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Orange: 1x09 LETTER 09

Pity about the distractingly large amount of QUALITY in this episode :(

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x15 The Outside of Madness

Shout by ManiacB

Holy hell, that episode was pretty horrific. No wonder Subaru broke.

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Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: 1x12 Iron Fortress

Decent enough ending, but I have to be honest, I ended up disappointed in this series overall. I didn't really like the direction it took in the second half and we ended up with a lot of one-dimensional and silly characters by the end.

Pretty much everyone in the cast at one point or another annoyed me with their illogical or silly decisions. It often felt like nobody was actually trying to keep themselves alive.

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Game of Thrones: 6x05 The Door

I feel kinda bad because it seems like everyone else really liked this episode, but I personally thought it was one of the weakest, possibly THE weakest this season. With the exception of the final scene, not a lot actually happened. Obviously I get that there are points where characters have to talk things over or set off from A to B, but it felt like most of the episode was that.

As for the final scene - honestly I love Hodor. He's a great character and I was sad to see him die. But rather than being moved and emotional at the final scene, I just found it cheesy. "Hold the Door". Really? I get what they were trying to do but that was just stupid.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x01 The End of the Beginning and the Beginning of the End

A promising start. Like @deanzel I thought it started off pretty generic but it certainly ramped up and got interesting and a lot better. I also appreciated it being a double-length episode to take the time to establish things. Of the characters introduced thus far, they all seemed pretty likable. Having just seen Erased last season, it's interesting to see another series handling time travel again so soon, and no doubt it will draw comparisons to that series. And like Erased, it has the potential to handle the premise and mechanics well, or badly. Shame there's a fair amount of dodgy CG to be seen but hopefully the quality of the story will be enough to excuse that.

Still, a good first episode. Here's hoping it stays good. White Fox as a studio do have the potential to do very well when they're on point.

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Gintama: 7x50 Nobume

Always happy to have more Nobume in my Gintama. I do think it's a shame that they "chickened out" with her backstory so it turned out she didn't kill Isaburo's wife and child. I think their relationship would have been more interesting if she still had and he "accepted" her even so.

I always liked Isaburo's character so whilst it wasn't unexpected, it was sad to see him sacrifice himself in the end.

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KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!: 1x10 Final Flame for this Over-the-top Fortress!

Well that was very silly, but very fun. Despite looking like it'd be the usual otaku pandering LN fantasy nonsense, it was self-aware enough to take the piss out of itself and the genre. Not a masterpiece by any means, but definitely entertaining. Glad we're getting a second season. Bravo DEEN!

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Gangsta.: 1x12 Odds and Ends

I certainly hope there will be another season of this, since that episode wasn't a last episode at all and everything is still up in the air.

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Knights of Sidonia: 2x12 Battle

Shout by ManiacB

Bit of an underwhelming finale really. I was expecting the battle for planet nine to be pretty epic in scale, something on par with the finale in the first series, instead when they confirmed the planet had been conquered, I thought "What, that's it?". I thought they were just rescuing the recon team!

Overall series 2 wasn't as good as the first in my opinion. It started strong, the first episode really hit the ground running, but towards the middle it lost its way a bit and we ended up with more than one episode of pure slice of life silliness, which was always the show's weakest point.

I hope we'll see another series, as the story is definitely not over, but this one was a bit of a let down. And really, stick with what you're best at, Sidonia. More awesome battles, less forced awkward harem situations.

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Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works: 2x13 Epilogue

Shout by ManiacB

Aww. Was nice to see an after story of sorts. Went a bit beyond the VN material and chucked in a couple of easter eggs for saddos like me. Even Luvia made an appearance! And (probably) Waver! :D

All in all it was great to see the F/SN handled properly this time. Whilst a few pacing issues and clunky/excessive dialogue did drag things down at times, overall it was exciting and enjoyable to watch, even if you already knew the story like I did. Well done, ufotable.

I look forward to Heaven's Feel!

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Sound! Euphonium: 1x12 My Euphonium

Yeah, I commented near the start that I really like Kumiko so this was a great episode for me. Forget all the "Asuka best"ing, I much prefer a character who you get to see develop and change. It was great to see her find her motivation to do better and to finally understand Reina better. Good stuff.

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Black Lagoon: 1x15 Swan Song at Dawn

A value lesson from all this - do NOT fuck with Hotel Moscow.

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Laid-Back Camp: 2x01 Curry Noodles Are the Best Travel Companion

It's time to get C O M F Y

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The Promised Neverland: 1x10 130146

Okay, I'll admit the last couple of episodes have been a lot more compelling. Consider me engaged again... unless they crash out on a bad/non-ending.

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Full Metal Panic!: 4x12 Make My Day

We'd better not have to wait another 13 years to find out what happens next!

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The Ancient Magus' Bride: 1x24 Live and let live.

Pretty decent conclusion overall.
I'm not sure why but this series never fully wowed me, despite it being impressively directed an animated I'd say I never got "fully" into it.
That said I still think it was a pretty good series and don't regret my time watching it. The soundtrack and a lot of the character designs were especially impressive.

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March Comes in Like a Lion: 2x06 Chapter 56 Small World / Chapter 57 Letter

Last few episodes have been really sweet seeing Rei desperate to help Hina, but so heartbreaking too. I just want to give her a hug and tell her it's all going to be okay!
Hopefully now that she's pissed she'll be going on the offensive and those vile girls will get their comeuppance

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Made in Abyss: 1x08 Survival Training

The insert song at the end of the episode is just great!

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Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: 1x03 Start of a New Life! (That Doesn't Go Well, Of Course)

Shout by ManiacB

Wasn't too sure on this series at first but I think this was the episode that got me fully on board. The series as a whole is by no means amazing but the characters have been endearing and fun enough by this point to convince me to continue with this.

Obviously being a KyoAni show it still has great direction and animation quality. Not as flashy as some of their other shows but still nice to look at.

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KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!: 2x02 A Friend for This Crimson Demon Girl!

I thought this episode was a lot better than the first one and I didn't notice the QUALITY quite as much either. Some great laughs in this episode too. KonoSuba at its finest!

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Gintama: Special 13 Gintama: The Semi-Final - Don't Spread the Wrapping Cloth Without Thinking Ahead

Hurray! Great to see more Gintama, even if it's only a couple of OVAs. And featuring Tsukuyo too? You spoil me!

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Tales of Zestiria the X: 1x06 Velvet Crowe

Shout by ManiacB

Last 2 eps felt like an advert/get hype for Berseria, which I'll admit I am (Velvet looks badass and I like that she seems a lot more vengeful and not at all goody-two-shoes like most Tales protags). Still have no idea how it will tie into Zestiria's story. The only common thread so far seems to be the mention of Malevolence. Nevertheless it was pretty cool and gorgeously animated by ufotable as always.

Next week, back to Sorey and co.

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Rewrite: 1x01 The World or Myself?

Shout by ManiacB

Pretty decent for an introduction episode. The animation quality isn't amazing but it looks alright and thankfully so far 8-bit haven't gone extreme fanservice like they did with Grisaia.

At 13 episodes long I do fear they'll either rush things or miss a lot out. At a guess I would say they're just going to do the "true" route (episode begins with scenes from the Moon arc) with elements of each characters route thrown in.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x11 Rem

Really enjoyed this episode, felt like a worthy pay off to all the strife up until this point. Rem was especially lovely at the end. Considering that I groaned slightly in episode 4 when the "twin loli maids" were introduced, and initially couldn't remember which one was Ram and which one was Rem, the series has done a great job of developing both of their characters and showing their individuality and struggles.

Hopefully Subaru will finally get his date with Emilia-tan now! Both him and us have both waited long enough!

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Space Patrol Luluco: 1x07 The Trap of Fate's Threads

I thought we were heading into Kill la Kill territory after those familiar looking life fibers.


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Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: 1x02 Never-ending Darkness

Shout by ManiacB

Keeping the momentum going from last time (shame about the week delay but due to recent events it can't be helped). Mumei was badass. Soundtrack is still great. Loves me some EGOIST and Aimer.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x03 Starting Life from Zero in Another World

So that Emilia was pretty adorable this episode. I would say it's good to finally see her name revealed but I already stumbled into it somewhere. Pretty easy to find spoiler, even if you're not looking.

Still, a decent episode. Lots of interesting plot points going on, it'll be fun to see where they all go.

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Flying Witch: 1x02 A Visitor for the Witch

Super chill. I love how laid back Kei and Makoto are.

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Flying Witch: 1x01 It's Been Six Years

Cute first episode. Pretty laid back. Looks like this will be a pleasant slice of life... with witches!
Also lol at the mandrake.

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Myriad Colors Phantom World: 1x13 The Eternal Phantom World

I have no hesitation in saying this has been the worst KyoAni show I have seen. People were harsh on Tamako Market but that was Citizen Kane compared to this. Thank god it's over now and we can look forward to the likes of Hibike S2 etc.

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