C. S. C.




I thought the movie was a pleasant watch. Not really scary, but with good visuals, acting and a nice atmosphere. I did not mind the plot either. I think it was just not exciting, but I enjoy slow-paced stories when they are well edited, and this one was.

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American Poltergeist

There are many problems with the movie. But for some reason, I was terribly distracted by Taryn's absurd use of boots. Does she sleep with them, or is she very particular about wearing boots right out of bed to walk around the house?

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I did not see many reasons to cry watching Wonder, but I definitely smiled many times. It is just adorable. I found it a bit more touching than the book, even. And the Passion Pit song at the end caught me totally off-guard, it was a perfect conclusion.

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The Battle of Midway

Interesting footage. I was hoping to see more of the Japanese fleet, but that expectation was frustrated. Still, a great piece for those researching in the topic.

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Rio 2
Little Red Riding Hood

Possibly the strangest (perhaps the trippiest) version of Little Red Riding Hood ever told. The first scene already had me confused, why did the cat die? And if the cat died, how could mom go on to send the donuts to grandma? Was she trying to murder grandma and implicate Red? Just so nonsense!

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The Thing

All the praise this movie gets is extremely well deserved. What impressed me most though is how well done the effects were - so well done I had to check if what I had been watching was really the 80's movie and not the remake, because the effects were far more convincing than most of this year's releases! I was sure it could not be from a 30+ year old movie, but yes, it was! What a great production! And the plot, the acting, and the music were all on level with it. A truly superb movie.

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Hot Girls Wanted

I feel like this documentary had all the opportunities to dig deeper into several issues and it never did. It was very nice to hear the stories of these women, and the movie was pretty well made, but it did little beyond illustrating what everyone already expected.

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Confessions of a Brazilian Call Girl
Romy and Michele's High School Reunion

I'm not really sure what the appeal of this movie is to gather a cult following. I mean, it isn't horrible, but it isn't super funny either. It's really just alright. Romy and Michele are fun characters, but their ditzy routine gets old fast and the plot is too simple and too straightforward. Janeane Garofalo was about the only thing I actually liked, but even her character is too much of a stereotype.
Considering this came out during the FRIENDS era, I think a lot of the following here comes from the fans of the show who became fans of Kudrow. So basically, unless you're a fan of either Sorvino or Kudrow, give this a pass. There are better flicks out there to waste time on.

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Gods of Egypt

Simple plot, shallow characters, the mythology is wrong and the whiteness is just weird. But it is very pretty, visually speaking. Mindless entertainment.

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The Visit

Well, the kids were really good. That's it, though.

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It would be hard to judge the movie without comparing it with the old one by the title alone, but with all borrowed scenes and lines, I fear this is impossible - and that's bad, because they're putting themselves against something quite brilliant. What I kept thinking while watching is that this is too "literal", meaning they've set up these scary scenes without setting the proper psychological mood for them, making them less than effective in scarying the audience. I missed that. Some of the scenes were really well done visually, but utterly unemotional and therefore, just not not scary.

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Refreshing is definitely the word for this flick. The influence of internet and social media has been all around recent movies, but the desktop/Skype cam was new (at least for me), and the execution was great. There was tension and suspense and I was hooked. Not at all a masterpiece, but excellent entertainment!

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It's unfair to compare it to Antichrist. There are similarities, yes - a psychiatrist and his girlfriend go to a cabin in the woods - but the development couldn't be more different.

Personally, I did enjoy the movie. I liked the twist at the end and I hadn't seen it coming at all. The acting is really good and feels incredibly natural, like they are not acting at all. In fact, combined with the directing and peculiar camera work, it felt strangely immersing - like a reality show that is actually showing the truth. Since it's so strangely natural, someone who isn't sucked in might think the movie goes a bit slow. Personally though, I thought it was brilliant. I was very pleased and very impressed with Brazil's ability to produce good thrillers!

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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
Friends with Benefits

Pretty cute movie! Definetely entering my rom-com faovorites list.

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Beauty and the Beast

A really, really pretty adaptation of the original story.

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The Other Woman

I'm surprised at how enjoyable this was. A very decent rom-com indeed.

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Talk to Me

The plot is driven by sheer dumbness. Nothing that happens is initially out of the dumb people's control, they are just initially dumb. It's annoying,

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Sing 2

Fine, the story is not as good as the first, but it has great music that will have you singing along and it's just awesome fun! I absolutely loved it!

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Alice Júnior

The movie did a great job in portraying Alice as a normal teen girl, with the normal feelings and perceptions of a teen girl. She is a lovely character and carries the movie well.
The part with the adults was a bit awkward though. Alice's dad is a fantastic parent, no discussion, he defends his daughter in ways that I have seen few parents do, but I saw no point in his romance plot. It was just there, it felt too casual to be important enough to be shown like that. Maybe adding more meaningful dialogue would have helped, or it should not have been done at all.
I mean, think about this: he is going through something - he is watching his daughter suffer a hard process of adaptation, and no matter how great his relationship with his daughter, families are never so simple. There was supposed to be something going on in his mind, and he never approaches it, despite finding someone he could confide in. I think it would have enriched the movie to acknowledge that talking about your true feelings is necessary for bonding.

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3 Ninjas Knuckle Up

That dancing scene is so embarrassing! But it was fun to watch for nostalgia's sake.

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The movie was light-hearted, funny, and crazy, and I loved every minute of it. I got into the main characters as I had not in a while. It also made very humorous use of the rising ultra-right conservative movements, which is particularly relatable to Brazilians (just put Neymar in place of Diamantino!).

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The premisse is very interesting and the spaceship setting is just beautiful. Jim turns into a dislikeable character pretty fast though, and it is hard to like Aurora when we feel sorry for her all the time. The dramatic climax feels like a mixture of Armaggedon and Titanic, as weird as it may sound, but it is rather exciting. The ending is of the feel-good variety, and I have no complaints.
Overall, a solid 6, which is only disappointing because the rather common story feels like a great injustice to the lavish visuals.

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Sierra Burgess Is a Loser

It's a very cute movie featuring a great main character who is a horrible person, a secondary character who was supposed to be a horrible person but goes through a believable positive development, and their lovely friendship. The soundtrack is great too, as expected from a piece with such a John Hughes influence.
I knew Shannon Purser from Stranger Things, and I was kind of expecting Sierra and Barb to be similar, since they are from the same outcast mold, but they could not be more different. I am impressed with Purser for being able to play such different personalities into the same stereotype. Also, Froseth is so pretty I do not think she is human... maybe she is from an advanced alien race, taking a vacation on Earth?
But going back to "Sierra is a bad person but a great character", oh, wow. I do not think I have ever disliked a rom-com heroine this much, EVER. Specially in a teen movie! Still, it was cute and entertaining, and Noah deserves a main role, soon. Here, it felt like he was there for decoration, which is sad, because he has a lot of charisma on-screen.

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The Unbearable Lightness of Being

I love the book. The movie basically misses on everything that was important. I cannot believe the author actually helped adapting this.

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The dialogues were so unoriginal! It was like a generic-version of a fantasy tale, they got the bones for it, but could not really flesh it.

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Light and fun entertainment. Also, a very nice cast!

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Monster Trucks

I do not think I will ever find tentacle monsters cute (thanks, Japan!), but this movie almost made me change my mind. Almost. The being enslaved by a human part did not help, it was so mean.
It was otherwise goofy, but enternaining. It had an interesting 80's feel to it, without pushing it too hard, like recent works have been doing. It just was not actually good.
I was glad to see Jane Levy though. I wish she had more job offers, she is way better than Nickelodeon movies.

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