

Omicron Persei 8

Mosaic: 1x06 Fact and Fiction

Soooooo…who did it? I’m not exactly sure.

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Better Things: 2x08 Arnold Hall

Frankie remains the meanest and cruelest child in all of television. She elevated the cruelty levels every week.

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Roman J. Israel, Esq.
Tokyo Ghoul: 3x01 Those Who Hunt: Start

I totally need a season 1 and 2 recap cause I’m totally lost. How much time has passed since season 2?

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Rectify: 4x01 A House Divided

That conversation between Daniel and Avery at the end of the episode where Daniel explains what he really lost in prison was one of the most profound things I've seen in a long time.

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Ray Donovan: 5x08 Horses

This was a powerful episode. Certainly one of the best in the entire series. I could feel Rays heart breaking. It was palpable and raw. Truly wonderful performances all around. Abby and Ray were of course the stars of this episode. For this episode they both deserve Emmy nominations.

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Chris Rock: Tamborine

The first half was really good. The last half was great.

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American Crime Story: 2x04 House by the Lake

Disappointed by this season so far. A huge drop off from the first season.

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The Little Hours

A silly movie with an odd premise. It made me think why the makers of this film felt this had to be made and why these actors agreed to do it. That being said, I enjoyed it!

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House of Cards: 5x11 Chapter 63

That moment when Clare broke the forth wall…that was a little unnerving.

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The Strain: 3x10 The Fall

I really really REALLY hope Zack dies soon. He really is the worst part of the show.

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Mile 22

Pretty bad movie. The story made sense and the shaky cam was really getting on my nerves. The ending was unfulfilling to boot. Skip it.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 2x06 Let's Face the Music and Dance

Susie dancing at the end of the episode was everything. Loved it.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Sharply written. Quick and smart dialogue. Interesting scenarios. Above all, simply delightful. A show you can look forward to watching. Never a disappointment.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 3x10 Karen

I’m in the middle of watching this right now. This has to be one of if not the worst episode of the series. Completely useless and pointless. I don’t care about Karen and her background. This isn’t about Karen, it’s about Matt. You could give some brief flashbacks to explain where Karen came from, but an entire episode about her…unnecessary and a waste of money.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 3x09 Revelations

What the heck man. That took a turn quick. Such a good episode. Wow

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Chio's School Road

This started as a charming little show but now (episode 9) it’s just weird for weirds sake.

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Angels of Death

This is a weird show. I don’t get the conceit at all. What is the point of all this? Don’t get me wrong I never miss an episode.

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After 9 episodes I’m really digging this show. I didn’t quite get it at first. I thought Nagisa was the main character, my bad. Ayano is an interesting character, hopefully she becomes more dimensional then she is now. She is running off of pure emotion and it undercuts her writing. All in all it’s a good show.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x22 Jake & Amy

That was a really good episode. When Amy told that joke at the altar and Jake started to cry…that was awesome. But seriously …did Holy get the job or not?!?! You can’t leave me like this!!!!!

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The Affair: 4x09 409

Freaking Ben. He better get his

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The Affair: 4x10 410

Great season finale. Loved every minute of it.

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Completely passable show…meaning you can pass on it. It’s nothing special or nuanced. It feels a bit lazy in its writing and acting. I watched it cause I was bored but I’ll probably drop it if it returns. In truth it should be cancelled as it didn’t earn a second season.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x17 DFW

The opening scene was amazing.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x14 The Box

That was an excellent episode.

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The Affair: 4x08 408

This show continues to surprise me. Taking a seemingly simple concept and extrapolating a cacophony of storylines that aren’t only interesting but feel true to heart. The Affair really has become one of the best dramas on television.

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Doctor Foster: 2x01 Episode 1

The way the episode started with everyone dramatically receiving the invitations, it was both hilarious and well done.

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Fahrenheit 451

I’ve read the book and seen the original movie. Of course the book is best. This movie was awful and a waste of great material that is extremely relevant in today’s world. I’m sad to see it ruined. I wish Michael B. Jordan had turned this down, he’s better than this derivative junk.

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Billions: 3x08 All the Wilburys

That first scene was intense.

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The Americans: 6x06 Rififi

I loved those last few word “sit tight, I’m on my way” loved it. I can’t imagine how this is all going to end.

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