
1 follower

Keswick, Ontario

Family Guy: 17x13 Trans-Fat

i watched 12 episodes in a row without moving. I think I have found my inner Peter

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Man of the House

a pretty decent Sunday afternoon hungover don't want to get off the couch flick

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after 15 minutes something in this annoyed me so much i had to consider removing the tv from my house entirely.

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The Medusa Touch

One of those few movies that stands up as well today as when I saw it in the 70s.

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Family Guy: 20x16 Prescription Heroine

I think this episode was written by the CBC.

for those who arent Canadian ... The CBC is where comedy goes to die.

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not a great movie but a good enough date night movie as you won't care if you miss portions of it.

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Beyond the Valley of the Dolls

drugs are bad mmmkay. Okay, smoking is bad; you shouldn't smoke. And alcohol is bad; you shouldn't drink alcohol. And as for drugs, well, drugs are bad; you shouldn't do drugs. But if you made it through this movie you are probably on the drugs or have an addiction to 70s erotica. Either way you should seek help

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Winter Ridge

This guy is the worst cop ever. 3 times he is incapacitated by criminals while he is chasing them.

Story was kind of contrived. I get why his wife kept sleeping

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In a world of stupid movies filling up streaming service and clogging bandwidth this one is exceptional in its stupidity. I get maybe Johnny Depp wanted to get his daughter a first roll but did they really need to lower themselves to this level to do it? I understand Justin and I See Dead People not having anything better to do with their time so why not film this but wtf Michael Parks? You only had 3 more years to live I think you could have found better things to do with your time.

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San Andreas

the initial earth quake was pretty brutal but it had been determined that all the aftershocks were caused by Alexandra Daddario running without a sports bra on.

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Head Full of Honey

One of those films i was going to watch for 15 minutes but then got sucked in for the whole thing. Nolte was brilliant as always and the chemistry he had with his young co-star was excellent. I could even tolerate Matt Dillon's presence it was so good

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Godzilla vs. Kong

Someone wanted to make Alien vs Predator vs Terminator but they couldn't afford those properties so they made this. If your girl made you watch Marriage Story this CGI slugfest is an appropriate response

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Honey Boy

Shia LaBeouf is just Americas millennial Morrisey.

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Higher Power

Their are 5 forces in nature. Gravity (weakest force with an infinite range) Weak nuclear force (next weakest force with short range) Electromagnetic force (stronger force with infinite range) Strong nuclear force (strongest force with short range) and the force that fills empty streaming services with garbage like this.

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High Life

This movie successfully explains the noodling effect wherein objects close to a black hole get stretched thin by virtue of having some of their mass closer to the hole than others. As my hand and remote was closer to the screen I decided that after 30 minutes this movie was so dense it was likely my hand had already seen the end of the movie and I could stop it.

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The Shallows

of all the girl in a skimpy bikini fighting a shark movies I've seen this is by far the skimpiest

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American Skin

Not an awful movie but it is an awful message on how the law is supposed to work

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I forgot I had seen this. Watched it again. Not awful.

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Santa Inc.: 1x03 Spring Awakening

the blueish green penis was the closest thing to funny in this episode

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Santa Inc.: 1x02 Faces of Meth

This is bad like eggnog on a beach in July

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Santa Inc.: 1x01 Where The Hell Is Brent?

I've finished episode one and wondering where i can go get covid so I will never get to the last one.

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There's Someone Inside Your House

I'm not sure if this movie is stupid woke or making fun of stupid woke people. Pretty white girl has to be a nazi. Police chief has to be a nazi. Everyone not on the woke train is a nazi. Skip it unless you like watching over privileged children complain about how hard they have it.

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All the political angst of Star Wars mixed with the over acting of Dawsons Creek and just a dash of nostalgia memmber berries.

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4 30ish year old women play highschool girls. huzzah

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Don Jon

I think this may be Brie Larson's best movie

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watched the first 5 minutes. watched the last 10 minutes. doesn't feel like i skipped anything important in the middle

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Who watches this junk? It scares me even more that movies like this are what Netlflix uses to justify its valuation. This is worse than a Carrot Top/ Pauly Shore buddy cop movie. Its worse than if Donald Trump recorded a rap album. It might just be the worst thing about 2020 and that includes covid

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Psych 2: Lassie Come Home

If you are worried you haven't seen part 1 of this first you don't need to be. This is so not funny that you will be glad you missed any prequelles or sequels or anything even tangentially related.

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Pieces of a Woman

Exceptional acting, writing and cinematography. Generally a plot line that wouldn't be in my must watch list but it was very impressive anyways.

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Da 5 Bloods

Another in a long line of Netflix movies you can watch if you feel like be preached to by people with agendas.

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