


Person of Interest: 1x03 Mission Creep

so who tf is elias

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Person of Interest: 1x01 Pilot

ngl i started this bc of root and shaw, and while there's no trace of them yet i actually liked this episode. harold is weird and reese is the cliché badass solitary middle aged man, but he's not boring, and the plot is interesting. let's see how far i can go with this one

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Mr. Robot: 4x13 Hello, Elliot

darlene and elliot made me cry like a baby, i never thought mr robot would do this to me. thank you.

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Mr. Robot: 4x10 410 Gone

Shout by malu

great character focused episode for both dom and darlene. the fact they didn't go together is what shows their growth and individuals, and there's possibility of them reuniting after they solve their issues. it's a good ending for them

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The Americans

took me years to finish, yes, but it's my fault as always. 10/10 from season 1 to 6. and what a finale...

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