Miguel Costa



Marvel's Daredevil: 2x04 Penny and Dime

The Punisher was fighting to find redemption while Jon Bernthal was fighting for an Emmy Award.

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WandaVision: 1x09 The Series Finale

I'm kind of disappointed yeah, but this is simply because Marvel fans (myself included) hyped every single frame up so much - we came up with a gazillion of theories every week and expected other Marvel heroes/villains to show up at any moment. This is a show about a woman dealing with loss and having to come to terms with her grief and moving on. This was a perfect wrap up to that story. Yes, it's set in the MCU so there needs to be that element - which there was, with SWORD and Agatha - but no one was owed Fox Quicksilver or a Dr. Strange cameo or the Hex making mutants or Mephisto. We should know there wasn't going to be big reveals and much development of the overall storyline of the MCU when that's destined to happen in the movies.

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Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter


Queen Margaery
Lord Mace Tyrell
Loras Tyrell
The High Sparrow
Kevan Lannister, Hand of the King
Lancel Lannister
King Tommen Baratheon
Grand Maester Pycelle
Lord Walder Frey

Did I forget anyone?

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Squid Game: 1x09 One Lucky Day

They couldn't deliver a more satisfying ending and that forced cliffhanger for a possible 2nd season only makes it worse. Otherwise, it was one hell of a ride that i won't forget for a while.

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Infinity Pool

This movie spends most of its time tricking you into believe that it's a good movie, then you realize half-way that it's just a movie and by the end you're not even sure if you watched a movie.

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The Walking Dead: 9x16 The Storm

No signal of snow or any cold whatsoever for 9 seasons but now it's like they're living in the middle of the f*cking Artic.

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 2x07 AKA I Want Your Cray Cray

I feel I can understand Jessica's psych a little better after this episode. Definitely one of the best of the season.

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Tokyo Vice: 1x07 Sometimes They Disappear

I honestly couldn't care less about Polina or even Sam. This subplot with them is always the worst part of the episodes.

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A Murder at the End of the World: 1x01 Homme Fatale

Boring, slow, weird dialogue and the pacing is all over the place.

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Guy Ritchie's The Covenant

There's nothing groundbreaking about the tale of this movie - which was already been told countless other times with different characters - and the tension, while present, doesn't really put you in the edge of your seat when you pretty much can predict how it will all end, but the end result is still entertaining nonetheless.

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 2x13 They Reminisce Over You

That just felt weird. Luke is the main character of the show (it's his show duh!) but still every other character in it is better developed and constructed than Luke himself. Everyone is walking that fine line between good and evil, I get it, but Mariah and Luke were a bit too close for my taste. How is he just gonna take over the criminal empire of an unscrupulous murderer like her?

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Who Is America?: 1x05 Episode 5

How to trick right-wing girls into sucking your dick

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The Walking Dead: 7x15 Something They Need

Rick is like 'give me all your stuff so we can fight the bad guys that are forcing others to give up all their stuff'.

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13 Reasons Why: 1x12 Tape 6, Side B

Bryce needs to die a slow and painful death. I won't settle for less. F*cking piece of subhuman trash.

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WandaVision: 1x02 Don't Touch That Dial

Elizabeth Olsen in that assistant magician wardrobe was really a sight for the eyes.

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Better Call Saul: 3x03 Sunk Costs

Mike and his ingenious little tricks never cease to amaze me.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x02 Cut Man

That final fight scene was better than all the fight scenes in Arrow.

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The Americans: 6x10 START

They spent years in a strange country pretending to fit in, in order to do what was best for their home country. Now they’re “home”, but like Philip says it feels strange. And then Elizabeth tells him, in their native language that they’d been forbidden to use, that they’ll get used to it, just like they did all those years ago in America. No shoot outs. No chase scenes. No deaths. Just a man and a woman realizing they just lost everything they loved.

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Better Call Saul: 3x08 Slip

I got acquainted with Michael Mando, for the first time, while playing the video game "Far Cry 3", and since then I been following his career. His scenes in this episode (and throughout the show) keep showing us how talented of an actor he is. I'm hopeful it's this year he finally gets recognized because he's way too underrated.

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Westworld: 3x07 Passed Pawn

I liked Solomon. He reminded me of HAL from Space Odyssey.

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Fargo: 3x08 Who Rules the Land of Denial?

Let's recap, DJ Qualls got his head ripped off, Nikki may or may not have met God in a bowling alley, Ray was reincarnated as a cat, Yuri is missing an ear and probably dead, Sy drank some "bad" tea, Gloria's son got socks for Christmas, Varga took a dump, and Emmit is going full Legion.
That was everything I could've ever wanted from an episode of Fargo. Insane tension and violence. Random surrealism. Black humor. A surprising emotional core peeking through. Beautiful cinematography. A hell of an ending.
I think I'm gonna watch it again.

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Game of Thrones: 5x07 The Gift

I like how they're trying to make the Sand Snakes more interesting (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers cof* cof*). Cersei, you´re almost there, walk the walk Queen Mother!

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Better Call Saul: 3x05 Chicanery
13 Reasons Why: 1x11 Tape 6, Side A

Holy f*ck this show is killing me!!

"I will never hurt you, I'm not going - not now, not ever!" "I love you, Hannah"
"Why didn't you say this to me when I was alive?"

It was so heartbreaking seeing Clay so helpless when he find out, omg... but WTF Jessica you're okay with being raped??? What's the problem with her? I understand she kinda wants to forget it than deal with it still...

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House of Cards: 4x10 Chapter 49

I actually thought Frank was gonna kill her right there in the Oval Office.

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House of Cards: 5x09 Chapter 61

"Tom... don't cheat on my wife!" He actually said it, speechless! And what a vision, the two "mistresses" having a brief moment. "Hey what do you do here?". Can't get more stranger than this.

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Silicon Valley: 5x08 Fifty-One Percent

It was refreshing to see the season end on a high note instead of another "OMG WTF" cliffhanger.

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Silicon Valley: 4x10 Server Error

Username: password
Password: password


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The Blacklist: 4x22 Mr. Kaplan: Conclusion (2)

Only this show can give you all the answers and still left you wondering if that's really the truth or not.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

It seems like you either hated or loved this series finale. I thought it was just... okay?! Am I allowed to say it was okay?

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