


Solo Leveling: 1x02 If I Had One More Chance

Shout by MSochist

Typical overhyped edgelord anime but the phenomenal English voice acting, especially for the protagonist (courtesy of the great Aleks Le) makes this show actually somewhat watchable. His screams and rage at the end gave me chills.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 1x07 Angel

Shout by MSochist

So I guess I'm the only one who liked Darla and found it hilarious when she was sliding on the table and firing guns like this was Hard Boiled/Stranglehold/The Matrix.

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Jujutsu Kaisen: 1x19 Black Flash

Meh. Don't care about the bromance cause they just met and bonded over the dumbest thing (their favorite type of woman), yet the show keeps telling you "Hey, these two are best friends! Now they're brothers!". And I can't even enjoy the action scenes cause in typical shonen fashion, they stop and overexplain everything after every single move.

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Oshi no Ko: 1x01 Mother and Children

Shout by MSochist

Let's be honest here, the episode was alright at best. The writing was far from subtle, with characters beating you over the head with "Hey, did you know the Japanese idol/entertainment industry is bad? Here's why..." every minute, making this feel more like a documentary than an anime. If they really want to shed a light on these themes, why can't they show them instead of having characters turn and exposit to the viewer about it every five minutes?

That whole murder scene was both predictable and overdone. I hate drawn-out death scenes where the dying person yammers on and on about all their hopes and dreams and wishes and regrets and "I love you sweetie, grow up to be good okay". Japanese media has a real problem with relying on melodrama. But hey look around, everyone's calling it a masterpiece, so whatever works right?

And really? Another edgy high-school revenge plot?

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Alice in Borderland: 1x05 Episode 5

Lol, every episode my score decreases. God that night scene at the pool was so fucking terrible and cliché. "Let's randomly try to rape the FL and antagonize the MC because we're the bad guys, can't you tell with how one-dimensional we are?"

I hate this "Beach" arc (I really hope it's just an arc) and what it represents for a show that I already haven't been feeling much positive things for. I'm curious if the manga handled any of this better.

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Jujutsu Kaisen: 1x46 Metamorphosis (2)

"I've trained my whole life for this" fails

Dammit can my girl Miwa (and the rest of the Kyoto kids) get at least one W please? We're at the end of Season 2 and she's done her technique like 3 times now and has still not hit a single person with it once. And they still haven't done anything useful in the plot, they showed up as if they were gonna do some work and yet can do absolutely nothing against Uraume, let alone Geto.

Also that Mei Mei scene was the cringiest thing in this show so far...

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Wednesday: 1x08 A Murder of Woes

Shout by MSochist

Am I crazy? Did I watch something different than anyone else?

I thought this show was great right up until this episode. Everything was so rushed. Weems cleverly eavesdrops on evil lady's monologue...then immediately dies right after. Enid finally goes wolf and curbstomps evil guy in seconds (I actually didn't mind this, just wanted a longer fight maybe? And maybe using the fight to add to the father/son storyline?) . Dollar Store Voldemort that's been hyped up the whole season gets resurrected...just to do absolutely nothing to no one. He doesn't even get to kill any outcasts, just shows up to the school, lights it on fire and dies very quickly. I actually looked to see how much episode was left when he died and was surprised I was at the end. People kept teleporting between locations whenever the plot demanded they be somewhere.

This needed to be either a longer episode or a two-parter. Overall though, I definitely love the show. I hope the writing for the main storyline in Season 2 will be better.

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 1x20 Young Caesar

This was one of the worst episodes for me, personally. Way too much melodrama. Way too much standing around doing nothing.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x03 The Painted Lady

I was hoping that in the last season, we'd be done with boring filler...

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The Legend of Korra: 1x12 Endgame

Up until now, I was enjoying this show, but the way this episode rushed pretty much everything, especially Amon's defeat and Korra losing and then regaining her bending, makes the whole season feel pointless. And Mako with his flip-floppy fuckboy antics all but ruin this show for me. I REALLY don't want to watch anymore (especially because I keep hearing people say that Book 2 is bad), which is something I never felt while watching ATLA.

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Jujutsu Kaisen: 1x47 Shibuya Incident - Gate, Close

I'm sorry, I've tried to like this show, I even think the Hidden Inventory arc was absolutely fantastic...but man this show is just plain bad.

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The Walking Dead: 3x04 Killer Within

My second time watching this show and I've been tearing up nonstop. The proof to me that something is good is when it makes me feel something even when I've already seen it. And these first few seasons of the show are definitely good.

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Breaking Bad: 4x09 Bug

I'm a little ashamed for it as I don't usually like to let my real life emotions affect my viewing experience, but I was very angry at Walt during the final scene...I swear he acts like Jesse's abusive dad every time they talk, always blowing up at him for the smallest mistake. Or when he doesn't do everything he says, exactly how he says it, even if it's impossible (like not poisoning a pot of food both he and his target are going to eat from). Meanwhile Jesse's going through a lot, mentally. Between Jane's death (that Walt caused), Gale's murder (which happened on Walt's orders), almost dying to a sniper, and now having to worry about preventing a huge war, Jesse's been through the ringer lately and Walt is just too - would "self-absorbed" be the right word? - give him a damn break. I think I get it though, Walt's afraid of being killed and he put he last scrap of hope on Jesse poisoning Gus. But still.

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Breaking Bad: 3x03 I.F.T.

The second Ted was introduced, I knew where things were heading. I understand Skylar's perspective but basically saying that you're waiting for your husband to die to spare his son embarrassment (wouldn't be surprised if she really meant her embarrassment) is really messed up. I'm surprised I don't see anyone mentioning that, unless I misread something about the scene.

First she treats him like shit without letting him explain, then when he finally tells her the truth; that he did it to secure the family's entire future...she goes and fucks her boss. She is one of the few understandable characters I don't mind people bashing.

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Breaking Bad: 2x05 Breakage

I feel bad for Jesse lol. No matter what he does, Walt always ends up pissed at him.

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The Walking Dead: 10x22 Here's Negan

I'm guessing this is the episode that unfortunately made people start hating Maggie

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The Mentalist: 1x11 Red John's Friends

Best episode so far, but Red John laughing on the phone at the end was cringy and turned him from a threatening, mysterious figure to a stereotypical cartoon villain. I could almost hear him twirling his mustache while he laughed.

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The Walking Dead: 5x02 Strangers

Really? No comments about how fucked up that last scene was? Well...I guess it was a little silly.

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