

Tokyo, Japan

Twin Peaks: Season 2

This season starts strong and offers some of the best episodes ("Lonely Souls", above all), but it gets completely lost after Laura's killer is revealed. The cheap soap opera elements are the only things left and it doesn't even feel like a parody anymore. Characters have completely different personalities and do silly things all the time. Ben Horne's descent into senile dementia and James new cringe-worthy love interest could be counted among the worst moments in television history. Windom Earle had some potential as the new threat, but he ends up just fooling around and acting like a weirdo with no real consequences. The last episode "Beyond Life and Death" makes little sense but is visually interesting. It might be what David Lynch's wanted to do but made me feel the previous 10 episodes even more useless.

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Twin Peaks: Season 1
American Horror Story: Season 6

After being stale for a few years American Horror Story puts aside the flashy glamour of seasons like "Hotel" and finally attempts at doing something different with "Roanoke". This time the series plays with different television program formats and in particular documentaries and reality shows. While previous seasons were a bit too slow-paced, "Roanoke" tends to burn out too quickly. Most of the mystery builds up during the first episodes, and most answers have been already given by the end of the third episode. Things spice up again when the reality show portion begins with a shift in style and some interesting dynamics between groups of characters. Unfortunately, the mystery is unfolded instantly and it all becomes a huge mess a bit too early. We are then left with episodes of people running around screaming or getting dismembered. All closed by an unnecessary and incredibly forced season finale.
Again AHS proves itself to be good in style but messy and rushed in the writing and execution. Still, this is surely the most enjoyable season since Asylum.

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American Horror Story: Season 5
Twin Peaks: Season 3
Damages: Season 5

Season 5 could have had some more interesting development but served as a fairly good conclusion to the series. After two mild seasons, Patty and Ellen are finally back at war and are showing the darker sides of their characters again in their final showdown. It was good that the writer finally remembered that Patty was actually evil and capable of doing the worst things to get what she wants. The mechanics have been the same for a while and there is nothing really surprising or able to match the quality of the first three seasons, but there are a few interesting twists and the plot is mildly interesting overall. Flash forwards don't really work anymore, they had us make wrong guesses about what is going to happen for too many seasons already, and it was obvious that Ellen wasn't dead and that Patty had nothing to do with it. More than showing what is going to happen, they actually show what is NOT going to happen and it's been clear by now.

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Damages: Season 4

Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2019-12-22T15:25:32Z— updated 2020-11-23T05:20:36Z

This season was alright but definitely the weakest. It might be just because I am not too fond of the military/Afghani theme, but it lacked the edginess and character depth of previous seasons. Patty's dark sides and Ellen's development were the main focus of the series, but unfortunately, Patty reconfirms herself as a fairly positive character and does really little this season. It's understandable that they want to change things a little after three seasons, but something a bit spicier would have helped. Here we have Boorman as the absolute bad guy, and he does a good job at being scary and making your fear for the characters' deaths. The other supporting characters and guest stars have been pleasing additions too. The time shifts were unnecessary and didn't really serve their usual purpose to keep our interest high. They were pretty much straight forward, overly repeated and uninteresting.

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Damages: Season 3

I started watching Damages again after almost ten years (for some reason I always thought it got canceled after season two). I really liked the show back then, and this season didn't let me down. We have again great writing and performances, and the storylines unfold in unpredictable ways. Of course, it's a slow show with lots of talking going on, but this time it never got boring or too slow-paced. The new characters made me enjoy this the most: the Tobin's were exactly what we needed after the writers decided that Patty is not evil anymore. Maybe it's not the freshest plot ever, but is well supported by great acting and fine writing, which are things that are easily forgotten in TV shows.

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Dead to Me

Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2019-12-22T15:24:27Z— updated 2022-11-23T13:35:59Z

The first season had an interesting premise and some funny situations, but at the same a lot of generic drama to swallow. I have a weak spot for characters like Jen, and she really carries the whole show.
The joke wears thin by the end of the first season already, and the second gets even more comical and nonsensical. The twin brother gimmick is plainly ridiculous, and the outcome of that story arc is textbook cliché. Still, it's not yet so bad that it becomes a turn-off.

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Black Mirror: Season 5

"Smithereens" dragged a bit too long for its content but was the only decent episode of this season. Then we have a VR yaoi fuckbuddy story and a mediocre teen adventure short movie. They introduce themes that could have been developed into something darker and deeper, but despite all episodes being longer than 60 minutes each, they end up just scratching the surface. It's still admirable how they manage to make new stories every time after so many episodes though.

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GLOW: Season 3
Orange Is the New Black: Season 7

It's sad to say goodbye to some of the most iconic characters in recent TV (Netflix) drama history, but it was about time for this show to end after it started getting messier and messier from season five. This last season tries to be way too dramatic but is a fair conclusion to one of the most memorable shows of this decade. Like in season six, the first half is a bit too slow-paced, rushing most events in the last few episodes. This happens a lot with shows that have little to say and not much material, but as they had to close a billion story arcs I wonder why they held back. Some characters are expanded further and get a proper closure, some really don't. I wonder if they left some arcs suspended just in case they want to make new seasons at some point.

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Stranger Things: Season 3

Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2019-12-22T15:22:15Z— updated 2022-05-05T05:30:25Z

I can't understand why everyone loves Stranger Things. The first season was dull and too watered down yet fairly enjoyable, the second season tried to offer a bigger menace for the characters but got me tired quickly. Sure it has great production value but gets all over the place with too little substance. Being kind of attached to the characters is the only reason to keep watching. I wasn't looking forward to season three and struggled to watch it until the end. Such a sloppy and recycled plot does not justify a full season, it's was barely enough for a movie. Nothing happens until the last bunch of episodes and by then you couldn't care less. The new bad guys are so random it almost felt like a joke. Russians??? And something like the most incompetent Russian minions in the world. Also, enough of those ridiculous gags and songs just made to be picked up as memes on the internet.

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American Horror Story: Season 4

This season starts as rather uninteresting and slow-paced, but gets better during the second half. I was not much satisfied with the ending though: like in Coven it felt again kind of improvised and all over the place (they kept most characters alive and randomly started killing them off during the last couple of episodes just for the sake of it, and honestly it had zero emotional impact). The theme of diversity has been treated in the most obvious ways: the "diverse" ends up being more human than normal people and the likes. At least no one was truly noble this time, everyone got their own dark secrets and flaws, which made the relationships between characters mostly interesting. As always great acting and good characters sometimes affected by shallow, underwhelming writing.

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American Horror Story: Season 2

The first episode was not that convincing and made me expect a boring season. Luckily enough all plotlines start to get interesting and faster-paced in a few episodes, especially after Leatherface gets revealed. The asylum becomes the perfect stage for pretty much all of the horror myths and conspirational theories of the '60s, and the well-written characters help to keep the tension high the entire time. There are so many things going on that it gets a bit confusing and too much all over the place, but I guess that's what made the season interesting to begin with.

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American Horror Story: Season 3

Asylum's premise was rather boring but grew on me with every episode. Coven is kind of the opposite: I was hooked on the premise and characters but lost interest quickly. There is some teen drama as many mentioned, but the real problem is the plot being so out of focus and poorly developed. It almost looked like they were improvising as they went along. Everyone keeps dying and revive so many times that by the end I couldn't care less. So many great characters wasted. Fiona is probably the only one that preserves a coherent story arc, and her chemistry with Marie Laveau managed to keep me interested until (almost) the end. It's not a terrible show but still a pity.

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