences - I really loved the bird's POV shot that swoops outside of the Enterprise. Brent Spiner again plays Dr. Noonien Soong, this time without a load of prosthetics and does a really nice job of it.

Worf's story is a intriguing start that doesn't get paid off too well in this first part. Going to Deep Space Nine is a nice treat (and seeing it in HD on the blu-ray is lovely) and Worf's inner struggle is fairly compelling.

So, despite all the quite lovely things that happen in this episode it just feels like it's a whole lot of people sitting around and thinking. There's no real excitement, despite a wonderful guest appearance from an unrecognisable James Cromwell and even Dr. Bashir showing up.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 6x13 Aquiel

I fell asleep. I think it turns out that the dog did it. You're welcome, I just saved you from having to watch this one.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x25 The Inner Light

This episode is rightly lauded as one of the best of the entire franchise. It's emotional, powerful and thoughtful and exemplifies exactly what the show is about. But, and I am frustrated with myself for saying this, I don't really love it all that much. This could be a product of having seen it a bit too often, or having it always rammed down my throat as BEST TREK EVAH!1!!

I get it, it IS quite wonderful, but I've always found it to highlight The Next Generation's inherent weakness, and that is that the episodic nature of the show. This is an episode that absolutely demanded to have repercussions for Picard as a character, and there are absolutely none. It should have utterly changed him as a person. The fact that this is such a self-contained episode makes it lose its power somewhat for me. Much in the same way that Worf is completely fine following 'Ethics' or that Riker falls in love but has forgotten all about it after 'The Outcast', TNG tells fantastic stories that you can dip in and out of at any time but so rarely rewards the viewer for watching.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x22 Imaginary Friend

Two things really stood out to me in this:
1) Clara bears a distracting resemblance to Mark Wahlberg.
2) Troi and Picard pronounce "Clara" in a very odd way.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x09 The Vengeance Factor

Kind of bland all round, with the only interesting moments being a couple of tiny scenes with Wesley and the Gatherer leader. There's an attempt to look at hatred and prejudice, but it doesn't come across with any force or meaning.

That may be because of the focus on Riker's romantic interest in Yuta. She's far too much of a blank character to give this any weight.

There's also the big question of why he didn't just stun her at the end, unless I missed something.

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Star Trek: 2x10 Journey to Babel

I love the introduction of Spock's parents and his relationship with them. It's genuine and added a great deal of heart, helped by the fact that I know some of the things from later in the franchise. The main plot of the episode itself is a bit all over the place, starting off well but losing its way as it went. It's nice that Kirk, Spock and especially McCoy all get to shine, though.

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Star Trek: 2x03 The Changeling

Well, this is a moderately fun story. It seems to have been remade and redeveloped for Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the similarities are glaring. The episode is also a bit slow and it has a truly ridiculous series of events with Uhura that just... wow, I can't even begin to figure out what they were going for there. Some more horribly sexist stuff makes this an episode that will be easy to forget.

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x03 THE WITNESS

The stunning photo-realistic visuals don't hide how horribly this objectifies women. What possible reason was there for her to naked throughout the whole thing? Anyway, the ending was a cool little moment.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 4x19 The Killing Game (2)

As I'd feared, no sooner has Voyager introduced a menacing new enemy than they completely neuter them and render them a pretty weak threat. The Hirogen here just want to play games and argue amongst themselves. Remember when we first met them and they were about to eviscerate Tuvok alive? The double-episode could have easily been a single, and I can only imagine that the production needed to justify the use of all the WW2 sets.

I expect this was addressed in the episode and I just missed it, but... the crew are on the holodeck, right? Couldn't they just say "computer, give me an extra 100 soldiers fighting on our side", or "computer, give us more advanced weapons"? Were the whole crew locked out of the system?

It all felt a bit pointless and silly to me.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x06 Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach

That was surely one of the Star Trekkiest episodes that ever Star Trekked. I could easily picture this being a TNG story. Hard hitting, tough, highly watchable. Pike's hair continues to impress.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks: 1x05 Cupid's Errant Arrow

That was DS9.
This is all I've wanted for the past 21 years.

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His Dark Materials: 1x01 Lyra's Jordan

I'm cautiously optimistic based on this first episode. It seems faithful to the book and I really like the cast.

I felt like maybe there was too much awkward exposition up front and yet I still feel like I would be pretty lost if I didn't already know the story.

Were there helicopters in the book? I don't remember that and it seemed out of place with the 1920s technology feel of the rest of the world. Also, it felt like only the main characters had daemons with none in the background.

But, there were also moments here where I was completely entranced by the story being told. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

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Maniac: 1x03 Having a Day

I'm still not sure about the story, but I adore the aesthetic. It's a real throwback to the early '80s. Even the end credits have a telecine wobble, what a nice attention to little details.

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