


DuckTales: 1x01 Woo-oo!

Reply by Feebs

I like David Tennant, but the animation was pretty bad, and I got bored with it pretty quickly.

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@morphinapg It is a reboot of the original comic series. I thought that the animation really reflected that style well. :)

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The Blacklist: 4x15 The Apothecary

Reply by Feebs

Has anyone worked out who is trying to get Red?

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@hughie52 Mr. Kaplan

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Blindspot: 1x02 A Stray Howl

Reply by Feebs


Shout by Feebs

I am really tired of drone episodes. That being said, I liked this episode much more than the pilot. Jane is still kinda whiny and constantly repeats "But I don't know who I am", but she felt a little bit more real this episode. If Jane really is Taylor, then they would have uncovered more in the first two episodes than all of season 1 The Blacklist or Lost. I love that the mystery is slowly being revealed right from the get-go.

The secondary characters (other agents) are taking a larger role - I hope that this continues. Series are always better when secondary characters are distinct and well-thought out. Anyways, I look forward to next weeks.

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You are probably right that the DNA will come back negative -- the guy following her will see to that. But the show is still giving us answers, which is awesome and unusual for a big mystery show. I hope that it continues.

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Hacks: 1x05 Falling

Hey, that's that guy from Agents of SHIELD! What was the character's name?

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@the_argentinian I couldn't remember where I saw him until I saw your comment. It is Deke -- Fitz and Simmons grandson.

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Killjoys: 1x07 Kiss Kiss, Bye Bye

Reply by Feebs

They crammed too much into this episode. It really should have been two or three episodes. I could do without all of the romance drama. But overall, I liked what the episode did for the series and I look forward to next weeks.

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Really? I think that the main plot of the first season is figuring out their past and breaking out to have more time could have painted a better picture for the audience. Dutch and D'avin could still have both come to the conclusion to go forward; they didn't need to do it all in one go. In this episode they threw a lot of background setting stuff at us, which makes the pacing seem off. It would have been nice to have it explained a bit more. It also would have been nice to leave a few threads as to who and why they were developing kill soldiers (they didn't have to outright answer it, but a bit more meat would have gone a long way). Because it seems like both Dutch and D'avin were someone's experiment. Like I said, I still liked the episode, but I think that the pacing was off.

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