John Smallberries

1 follower

Beverly Jills, CA

Silent Night

And anything that we want to go
From just a beginner to a pro
You need a montage
Even rocky had a montage

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Dominion: Prequel to The Exorcist

Shout by John Smallberries
BlockedParent2018-10-26T05:33:38Z— updated 2018-10-30T04:56:27Z

In case anyone is wondering, this is the better one.

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The Final Girls

Ok, what the heck. I didn't expect to get choked up at one point in a horror/comedy film.

Thumbs up.

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The Price Is Right: 47x26 Tue, Oct 23, 2018

Man, that guy Jeffery was creepy when other contestants won before him.


And how did I know he was an aspiring actor?

Seriously, asking for a spot on Survivor instead of saying "hi" to friends and family.


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What an aggressively stupid movie...

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High Art

This movie was much cooler when I wast 18.

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Cain Hill

I would love to know who gave this dog the 80% vote.

Do not believe that lie...

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Backdraft 2

Oh lord, I could hear the pitch for this dog: "It's Backdraft crossed with Silence of the Lambs!"

It's like the writers had a "movie cliche" set of cards and would just draw a random hand each scene.

And don't get me started on Joe Anderson's performance...

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Peeping Tom

Shout by John Smallberries
BlockedParent2020-04-22T23:19:18Z— updated 2020-07-05T00:03:22Z

Starts out feeling like some lame 60s slasher/exploitation film. But give it a bit. Picks up a little way through. Characters are well fleshed out, a lot of grey areas instead of simply things being black and white. Was pleasantly surprised.

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Fake or Fortune?: 7x01 Nicholson

Absolutely INSANE conclusion. I have a feeling the expert's ego couldn't allow the possibility that she had made a mistake in the past. This poor owner was robbed.

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I know this comes off as pure trollery, but as I was watching the chariot race, I couldn't help admiring what amazing creatures these horses were. Then I thought of the rumors about a stunt man dying, so I looked it up.

Apparently, the stuntman dying is an urban legend, but the stuntmen on set said that the second unit director was so far behind that he killed upwards of 100 horses to get the scene done.

This ruined the movie for me. I know, bleedin' heart and all that, but it was a splash of cold water to go from, "these animals are amazing in this" to "Breezy churned through them like someone with a cold churns through tissue."

Just my own experience.

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The Devil Within

What an aggressively boring dog turd of a film.

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Breaking at the Edge

What an aggressively stupid movie. Predictable as heck.

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Rather dull. Feels like an average short story stretched into a tv movie length film.

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Twisted Obsession

What a truly annoying movie. Even Jeff Goldblum couldn't save this pompous attempt at a Roman Polanski-style film.

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House of Darkness

A well written, but utterly predictable film. Would have served much better as an episode of a show like Creepshow or Cabinet of Curiosities.

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The Amusement Park

Honestly, even Romero can make a bad film, don't be obliged to rate up just due to his name.

This has all the subtlety and art of a 70s AFI educational short.

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Got the "good" rating from me simply from the scene where they are carefully extracting a few people from the ant-infested B&B, then when finished the helicopter takes off in a hurry and its wash sprays the deadly ants into a massive crowd of spectators and media. Laughed my ass off.

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It's definitely a love it or hate it film. Personally, my favorite Craven.

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Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead

Some times the zombies are something you can avoid in crowds while riding a bicycle, other times one fat zombie in a store with 6 people is a dire threat.

Make up your mind.

Edit: Also, so cute they thought they could set up a sequel....

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An AGGRESSIVELY bad movie. Derivative, pulls punches, terribly written and acted. Lazy soundtrack. Just bad on a comprehensive level.

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"Fallon is the champion!: clapclapclapclapclap

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Demon House

I keep waiting for him to say. "...and this has been ...Grave Encounters."

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Halloween II

Well... it had a great poster?

Seriously, what a let down after the first Rob Zombie one.

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Making It

I loved the idea of a non-nasty reality competition hosted by these two, but, dang, it takes sophoric to a new level. Makes Antiques Roadshow feel like Battle Royale.

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Escape Room

Well, SOMEONE"S seen Fermat's Room...

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Crimson Peak

Man, I didn't think they made gothic horror anymore. This was great.

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Lovecraft in a crappy toilet with J.K. Simmons. If that doesn't make you bump it to the top of your watch list, you probably won't enjoy it.

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The Price Is Right

Because sometimes you just want to put your brain in power-saving mode.

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