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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai: 1x13 The Dawn After an Endless Night

Ending felt a bit abrupt with a few things still unanswered, but it was a good ride overall. Ended up liking Mai a lot more than I expected to at first and the different arcs and character interactions kept things interesting.

Definitely not a masterpiece but it was engaging and interesting throughout.

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The Promised Neverland: 1x10 130146

Okay, I'll admit the last couple of episodes have been a lot more compelling. Consider me engaged again... unless they crash out on a bad/non-ending.

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My Hero Academia: 2x01 That’s the Idea, Ochaco

Hooray! The lovable idiots are back! Let's hope this season stays strong throughout (I enjoyed the first season - the first half was a bit slow to build up but the second half more than made up for it) and we get to see more of Deku and his classmates kicking ass in fun and hilarious ways.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x19 Battle Against the White Whale

For a moment there, I was really worried the whale wouldn't turn up. Subaru would have some explaining to do then!

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ERASED: 1x01 Flashing Before My Eyes

Very good first episode. Well-paced and intriguing, interesting characters. Excited to see where this one goes.
Please let this one stay good, A-1!

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Kaguya-sama: Love is War: 2x11 Yu Ishigami Closes His Eyes, Part 3 / Miyuki Shirogane and Yu Ishigami / Kyoko Otomo Doesn't Realize

Shout by ManiacB
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-06-21T23:19:58Z— updated 2020-07-13T23:04:21Z

Well, this episode was certainly a deparutre from the norm. Nice to see Ishigami's characetr fleshed out a bit though. And nice to see him actually finding a place to belong with the Cheerleading club, especially as initially it looked like just another gag about him joining something he was completely unsuited for. Colour me surprised!

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ERASED: 1x08 Spiral

Definitely back on track now. I do think the episodes in the past are a lot stronger than the present ones. Feels like there's more at stake and the emotional impact is greater. We're back to that underlying feel of unease and dread, even when it feels like things are going well. The series does a great job at having you care for Kayo and hoping she will be saved.

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Archer: 7x04 Motherless Child

Haha, Malory kicked ass this episode. Don't mess with her!

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Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: 1x01 Frightened Corpse

Holy crap. Awesome first episode. This is definitely going to draw comparisons to Attack on Titan. Same studio, art style and "humanity is screwed" themes. But zombies and steampunk!

We even have Sawano Hiroyuki doing the soundtrack again.

The first episode really hit the ground running with the action and introduction to this world and the characters. Definitely can't wait to see more.

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Rick and Morty: 2x02 Mortynight Run

"I'm leaving!"
"Okay then, that was always allowed!"

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Mob Psycho 100: 2x01 Ripped Apart ~Someone Is Watching~

Pretty sweet for a first episode back. Reminded me why I like Mob as a character so much :)

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Bloom Into You: 1x03 Still up in the Air / The One Who Likes Me

So far this is still exactly my cup of tea. Some nice relationship growth between the main girls, with no ridiculous over-the-top drama to speak of. Just nice, down-to-earth stuff that makes sense, and some nice "aww" moments too.

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Westworld: 1x07 Trompe L'Oeil

"Doesn't look like anything to me". Be very afraid when you hear that phrase.

Very good reveal. Whilst it doesn't surprise me that some of the park staff are themselves hosts, they did a lot to misdirect you from (but still sort of hint at) thinking Bernard was one of them. As soon as he said "what door?" shortly after explaining that hosts are programmed to not see the house at all, I think we all knew this wasn't going to end well. And with the first (or maybe second?) human casualty now confirmed, I think we're about to see things go very, very wrong.

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ReLIFE: 1x13 Confession

I enjoyed the last episode and was happy to see Oga and Kariyu get together, but it was painful to see Kaizaki and Hishiro get SO close to ending up together, but not quite. I do get why they did this and it does show that Kaizaki is doing the noble thing by not taking advantage of (as far as he knows) a high school girl, but god did I want their supporters to step in and let them know.

I suppose you can just hope that when their ReLIFE period comes to end they maybe to find out about each other, as there was clearly an attraction there.

Still, overall I really enjoyed this series. I had to slow myself down or I could have easily binged the whole thing in one night. It would be interesting to see if they start showing more anime in this format, since Netflix et al are doing it more often these days too.

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Attack on Titan: Special 17 Lost Girls: Wall Sina, Goodbye (1)

Harsh end to that story, but we kinda knew that was going to happen based on the fact the other two weren't in the series proper.

Still, a decent couple of OVAs about Levi the badass. Makes me want S2 all the more now.

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Mob Psycho 100: 2x07 Cornered ~True Identity~

Even though I do like One Punch Man too, it's episodes like this that reinforce why I like this series even more.

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Bloom Into You: 1x13 To the Last Stop / Lighthouse

As sweet as this episode was (loved their Aquarium date), I hope there is more planned, even if it's just a couple of OVAs, as it does leave a fair amount unresolved. Even so I still loved this series and will be buying the manga to hopefully find out what happens next!

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Bloom Into You: 1x09 On Your Marks / The Unheard Start Signal

I guess Yuu is starting to notice senpai :)

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March Comes in Like a Lion: 2x22 One More House / Chapter 89 Child of March Town

And so the season comes to a close again. Yet again, this was a ride of emotional highs and lows. It was both heartbreaking to see poor Hina being bullied and heartwarming to see Rei and others being there for her and helping her through it. It was good to see some of the other shogi players being fleshed out more too and their stories were also very gripping to watch.

Season 2 has been at least on par with, if not better than Season 1. It has reaffirmed everything I love about the series - the bittersweet moments, the heartbreaking moments, those warm fuzzy moments when you could just happily melt into the warm atmosphere some of the characters seem to naturally exude. I love this series and I really hope we get a season 3 very soon.

And don't listen to the haters, Hina. Your new haircut is adorable!

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Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju: 2x12 Episode 12

And so the story ends. It's been a long ride.
A great series and an expertly told story. I still can't believe Studio DEEN did this one. Bravo to them for crafting such a unique and compelling story.

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Community: 6x11 Modern Espionage

I was prepared to groan about them milking the paintball gag again, but it turned out to be an excellent episode!

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Aldnoah.Zero: 1x24 Inherit the Stars

Well, at least it's over now.

The series was never massively remarkable imo, but while S1 felt solid enough (despite the whole MC-can-do-anything-even-though-he's-a-highschool-kid-compared-to-trained-military-professionals-who-just-die-like-lemmings thing), S2 just felt wholly unremarkable. The end of S1 set up what could have been a quite interesting sequel but in my opinion they went for the most obvious (and boring) route.

I enjoyed the orbital battles but aside from that, well, "meh" describes it best I think.

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The Promised Neverland: 2x11 Episode 11

I was pretty bewildered watching the last 2 episodes of this. Felt like someone slammed on the accelerator and skipped through a whole season of content in 2 episodes. Very jarring after seemingly taking its time until then.

I haven't read the manga but I daresay it skipped/glossed over a hell of a lot in those last 2 episodes. Hard to call the ending satisfying after that...

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 3x06 Once again, Hachiman Hikigaya Makes a Speech

Damn, they're really going out of their way to set up that Yui won't win this. As an ardent member of #TeamYui, this hurts a lot. I can only hope they might subvert things near the end, but probably not :(
Anyway, it was still nice to see a lot of Yui this episode. She's so sweet.

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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai: 1x03 The World Without You

This has been an enjoyable watch so far. No way near as raunchy as the title may lead you to believe and actually some quite cute/charming moments. I like the banter between main guy and bunny girl and it'll be interesting to see where things go now he's confessed to her.

Whilst I am enjoying some aspects of it so far, there are a few warning signs. The premise is quite silly for a start, and I get the impression the series may think it's smarter than it actually is. Plus a lot of the supporting cast (who haven't been introduced yet) may derail things a bit if they decide it's their turn to hog the spotlight now. Still, I'm on board for now.

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Land of the Lustrous: 1x12 New Work

Well, that's left me hooked and wanting more. What a great show.

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March Comes in Like a Lion: 2x10 Chapter 64 Silver Wing / Chapter 65 River Scenery

So sweet. My heart melted. I hope things get better for Hina now!

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KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!: 2x10 God's Blessing on This Wonderful Party!

Aw man, this always ends too soon :(
Another hilarious outing by our lovable idiots. I do hope we get more of this in the future as it's definitely one of the best and funniest of it's type out there. It's the kind of show where it feels like everyone involved in creating it is having a blast. It has also (along with Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju) improved my opinion of Studio DEEN massively, to the point where I might not actually assume a series is doomed if it ends up being animated by them (Like S2 of Cool-headed Hoozuki later this year, another comedy anime I really enjoyed).

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Orange: 1x09 LETTER 09

Pity about the distractingly large amount of QUALITY in this episode :(

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Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: 1x12 Iron Fortress

Decent enough ending, but I have to be honest, I ended up disappointed in this series overall. I didn't really like the direction it took in the second half and we ended up with a lot of one-dimensional and silly characters by the end.

Pretty much everyone in the cast at one point or another annoyed me with their illogical or silly decisions. It often felt like nobody was actually trying to keep themselves alive.

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