



excellent film, Emmanuelle Riva thoroughly deserves the Oscar she won't get and sadly for Haneke no doubt the film will only pick up best Foreign.

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Zero Dark Thirty

good film, much better than thought it would be...very tense. Very similar in style to Argo.

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Not Fade Away

pretty weak, not total shit but the story has been done much better many times before.

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magnificent, only Django and Lincoln rival this for film of the year.

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Hopkins best since silence, very good.

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The Imposter

really good film, both fascinating and gripping. Better you read nothing about it until after.

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Seven Psychopaths

can't get over quite how bad this film is, complete and utter bollox. avoid.

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The Impossible

Shout by mrbamber

I think this film is insensitive and hugely over dramatic. On what was a horrific event they've managed to turn it into some kind of hero moment, that all is ok cos Ewan McGregor is all right.

The actual family that the movie is based on are embarrased by this, while thousands are dead.

That said it's well made, well acted I just feel it's perhaps poorly timed. Did it release on Boxing day as well?

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very poor, same as every other bond, same plot, weak script and hammy acting. if you don't like bond ignore everyones raves this is the same as all the rest.

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Killing Them Softly

liked this a lot, very stylish and gritty

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Cloud Atlas

what the fuck is this shit? incomprehensible bollocks

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good cheesey fun, nothing new but well done

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really good film to start off oscar season

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Upside Down

holy shit this film is fabulous, really lovely surprise of a film, top top marks.

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The Perks of Being a Wallflower

it's like john hughes is back from the grave. top notch.

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House at the End of the Street

jesus wept this was appalling

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Trouble with the Curve

clint being clint, what's not to like

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The Bourne Legacy

very poor, don't waste your time on this

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Lilya 4-ever

sweet jesus this is a cheery film.

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Premium Rush

such a bad film, avoid.

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The Dark Knight Rises

what they did to bane in this movie is nothing short of a travesty...really hammy performances from all, turgid script...not quite as bad as the last one but overall glad this Batman trilogy is wrapped up, as a Batman fan I look forward to someone new at the helm.

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End of Watch

someone really needs to edit @tivos comment, as if you post that you fuckwit! glad I watched it first before reading that.

anyway good film, well worth a watch for fans of training day and similar.

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good cheesey fun

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Hope Springs

best film in ages, lovely.

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fairly average sci fi affair, not awful but predictable and dull for most parts.

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The Sweeney

enjoyable cheese, worth a watch if you want to switch your brain off.

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not sure what @ear is on, to compare this to pulp fiction is ridiculous. It's ok, certainly worth a watch and has some good moments...but it's very predictable and a messy film. Overall average.

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To Rome with Love

agreed, woody being woody is magnificent...shame he isn't in this more but worth a watch for his bit parts.

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Ruby Sparks

this was ok, nothing stellar but nice enough. Certainly worth a watch but not in the same league as miss sunshine

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The Amazing Spider-Man

This was utterly abysmal, so bloody long and boring, I fell asleep twice. totally unnecessary to reboot Spiderman again, this is dross compared to the previous films.

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