

Secaucus, New Jersey


I especially love 18th and 19th century stuff. And anything Jane Austen really. Recommendations always appreciated


tragic genre, movies ends in a very sad way


Using IMDb advanced search, filtering only by English language.

Notable entries missing include:
The Rocker (2008)
What Planet Are You From (2000)
Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002)
Run Fatboy Run (2007)
RocknRolla (2008)
A Scanner Darkly (2006)
The Humain Stain (2003)
Maos Last Dancer (2009)
Thirteen (2003)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Sunshine (2007)
Things We Lost in the Fire (2007)
Chloe (2009)
Blindness (2008)
How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008)
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006)


The 81st Academy Awards ceremony, presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), honored the best films of 2008 and took place on February 22, 2009, at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California.


Original Edition (2003) + additions (2004-2021) in that order. http://1001films.wikia.com/wiki/The_List

2021 Edition Additions:
The Vast of Night (2019)
The Assistant (2019)
Rocks (2019)
Saint Maud (2019)
Tenet (2020)
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (2020)
Soul (2020)
Never Rarely Sometimes Always (2020)
Lovers Rock (2020)
Nomadland (2020)


Spanning the length of Roger Ebert's career as the leading American movie critic, this book contains all of his four-star reviews written during that time. A great guide for movie watching.

Taken from external source. 64 movies missing from original.



  1. 1927/1928
    • Emil Jannings (Grand Duke Sergius Alexander) - The Last Command
    • Emil Jannings (August Schilling) - The Way of All Flesh
  2. 1928/1929
    • Warner Baxter (The Cisco Kid) - In Old Arizona
  3. 1929/1930
    • George Arliss (Benjamin Disraeli) - Disraeli
  4. 1930/1931
    • Lionel Barrymore (Stephen Ashe) - A Free Soul
  5. 1931/1932
    • Wallace Beery (Andy "Champ" Purcell) - The Champ
    • Fredric March (Dr. Henry Jekyll/Mr. Edward Hyde) - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  6. 1932/1933
    • Charles Laughton (King Henry VIII of England) - The Private Life of Henry VIII
  7. 1934
    • Clark Gable (Peter Warne) - It Happened One Night
  8. 1935
    • Victor McLaglen (Gypo Nolan) - The Informer
  9. 1936
    • Paul Muni (Louis Pasteur) - The Story of Louis Pasteur
  10. 1937
    • Spencer Tracy (Manuel Fidello) - Captains Courageous
  11. 1938
    • Spencer Tracy (Father Flanagan) - Boys Town
  12. 1939
    • Robert Donat (Charles Edward Chipping) - Goodbye, Mr. Chips
  13. 1940
    • James Stewart (Macaulay "Mike" Connor) - The Philadelphia Story
  14. 1941
    • Gary Cooper (Sgt. Alvin York) - Sergeant York
  15. 1942
    • James Cagney (George M. Cohan) - Yankee Doodle Dandy
  16. 1943
    • Paul Lukas (Kurt Muller) - Watch on the Rhine
  17. 1944
    • Bing Crosby (Father Chuck O'Malley) - Going My Way
  18. 1945
    • Ray Milland (Don Birnam) The Lost Weekend
  19. 1946
    • Fredric March (Platoon Sergeant Al Stephenson) - The Best Years of Our Lives
  20. 1947
    • Ronal Colman (Anthony John) - A Double Life
  21. 1948
    • Laurence Olivier (Hamlet, Prince of Denmark) - Hamlet
  22. 1949
    • Broderick Crawford (Willie Stark) - All the King's Men
  23. 1950
    • Jose Ferrer (Cyrano de Bergerac) - Cyrano de Bergerac
  24. 1951
    • Humphrey Bogart (Charlie Allnut) - The African Queen
  25. 1952
    • Gary Cooper (Marshal Will Kane) - High Noon
  26. 1953
    • William Holden (Sgt. J. J. Sefton) - Stalag 17
  27. 1954
    • Marlon Brando (Terry Malloy) - On the Waterfront
  28. 1955
    • Ernest Borgnine (Marty Piletti) - Marty
  29. 1956
    • Yul Brynner (King Mongkut of Slam) - The King and I
  30. 1957
    • Alec Guiness (Lt. Colonel Nicholson) - The Bridge on the River Kwai
  31. 1958
    • David Niven (Major Angus Pollock) - Separate Tables
  32. 1959
    • Charlton Heston (Judah Ben-Hur) - Ben-Hur
  33. 1960
    • Burt Lancaster (Elmer Gantry) - Elmer Gantry
  34. 1961
    • Maximilian Schell (Hans Rolfe) - Judgment at Nuremberg
  35. 1962
    • Gregory Peck (Atticus Finch) - To Kill a Mockingbird
  36. 1963
    • Sidney Poitier (Homer Smith) - Lilies of the Field
  37. 1964
    • Rex Harrison (Professor Henry Higgins) - My Fair Lady
  38. 1965
    • Lee Marvin (Kid Shellen & Tim Strawn) - Cat Ballou
  39. 1966
    • Paul Scofield (Sir Thomas More) - A Man for All Seasons
  40. 1967
    • Rod Steiger (Police Chief Bill Gillespie) - In the Heat of the Night
  41. 1968
    • Cliff Robertson (Charly Gordon) - Charly
  42. 1969
    • John Wayne (Reuben "Rooster" Cogburn) - True Grit
  43. 1970
    • George C. Scott (General George S. Patton Jr.) - Patton
  44. 1971
    • Gene Hackman (Detective Jimmy "Popeye" Doyle) - The French Connection
  45. 1972
    • Marlon Brando (Vito Corleone) - The Godfather
  46. 1973
    • Jack Lemmon (Harry Stoner) - Save the Tiger
  47. 1974
    • Art Carney (Harry Coombes) - Harry and Tonto
  48. 1975
    • Jack Nicholson (Randle Patrick "Mac" McMurphy) - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
  49. 1976
    • Peter Finch (Howard Beale) - Network
  50. 1977
    • Richard Dreyfuss (Elliot Garfield) - The Goodbye Girl
  51. 1978
    • Jon Voight (Luke Martin) - Coming Home
  52. 1979
    • Dustin Hoffman (Ted Kramer) - Kramer vs. Kramer
  53. 1980
    • Robert De Niro (Jake LaMotta) - Raging Bull
  54. 1981
    • Henry Fonda (Norman Thayer Jr.) - On Golden Pond
  55. 1982
    • Ben Kingsley (Mahatma Gandhi) - Gandhi
  56. 1983
    • Robert Duvall (Mac Sledge) - Tender Mercies
  57. 1984
    • F. Murray Abraham (Antonio Salleri) - Amadeus
  58. 1985
    • William Hurt (Luis Molina) - Kiss of the Spider Woman
  59. 1986
    • Paul Newman (Fast Eddie Felson) - The Color of Money
  60. 1987
    • Michael Douglas (Gordon Gekko) - Wall Street
  61. 1988
    • Dustin Hoffman (Raymond Babbitt) - Rain Man
  62. 1989
    • Daniel Day-Lewis (Christy Brown) - My Left Foot
  63. 1990
    • Jeremy Irons (Claus von Bulow) - Reversal of Fortune
  64. 1991
    • Anthony Hopkins (Dr. Hannibal Lecter) - The Silence of the Lambs
  65. 1992
    • Al Pacino (Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade) - Scent of a Woman
  66. 1993
    • Tom Hanks (Andrew Beckett) - Philadelphia
  67. 1994
    • Tom Hanks (Forrest Gump) - Forrest Gump
  68. 1995
    • Nicolas Cage (Ben Sanderson) - Leaving Las Vegas
  69. 1996
    • Geoffrey Rush (David Helfgott) - Shine
  70. 1997
    • Jack Nicholson (Melvin Udall) - As Good as It Gets
  71. 1998
    • Roberto Benigni (Guido Orefice) - Life is Beautiful
  72. 1999
    • Kevin Spacey (Lester Burnham) - American Beauty
  73. 2000
    • Russell Crowe (Maximus Decimus Meridius) - Gladiator
  74. 2001
    • Denzel Washington (Detective Alonzo Harris) - Training Day
  75. 2002
    • Adrien Brody (Władysław Szpilman) - The Pianist
  76. 2003
    • Sean Penn (Jimmy Markum) - Mystic River
  77. 2004
    • Jamie Foxx (Ray Charles) - Ray
  78. 2005
    • Philip Seymour Hoffman (Truman Capote) - Capote
  79. 2006
    • Forest Whitaker (Ida Amin) - The Last King of Scotland
  80. 2007
    • Daniel Day-Lewis (Daniel Plainview) - There Will Be Blood
  81. 2008
    • Sean Penn (Harvey Milk) - Milk
  82. 2009
    • Jeff Bridges (Otis "Bad" Blake) - Crazy Heart
  83. 2010
    • Colin Firth (King George VI) - The King's Speech
  84. 2011
    • Jean Dujardin (George Valentin) - The Artist
  85. 2012
    • Daniel Day-Lewis (Abraham Lincoln) - Lincoln
  86. 2013
    • Matthew McConaughey (Ron Woodroof) - Dallas Buyers Club
  87. 2014
    • Eddie Redmayne (Stephen Hawking) - The Theory of Everything
  88. 2015
    • Leonardo DiCaprio (High Glass) - The Revenant
  89. 2016
    • Casey Affleck (Lee Chandler) - Manchester by the Sea
  90. 2017
    • Gary Oldman (Winston Churchill) - Darkest Hour
  91. 2018
    • Rami Malek (Freddie Mercury) - Bohemian Rhapsody
  92. 2019
    • Joaquin Phoenix (Arthur Fleck/Joker) - Joker
  93. 2020
    • Anthony Hopkins (Anthony) - The Father
  94. 2021
    • *** Will Smith (Richard Williams) - King Richard***
  95. 2022
    • Brendan Fraser (Charlie) - The Whale

Actors only show up next to their first movie until Trakt allows the same item multiple times on a list


AFI's 100 Most Inspiring Films of All Time

These 100 movies inspire us, encourage us to make a difference and send us from the theatre with a greater sense of possibility and hope for the future.

The jurors have been asked to consider the following criteria in making their selections:

  • Feature-Length Fiction Film: Narrative format, typically over 60 minutes in length.
  • American Film: English language film with significant creative and/or production elements from the United States.
  • Cheers: Movies that inspire with characters of vision and conviction who face adversity and often make a personal sacrifice for the greater good. Whether these movies end happily or not, they are ultimately triumphant — both filling audiences with hope and empowering them with the spirit of human potential.
  • Legacy: Films whose "cheers" continue to echo across a century of American cinema.

AFI defines an American film as an English language motion picture with significant creative and/or financial production elements from the United States. AFI defines a feature-length film as a motion picture of narrative format that is typically over 60 minutes in length. Only feature-length American films released before January 1, 2005, will be considered.

Source: http://www.afi.com/100Years/cheers.aspx


IMDb's Top Movies from 2004.

Minimum of 25,000 votes, minimum rating of 6.0, maximum of 100 movies.

Last Updated: June 2, 2024


List of Nominees and Winners.

  • Actor in a Leading Role

Don Cheadle in "Hotel Rwanda"
Johnny Depp in "Finding Neverland"
Leonardo DiCaprio in "The Aviator"
Clint Eastwood in "Million Dollar Baby"
Jamie Foxx in "Ray" - WINNER

  • Actor in a Supporting Role

Alan Alda in "The Aviator"
Thomas Haden Church in "Sideways"
Jamie Foxx in "Collateral"
Morgan Freeman in "Million Dollar Baby" - WINNER
Clive Owen in "Closer"

  • Actress in a Leading Role

Annette Bening in "Being Julia"
Catalina Sandino Moreno in "Maria Full of Grace"
Imelda Staunton in "Vera Drake"
Hilary Swank in "Million Dollar Baby" - WINNER
Kate Winslet in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"

  • Actress in a Supporting Role

Cate Blanchett in "The Aviator" - WINNER
Laura Linney in "Kinsey"
Virginia Madsen in "Sideways"
Sophie Okonedo in "Hotel Rwanda"
Natalie Portman in "Closer"

  • Animated Feature Film

"The Incredibles" Brad Bird - WINNER
"Shark Tale" Bill Damaschke
"Shrek 2" Andrew Adamson

  • Art Direction

"The Aviator" Art Direction: Dante Ferretti; Set Decoration: Francesca Lo Schiavo - WINNER
"Finding Neverland" Art Direction: Gemma Jackson; Set Decoration: Trisha Edwards
"Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" Art Direction: Rick Heinrichs; Set Decoration: Cheryl Carasik
"The Phantom of the Opera" Art Direction: Anthony Pratt; Set Decoration: Celia Bobak
"A Very Long Engagement" Art Direction: Aline Bonetto

  • Cinematography

"The Aviator" Robert Richardson - WINNER
"House of Flying Daggers" Zhao Xiaoding
"The Passion of the Christ" Caleb Deschanel
"The Phantom of the Opera" John Mathieson
"A Very Long Engagement" Bruno Delbonnel

  • Costume Design

"The Aviator" Sandy Powell - WINNER
"Finding Neverland" Alexandra Byrne
"Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" Colleen Atwood
"Ray" Sharen Davis
"Troy" Bob Ringwood

  • Directing

"The Aviator" Martin Scorsese
"Million Dollar Baby" Clint Eastwood - WINNER
"Ray" Taylor Hackford
"Sideways" Alexander Payne
"Vera Drake" Mike Leigh

  • Documentary (Feature)

"Born into Brothels" Ross Kauffman and Zana Briski - WINNER
"The Story of the Weeping Camel" Luigi Falorni and Byambasuren Davaa
"Super Size Me" Morgan Spurlock
"Tupac: Resurrection" Lauren Lazin and Karolyn Ali
"Twist of Faith" Kirby Dick and Eddie Schmidt

  • Documentary (Short Subject)

"Autism Is a World" Gerardine Wurzburg
"The Children of Leningradsky" Hanna Polak and Andrzej Celinski
"Hardwood" Hubert Davis and Erin Faith Young
"Mighty Times: The Children’s March" Robert Hudson and Bobby Houston - WINNER
"Sister Rose's Passion" Oren Jacoby and Steve Kalafer

  • Film Editing

"The Aviator" Thelma Schoonmaker - WINNER
"Collateral" Jim Miller and Paul Rubell
"Finding Neverland" Matt Chesse
"Million Dollar Baby" Joel Cox
"Ray" Paul Hirsch

  • Foreign Language Film

"As It Is in Heaven" Sweden
"The Chorus (Les Choristes)" France
"Downfall" Germany
"The Sea Inside" Spain - WINNER
"Yesterday" South Africa

  • Makeup

"Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" Valli O'Reilly and Bill Corso - WINNER
"The Passion of the Christ" Keith Vanderlaan and Christien Tinsley
"The Sea Inside" Jo Allen and Manuel García

  • Music (Original Score)

"Finding Neverland" Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - WINNER
"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" John Williams
"Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" Thomas Newman
"The Passion of the Christ" John Debney
"The Village" James Newton Howard

  • Music (Original Song)

"Accidentally In Love" from "Shrek 2" Music by Adam Duritz, Charles Gillingham, Jim Bogios, David Immergluck, Matthew Malley and David Bryson; Lyric by Adam Duritz and Daniel Vickrey
"Al Otro Lado Del Río" from "The Motorcycle Diaries" Music and Lyric by Jorge Drexler - WINNER
"Believe" from "The Polar Express" Music and Lyric by Glen Ballard and Alan Silvestri
"Learn To Be Lonely" from "The Phantom of the Opera" Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber; Lyric by Charles Hart
"Look To Your Path (Vois Sur Ton Chemin)" from "The Chorus (Les Choristes)" Music by Bruno Coulais; Lyric by Christophe Barratier

  • Best Picture

"The Aviator" Michael Mann and Graham King, Producers
"Finding Neverland" Richard N. Gladstein and Nellie Bellflower, Producers
"Million Dollar Baby" Clint Eastwood, Albert S. Ruddy and Tom Rosenberg, Producers - WINNER
"Ray" Taylor Hackford, Stuart Benjamin and Howard Baldwin, Producers
"Sideways" Michael London, Producer

  • Short Film (Animated)

"Birthday Boy" Sejong Park and Andrew Gregory
"Gopher Broke" Jeff Fowler and Tim Miller
"Guard Dog" Bill Plympton
"Lorenzo" Mike Gabriel and Baker Bloodworth
"Ryan" Chris Landreth - WINNER

  • Short Film (Live Action)

"Everything in This Country Must" Gary McKendry
"Little Terrorist" Ashvin Kumar
"7:35 in the Morning (7:35 de la Mañana)" Nacho Vigalondo
"Two Cars, One Night" Taika Waititi and Ainsley Gardiner
"Wasp" Andrea Arnold - WINNER

  • Sound Editing

"The Incredibles" Michael Silvers and Randy Thom - WINNER
"The Polar Express" Randy Thom and Dennis Leonard
"Spider-Man 2" Paul N.J. Ottosson

  • Sound Mixing

"The Aviator" Tom Fleischman and Petur Hliddal
"The Incredibles" Randy Thom, Gary A. Rizzo and Doc Kane
"The Polar Express" Randy Thom, Tom Johnson, Dennis Sands and William B. Kaplan
"Ray" Scott Millan, Greg Orloff, Bob Beemer and Steve Cantamessa - WINNER
"Spider-Man 2" Kevin O'Connell, Greg P. Russell, Jeffrey J. Haboush and Joseph Geisinger

  • Visual Effects

"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" Roger Guyett, Tim Burke, John Richardson and Bill George
"I, Robot" John Nelson, Andrew R. Jones, Erik Nash and Joe Letteri
"Spider-Man 2" John Dykstra, Scott Stokdyk, Anthony LaMolinara and John Frazier - WINNER

  • Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

"Before Sunset" Screenplay by Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke; Story by Richard Linklater and Kim Krizan
"Finding Neverland" Screenplay by David Magee
"Million Dollar Baby" Screenplay by Paul Haggis
"The Motorcycle Diaries" Screenplay by José Rivera
"Sideways" Screenplay by Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor - WINNER

  • Writing (Original Screenplay)

"The Aviator" Written by John Logan
"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" Screenplay by Charlie Kaufman; Story by Charlie Kaufman, Michel Gondry and Pierre Bismuth - WINNER
"Hotel Rwanda" Written by Keir Pearson and Terry George
"The Incredibles" Written by Brad Bird
"Vera Drake" Written by Mike Leigh


The 21st Century’s Most Acclaimed Films (including films from 2000!)
9th edition (March 2016)

List curated by Bill Georgaris on They Shoot Pictures, Don't They?

Source: https://www.theyshootpictures.com/21stcentury.htm


Using IMDb advanced search, filtering only by English language.

Notable entries missing include:
What Maisie Knew (2012)
Buried (2010)
The Babadook (2014)
Song of the Sea (2014)
Sleeping with Other People (2015)
Coriolanus (2011)
Palo Alto (2013)
The Hunt (2012)
Tamara Drewe (2010)
Machine Gun Preacher (2011)
Bilal: A New Breed of Hero (2015)

Last Updated: 26/06/2019


IN MY OPINION… this list has a lot of movies from producers and writers who really hate black people AND… wish to continue to flooding America with negative imagery. I hope to learn which ones are what an what ones are which. Are black people really impossible to photograph with the same quality of lighting as white people? Is our skin not beautiful? I am simply looking at the dramatically uneven racial representation of the artwork & titles. I can clearly see why black people are discriminated against by the advertising campaign apparent from the artwork. What will make these movies even worse if they are really good.

“Malcom X” has bloody X across his face, “Mandella…” has his back turned to the camera, “42 The Jacky Robinson Story ”… can’t see his face either and those films are supposed to bring pride to Black America? Apparently, the better the film the more degrading the cover photo.

Yeah, I plan to watch some of these films to get a better feel on the subliminal war against black people by the movie and television industry. I guess it doesn’t matter how black actors represent their race as long as they make a dollar from it. The only positive things I see from just looking at the artwork is that hardly any of the actors are flashing weapons. How can the American Motion Picture Industry sell a black interest motion picture when the actors are not displaying weapons on the cover? I plan to find out.


Get motivated, be uplifted, strive for change.


IMDb's Top Movies from 2013.

Minimum of 25,000 votes, minimum rating of 6.0, maximum of 100 movies.

Last Updated: June 2, 2024


Films that received an A+ on CinemaScore


List of Academy Award-winning since 1994 in:
- Best Picture - Best Director
- Best Actor/Actress - Best Supporting Actor/Actress
- Best Original Screenplay - Best Adapted Screenplay
- Best Animated Feature Film - Best Animated Short Film
- Best Documentary Feature - Best Documentary Short Subject
- Best Live Action Short Film - Best International Feature Film
- Best Original Score - Best Original Song
- Best Sound Editing - Best Sound Mixing
- Best Production Design - Best Cinematography
- Best Makeup and Hairstyling - Best Costume Design
- Best Film Editing - Best Visual Effects

The list includes also nominations in the same categories.


A list of movies which famous movie critic Roger Ebert considers to be the best movies of all-time. Ebert has written extensive reviews for each and every one of these movies.

All the reviews are available online as well thanks to rogerebert.com

Imported frome external source. 19 movies missing.


The best 100 Sci-fi movies as been voted in July 2014 from the London Time Out magazine.
Voted by leading sci-fi experts, filmmakers, science fiction writers, film critics and scientists.


an ever evolving list of movies I have watched


sometimes all you need is a strong woman to guide you.


The Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation is given each year for theatrical films, television episodes, or other dramatized works related to science fiction or fantasy released in the previous calendar year. This list contains winners and nominees, covering both Long- and Short-Form categories as well as retro Hugos, but (obviously) does not contain nominees who are not (or cannot be) listed on Trakt, including (but not limited to):

1939 (R): "The War of the Worlds" by the Mercury Theatre on the Air (radio play)
1939 (R): "Around the World in Eighty Days" by the Mercury Theatre on the Air (radio play)
1939 (R): "A Christmas Carol" by the Campbell Soup Playhouse (radio play)
1939 (R): "Dracula" by the Mercury Theatre on the Air (radio play)
1939 (R): R.U.R. (stage play)
1941 (R, SF): Adventures of Superman: "The Baby from Krypton" (radio play)
1960: "Murder and the Android", NBC Sunday Showcase Imissing from Trakt)
1970: News Coverage of Apollo 13
1971: "Blows Against the Empire" by Paul Kantner & Jefferson Starship (album)
1971: "Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers" by Firesign Theatre (comedy album)
1972: "I Think We're All Bozos on the Bus" by Firesign Theatre (comedy album)
1976: The Capture (graphic novel)
1978: Blood!: The Life & Future Times of Jack the Ripper (audiobook)
1979: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (radio play)
2004 (SF): "Gollum's Acceptance Speech", 2004 MTV Movie Awards
2006 (SF): Lucas Back in Anger (stage play)
2007 (SF): Prix Victor Hugo Awards Ceremony
2009 (LF): METAtropolis (multimedia stories)
2012 (SF): The Drink Tank's Hugo Acceptance Speech
2017 (SF): "Splendor & Misery" by clipping (album)

(R) is Retro Hugo
(SF) is Short Form


The 70th Academy Awards ceremony, organized by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), took place on March 23, 1998, at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, CA.


Contemporary Stage/Novel-to-Film


List of Nominees and Winners.

  • Actor in a Leading Role

Matt Damon in "Good Will Hunting"
Robert Duvall in "The Apostle"
Peter Fonda in "Ulee’s Gold"
Dustin Hoffman in "Wag the Dog"
Jack Nicholson in "As Good as It Gets" - WINNER

  • Actor in a Supporting Role

Robert Forster in "Jackie Brown"
Anthony Hopkins in "Amistad"
Greg Kinnear in "As Good as It Gets"
Burt Reynolds in "Boogie Nights"
Robin Williams in "Good Will Hunting" - WINNER

  • Actress in a Leading Role

Helena Bonham Carter in "The Wings of the Dove"
Julie Christie in "Afterglow"
Judi Dench in "Mrs. Brown"
Helen Hunt in "As Good as It Gets" - WINNER
Kate Winslet in "Titanic"

  • Actress in a Supporting Role

Kim Basinger in "L.A. Confidential" - WINNER
Joan Cusack in "In & Out"
Minnie Driver in "Good Will Hunting"
Julianne Moore in "Boogie Nights"
Gloria Stuart in "Titanic"

  • Art Direction

"Gattaca" Art Direction: Jan Roelfs; Set Decoration: Nancy Nye
"Kundun" Art Direction: Dante Ferretti; Set Decoration: Francesca Lo Schiavo
"L.A. Confidential" Art Direction: Jeannine Oppewall; Set Decoration: Jay R. Hart
"Men in Black" Art Direction: Bo Welch; Set Decoration: Cheryl Carasik
"Titanic" Art Direction: Peter Lamont; Set Decoration: Michael Ford - WINNER

  • Cinematography

"Amistad" Janusz Kaminski
"Kundun" Roger Deakins
"L.A. Confidential" Dante Spinotti
"Titanic" Russell Carpenter - WINNER
"The Wings of the Dove" Eduardo Serra

  • Costume Design

"Amistad" Ruth E. Carter
"Kundun" Dante Ferretti
"Oscar and Lucinda" Janet Patterson
"Titanic" Deborah L. Scott - WINNER
"The Wings of the Dove" Sandy Powell

  • Directing

"The Full Monty" Peter Cattaneo
"Good Will Hunting" Gus Van Sant
"L.A. Confidential" Curtis Hanson
"The Sweet Hereafter" Atom Egoyan
"Titanic" James Cameron - WINNER

  • Documentary (Feature)

"Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life" Michael Paxton
"Colors Straight Up" Michèle Ohayon, Julia Schachter
"4 Little Girls" Spike Lee, Sam Pollard
"The Long Way Home" Rabbi Marvin Hier, Richard Trank - WINNER
"Waco: The Rules of Engagement" Dan Gifford, William Gazecki

  • Documentary (Short Subject)

"Alaska: Spirit of the Wild" George Casey, Paul Novros
"Amazon" Kieth Merrill, Jonathan Stern
"Daughter of the Bride" Terri Randall
"Still Kicking: The Fabulous Palm Springs Follies" Mel Damski, Andrea Blaugrund
"A Story of Healing" Donna Dewey, Carol Pasternak - WINNER

  • Film Editing

"Air Force One" Richard Francis-Bruce
"As Good as It Gets" Richard Marks
"Good Will Hunting" Pietro Scalia
"L.A. Confidential" Peter Honess
"Titanic" Conrad Buff, James Cameron, Richard A. Harris - WINNER

  • Foreign Language Film

"Beyond Silence" Germany
"Character" The Netherlands - WINNER
"Four Days in September" Brazil
"Secrets of the Heart" Spain
"The Thief" Russia

  • Makeup

"Men in Black" Rick Baker, David LeRoy Anderson - WINNER
"Mrs. Brown" Lisa Westcott, Veronica Brebner, Beverley Binda
"Titanic" Tina Earnshaw, Greg Cannom, Simon Thompson

  • Music (Original Dramatic Score)

"Amistad" John Williams
"Good Will Hunting" Danny Elfman
"Kundun" Philip Glass
"L.A. Confidential" Jerry Goldsmith
"Titanic" James Horner - WINNER

  • Music (Original Musical or Comedy Score)

"Anastasia" Music by Stephen Flaherty; Lyrics by Lynn Ahrens; Orchestral Score by David Newman
"As Good as It Gets" Hans Zimmer
"The Full Monty" Anne Dudley - WINNER
"Men in Black" Danny Elfman
"My Best Friend’s Wedding" James Newton Howard

  • Music (Original Song)

"Go the Distance" from "Hercules" Music by Alan Menken; Lyric by David Zippel
"How Do I Live" from "Con Air" Music and Lyric by Diane Warren
"Journey to the Past" from "Anastasia" Music by Stephen Flaherty; Lyric by Lynn Ahrens
"Miss Misery" from "Good Will Hunting" Music and Lyric by Elliott Smith
"My Heart Will Go On" from "Titanic" Music by James Horner; Lyric by Will Jennings - WINNER

  • Best Picture

"As Good as It Gets" James L. Brooks, Bridget Johnson and Kristi Zea, Producers
"The Full Monty" Uberto Pasolini, Producer
"Good Will Hunting" Lawrence Bender, Producer
"L.A. Confidential" Arnon Milchan, Curtis Hanson and Michael Nathanson, Producers
"Titanic" James Cameron and Jon Landau, Producers - WINNER

  • Short Film (Animated)

"Famous Fred" Joanna Quinn
"Geri’s Game" Jan Pinkava - WINNER
"La Vieille Dame et les Pigeons (The Old Lady and the Pigeons)" Sylvain Chomet
"The Mermaid" Alexander Petrov
"Redux Riding Hood" Steve Moore, Dan O’Shannon

  • Short Film (Live Action)

"Dance Lexie Dance" Pearse Moore, Tim Loane
"It’s Good to Talk" Roger Goldby, Barney Reisz
"Sweethearts?" Birger Larsen, Thomas Lydholm
"Visas and Virtue" Chris Tashima, Chris Donahue - WINNER
"Wolfgang" Kim Magnusson, Anders Thomas Jensen

  • Sound

"Air Force One" Paul Massey, Rick Kline, D. M. Hemphill, Keith A. Wester
"Con Air" Kevin O’Connell, Greg P. Russell, Arthur Rochester
"Contact" Randy Thom, Tom Johnson, Dennis Sands, William B. Kaplan
"L.A. Confidential" Andy Nelson, Anna Behlmer, Kirk Francis
"Titanic" Gary Rydstrom, Tom Johnson, Gary Summers, Mark Ulano - WINNER

  • Sound Effects Editing

"Face/Off" Mark P. Stoeckinger, Per Hallberg
"The Fifth Element" Mark Mangini
"Titanic" Tom Bellfort, Christopher Boyes - WINNER

  • Visual Effects

"The Lost World: Jurassic Park" Dennis Muren, Stan Winston, Randal M. Dutra, Michael Lantieri
"Starship Troopers" Phil Tippett, Scott E. Anderson, Alec Gillis, John Richardson
"Titanic" Robert Legato, Mark Lasoff, Thomas L. Fisher, Michael Kanfer - WINNER

  • Writing (Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published)

"Donnie Brasco" Paul Attanasio
"L.A. Confidential" Brian Helgeland, Curtis Hanson - WINNER
"The Sweet Hereafter" Atom Egoyan
"Wag the Dog" Hilary Henkin, David Mamet
"The Wings of the Dove" Hossein Amini

  • Writing (Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen)

"As Good as It Gets" Screenplay by Mark Andrus, James L. Brooks; Story by Mark Andrus
"Boogie Nights" Paul Thomas Anderson
"Deconstructing Harry" Woody Allen
"The Full Monty" Simon Beaufoy
"Good Will Hunting" Ben Affleck, Matt Damon - WINNER


Using IMDb advanced search, filtering only by English language.

Notable entries missing include:
Holy Man (1998)
Alaska (1996)
Army of Darkness (1992)
Balto (1995)
The Astronauts Wife (1999)
Immortal Beloved (1994)
Chaplin (1992)
Hackers (1995)
BASEketball (1998)


Movies featuring time-travel, time loops or related themes I have seen over the years.

Last Update: 06/2024


IMDb's Top Movies from 1997.

Minimum of 25,000 votes, minimum rating of 6.0, maximum of 100 movies.

Last Updated: June 2, 2024


This is a list of every movie that has made an appearance on the Top 250 list since the beginning of the site in 1996 through 2024. I will maintain a changelog below for when new movies are added to list.

List made using data from IMDB Top 250 History - https://250.took.nl/

Changelog - https://bit.ly/2E0i6w4

Odd Entries Explained - https://bit.ly/38dS0Ul


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 10000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-08-23


A list of thriller, horror, & strange movies


Thrillers and anxiety inducing flicks.


Paranormal Movies Comedy/Horror/Thriller


What’s a mindfuck? A movie that plays with your mind, confuses you, and leads you on. It’s not just a movie with a twist ending. Mindfucks are borderline-incoherent, dreamlike, and surreal.


Although not all were even his idea of a great adaptation of his books. Especially the Shining.


Updated through Season 3. Included movies discussed and movies where clips are shown.



UPDATED: 10/25/21



UPDATED: 11/7/23


Pulled from Rotten Tomatoes Top Movies section:

UPDATED: 2/22/22





UPDATED: 2/13/24


A collection of the BBC Natural History Filmography. List populated from shows listed on the wikipedia page.


UPDATED: 5/30/24


TV Shows rated 8, 9 or 10


Movies rated 8, 9 or 10.


Stand-up specials rated 8, 9 or 10.


74th Golden Globe Awards Winners


This isn't intended to be a comprehensive list. I'm just going to be periodically updating this list with titles from the following IMDB search parameters:


UPDATED: 5/20/24


75th Golden Globe Awards Winners


Source: http://www.empireonline.com/movies/features/best-films-2016/


Movie list from Cinema Blend


Top Rental from Rotten Tomatoes


73rd Golden Globe Awards Winners


List of films based on DC Comics



1collaboratorby MOVIST

Rocky is a boxing saga of popular films all starring Sylvester Stallone, who plays the character Rocky Balboa.


Created thanks to movieinsider.com with December 19 data.


The 50 best Christmas movies



1collaboratorby MOVIST


List of all the fully animated films produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios


List of movies released by Pixar Animation Studios



1collaboratorby MOVIST

A list of all James Bond movies.



1collaboratorby MOVIST



1collaboratorby MOVIST

List of films based on Marvel Comics


All of Wes Anderson's movies and those that are similar in style.


Film/show contains time-travel. In any form. Be it time-loop, full on relocation in time, consciousness transfer...

Warning: You may find yourself screaming "Paradox!" That's just a risk you have to take.


All the winners in the Best Picture category of the Oscars.


List of Nominees and Winners.

  • Actor in a Leading Role

Richard Jenkins in "The Visitor"
Frank Langella in "Frost/Nixon"
Sean Penn in "Milk" - WINNER
Brad Pitt in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"
Mickey Rourke in "The Wrestler"

  • Actor in a Supporting Role

Josh Brolin in "Milk"
Robert Downey Jr. in "Tropic Thunder"
Philip Seymour Hoffman in "Doubt"
Heath Ledger in "The Dark Knight" - WINNER
Michael Shannon in "Revolutionary Road"

  • Actress in a Leading Role

Anne Hathaway in "Rachel Getting Married"
Angelina Jolie in "Changeling"
Melissa Leo in "Frozen River"
Meryl Streep in "Doubt"
Kate Winslet in "The Reader" - WINNER

  • Actress in a Supporting Role

Amy Adams in "Doubt"
Penélope Cruz in "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" - WINNER
Viola Davis in "Doubt"
Taraji P. Henson in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"
Marisa Tomei in "The Wrestler"

  • Animated Feature Film

"Bolt" Chris Williams and Byron Howard
"Kung Fu Panda" John Stevenson and Mark Osborne
"WALL-E" Andrew Stanton - WINNER

  • Art Direction

"Changeling" Art Direction: James J. Murakami; Set Decoration: Gary Fettis
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" Art Direction: Donald Graham Burt; Set Decoration: Victor J. Zolfo - WINNER
"The Dark Knight" Art Direction: Nathan Crowley; Set Decoration: Peter Lando
"The Duchess" Art Direction: Michael Carlin; Set Decoration: Rebecca Alleway
"Revolutionary Road" Art Direction: Kristi Zea; Set Decoration: Debra Schutt

  • Cinematography

"Changeling" Tom Stern
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" Claudio Miranda
"The Dark Knight" Wally Pfister
"The Reader" Chris Menges and Roger Deakins
"Slumdog Millionaire" Anthony Dod Mantle - WINNER

  • Costume Design

"Australia" Catherine Martin
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" Jacqueline West
"The Duchess" Michael O’Connor - WINNER
"Milk" Danny Glicker
"Revolutionary Road" Albert Wolsky

  • Directing

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" David Fincher
"Frost/Nixon" Ron Howard
"Milk" Gus Van Sant
"The Reader" Stephen Daldry
"Slumdog Millionaire" Danny Boyle - WINNER

  • Documentary (Feature)

"The Betrayal (Nerakhoon)" Ellen Kuras and Thavisouk Phrasavath
"Encounters at the End of the World" Werner Herzog and Henry Kaiser
"The Garden" Scott Hamilton Kennedy
"Man on Wire" James Marsh and Simon Chinn - WINNER
"Trouble the Water" Tia Lessin and Carl Deal

  • Documentary (Short Subject)

"The Conscience of Nhem En" Steven Okazaki
"The Final Inch" Irene Taylor Brodsky and Tom Grant
"Smile Pinki" Megan Mylan - WINNER
"The Witness - From the Balcony of Room 306" Adam Pertofsky and Margaret Hyde

  • Film Editing

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" Kirk Baxter and Angus Wall
"The Dark Knight" Lee Smith
"Frost/Nixon" Mike Hill and Dan Hanley
"Milk" Elliot Graham
"Slumdog Millionaire" Chris Dickens - WINNER

  • Foreign Language Film

"The Baader Meinhof Complex" Germany
"The Class" France
"Departures" Japan - WINNER
"Revanche" Austria
"Waltz with Bashir" Israel

  • Makeup

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" Greg Cannom - WINNER
"The Dark Knight" John Caglione, Jr. and Conor O’Sullivan
"Hellboy II: The Golden Army" Mike Elizalde and Thom Floutz

  • Music (Original Score)

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" Alexandre Desplat
"Defiance" James Newton Howard
"Milk" Danny Elfman
"Slumdog Millionaire" A.R. Rahman - WINNER
"WALL-E" Thomas Newman

  • Music (Original Song)

"Down to Earth" from "WALL-E" Music by Peter Gabriel and Thomas Newman; Lyric by Peter Gabriel
"Jai Ho" from "Slumdog Millionaire" Music by A.R. Rahman; Lyric by Gulzar - WINNER
"O Saya" from "Slumdog Millionaire" Music and Lyric by A.R. Rahman and Maya Arulpragasam

  • Best Picture

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall and Ceán Chaffin, Producers
"Frost/Nixon" Brian Grazer, Ron Howard and Eric Fellner, Producers
"Milk" Dan Jinks and Bruce Cohen, Producers
"The Reader" Anthony Minghella, Sydney Pollack, Donna Gigliotti and Redmond Morris, Producers
"Slumdog Millionaire" Christian Colson, Producer - WINNER

  • Short Film (Animated)

"La Maison en Petits Cubes" Kunio Kato - WINNER
"Lavatory - Lovestory" Konstantin Bronzit
"Oktapodi" Emud Mokhberi and Thierry Marchand
"Presto" Doug Sweetland
"This Way Up" Alan Smith and Adam Foulkes

  • Short Film (Live Action)

"Auf der Strecke (On the Line)" Reto Caffi
"Manon on the Asphalt" Elizabeth Marre and Olivier Pont
"New Boy" Steph Green and Tamara Anghie
"The Pig" Tivi Magnusson and Dorte Høgh
"Spielzeugland (Toyland)" Jochen Alexander Freydank - WINNER

  • Sound Editing

"The Dark Knight" Richard King - WINNER
"Iron Man" Frank Eulner and Christopher Boyes
"Slumdog Millionaire" Glenn Freemantle and Tom Sayers
"WALL-E" Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood
"Wanted" Wylie Stateman

  • Sound Mixing

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" David Parker, Michael Semanick, Ren Klyce and Mark Weingarten
"The Dark Knight" Lora Hirschberg, Gary Rizzo and Ed Novick
"Slumdog Millionaire" Ian Tapp, Richard Pryke and Resul Pookutty - WINNER
"WALL-E" Tom Myers, Michael Semanick and Ben Burtt
"Wanted" Chris Jenkins, Frank A. Montaño and Petr Forejt

  • Visual Effects

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" Eric Barba, Steve Preeg, Burt Dalton and Craig Barron - WINNER
"The Dark Knight" Nick Davis, Chris Corbould, Tim Webber and Paul Franklin
"Iron Man" John Nelson, Ben Snow, Dan Sudick and Shane Mahan

  • Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" Screenplay by Eric Roth, Screen story by Eric Roth and Robin Swicord
"Doubt" Written by John Patrick Shanley
"Frost/Nixon" Screenplay by Peter Morgan
"The Reader" Screenplay by David Hare
"Slumdog Millionaire" Screenplay by Simon Beaufoy - WINNER

  • Writing (Original Screenplay)

"Frozen River" Written by Courtney Hunt
"Happy-Go-Lucky" Written by Mike Leigh
"In Bruges" Written by Martin McDonagh
"Milk" Written by Dustin Lance Black - WINNER
"WALL-E" Screenplay by Andrew Stanton, Jim Reardon, Original story by Andrew Stanton, Pete Docter


what the collection one day should look like


This is a list based on movies found in the following subreddits:


This is a list based on the show 'The Movies' on CNN and compiled by a user on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/ct3rer/every_single_movie_mentioned_on_cnns_the_movies/


In its first film season, 1927–28, this award (like others such as the acting awards) was not tied to a specific film; all of the work by the nominated cinematographers during the qualifying period was listed after their names. The problem with this system became obvious the first year, since Karl Struss and Charles Rosher were nominated for their work together on Sunrise but three other films shot individually by either Rosher or Struss were also listed as part of the nomination. The second year, 1929, there were no nominations at all, although the Academy has a list of unofficial titles which were under consideration by the Board of Judges. In the third year, 1930, films, not cinematographers, were nominated, and the final award did not show the cinematographer's name.

Finally, for the 1931 awards, the modern system in which individuals are nominated for a single film each was adopted in all profession-related categories. From 1939 to 1967 with the exception of 1957, there were also separate awards for color and for black-and-white cinematography. Since then, the only black-and-white film to win is Schindler's List (1993).

Floyd Crosby won the award for Tabu in 1931, which was the last silent film to win in this category. Hal Mohr won the only write-in Academy Award ever, in 1935 for A Midsummer Night's Dream. Mohr was also the first person to win for both black-and-white and color cinematography.

No winners are lost, although some of the earliest nominees (and of the unofficial nominees of 1928–29) are lost, including The Devil Dancer (1927), The Magic Flame (1927), and Four Devils (1928). The Right to Love (1930) is incomplete, and Sadie Thompson (1927) is incomplete and partially reconstructed with stills.

The first nominees shot primarily on digital video were The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Slumdog Millionaire in 2009, with Slumdog Millionaire the first winner.[1] The following year Avatar was the first nominee and winner to be shot entirely on digital video.[2]

In 2018, Rachel Morrison became the first woman to receive a nomination. Prior to that it had been the last Academy Award category to never nominate a woman.[3][4]



From: https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/5wk63y/the_votes_have_been_counted_and_the_2017_reddit/

Films that were bumped off from last year's list:

and the newer list for 2018 in full:


From: https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/8bt4vu/the_2018_edition_of_the_rmovies_top_250_is_up/

Films that were bumped off from last year's list:

and the new additions that replaced them:

and the last list in full:


This is it. The end of the lists. Finally! So the other day I posted the best documentaries of the decade as selected by a group of acclaimed documentary filmmakers. Now, we’ve got The Documentary Blog’s own top 50 docs of the decade. I was originally aiming for 25 but I just couldn’t cut it down, so 50 will have to do. Let me stress that this list represents my own personal opinion and nothing more. Hopefully some people can use this as a starting point to check out some great films. Feel free to share your own lists in the comments and let me know what I missed! One thing’s for sure; it has been a great decade for documentaries!"

Source: http://www.thedocumentaryblog.com/index.php/2010/01/05/the-documentary-blogs-top-25-documentaries-of-the-decade/. TDB is Jay Cheel who is a Co-Host of the Filmjunk-Podcast.


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 100000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-09-17


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 100 000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-09-12


Best 80s movies. From symbols to unkonws to discover.


Chronological order on X-Men movies.

As for the tv-shows Gifted and Legion, they take place on their on "timeline/universe" and are not connected to the main movies.

Detailed Timeline

8000 B.C - Apocalypse is born as the wolrd's first mutant.
3000 B.C - Apocalypse made the pyramids in Ancient Egypt
1832 - Wolverine was born (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
1861-1865 - James Howlett and Victor Creed fight in Civil War (X-MO:W)
1917-1918 - WWI (X-MO:W)
1944 - Erik Lehnsherr is taken to Auschwitz
1962 - X-Men First Class (Cuban Missile Crisis)
1969-1971 - James & Victor fight in Vietnam (X-MO:W)
1972 - Logan quits Team X
1973 - Is where Wolverine was sent in Days of Future Past
Timeline Splits
(So, that's when things get a bit messy)

Original Timeline
1973, January 27
- Mystique assassinates Bolivar Trask in Paris.
- Trask Industries unveils the Sentinels Program.
- Sentinel: Mark I are created. Between 1973 and 1996, Trask Industries produces 8,732 Mark I Sentinels for the governments of the United States, China, Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, France, India and the United Kingdom.
November 22
- Erik Lehnsherr is publicly revealed as having participated in the John F. Kennedy assassination 10 years previously.
1979 - The Rest of XMO:W (leading up to the Three Mile Island Accident)
March 28 - Logan loses his memory
1986 - Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr visit Jean Grey. (XM:TLS)
1996 - Young Angel cuts off his wings (XM:TLS)
2003 - Rest of X-Men (X-Men, X2: X-Men United: The Movie Prequel: Wolverine, X2: X-Men United: The Movie Prequel: Nightcrawler, X2: X-Men United).
2005 - X-Men: The Official Game (So yeah, the video game is also connected with the movies)
2006 - X-Men: The Last Stand
2011 - Angel is killed by Sentinels during an Occupy Wall Street march on the X-Mansio (X-M:DoFP)
2013 - The Wolverien
2015 - Professor X and Magneto meet Wolverine at an airport.
- Beast is killed by Human Majority protesters. (X-M:FC)
2018 - Dr. Gregory D. Burnett revolutionizes a method of growing synthetic stem cells
-The X-Men send Wolverine back in time to stop Mystique from killing Bolivar Trask.
-The remnants of the X-Men and Free Mutants are massacred in China
-Logan successfully manages to prevent Trask's assassination in 1973 and indirectly changes history itself, erasing the original timeline from existence. (so the previous movies never happend)

Revised Timeline
1973, January 27
-Wolverine from the alternate future awakens in his younger body.
-The X-Men prevent Mystique from killing Bolivar Trask in Paris.
-Trask Industries unveils the Sentinels Program.
-Mystique spares Bolivar Trask at the White House.
-The Sentinels Program is cancelled. Bolivar Trask is arrested for selling military secrets.
-Mystique, under the guise of William Stryker, raises Logan from the Potomac River.
-Adamantium is injected into Logan's skeletal system.
-Wade uses Cable's time travel device to travel back in time to the to kill Weapon XI, before his fight with Wolverine.(Deadpool 2)
1983 - Apocalypse resurfaces X-Men Apocalypse
-Chernobyl disaster causes many babies born to develop mutations.
-Colossus is born
1992 - Dark Phoenix
-The last generation of natural Mutants are born due to Transigen and Alkali putting mutant-suppressing chemicals in the products used in mass food production.
-Firefist is born
2010 - The Weapon X program is reopening by a secret govermnet agency, it begin creating mutants through brutal and sadistic methods, to sell off to the highest bidder
2014 - Wade Wilson stops a stalker of a teenage girl. Later at a bar he meets Vanessa Carlysle and they begin a relationship*(Deadpool)*
2015 - Wade Wilson and Vanessa Carlysle get engaged and Wade finds out that he has a terminal cancer.(Deadpool)
2016 - Deadpool, with a help of Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, defeats Ajax.(Deadpool)
2017 - Wade begins traveling around the world doing mercenary work, killing gangsters, murderers and other bad guys. (Deadpool)
2018 - Deadpool 2
2023 - The ending of DoFP (The future Wolverine wakes up form his time traveling adventures and finds that Jean Gray and Cyclops are alive. Future Xavier helps Wolverine to catch up what he missed out on since 1973.
2028 - Xavier suffers a psychic sezure that injures over 600 people along with killing several members of X-Men
2029 - Logan
2068 - Cable’s decides to travel back in time and kill Firefist before he makes his first kill in 2018


  • X-Men:
    • X-Men: The Movie - Special Edition
    • X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Rogue
    • X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Wolverine
    • X-Men: The Movie Prequel: Magneto
  • X2: X-Men United:
    • X2: X-Men United: The Movie Prequel: Nightcrawler
    • X2: X-Men United: The Movie Prequel: Wolverine
  • X-Men First Class: The High Hand



I love movies with snow setting so I made a little list ;)


My favorite football/basketball movies.


And more:


We are all connected in the end :)


I always love how the underdogs turn out to be the champion :D



UPDATE: 1/3/24


The objective of this Collection are Movies with:

Complex plot
Big plot twist.
Ending twist

Pulled from PTP collection



UPDATED: 3/28/22

NOTE: It appears Rotten Tomatoes has removed this list. There will not be any future updates to this list.


Pulled from Rotten Tomatoes Top Movies section:

UPDATED: 2/23/22


Pulled from Rotten Tomatoes Top Movies section:

UPDATED: 9/28/17

Note: I will no longer be updating this list.


Pulled from Rotten Tomatoes Top Movies section:

UPDATED: 2/23/22


Pulled from Rotten Tomatoes Top Movies section:

UPDATED: 2/22/22


"ALL-TIME" 100 Movies is a compilation by Time magazine featuring 100 of the best films released between March 3, 1923 (when the first issue of Time was published) and early 2005 (when the list was compiled). The list was compiled by critics Richard Schickel and Richard Corliss and generated significant attention, receiving 7.8 million hits in its first week alone.

Source: http://entertainment.time.com/2005/02/12/all-time-100-movies/slide/all/


1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is a film reference book edited by Steven Jay Schneider with original essays on each film contributed by over 70 film critics.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1001_Movies_You_Must_See_Before_You_Die


Rolling Stone magazine issued a list ranking what they call the 100 greatest TV shows of all time. The list was compiled after the pop culture magazine sent out ballots to entertainment inudustry professionals.



Highest Rated TV Series With At Least 5,000 Votes


Pulled from Rotten Tomatoes Top Movies section:

UPDATED: 2/22/22


Pulled from Rotten Tomatoes Top Movies section:

UPDATED: 2/22/22


Feature films by Pixar Animation Studios



Feature films by Dreamworks Animation.



UPDATED 2024-01-19
Chronological order

(If you are new to MCU, then you should start with; Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk,
Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America and then Agent Carter.)


  • All Movies
  • Marvel One-Shots
    • Agent Carter
    • A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer
    • The Consultant
    • Item 47
    • All Hail the King
  • Specials/Shorts
    • WHIH World News
    • Slingshot
  • Netflix Series
    • Marvel's Daredevil
    • Marvel's Jessica Jones
    • Marvel's Luke Cage
    • Marvel's Iron Fist
    • Marvel's Defenders
    • Marvel's The Punisher
  • ABC
    • Marvel's Inhumans
    • Marvel's Agent Carter
    • Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Hulu
    • Marvel's Runaways
  • Freeform
    • Marvel's Cloak & Dagger

Stark Expo 1974 - commercial for Stark Expo 1974 in Flushing Meadows in New York.
There are four different Stark Expo 2010 videos:

  • Stark Expo 2010 - CordCo
  • Stark Expo 2010 - Fujikawa
  • Stark Expo 2010 - Better Living Through Technology
  • Stark Expo 2010 - Accutech

They take place during Iron Man 2 and you can easily find them by googling for them.

Peggy Carter’s 1953 Smithsonian Interview - Where Carter is being interviewed about Steve Rogers (can be found at youtube)

S.H.I.E.L.D spin-off mini-series Slingshot can be found at ABC's youtube channel.

Peter's To-Do List (Short Film - Spider-Man: Far From Home - Blu-Ray) - short extra clip when Peter is picking up his passport.


  • Captain Marvel Vol. 1: Higher, Further, Faster, More
  • Marvel's Captain Marvel: Starforce on the Rise
  • Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War: The Heroes' Journey
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp - The Heroes' Journey
  • Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War: The Cosmic Quest Vol. 1: Beginning
  • Marvel's Avengers: Endgame: The Pirate Angel, the Talking Tree, and Captain Rabbit
  • Avengers - Infinity War: The Cosmic Quest - Volume Two: Aftermath
  • Spider-Man - Far From Home: Peter and Ned's Ultimate Travel Journal

(haven't updated the tie-in comics)
Marvel Cinematic Universe (#1-4) tie-in comics :

  • Avengers: Road to Marvel's The Avengers:
    • Iron Man: I Am Iron Man! #1-2
    • Iron Man 2: Public Identity #1-3
    • Iron Man 2: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1
    • Captain America: First Vengeance #1-4
  • Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week:
    • The Avengers - Prelude: Fury's Big Week #1-4
  • Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Black Widow Strikes:
    • The Avengers - Prelude: Black Widow Strikes #1-3
  • Marvel's Iron Man 3 Prelude:
    • Iron Man 2 Adaptation #1-2
    • Iron Man 3 Prelude #1-2
  • Marvel's Thor: The Dark World Prelude:
    • Thor Adaptation #1-2
    • Thor: The Dark World Prelude #1-2
  • Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier Prelude:
    • Captain America: The First Avenger Adaptation #1-2
    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier Infinite #1
  • Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude:
    • Guardians of the Galaxy – Dangerous Prey Infinite #1
    • Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude #1-2
  • Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron Prelude:
    • The Avengers Adaptation #1-2
    • Avengers: Age of Ultron – This Sceptre'd Isle Infinite #1
  • Marvel's Ant-Man Prelude:
    • Ant-Man Prelude #1-2
    • Ant-Man – Scott Lang: Small Time Infinite #1
  • Marvel's Jessica Jones Prelude:
    • Marvel's Jessica Jones #1
  • Captain America: Civil War Prelude:
    • Captain America: Civil War Prelude #1-4
    • Captain America: Civil War Prelude Infinite #1
  • Doctor Strange Prelude:
    • Marvel's Doctor Strange Prelude #1-2
    • Marvel's Doctor Strange Prelude Infinite Comic – The Zealot #1
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Prelude:
    • Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Prelude #1-2
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming Prelude:
    • Spider-Man: Homecoming Prelude #1-2
  • Thor: Ragnarok Prelude:
    • Marvel's Thor: Ragnarok Prelude #1-4
  • Marvel's Black Panther Prelude:
    • Marvel's Black Panther Prelude #1-2
  • Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War Prelude:
    • Avengers - Infinity War: Prelude #1-2
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp Prelude:
    • Ant-Man and the Wasp - Prelude #1-2
  • Captain Marvel Prelude:
    • Marvel's Captain Marvel Prelude #1
  • *Avengers: Endgame Prelude *:
    • Avengers: Endgame Prelude #1-3
  • Spider-Man: Far From Home Prelude:
    • Spider-Man: Far From Home Prelude #1-2
  • Black Widow: Prelude:
    • Black Widow: Prelude #1-2


series, movies & stuff produced by Netflix / sorted by release date (from newest to oldest release)
(based on https://www.netflix.com/browse/originals and various other sources, if needed)

last update: March/15/2021

note: some database-entries are missing on trakt, so that the list is imho as complete as it could be atm. if you find something i missed, feel free to leave a comment.
