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Japan Animator Expo: 1x03 ME!ME!ME!

The video that launched a thousand controversies :P

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Japan Animator Expo: 3x07 GIRL

Shout by ManiacB

ME!ME!ME! part 2? (kinda). Another pretty nice looking video full of not-so-subtle imagery :P
Oh and more daoko. Loves me some daoko.

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Sound! Euphonium: 1x03 The First Ensemble

Shout by ManiacB

Man, there's just something about Kumiko that I really, really like. I just really dig her personality/disposition and I'm enjoying the series enough on her alone. Add in KyoAni's usual high standards of animation quality and yeah, I'm really liking this one.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x03 Starting Life from Zero in Another World

So that Emilia was pretty adorable this episode. I would say it's good to finally see her name revealed but I already stumbled into it somewhere. Pretty easy to find spoiler, even if you're not looking.

Still, a decent episode. Lots of interesting plot points going on, it'll be fun to see where they all go.

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 2x08 Even Still, Hachiman Hikigaya is…

Studio feel? More like studio FEELS.
Still pretty amazing that the same studio who did the likes of KissxSis would do such a great job here. Bravo guys!
Also, 8man says what we were all thinking about sensei. You smooth operator, you.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x25 That’s All This Story Is About

Shout by ManiacB

As much as Rem stole the show in the second half, the scene with Emilia at the end was just fantastic.
A satisfactory conclusion to the current arc too. I am assuming there is more story to tell if they want to and I'd certainly like to see more of this world and how the competition to determine the ruler progresses. There are still a lot of mysteries to explore.

Overall though, a great series. One which I couldn't wait for the next episode of each week. If I have one criticism it is that the characters would sometimes monologue for a bit too long and sometimes the "suffering porn" for Subaru seemed to be heaped on through a bit of contrivance, but despite all that it was an engaging and fun series that managed to take what is by this point quite a tired premise and inject new life into it.

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 2x06 Without Incident, the Congress Dances, But Does Not Progress

Shout by ManiacB

The worst thing about that meeting was, I've been to meetings like that, where just as many empty words are thrown around and just as little is accomplished :D

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Nisekoi: 2x01 From Now On / Please Notice

Hurray, we're back! And Chitoge was adorable this episode!

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March Comes in Like a Lion: 1x01 Chapter 1 Rei Kiriyama / Chapter 2 The Town Along the River

Interesting first episode. I think I'm gonna like this one. You can definitely tell it's by the same author as Honey and Clover and they've even kept the art style the same. The cast we've seen so far seem pretty cute and likable and it definitely has the same mood to it that H&C did, including some random silly moments.

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 2x05 In That Room, There is No Longer the Scent of Tea

Shout by ManiacB

Also (and how could I forget this!), the scene between Hachiman and Komachi was so heartwarming! :)

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 2x05 In That Room, There is No Longer the Scent of Tea

Shout by ManiacB

Late to the party with this comment but I have to say that S2 seems to have taken everything that was good about the first season and improved upon it. A definite jump in animation quality, which is quite surprising as studio feel are doing this season, and they're not exactly known for high quality shows (Kissxsis lol), but it also looks like things are becoming a lot more meaningful and important for our three main characters.

Definitely looking forward to seeing where this one ends up.

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Nisekoi: 2x04 Mother

Never thought I'd say this, but I think I might have to defect to #TeamChitoge. Sorry Onodera, you're still lovely but Chitoge is destroying everyone right now.

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Shirobako: 1x24 The Delivery That Was Too Far Off

Shout by ManiacB

A perfect final episode and a great end to a very enjoyable series. With a few exceptions I liked pretty much all the characters in the series and it was great to see everything ended up going so well for our 5 heroines.

I'm going to miss this one!

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Shirobako: 1x23 Table Flip Continued

Shout by ManiacB

Hurray! I was starting to worry that Zuka-chan-senpai was going to go the whole series never getting a break. Really loved the final scene with Miyamori watching and getting all emotional.

Last episode next week. I'm gonna miss this show :(

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x19 Battle Against the White Whale

For a moment there, I was really worried the whale wouldn't turn up. Subaru would have some explaining to do then!

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x15 The Outside of Madness

Shout by ManiacB

Holy hell, that episode was pretty horrific. No wonder Subaru broke.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x01 The End of the Beginning and the Beginning of the End

A promising start. Like @deanzel I thought it started off pretty generic but it certainly ramped up and got interesting and a lot better. I also appreciated it being a double-length episode to take the time to establish things. Of the characters introduced thus far, they all seemed pretty likable. Having just seen Erased last season, it's interesting to see another series handling time travel again so soon, and no doubt it will draw comparisons to that series. And like Erased, it has the potential to handle the premise and mechanics well, or badly. Shame there's a fair amount of dodgy CG to be seen but hopefully the quality of the story will be enough to excuse that.

Still, a good first episode. Here's hoping it stays good. White Fox as a studio do have the potential to do very well when they're on point.

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Sound! Euphonium: 1x12 My Euphonium

Yeah, I commented near the start that I really like Kumiko so this was a great episode for me. Forget all the "Asuka best"ing, I much prefer a character who you get to see develop and change. It was great to see her find her motivation to do better and to finally understand Reina better. Good stuff.

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 2x13 Spring Always Comes to Life Buried Underneath a Pile of Snow

Shout by ManiacB

Meh, that's a shame. Bit of a non-ending after all that. I wasn't necessarily expecting a full conclusion to things but it almost did feel like there should have been another episode after this one.

Oh well, I guess it's either "read the novels" or hope for another season someday. I definitely enjoyed this one though and studio feel did a great job at upping the animation quality from the first series. Yui still best.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x14 The Sickness Called Despair

Damn, Natsuki Subaru. Guess it's time to reset again. Letting Rem die is unacceptable!

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x05 The Morning of Our Promise Is Still Distant

Shout by ManiacB

I do like what they're doing with this so far. Like @RieZel says it feels a bit like a VN being played. The gruesome death scene at the end reminded me of some of the horrific bad ends in the Fate/Stay Night VN.

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Sound! Euphonium: 1x13 Goodbye Competition

Shout by ManiacB

Great finale, great finish to a very enjoyable series. Definitely one of my favorites this season. KyoAni always do a great job with this visuals but they really shined this time, everything looked gorgeous. It was nice to have a series with a bit more of a purpose and drive to it this time as well.

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Nisekoi: 2x10 Support

Shout by ManiacB

Cute side story. Was nice to see a bit of development for Shu since he can be quite a fun side character (and lord knows there won't be progress in the main story... ever :P). RuriXShu OTP though :P

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Knights of Sidonia: 2x08 Reunion

As much as I love and am enjoying Sidonia, this was a pretty weak episode. I don't mind the slice of life stuff in small doses, but when it's pretty much the whole episode it's a bit tiresome. Especially when we have a big space battle looming!

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Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works: 2x08 Unlimited Blade Works.

Whilst the last 2 episodes haven't been bad by any means, I can kinda understand people who have criticized the pacing of the series. The "argument" between Shirou and Archer could definitely do with trimming. We get it already, there's only so many times you can repeat the same arguments. It's hard not to think "get on with it already!" a bit. Doesn't help when you already know the story I suppose. Nor does it help having to watch the series weekly and wait 'till next time to see the end of the fight.

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Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works: 2x04 Winter Days, The Form Wishes Take

Shout by ManiacB

Dere dere Rin-chan is fun to tease!

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Yona of the Dawn: 1x24 From Now On

Shout by ManiacB

I want moooooooooooore! Give us season 2 now!

Thanks @deanzel for recommending this series. It wasn't really on my radar and I'd probably have missed it otherwise, but I'm so glad I didn't. I'm also very glad I wasn't forced to wait a week per episode!

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x18 From Zero

Shout by ManiacB

Not the most action-packed of episodes, but god damn if Rem wasn't wonderful. Emilia is still great but Rem is definitely fighting hard for best girl status here. I did feel quite bad for her when Subaru said he loved Emilia though.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x08 I Cried, Cried My Lungs Out, and Stopped Crying

Shout by ManiacB

Ah, and the floodgates finally open. Emilia-tan was so sweet to him, I'd probably start bawling too!

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Gintama: 7x10 9 + 1 = Yagyu Jyubei

Oh my... that was interesting. Genderbent Gin and Sougo got me all confused.

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