


The Legend of Korra: 1x12 Endgame

Up until now, I was enjoying this show, but the way this episode rushed pretty much everything, especially Amon's defeat and Korra losing and then regaining her bending, makes the whole season feel pointless. And Mako with his flip-floppy fuckboy antics all but ruin this show for me. I REALLY don't want to watch anymore (especially because I keep hearing people say that Book 2 is bad), which is something I never felt while watching ATLA.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x17 The Ember Island Players

Wow, I went in knowing this was filler and expected to be bored stiff, but it's honestly one of the most entertaining episodes. Toph was absolutely hilarious as always, and it was funny seeing everyone react to their counterparts. Toph and Zuko's chat was very satisfying. As another commenter said, I could watch a lot more seasons with Team Avatar and their adventures.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x14 The Boiling Rock (1)

I see Suki, the episode gets rated a 10. Seriously though, these past few episodes have been nothing short of fantastic.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x05 The Beach

Probably one of my favorite episodes of ATLA. Wouldn't mind a whole show (or at least more episodes) focusing on the adventures/hijinks of Zuko, Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai lmao.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x03 The Painted Lady

I was hoping that in the last season, we'd be done with boring filler...

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 2x07 Zuko Alone

All right, now I see why people love Zuko so much lol.

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Breaking Bad: 3x10 Fly

I can see where Walking Dead 10x21 got it's episode idea from. As with that episode, apparently this is considered to be the worst episode of the show. And despite that, I personally really enjoyed it. I'm glad to see that some others do too.

I dunno, I prefer meaningful speeches like Walt talking about missing his "perfect moment to die" and good storytelling like Jesse talking about his Aunt and the (o)possum over an action-packed sequence, though of course there's a place for that too.

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Breaking Bad: 3x06 Sunset

Goodness what a phenomenal and tense episode, I'm sweating lmao.

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Breaking Bad: 3x03 I.F.T.

The second Ted was introduced, I knew where things were heading. I understand Skylar's perspective but basically saying that you're waiting for your husband to die to spare his son embarrassment (wouldn't be surprised if she really meant her embarrassment) is really messed up. I'm surprised I don't see anyone mentioning that, unless I misread something about the scene.

First she treats him like shit without letting him explain, then when he finally tells her the truth; that he did it to secure the family's entire future...she goes and fucks her boss. She is one of the few understandable characters I don't mind people bashing.

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Breaking Bad: 2x13 ABQ

Seems I'm in the minority here, the ending gave me chills.

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Breaking Bad: 2x08 Better Call Saul

Lol I love Saul. I can see now why he has his own show (and possibly why that show seems to be more popular than Breaking Bad).

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Breaking Bad: 2x07 Negro y Azul

Absolutely loved the song at the beginning lol. Wish that could be the intro every time (a shorter TV version, of course).

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Breaking Bad: 2x05 Breakage

I feel bad for Jesse lol. No matter what he does, Walt always ends up pissed at him.

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The Walking Dead: 10x22 Here's Negan

I'm guessing this is the episode that unfortunately made people start hating Maggie

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The Walking Dead: 5x14 Spend

Beth sacrificed herself for this guy and they kill him off after a few episodes for shock value. Now that both she and Noah are dead, a good chunk of this season feels pointless. Tyreese's death is pointless too, since they only went to that place because of Noah.

Still...this was a very good episode. Showing "This is the beginning" in his notebook afterwards was absolutely perfect. I got chills seeing that.

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The Mentalist: 1x11 Red John's Friends

Best episode so far, but Red John laughing on the phone at the end was cringy and turned him from a threatening, mysterious figure to a stereotypical cartoon villain. I could almost hear him twirling his mustache while he laughed.

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The Walking Dead: 5x02 Strangers

Really? No comments about how fucked up that last scene was? Well...I guess it was a little silly.

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The Walking Dead: 3x04 Killer Within

My second time watching this show and I've been tearing up nonstop. The proof to me that something is good is when it makes me feel something even when I've already seen it. And these first few seasons of the show are definitely good.

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Riddle Room

The last 15 minutes saved this movie honestly.

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