

Omicron Persei 8

Always Be My Maybe

This movie is so surprising with lots of romance and funny comedy along the way the relationship of the characters really gel together well Well Done to the amazing cast and crew bringing this amazing movie to life.

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Escape Room: Tournament of Champions
Shaun of the Dead

Just Hilarious Zombie Comedy Drama
This is so hilarious from the start cracking lots of jokes about how to overcome the Zombie Apocalypse that they are facing.

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This movie is hilarious romantic and so comedic along with action all the way I highly recommend watching it hope for another SHAFT with The SHAFT Trio in the near future.

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Five Feet Apart

Loved this film as the romance is so evident throughout the film makes you feel happy the emotionally sad at points as the real life hits in about bring with another Cystic Fibrosis patent when all the want to do is touch that we all take for granted when people with Cystic Fibrosis cannot touch at all. Best acting from the amazing Haley Lu Richardson who played Stella and the amazing Cole Sprouse who played Will. Ten out of ten highly recommend it if you have a spare hour and fifty six minutes on your hands as you will laugh and cry a lot like I did. As aromatic myself I loved this seeing two amazing people falling in love for the first time trying to overcome their obstacles too making a better quality of life for themselves.

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El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Loved every second of this movie showing that there is many Spider Man And Spider Women Superheros ETC in the multiverse really enjoyed story line on points and voice acting and animation was on point too. My favourite character is Gwen Stacey voice acted by the amazing Hailee Steinfeld really brought the character to life and I really loved the hinted relationship between Miles Morals And Gwen Stacy really takes me back to being a kid watching Spider Man in the good old days especially the films and animated ones too.

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Joe Bell
Good Boys

This is a fun hilarious family reunion Film and definitely deserves a series
This film featured Alan played by the hilarious Marlon Wayans where he wants to find out where he comes from and his family then he finds out that he has five other sibling and they are Sextuplets. Lovely to see a family come together even though I would have prefer this as a TV Series rather than a movie and I definitely recommend you watching it.

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The Interview

Very hilarious all throughout the film the jokes are class what more would you want.

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Murder Mystery

Murder Mystery so hilarious full of murder and mysteries what is not to love
Adam Sandler And Jennifer Aniston what more could you want from this movie s I am so impressed ad the classic murder on ship/ yacht really worked so well with lots of twists and turns along the way. This movie is also hilarious and a Adam Sandler And Jennifer Aniston Movie that I will never forget. Well Done to the cast and crew for getting this amazing with a lot of hilarious amazing acting throughout the film .

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Alita: Battle Angel

This film was so Extraordinary loved all the amazing CGI Battles and it was so emotional too seeing Alita making friends, learning about true emotional love, family and loosing people too. also learning about her past where she came from too. If you have a spare 2 hours 2 minutes I highly recommend you watching it as you will not be disappointed.

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The Last Summer
Avengers: Endgame
The Enormity of Life
My Mum Tracy Beaker
Men in Black: International
The Upside

Such a well acted emotional heartwarming true story film I truly did love it
This film will leave you satisfied and happy as it is a lovely film about second chances no matter how bad something seems to be. While Phill will his disability he tried to have a great quality of life by hiring Dell that treats him more like a person than a patient. Kevin Hart And Bryan Cranston are amazing in this lovely emotional movie and I would highly recommend you watching it if you have a spare two hours and six minutes.

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Long Shot

Loved this super hilarious romantic movie
This movie starts off with two people who have known each other since they were younger and they have not seen each other since the girl called charlotte at 16 years of age and she used to babysit for a boy at the time was 13 year old called Fred and they both shared a romantic moment that year in the kitchen until life goes on. Then 25 years later they meet again Fred knowing exactly who she is, however, Charlotte remembers him not straight away until she thinks have, we met before so inviting him over to speak with her. We have in this romantic story two completely different people with a lot of history who you would not think would end up together such a lovely romantic story. I would highly recommend watching it as the script is on point and the acting is phenomenal.

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You find with this movie after Jack Malik has a really hard 20 years trying to make his singing career. After an accident riding home and hit by a van on his bike he wakes up one day and everyone has forgot about the Beatles and he has a decision to make choose fame and fortune and pass the songs as his own or go with the love of his life his best friend and manager since primary school and be truly happy. I highly recommend this film as it is funny and such a feel good film with this nice little romantic love story throughout the film.

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Saving Zoë

Such an emotional story line loved it really gives a 13 Reason Why Vibe
This story is great so well acted as after Zoe is murdered a year later Echo starts investigating further into it as the police could not find anything. All suspicions are on Zoe's boyfriend still even though he has been cleared of all charges rightly so and after Echo doing some digging there is more than meets the eye to the mystery of Zoe's Murder and she goes along to solve it with a very emotional ending. I would defiantly recommend you watching it as you will not be disappointed and Vanessa Marano and Laura Marano acting is on point as we go backwards in time then forwards in time to present day too.

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If you want some hilarious comedy this will defiantly be you jam
This film is so hilarious and brings up some home truths about bullying it just shows that you can become your own boss and still be nice to people. Even though Jordan had her guard up after being bullied from being a little kid. Being wished back into her younger teenage body not at first, nevertheless eventually helped her gain perspective in the end. I would highly recommend you watch this film if you have a spare one hour a forty five minutes you will not regret it so hilarious takes so you back to being a kid.

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Spider-Man: Far From Home
Summer '03

This movie goes deep with amazing acting from Joey King
This is a really emotional movie as the Grandma revels news from her deathbed giving her clarity before she dies, nevertheless these hurtful news brings the family into a downward spiral. They screw up a lot and tires and anger is presented throughout the story, which makes no one actually sad to see her go as they are all angry with her even though she did not mean certain news in a hateful way even though it came across like that. If you are looking for a loving film that is funny comedic you have come to the wrong place, nevertheless if you are looking for a deep emotional reality film that is more like real life literally dropping a Bomb from her deathbed this is the film for you I highly recommend it as Joey King and the rest of the cast acting is amazing the crew did an amazing job too and it just shows just think about the consequences before you say anything hurtful to anyone.

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