C. S. C.



Till Luck Do Us: Part 3

Definitely the worst of them all. It was just all really bland. Still watchable, but more like white noise.

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Till Luck Do Us Part 2

It wasn't as funny as the first one, but it was still good. Tino's character is based on being a typical "tiozão do pavê", which means he can make the men like him laugh, and everyone else cringe, which is still some kind of comedy, though we really could have done without all the racist references.

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Till Luck Do Us Part

Lighthearted and even rather sweet, this is a great comedy to watch with family. The characters are relatable even they do behave over the top, but I particularly enjoyed Daniele Winits performance, who is always great at comedy, but brought a nice amount of sadness and reality to her character. Very enjoyable overall.

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Selah and the Spades

There is a visual pleasure in the movie that goes beyond the story being told. That said, the aesthetics can only carry a movie so far.

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All the jokes are sex jokes, of the most unfunny, vulgar and obvious kind.

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Gemini Man

I wish the sci-fi element had been a little stronger. But it was a quite decent action film!

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Toy Story That Time Forgot

This was so extremely cute! I enjoyed it more than the movies.

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The Perfection

Very reminiscent of Japanese cult-classic Audition. But with the interesting twist of a collaboration.

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Unicorn Store

Above all things, it's just very relatable.

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The Big Call

Such a pity the editing is weird, the story is just so entertaining! And the characters are all easy to get into, I was curious about everyone at every moment, the plot about the phone frauds is that intriguing!
Unfortunately, the editing made it confusing to tell the difference between flashbacks of the past and simultaneous events. Also, the soundtrack was not great either... and I still enjoyed the movie! Definitely worth checking it out.

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Definetely the most vulgar adaptation of the three. The cast is actually not bad; but they did change the way characters were played. Carrie is way darker here, and her original sweetness is never shown at all. Sue is bolder, and she seems to have a righteous goal rather a mindset split between guilt and kindness. Even Chris, while still super mean, is more bitter than the book and the other adaptations made her out. I think these changes were fitting considering high school culture of the early 2000's, but the boys were a complete disappointment. Tommy Ross, who is supposed to be so nice and likable, came out as Sue's toy and nothing more. Billy Nolan, such a questionable character in the book, appears totally uninteresting as well.
What made the movie vulgar was just how strong they made every "strange" aspect about Carrie. Everything felt forced about her life, it was all even bigger and louder than the book, even her early displays of power. Even without two other movies for comparison, this would still be a questionable piece... specially if you add the soundtrack for consideration.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

This was a very particular type of torture.

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The 10 Year Plan

The acting gets rather cringy at times, but the movie is pretty cute.

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Ready Player One

It is a tough sell, to think the whole world would play a game and that it would spill out into the streets and all. I could not get totally into the film because I did not feel like the what they built really supported that, but the movie was still very fun. Various references certainly made a lot of people happy, and the minor appearance of RX-78-2 was right on my nerd alley.

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The acting was actually very good, and the atmosphere felt just right. But while the movie is only 90 minutes long, it felt like it dragged a bit. The flashback scenes specially were quite lackluster and did not feel very intriguing. I think they should have dropped a few more interesting pieces in those, so we may take a curiosity on the character's personalities and not only in the events, which were not that surprising, anyway. It is not that terrible, but I agree with the other comment that says it is forgettable.

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If someone cares to explain, I have a question: Why did the fake fireman turned on them only after his tattoos were discovered? The only reason why they were didcovered is because he meant to help Kylie by making a torniquette with his jacket. So why did his intentiond turn 180°?
Otherwise, besides the questionable plot, there is the too long pre-earthquake part in which you just get to hate all the characters, and the really bad acting. To end it all, the final scene features the least convincing CGI wave you will ever see in your life. Just terrible.

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Freaky Friday

There is not much I like about this movie. Every scene made me feel uncomfortable or second-handly embarrassed. Jodie Foster and Barbara Harris are very charming leads, but ugh, I am not amused by seeing people messing up and acting stupid. I could not wait for it to be over! I actually do prefer the Lohan/Curtis remake.

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1920 London

Well, was that not extremely unsatisfying? I am not complaining about the story, which I thought was kind of decent. It invoked many themes from traditional Indian tales, such as a revenge, betrayal, forgiveness and sacrifice in a context of true love. But everything else is at least questionable. The editing feels very choppy at the beginning, and though that improves, the effects really do not, specially regarding Veer's state - at one point, when he is doing the whole "descending the staircase with backward bent limbs", it is very visible that it is just a dummy, and the make up is so obviously a mask that it feels wrong to even use the word make-up. Then there is the extremely awkward romantic song montages, that I just cannot even grasp - I feel pretty confident that are better ways to make a backstory come to light instead of that. It was not a terrible movie to see, but I would not recommend it to anyone... unless you enjoy laughing at the absurd flaws as you go along.

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The Concubine

Those were the most awkward and uncomfortable sex scenes I have ever seen.

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Railroad Tigers

It is a visually interesting movie with a great cast, however the plot is dragged endlessly into silly conflict, to the point it becomes hard to stay focused. The comedy routines are alright though, I really do not think they were the worst part.

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It goes from cute to brutal in a most brilliant way.

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Passport to Paris

These Olsen movies definitely do not age well.

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The Foreigner

Action thriller is probably my least favorite genre, and the fact that the good guys fight each other for more than half of the film was a little annoying, but I still quite enjoyed the characters, who were all masterfully played - there is not a single bad note on that cast!

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The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer

A very poor adaptation of what was an extremely fun and scary book! The movie fails to convey how truly creepy is the connection between Ellen and Rose Red, while also portraying Ellen as a very unsympathetic character, which she definitely was not. A lot of the time, the movie seems to imply that John's abusive behavior was Ellen's fault for not giving into him, which is totally absurd. Sukeena's eeriness is downplayed in the most disappointing manner, as she is a very powerful character in the novel, and Ellen's own darkness is pretty much erased. I cannot say I am happy about this adaptation at all.

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What an interesting movie. Initially, I had rated it a 6, as I felt slightly annoyed watching it. But after I found myself unable to stop talking about it during the day, I raised my rating to an 8. Finally, I tried to go to bed, and I was still thinking about the movie. So i have come to rate it a 9. It is a sign of a great piece indeed if you cannot get it out of your mind!

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When in Rome

I loved this movie when it came out, but re-watching it, all I can do is cringe at the dialogue and laugh at the questionable aesthetic choices of some of the shots. I totally understand why this did not get a theater release.

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10,000 Miles

"Kevin" is a whiny brat who throws tantrums when he does not get his way. It is just inconceivable that he would be the hero of a love story.

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Jasper Jones

I will disagree with the previous comment, I did not think the acting was bad, as much as it was intentionally awkward for most everyone. Of course I might be wrong, but I think it was done so to best display insecurities, as it is precisely from personal feelings of insecurity that originate lies, violence, prejudice and abuse.
I truly enjoyed the very casual way horrible things are displayed in the film, and I am already looking for the novel that inspired it!

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Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest

In this stallment of the series, we learn that He Who Walks Behind the Rows is one of Rita Repulsa's maximized monters.

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Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice

The aesthetics and narration style of this movie are strangely more 80's than the original one, despite it being released in '92. It is also even worse, with uninteresting main characters and the silliest romances (was that the only way they could find to justify the choice of sacrifices? How original and plausible!). Getting to the end of it is a challenge.

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