Miguel Costa



The Blacklist: 4x07 Dr. Adrian Shaw (1)

This show is starting to become a bit too much predictable. First with Aram's girlfriend, I knew she could only be spying for Kirk. Second, the plot twist with Liz not really being Kirk's daughter. Who couldn't see that coming? And now we've this last episode where some random bus accident happens and they spend extra time giving focus to that. It could only be related to Kirk's extraction from the hospital. I mean, it was so damn obvious Kirk's men were disguised between the real passengers. The thing that remains true until now is - Red really telling Liz the truth about everything, as it seems, but, of course, without never telling her the complete story.

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Better Call Saul: 3x05 Chicanery
Better Call Saul: 3x09 Fall

Watching Jimmy bring ruin to an elderly woman's social life for his own gain was flat out disgusting.
It was the first time I've ever felt genuinely disgusted with him. All the other lies and schemes - even his bar scams as shitty as they were - didn't feel as repulsive to watch as seeing him manipulate those women like that.
Pride, anger and desperation have stripped him of his moral limits. If he ever had any they're gone now. He's not Jimmy anymore, he's Saul Goodman.

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Homeland: 6x08 alt.truth

I'm beginning to think Peter is indestructible.

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Lost in Translation

I really disliked it and found it a bit racist how they portrayed the Japanese in this movie and they did a poor job showcasing Tokyo's vibrance and color, especially when the city is like the 3rd character in the movie. A slow and boring movie for a place with such high-pace and energy like Tokyo... i don't know... it just doesn't fell right.

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The Americans: 6x10 START

They spent years in a strange country pretending to fit in, in order to do what was best for their home country. Now they’re “home”, but like Philip says it feels strange. And then Elizabeth tells him, in their native language that they’d been forbidden to use, that they’ll get used to it, just like they did all those years ago in America. No shoot outs. No chase scenes. No deaths. Just a man and a woman realizing they just lost everything they loved.

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Fargo: 3x08 Who Rules the Land of Denial?

Let's recap, DJ Qualls got his head ripped off, Nikki may or may not have met God in a bowling alley, Ray was reincarnated as a cat, Yuri is missing an ear and probably dead, Sy drank some "bad" tea, Gloria's son got socks for Christmas, Varga took a dump, and Emmit is going full Legion.
That was everything I could've ever wanted from an episode of Fargo. Insane tension and violence. Random surrealism. Black humor. A surprising emotional core peeking through. Beautiful cinematography. A hell of an ending.
I think I'm gonna watch it again.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x20 Farewell, Cruel World!

Did AIDA get Doctor Strange's powers? :O

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13 Reasons Why: 1x11 Tape 6, Side A

Holy f*ck this show is killing me!!

"I will never hurt you, I'm not going - not now, not ever!" "I love you, Hannah"
"Why didn't you say this to me when I was alive?"

It was so heartbreaking seeing Clay so helpless when he find out, omg... but WTF Jessica you're okay with being raped??? What's the problem with her? I understand she kinda wants to forget it than deal with it still...

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Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter


Queen Margaery
Lord Mace Tyrell
Loras Tyrell
The High Sparrow
Kevan Lannister, Hand of the King
Lancel Lannister
King Tommen Baratheon
Grand Maester Pycelle
Lord Walder Frey

Did I forget anyone?

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Granted that i don't watch a lot of anime, but Yor might be the most fearsome and badass female character in anime history.

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Special Ops: Lioness: 1x05 Truth Is the Shrewdest Lie

It's still crazy to me how everyone is looking the other way to the fact a CIA team operating in US soil killed 7 law enforcement agents to extract some guy from their custody.

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Guy Ritchie's The Covenant

There's nothing groundbreaking about the tale of this movie - which was already been told countless other times with different characters - and the tension, while present, doesn't really put you in the edge of your seat when you pretty much can predict how it will all end, but the end result is still entertaining nonetheless.

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WandaVision: 1x09 The Series Finale

I'm kind of disappointed yeah, but this is simply because Marvel fans (myself included) hyped every single frame up so much - we came up with a gazillion of theories every week and expected other Marvel heroes/villains to show up at any moment. This is a show about a woman dealing with loss and having to come to terms with her grief and moving on. This was a perfect wrap up to that story. Yes, it's set in the MCU so there needs to be that element - which there was, with SWORD and Agatha - but no one was owed Fox Quicksilver or a Dr. Strange cameo or the Hex making mutants or Mephisto. We should know there wasn't going to be big reveals and much development of the overall storyline of the MCU when that's destined to happen in the movies.

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WandaVision: 1x02 Don't Touch That Dial

Elizabeth Olsen in that assistant magician wardrobe was really a sight for the eyes.

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Possessor Uncut

This would have been a lot better if they had done some more world building, showing how this enterprise came to be and explore other possibilites of that body possessing machine. The ending also felt rushed.

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Homeland: 8x12 Prisoners of War

I don't know if I believe Carrie would be in any position to be able to get her hands in classified Russian material and send it to Saul. I also don't understand the point of sending secret messages in plain English inside some books travelling from Russia to the US. Why not just send Saul an email address for some provider with end-to-end encryption like ProtonMail? Carrie could access the web anywhere and even get the extra protection of a VPN. I'm sure that beats the security and practicability of that old book method, no?

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

It seems like you either hated or loved this series finale. I thought it was just... okay?! Am I allowed to say it was okay?

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Eighth Grade

Did I just watch a movie about a socially awkward eighth-grader or an attempt to be the movie where the word "cool" was said the most?

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Silicon Valley: 5x08 Fifty-One Percent

It was refreshing to see the season end on a high note instead of another "OMG WTF" cliffhanger.

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Westworld: 2x04 The Riddle of the Sphinx

This episode seems to cement the theory that Delos is replacing humans in the real world (that visit Westworld) by hosts or control units.

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Shameless: 8x04 F**k Paying It Forward

Grandpa Jew and the Pussy Grabber LMAO

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Game of Thrones: 7x01 Dragonstone

Sam travels to Old Town just to find out something Stannis had already told him a while back.

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Fargo: 3x10 Somebody to Love

Honestly though, did Emmit really deserve to die?
When he took out the loan he had absolutely no idea Varga was a criminal mastermind. By the time he figured out he was in way, way over his head and really couldn't do anything about it. What was he supposed to do at that point? Anything he did, he would've got himself killed trying to do it.
The death of his brother was a complete accident.
He was a spineless wuss, but is that deserving of death?

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Better Call Saul: 3x08 Slip

I got acquainted with Michael Mando, for the first time, while playing the video game "Far Cry 3", and since then I been following his career. His scenes in this episode (and throughout the show) keep showing us how talented of an actor he is. I'm hopeful it's this year he finally gets recognized because he's way too underrated.

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Silicon Valley: 4x04 Teambuilding Exercise

Overall, I thought this was a good episode. Maybe not full of laugh out loud moments, but that's ok. Sometimes a series needs to have an episodes that furthers the plot line and sets up dominos for them to be knocked down in future episodes. I think this episode was exactly that. As always, Guilfoyle was great, and Jian Yang steals every scene he's in. I have good hopes for the partnership with Gavin, as it's going to have its highs and lows. Part of me thinks that it might work since Gavin wants to get back at Hooli and cares about a legacy. He's also used to working with guys like Richard. Someone incredibly smart, but who fails at life.
He may end up screwing Richard over. He almost certainly will. But Peter didn't seem to do so bad afterwards, Richard may end up the same way. :)

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Better Call Saul: 3x04 Sabrosito

Jimmy knows now he only destroyed a copy and not the original tape (it's not evidence per se anymore and can argue with the board he didn't destroy evidence), meanwhile he got photos of Chuck's house (thanks Mike!) and I think he'll try to depict a narrative where Chuck is crazy and a danger to himself and he only tried to help his brother - even going as far as confessing to a crime we didn't do to make Chuck feel better. Basically, he can only be accused of breaking and entering to a point where he can argue wasn't with a malicious intent. Everything said and done, Chuck could potentially be also facing disbarment. Maybe they both lose the privilege to practice law or maybe just one.

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The Big Bang Theory: 10x21 The Separation Agitation

This episode was unusually funny with some clever jokes.

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Better Call Saul: 3x01 Mabel

For the people criticizing this episode and comparing it with Breaking Bad: It's not like season 2 or 3 from BB were that much better, right? And BCS always begin its seasons slow and finishes with a bang.

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13 Reasons Why: 1x13 Tape 7, Side A

No matter who you're or how you feel, after watching this show you'll be a different person. It'll touch you in the most profound way and change you. This a brilliant and amazing piece of art that will change the lives of various people for the better. Thank you so much Selena Gomez, Mandy Teefey and everyone involved helping to create this beautiful project.

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