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Omicron Persei 8

My Love Story!!

from the picture i thought this was a spinoff of chihayafuru lol the girl definitely looks like chihaya and the dude in the back definitely looks like taichi

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Horimiya: 1x11 It May Seem Like Hate

when will the show stop smashing more characters into our faces and actually develop the existing characters and relationships??

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Free!: 1x06 Shocking No Breathing

Shout by Parker

honestly everything that happened in this episode was so unrealistic and unsafe i was so upset like do not mess with the ocean at night what are y'all doing also the tents had no rain fly i know i'm not supposed to think that deeply about it but sTILL

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Horimiya: 1x07 You're Here, I'm Here

forget love triangle this is like a love octagon lol

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Horimiya: 1x06 This Summer's Going to Be a Hot One

Shout by Parker

i'm unreasonably upset about this haircut he was more ~unique~ with the long hair and i liked it when it put it up ;-;

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Horimiya: 1x05 I Can't Say It Out Loud

it has its cute moments but I wish they didn't just rush through everything... They don't give any space for the story to breathe and develop x.x ...

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Horimiya: 1x03 That's Why It's Okay

Shout by Parker

the writing's clunky at best but i still felt a lil summin summin when they held hands and said i like... your hands heh

but also that fight made no sense ngl

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Horimiya: 1x01 A Tiny Happenstance

lol wow that was fast

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Violet Evergarden: 1x11 Episode 11

Shout by Parker

I did cry and felt emotional about this but like BUT LIKE THE PREMISE. Her dropping out of the sky in her dress and heels after having not trained for however long and just... maybe a little too much disbelief to suspend... lol

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Violet Evergarden: 1x05 Episode 5

Shout by Parker

they couldn't have thought of any other way to write this episode aside from glorifying and romanticizing pedophilia & grooming ????

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Free!: 1x01 Reunion at the Starting Block!


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Sword Art Online: 1x14 The End of the World

top notch voice acting by the VA of kirito.... when asuna died and he made those sad noises of disbelief that really got me

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Sword Art Online: 1x13 Edge of Hell's Abyss

i am once again asking... if i get trapped in a video game/simulation, please let me just stay there and spend my days fishing or whatever lol i don't want to be here why are they so convinced that they must return back to 'the real world' for their feelings for each other/dating/getting married to be real:rolling_eyes:

also can u imagine if sword art took place in the US all of us regular people that can't afford exorbitant healthcare bills would probably have died by now bahaha

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Sword Art Online: 1x12 Yui's Heart

Shout by Parker

ah to be 15 and be a genius programmer on top of being the highest(?) level solo player in this video game lol op characters are so hard to root for the older i get :laughing:

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Sword Art Online: 1x10 Crimson Killing Intent

"i am not a prize to be won" asuna should have said. like... why does she not have have any agency over what happens to herself in this video game >______________>

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My Love Story With Yamada-kun at Lv999: 1x11 There's Something I Want to Talk to You About

best boy eita sasaki :heart: are we going for a double friend - friend couple thing here ?

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My Love Story With Yamada-kun at Lv999: 1x10 I'll Definitely Be Hurt Someday

i love me some 'taking care of the other person who is sick' trope ;U;

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My Love Story With Yamada-kun at Lv999: 1x08 If That Happened, That Would Be...

i am screaming are you screaming i forgot how much i love cheesy romance huehuehuheueh

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My Love Story With Yamada-kun at Lv999: 1x06 I Personally Would Prefer a Love Comedy Ending

me & the ghost in my room meme on full strength over here omg

forget what i said before i love runa now

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My Love Story With Yamada-kun at Lv999: 1x05 How About You Give Us an Explanation

Shout by Parker

very common trope of killing them with kindness but like... i don't get it lol i'd be like wow fuck u you child

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My Love Story With Yamada-kun at Lv999: 1x04 Are You in Love With Yamada?

whyyy do they always pit girls against each otherrrrrr

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My Love Story With Yamada-kun at Lv999: 1x01 This Is Why I Can't Stand Gamer Guys!

ok but like i love fanfiction

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Sword Art Online: 1x08 The Sword Dance of Black and White

if I were trapped in an vrmorpg i'd probably not be fighting to get back to real life either tbh. real life sucks like why would i put my life on the line to fight in the front lines to go back to it when in an mmorpg I don't have to worry about paying rent/affording healthcare/working a life sucking job lol

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Sword Art Online: 1x07 The Temperature of the Heart

harem tropes are so annoying but when i was in high school i once fell for a dude cause he smiled at me so like... who am i to say liz's actions aren't realistic

but also i really don't like it when male characters yell at female characters and they just suddenly go quiet and subservient. and then liz gets treated like a kid/praised for it after? kinda triggering for people who have been in toxic/abusive situations.

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Sword Art Online: 1x06 Illusionary Avenger

Shout by Parker

the funny thing is this plot line actually kinda realistic (a man marrying a woman and then killing her because she doesn't act like how he thought she should - honor killing irl anyone?), but the unrealistic thing is the dude being shocked and accepting his fate when told 'you didn't love her you wanted to possess her' like i mean obviously ??

what doesn't make sense is the lackadaisical 'evidence' kirito puts together to explain what happened - the teleportation we saw on screen did not look like the durability fading animation at all and how he got from point a to point b was just nonsensical leaps and poor writing

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Sword Art Online: 1x05 Murder in the Safe Zone

spoiler for the next episode: that girl is literally acting her little ass off lol was she a theater major in the real world

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Sword Art Online: 1x04 The Black Swordsman

japanese animators leave underage girls alone and not sexualize them challenge (impossible)

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Sword Art Online: 1x03 The Red-Nosed Reindeer

Shout by Parker

i mean if you're a video gamer shouldn't you know that it is completely not safe for someone of a way higher level to be traveling with people who are at much lower of a level in the same party/guild? >_>
i do really feel for the guild leader. that was the part that got me.

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Sword Art Online: 1x01 The World of Swords

i never got around to season 3 or 4 so i figured i'd watch the first two seasons again before watching through it.. this anime was the first anime i watched as an older person and i remember the grip it had on me at the time so it'll be interesting to experience this again years later as a grown person with more life experiences and such.

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Violet Evergarden: 1x01 Episode 1

cryin at the first episode, that doesn't happen very often

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