luthor zor-el


Omicron Persei 8

Grey's Anatomy: 16x18 Give a Little Bit

this would've been a good episode if that woman was caught, but since she got away i fckin hated that

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x16 Leave a Light On

this is the worst thing i've ever watched im gonna scream

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x03 Miss Me, Kiss Me, Love Me

Ava's performance scene w the twist was so funny I loved it.

i don't like the new Zari tho, the original was waaay better

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Dickinson: 1x08 There’s a certain Slant of light

finally a male character that i like, and then he goes and dies of tuberculosis.

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Queer Eye: 3x03 Jones Bar-B-Q

this is hands down my fave ep so far. it made me so happy and i cried so much

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9-1-1: 2x06 Dosed

i literally started crying when they called bobby to take the pic with them

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Bones: 12x12 The End in the End

I love that it ended on a good note, but the episode itself was quite dark. I spent all that time thinking that Brennan won't get better. So, as much as I'm grateful that everything turned out alright, the episode just gave me anxiety and a bunch of other negative emotions.

All in all, I grew up watching this show and it's for sure one of my absolute favorites. I can't believe it ended, but it had 12 wonderful seasons :)

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Grey's Anatomy: 13x08 The Room Where It Happens

When Zola said "you fix everyone" I legit started crying omg

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Fresh Off the Boat: 3x04 Citizen Jessica

I miss Honey. She should've been a series regular. And her husband too, they're both funny.

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Hawkeye: 1x05 Ronin

too much yelena in this episode....

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Charmed: 3x08 O, The Tangled Web

any episode with abby is a good episode

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The Originals: 5x13 When the Saints Go Marching In

so Klaus didn't want Elijah to sacrifice himself, and therefore he took the darkness. but Elijah killed himself anyway in the end?? what was the damn point then, Hope didn't have to lose her father. Elijah could've just taken the darkness if he was gonna kill himself anyway ugh

i would've liked the ending hadn't it been for this bullshit

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Supergirl: 3x20 Dark Side of the Moon

what a weakass episode. i expected so much more.
this show was my fave in s1 but now it's like.... some eps are good but most are rushed and badly written.
kudos to actors for being awesome but the writers need to step up their goddamn game like in season 1 which was lit

the Kara/Alura reunion was so underwhelming when it should have been much more emotional and not rushed

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Shadowhunters: 3x07 Salt In the Wound

clary: im dying
simon: it's really not a good time right now clary

AKSDJFAJSDKFADF i fucking SCREAMED kSaksdjfaksdfSKDF me as clary simon as everyone else aksdjfaskdjf

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Smallville: 1x06 Hourglass

martha kent is a fucking badass!

also cassandra was so good, rip.

and i cant believe my good son lex was gonna turn out to be bad :( like, i know who lex luthor is but he seems nice so far, i wish he'd stay that way smh

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Supergirl: 2x06 Changing
Quantico: Season 2

Literally anyone else would've been better there with Alex than Ryan. Even Caleb Haas would've been better. My personal dislike of Ryan aside, they're actually gonna fck up the mission bc of their feelings.
And there's not enough Shelby or Amin twins this season.
Also, Alex Parrish should have a girlfriend. I vote Shelby ;)

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Wynonna Earp: 4x07 Love's All Over

the plot of this show stopped making sense a while ago, but i'm so enjoying the gayness of it all, and it's obvious they have a lesbian in the writing team because no straight could make the bend it like beckham joke.

that being said, i would really like for the plot to get better again, but i'm feeling like they don't have many ideas left so they're just gonna wing it for as long as they can make it last

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Dickinson: 2x10 You cannot put a Fire out

FINALLY SOME EMISUE CONTENT. this season has been quite boring, the plot that I couldn't care about and zero romance. But this episode is so good. Actually, I kind of expected this entire season to go like this, with romance and all, and I was quite disappointed with every episode except 2x04 and this one. 2x04 had a good plot, and this ep had romance.
I won't have high hopes for s3 like I did with this season, cuz I don't want to be disappointed again. But at least this episode lives in my mind rent free.

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Dickinson: 2x05 Forbidden Fruit a flavor has

queen haiz fucking a dude is not something i ever wanna see.......... i miss emisue :(

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Grey's Anatomy: 17x01 All Tomorrow’s Parties

i have enough of covid all around, i really don't need it on my shows as well ughhhh

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Modern Family: 4x02 Schooled

as this show is so popular, it created such a widely-accepted stereotype with this episode, that lesbians and gay men have nothing in common and cannot be friends. as a lesbian, i can assure you that the reality is farthest from it.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 6x02 Vivian's Here

every other episode ppl are like "i hate you, annalise!!" n then in the next ep they're sorry bc they know they were being a lil b*tch, and then the same thing again and again
i honestly don't know why she puts up w their sh*t lol

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Good Girls: 1x06 A View from the Top

when will dean and leslie die ugh

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Black Mirror: 1x01 The National Anthem

while san junipero snatched my wig, this pilot episode is just one big what the fck and highly disturbing, i couldn't and wouldn't even finish it, bye

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Once Upon a Time: 5x09 The Bear King

this episode was So Gay

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Pretty Little Liars: 7x16 The Glove That Rocks the Cradle

aria is such trash lately lmao like i get that shes being blackmailed but sis needs to draw a line on what shes willing to do

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Grey's Anatomy: 13x20 In the Air Tonight

this episode gave me like 10 anxiety attacks

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Bones: 12x07 The Scare in the Score

I can't believe they killed Max smh :(

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Frequency: 1x05 Seven Three


ehem anyway, I loved the episode, as always. Raimy and Frank give me feels every episode. And I got so upset that mom broke dad's heart like wtfff rude.

All the plot twists got me like whaaaaaat. This show is never boring or predictable, I love it.

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