

Omicron Persei 8

Molly's Game

Saw Molly’s Game today and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Great dialogue and wonderfully acted. This is Aaron Sorkins directorial debut, and while it was perfect from that aspect it is a great first outing. The movie is long but it’s well paced so it doesn’t feel like it drags, it feels like it needed those 140 minutes to tell the entire story. The scene between Chastain and Costner at the end is definitely one of the best I’ve seen in 2017. I give it this movie 4 out of 5. Go see it if you have a chance.

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The Affair: 4x10 410

Great season finale. Loved every minute of it.

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The Affair: 4x08 408

This show continues to surprise me. Taking a seemingly simple concept and extrapolating a cacophony of storylines that aren’t only interesting but feel true to heart. The Affair really has become one of the best dramas on television.

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Black Clover: 1x26 Wounded Beasts

The Wizard King just demonstrated why he is the Wizard King…amazing.

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Black Mirror: 4x03 Crocodile

Talk about shit getting out of hand.

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Lucifer: 3x07 Off the Record

Best episode in a long time.

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The Strain: 4x09 The Traitor


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Logan Lucky

Hillbilly Oceans 11. It was a fun ride and a great setup for a sequel.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 3x04 100

One of the best episodes of the entire series. Great story telling with an excellent beginning, middle, and end. I hope the writers can keep this up.

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Ray Donovan: 5x08 Horses

This was a powerful episode. Certainly one of the best in the entire series. I could feel Rays heart breaking. It was palpable and raw. Truly wonderful performances all around. Abby and Ray were of course the stars of this episode. For this episode they both deserve Emmy nominations.

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House of Cards: 5x11 Chapter 63

That moment when Clare broke the forth wall…that was a little unnerving.

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Rectify: 4x01 A House Divided

That conversation between Daniel and Avery at the end of the episode where Daniel explains what he really lost in prison was one of the most profound things I've seen in a long time.

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House of Cards: 5x12 Chapter 64

Am I the only one who laughed at that 'meeting' between Underwood and Durant. I busted out laughing.

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The Crown: 2x06 Vergangenheit

Loved this episode. The use of history from WWII was really captivating.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 2x06 Let's Face the Music and Dance

Susie dancing at the end of the episode was everything. Loved it.

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Homeland: 7x11 All In

This episode was bananas. Loved it.

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American Horror Story: 4x10 Orphans

All those feels. Finding out the origins of Pepper was truly heartbreaking. Knowing how her story ended in Asylum makes this so much harder to watch.

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Angels of Death

This is a weird show. I don’t get the conceit at all. What is the point of all this? Don’t get me wrong I never miss an episode.

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Better Things: 2x10 Graduation

Sams kids, with the exception of Duke, are some of the meanest and most inconsiderate children I’ve ever seen on television. The fact that Sam just takes it really irks me. This is a great show but man are those children hard to take.

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The Good Doctor: 1x02 Mount Rushmore

Freddy Highmore is so freaking endearing it’s ridiculous.

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Chris Rock: Tamborine

The first half was really good. The last half was great.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 5x17 DFW

The opening scene was amazing.

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High Maintenance

I love this show so much. Beautiful little vignettes that reveal a lot about ordinary people living in the big city. One of my favorite shows for sure.

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Loudermilk: 1x06 Lay, Lady, Lay

I completely hate this Cutter and Tom storyline. Cutter is stop annoying.

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Mr. Mercedes

Excellent season. Excellent show. Definitely better than a lot of the crap the networks are producing. Take the time and watch a well crafted crime drama. You’ll be happy you did.

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Mr. Mercedes: 1x10 Jibber-Jibber Chicken Dinner

Excellent season finale. Excellent season overall. I’m looking forward to what the show runners do in season 2. If you haven’t watched this show it’s definitely with a viewing, it won’t disappoint.

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I really enjoyed this show. One of the best to come from Netflix in my opinion. I see why people compare this show to Breaking Bad but that show is far better than Ozark at this point. I'm curious where this show will go next year. I would certainly recommend this show if you liked Breaking Bad.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 3x09 Revelations

What the heck man. That took a turn quick. Such a good episode. Wow

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Tokyo Ghoul: 3x01 Those Who Hunt: Start

I totally need a season 1 and 2 recap cause I’m totally lost. How much time has passed since season 2?

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Better Things

Love this show. It’s seems so simple but really it’s deep and has a lot of heart.

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