C. S. C.



His Girl Friday

A nice movie with a very frustrating ending!

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More heart warming and far less goofy than I had expected, and a little bloodier too. I rather enjoyed the tale about a sensitive goon. The synopsis is somewhat misleading, rivalry is hardly the focus of the story.

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It! The Terror from Beyond Space

Well. It is true that this is a very precarious and painfully low-budget production - the bad monster suit, cardboard scenarious, and painted fabric backgrounds do not even pretend they are trying to be believable, and seem laughable even for a 50's production. But still, the simple storyline is actually very entertaining, and the cast was quite competent. I do not believe the film to be particularly iconic, but I feel that anyone interested in the genre will enjoy this movie, which also inspired the plot for Alien!

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13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Surprisingly tolerable, considering the director. I did not find it as touching as some others who have commented apparently did - as I saw it, there were some minimal efforts to humanize the Americans, and no effort at all to humanize the locals, which made every character feel plastic despite the good work of the actors. It was very difficult to believe these were based off real people, and very hard to care about them, even after following them up close for 2 hours. Nonetheless, the movie looks great and visually convincing (no silly CGI this time, or was it just better than what usually appears on Bay's movies?), the pace is great, the movie did convey the proper atmosphere, and the dialogue was alright. I did not even mind the cliches, and although some political context and background could have made it a more interesting movie, I found it quite entertaining.

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Casting JonBenet

It is basically local gossip caught on tape. They put actors in "scenes" that are just there to introduce the topic of a person of interest or theory and then let the actors, all familiar with the case and many from the area, run wild with their guesses. There is nothing wrong with having ideas and interpreting things your way, but I am not entirely sure of why would anyone want to film it. If anything, I see that no one's life was really as affected as news claimed, and that the case became some kind of local myth which people default back to when they have nothing better to discuss.

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Kill Your Darlings
La La Land

It is a mostly cute romantic comedy that relies heavily on nostalgic references and has unfortunately little else to offer. Even as far as the romance goes, there are no sigh-worthy moments and I found both characters hard to like. It bothered me that I felt like I got to know Sebastian way better than Mia, even though Stone is billed as a main exactly like Gosling, but I think both of them delivered their characters really really well, even if I did dislike them. The scenarios, the costumes and the music were very beautiful, but the lyrics were not up to the same standard, and the dialogue was so predictable, it was easy to speak lines before the characters did! It also felt too long by at least 20 minutes, the editing could surely have been smarter.
Still, I have a feeling this is a title that might age well. All those little Old Hollywood easter eggs in a such a pretty production will surely be worth something in time, at least more than it is now to me.

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A Cure for Wellness

It could have been shorter and the plot is quite predictable, but I still found it very watchable. The acting was good, and Lockhart and Hannah were, in my opinion, likable and interesting characters. The movie wasn't scary, but I thought it kept a nice tension in its slow pace, and I am just terribly unnerved by eels, so it works for me.

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Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

It took me almost a week to get to the end of this movie. It just never got interesting. And the acting was so horrid, from every member of the cast, that I think Burton asked them to suck. What a pain of a movie.

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Sailor Moon - La Reconquista

While there's been a huge improvement in the general production, costumes and music, I'm not sure about the cast and their acting. Surely, some roles were pretty great, but I felt most of the talent went to the side of the villains...

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The Other Side of the Door

The characters and the acting were actually pretty good! Plot is bit below mediocre and the jump scares were lame. Still, not a bad movie to waste an evening on.

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Girl in Woods

It's a very intricate plot, and it's hard to comment on it without spoiling it a little bit, so I just shall say nothing specific. This was however, developed very nicely, and I would dare say it had the trope done in a much better way that others. It's not a great movie, but it's a decent one, and even with it's slow pace, I found it hard not to watch and follow. The atmosphere of suspense is just that great!

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My Sister, My Love
The Mechanical Butcher

I'm not sure sure why the theme was so popular, or if this was the beginning of it, but I guess it's a nod to what people expected from technology, and what we've actually achieved it with it. Unpleasant manual labor remains unpleasant manual labor, even 120 years later.

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New Best Friend

Considering that I learned about this from a "Bitch Movie" list that included titles like Mean Girls and Clueless, I was not prepared for how dark this movie would turn out to be. But I did end up enjoying how all the female characters were portrayed as much as victims as they were bullies, and how the story was layered.

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A Dirty Shame
Get Hard

I felt more awkward, "please let's fast forward through this", second-hand embarrassment than any real desire to laugh.

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Some animation movies are meant to be enjoyed by children and adults both. This is not the case with Minions, which tells the story of the adorable little white fellows that first appeared in Despicable Me before they met Gru. It's a shallow and silly story, with equally shallow and silly characters, but oh, so emphatic on the cuteness aspect, clearly aiming for the younger audience. Children will enjoy it, but parents might just fall asleep watching it. I almost did.

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How to Build a Better Boy

Uh, the movie was nice, but so so weird. Whoever wrote this might consider a career change.

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Kingsman: The Secret Service

Shout by C. S. C.

What was that CGI exploding heads scene? It threw me off, I never expected it. It... worked. I loved it. And I'm that type of snob who hates comedies, this might be the first one I've enjoyed in years!

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As Above, So Below

It was hard getting into the story, but the occasional creepy moments made it worth my time.

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Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever

A bit more cliche than the original, but still decent. Gory fun good enough to watch in a group!

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A love story with an action-filled development, I really don't see nothing wrong with it. The plot was simple and very like Romeo and Juliet - star-crossed lovers who go through all kinds of challenges and sacrifices for each other, when they've actually barely spent 10 minutes together. I think the reason why people disliked this movie is because they expected a true action flick, and what they got was a very sweet romance instead. The whole movie is filled with romantic aspects commonly found in epic literature, and this was a nice touch, as I often feel Hollywood actually prefers to sacrifice those idealistic notions for more visually shocking scenes. The special effects provided a very nice background, and I'm not even the type who enjoys those. The acting was good, what lacked was simply character depth, which is unsurprising since the main focus was on the action. I'd describe it as visually striking, simple and enjoyable - I wouldn't mind watching it again sometime.

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Cherry Falls

This was as hilarious as it was thrilling!

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A Haunting at Silver Falls

Don't let the cover or the ratings fool you, this is a surprisingly decent flick. Pretictable, sure, and the ending is rather lame, but the development was quite thrilling! The interaction between Jordan and the ghosts of the twins rather than portrayed as scary is just very tense, and I liked that. I'm tired of movies where the ugly ghost screams and you're supposed to be scared by mere ugliness. Instead, these ghosts have a goal and actually achieve it, giving it a nice feeling of conclusion. I wish the movie had been longer, if anything - I felt like some characters (specially the killer) were somewhat lacking and that they could have taken the extra time to explore those.

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Grand Piano

Plot holes, plot holes everywhere. But Elijah's great acting and the good music made this quite entertaining despite it all.

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Veronica Mars

Aah, finally. Veronica Mars was one of my favorite shows when I was a teenager, and the third season by CW was just frustrating. It's nice to finally have this movie, full of familiar faces (I wish Leighton had played Carrie Bishop though, I missed her!) and the same old Veronica struggling with her self-destructive drives. And well, to have her and Logan back together, yes, that was all I wanted!

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No Strings Attached

I'm surprised at how enjoyable this was. Very decent rom-com for a Sunday night!

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