peachy peachy


Omicron Persei 8

Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x13 The Firebending Masters

The visuals are astounding! So much love for this episode and its emphasis on fire being a source of life and energy.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 2x19 The Guru

Watching Aang go through a spiritual journey, Toph learn a new form of earthbending, Iroh and Zuko settling in a new life, Sokka realize that he has become the man he always wanted to be, and Azula using manipulation and Aang's tactics in the drill to carry out ambitious plans is chef's kiss. Now that I have written it down, however, it sounds quite messy, but there's an overarching theme of growth.

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Adventure Time: 4x25 I Remember You

This episode still really makes me cry even after 7 or 8 years.

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Riverdale: 4x19 Chapter Seventy-Six: Killing Mr. Honey

This last episode seems really promising!

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Death Note: 1x25 Silence

This episode is the biggest departure from the manga yet, and is also my favorite. It portrayed Misa as less creepy and more annoying; the chemistry and the tension between L and Light, and the emotional build up (is this the appropriate term because I actually felt L's nearing demise) to L's death. All the colors and sounds in this episode were astounding.

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Over the Garden Wall: 1x07 The Ringing of the Bell

Another one of my favorite episodes. I cannot wait to forget the story again so that I may watch it yet again.

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Over the Garden Wall: 1x05 Mad Love

There is something about this episode that really gets to me. It somewhat reminds me of Edgar Allan Poe.

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Over the Garden Wall: 1x03 Schooltown Follies

I love Miss Langtree and her songs especially her alphabet one

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Bungo Stray Dogs: 1x16 Bungo Stray Dogs

I want what Odasaku and Gide have.

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Gossip Girl: 3x07 How to Succeed in Bassness

Nate's bromance with Dan is so endearing and hilarious.
The development in Chuck's and Blair's characters, and consequently their relationship, is quite interesting. Blair is still trying to get over high school and her games, while Chuck is trying to step out of his dad's shadows and become a legitimate businessman on his own. Blair struggling to come to terms with violating Chuck's trust, which we didn't even know he values, but (almost) redeeming herself in the end was so nice. Especially after we see them talk about how they should be able to trust each other completely (in order to be a team)! Interestingly, that talk was upon Chuck's prompting- a nice foil to Dan and Serena's relationship which ended on more than one occasion due to their inability to confront their issues and reconcile.
Rufus and Lily are so cute too. He's so cute being all excited and in his Ramones costume. Lily parenting Jenny was such a sweet moment too.

I love how this and the previous episode were able to tie together so many convoluted storylines in such a neat and satisfying way.

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Gossip Girl: 3x06 Enough About Eve

This episode was so full of deceit and double crossing, I am so entertained. My favorite scenes include Blair and Chuck's game, Olivia (truly a new fave) talking about the Bu, double "oh no"s, and Lily calling Blair out and being protective of Chuck.

I hope Vanessa and Blair will become friends, or more accurately in their case, just two people who see eye to eye and may or may not respect each other, eventually.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 2x14 City of Walls and Secrets

When I was younger, The Puppetmaster was the creepiest episode of Avatar, and this one was unremarkable at worst. Now that I am older though, it is this episode that really sends chills down my spine.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 2x13 The Drill

The energy and the visuals in this episode are amazing. I also love how they show that Aang finally has the mindset of and confidence as an earthbender!

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 2x08 The Chase

I love this so much but how did they all convene in that little deserted town? I mean we can guess that Sokka and Katara followed the fur trail, Toph who did not wander too far just used her earthbending, and Iroh already mentioned tracking Zuko. BUT how did Zuko arrive there from the other earth kingdom town? Why didn't Mai and Ty Lee follow Azula?

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Big Mouth: 3x02 Girls Are Angry Too

This was really surprisingly cathartic.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x16 The Deserter

I love the juxtaposition and the visuals in this episode. Also seeing that protective side of Sokka.

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Friends: 4x03 The One with the 'Cuffs

Chandler is so hot in this season especially in this episode

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Riverdale: 3x04 Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Midnight Club

This was so fun!!! Officially my favorite episode. I love all of the actors so much omg

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Adventure Time: 7x12 Stakes: Checkmate (7)

"I'm a king, not a hamster" goes so hard actually

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Explained: 2x03 Animal Intelligence

Wow!! I loved this episode so much!! I was reminded of one my favorite courses: neuroethology wherein we studied animal behavior from a neuroscience perspective and compared it to that of humans. It really changed the way I regarded animals and humans, because I realized that we do judge animals by human standards and are not even capable of fully understanding them.

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Bungo Stray Dogs: 1x07 Love for the Disease Called Ideals

The music at the end, the pacing and the energy of both the episode and the characters! I love everything so much! The story was a bit too convoluted for me though. Also, Kunikida and Dazai's synergy rivals that of Roy and Riza's! I also liked the Death Note and Zankyou no Terror vibes.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x19 Death of the Undying

I want Colonel Roy Mustang to get me down to my knees too.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x08 The Puppetmaster

This episode is a most welcome departure from Avatar's usual ambience. I would say more, but people have already discussed how this is one of the episodes that really explores gray areas and other issues (whether cultural or moral) in great depth.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 2x09 Bitter Work

Loving the deeper exploration of the lore and characters here!

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Friends: 5x09 The One with Ross's Sandwich

The One Where Chandler and Monica Keep Pushing Joey Around

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Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir: 1x05 Timebreaker

(episode 6)
Monty Python would definitely have a field day on this fun and crazy episode. Super stressed by Marinette just ripping the papers of her sketchbook out and just crumpling them. I did not expect the ending to play out like that.

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Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir: 1x04 Lady Wifi

(episode 5) This episode was crazy (time travelling theories who). I found the ending so satisfying!!

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Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir: 1x07 The Evillustrator

(this is apparently episode 3??) still exciting in spite of the episode formula (the existence of which is not a bad thing)

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Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir: 1x02 The Bubbler

Okay so far, I like how things are unfolding in this show: two episodes in and I'm learning teeny tiny bits of info about the miraculous and Hawkmoth (good thing this show isn't too popular where I'm from or I would've been spoiled by now already); looking forward to know what else they will reveal in the following episodes

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Adventure Time: 4x05 Return to the Nightosphere

This is how I imagine hell: just bureacracy

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