


Person of Interest: 4x08 Point of Origin

there was an interference in resse's call with the dr, right? or am i tripping?

the ending tho??? let's fucking GO

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The Walking Dead: Season 1

watching twd for the first time (yes, it's possible) and this season is very, VERY good. one of the best first seasons i've seen for sure. and i felt like i was watching an acting masterclass the entire time

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Person of Interest: 4x07 Honor Among Thieves

Shout by malu

another great episode this time more focused on shaw! i love how much she grew since she joined the crew, she's so much lighter now. the flirting with the thief combined with root's interventions was amazing, specially with the implications of shaw turning his offer down in the end. but those last seconds were... worrying.

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Person of Interest: 4x06 Pretenders

no root but this episode was still very fun to watch! about the ending... what???

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Person of Interest: 4x05 Prophets

Shout by malu

this was amazing! i was rolling my eyes at reese's arc at first but i liked how it turned out. everything else was great, the root and shaw slowburn was good (specially with root's "confession") and, of course, her discussions with finch about the machine alwaysss deliver

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Person of Interest: 4x03 Wingman

the first half was very boring and annoying at times but it got better, i'll always love some fusco storyline. a little more screentime for shaw on this one, i hope they kept this up and gave her bigger plots. although i can't lie and say im not a little bothered by all the "lady-like" things they make her do or whatever. since when is she obsessed with wearing heels...

anyways, i'm excited to see what the machine is planning for the team

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Doom Patrol: 1x03 Puppet Patrol

this show isn't ashamed to embrace weirdness and i can tell the writers actually read and love comics. in general, not necessarily the doom patrol ones

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Person of Interest: 4x01 Panopticon

ngl i wasn't expecting this episode to be so good, the show's season premieres were never great to me. but now it's different, the character writing is top notch, samaritan's threat is palpable, the action scenes are good as usual, good pacing...

but something's bugging me for a while and it's shaw's development, although it's there it's not as apparent as the other characters. doesn't help that she has less screentime too. i hope she gets more attention this season, she's my fav and i want more of her plssss

also wtf are they gonna do with elias' character lol this mf has been around since s1

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Doom Patrol: 1x02 Donkey Patrol

doom patrol seems to know how to balance its depressing stories with the comedy bits, the nonsense of it all. the special effects are goofy sometimes but i think it fits the vibe of the show idk

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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: Season 1

loved how they took a different direction here, worked with other characters and possibilities while making tons of references to the comics. the result is pretty fun! i really hope they get to make more seasons

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Doom Patrol: 1x01 Pilot

i remember watching this pilot when it got released back in 2019, thought it was a little boring and never came back to it, even tho i knew it always got praised by its public. now it's 2023, comic book adaptations are very saturated and it's hard to find something genuinely good or at least fun to watch... then i decided to give this one a chance again and yeah this ep is way better than what i remember! i'll keep watching

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Person of Interest: 3x18 Allegiance

yeah after this episode i'm 100% convinced that sam esmail is a big fan of the show lol. anyways this was a good ep, i was surprised by the little emotional bit on shaw. and ofc root continues to deliver the best scenes

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Person of Interest: 3x15 Last Call

i don't trust this new fusco partner lol you can never trust anyone in this damn show... great ep btw

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Person of Interest: 3x14 Provenance

Shout by malu

shaw fighting another woman under the rain. the two of them wearing tank tops to steal a bible later in the episode. shaw helping her reunite with her daughter. thank you person of interest...

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Person of Interest: 3x13 4C

love how this show does the most ridiculous things sometimes just because

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Strange Way of Life

the acting is bad and they got 0 chemistry, they weren't even trying... the story itself could be better, maybe if the movie was longer

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Person of Interest: 3x12 Aletheia

Shout by malu

reese's teleportation skills are ridiculous sometimes lol but another great episode. so much information and again great character writing. also this show never disappoints with badass and cool action scenes, the part where root cuts shaw's cuffs and then they shoot the bad guys together was awesome. I loved root's entire plot in this episode, her scenes with control were top notch. amy acker is a gift to the show

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Person of Interest: 3x11 Lethe

Shout by malu

well i had a feeling the woman wasn't actually his wife but i didn't see all of that coming. just wow

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Person of Interest: 3x10 The Devil's Share

another great episode, season 3 has been amazing so far, and sooo much better than 2. i love these characters and how well they're written most of the time. fusco is a highlight, his speech about carter made me tear up, what a development

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Person of Interest: 3x09 The Crossing

Shout by malu

i got spoiled about this and i'm pretty sure i'd see it coming if i hadn't because they built it up so well, all the clues were there, but STILL it hurt like a bitch... i know taraji wanted out, i understand and respect her decisions, and i'm glad they gave her character such a good ending. carter's arc this season was amazing.

also, this episode per se was pretty great, one of the best for sure. i didn't like the romantic thing between carter and reese either, it was unnecessary and unfitting, but loooved finch and root's scenes, shaw helping fusco and them getting along more, fusco's entire plot with HR... 10/10

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Person of Interest: 3x08 Endgame

the thing about "good cops" is they always put their trust in the institutions and that's always gonna be a bad move (if the story is realistic lmao)

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Deadloch: 1x08 Episode 8

great ending! this show is certainly one of the best things i watched this year, i'm so glad i gave it a chance and didn't drop it at the beginning. the character writing here is amazing, i love dulce and eddie's dynamic and abby is the cherry on top

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Person of Interest: 3x07 The Perfect Mark

i love finch and root's conversations about the machine. and carter playing a great role again

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Person of Interest: 3x06 Mors Praematura

root and shaw's dynamic is so fucking cool

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Person of Interest: 3x03 Lady Killer

ha! the milf convention episode

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Person of Interest: 2x22 God Mode


wtf was this episode?? the mix of the comedy with reese and shaw scenes and the thrill of the root and finch ones, the heartbreaking flashbacks... and the ending, the ENDING. one of the best hours of tv i've ever watched. again, s2 in general wasn't very entertaining to me but the last 3 eps almost made up for all of it. i loved it

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Person of Interest: 2x21 Zero Day

wow i have to watch the next ep now. i can't wait

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Person of Interest: 2x20 In Extremis

great episode! i have to admit that i'm not vibing with this season as much as i did with s1, i only managed to enjoy a few episodes (the ones with root and/or shaw, and those more lore focused) and found the others quite boring... i really hope season 3 is better.

fucking finally they helped fusco, i've feeling bad for him for so long and thought the other characters didn't care much, fusco himself was never clear enough... but carter does care about him, and she looked so distressed after what she did :( i'm worried

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Person of Interest: 2x19 Trojan Horse

Shout by malu

when shaw showed up at the library all of a sudden, whew!! and she's targeting root now, i'm here for it

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Deadloch: 1x03 Episode 3

now things got really interesting

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