peachy peachy


Omicron Persei 8

Arcane: 1x07 The Boy Savior

Boy, am I glad to know that Ekko, the little man, is the boy savior, and not Jayce Talis, who interestingly shaves his underarm.

Honestly, the whole Jinx-being-jealous-of-Caitlyn-for-replacing-her felt quite contrived, and Vi-believing-Powder-is-still-in-there-somewhere-inside-Jinx trite because idk. Maybe I am biased against Powder/Jinx, but aside from some flirting and teasing, I never really got the sense that Caitlyn and Vi had that of a strong or intimate relationship. Ekko hesitating to deal the final blow on Jinx because he still saw Powder in her in spite of his insistence that she's gone felt so well done especially compared to Vi and Jinx's interactions which feel like awkward reunions at best. I really loved the mural, and Ekko and Jinx's fight scene !!!

I like the strain being introduced to Viktor and Jayce's relationship as the latter's priorities slowly shift. It is funny how councilor Mel seems so steadfast and consistent now given how untrustworthy I found her earlier. Also losing my respect for Silco as a villain like why is he putting so much trust in this girl who's waaay too volatile and unstable,,,

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x04 An Alchemist's Anguish

I actually started watching FMAB to get this reference, and I.........

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Death Note: 1x02 Confrontation

Ryuk enjoying everything from the sidelines is my mood while watching this.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x40 Homunculus (The Dwarf in the Flask)

I am so amazed by Roy Mustang and Risa Hawkeye's synergy!

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Adventure Time: 4x05 Return to the Nightosphere

This is how I imagine hell: just bureacracy

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Sherlock: 1x03 The Great Game

Jim Moriarty looks and sounds like a muppet.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x23 Girl on the Battlefield

The people from Xing truly are a force to be reckoned with!

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Gossip Girl: 2x07 Chuck in Real Life

Nate is really starting to grow on me. Such a cute dumb boy.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 3x13 The Firebending Masters

The visuals are astounding! So much love for this episode and its emphasis on fire being a source of life and energy.

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Riverdale: 6x01 Chapter Ninety-Six: Welcome to Rivervale

"Cheryl, I'm not a virgin." ROFLMAO

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x61 He Who Would Swallow God

Kimblee's changing of allegiance doesn't even make any sense...

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x30 The Ishvalan War of Extermination

Ooh. An episode centered around my favorite duo: Roy Mustang and Risa Hawkeye. It was interesting seeing them as naive idealists becoming weapons of mass murder becoming people who are just trying so hard to keep their humanity and fulfill their dreams in spite of all the crimes they have committed.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x27 Interlude Party

Should I have skipped this episode?

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The Legend of Korra: 2x14 Light in the Dark


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The Legend of Korra: 4x07 Reunion

I have really grown to love Varrick over the seasons!

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Gossip Girl: 1x17 Woman on the Verge

There is just something about seeing the powerful, good-looking and (mostly) smart Blair, Chuck, and Nate standing together and being good friends to the pathetic, self-sabotaging Serena.

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House: 3x06 Que Será Será

i like how chase just disappeared

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House: 3x05 Fools for Love

why is everyone in this hospital so unprofessional and why am i still so entertained

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 2x19 The Guru

Watching Aang go through a spiritual journey, Toph learn a new form of earthbending, Iroh and Zuko settling in a new life, Sokka realize that he has become the man he always wanted to be, and Azula using manipulation and Aang's tactics in the drill to carry out ambitious plans is chef's kiss. Now that I have written it down, however, it sounds quite messy, but there's an overarching theme of growth.

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Kingdom: 2x06 Episode 6

I really love how Kingdom tackled different socio-political issues that are actually still happening today, so I was disappointed by the historical revisionism. Well, until I saw that turn of events after the time jump. I must admit that I am worried that I might no longer appreciate the show for its change in direction next season (diverging away from the mystery of the disease and the secrets of the royal family). But the episodes just kept getting better and better, so I trust that they could uphold the high standards they set.
I would also like to shout out my appreciation for my favorite brave and smart Seo-Bi!

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1x05 Rei I

I am still waiting for an explanation as to why Nerv is using children to pilot the Evas. One thing I am really liking about this show is that the negative impact of war and actually participating in it, on top of their personal baggage, is obvious in Rei's and Shinji's dispositions.

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Midnight Mass: 1x02 Book II: Psalms

This episode really does remind me of why I stopped practicing Catholicism. I loved Riley's monologue during the AA meeting. Father Paul's statement about grief and guilt not necessarily being good or bad was something I believed in, but yeah, suffering is bad and hearing other people trying to justify it with some Higher Power neither of you can comprehend kinda feels like a slap to the face. I also liked the scene wherein Pike died due to how sudden it was; in the midst of a celebration. This series's vibe really is interesting and fitting I think. So far anyway.

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Squid Game: 1x02 Hell

Almost a bit too dragging for me. I loved the ending shots though!

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Castlevania: 4x06 You Don't Deserve My Blood

I liked Isaac's fight scene with Carmilla and his conversation with Hector.

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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: 1x07 Muzan Kibutsuji

I am SO bothered by the bowl of udon Tanjiro dropped and the way Muzan carried his daughter. I am so excited to see more of Muzan Kibutsuji!!!

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x57 Eternal Leave

The Curtis couple and Armstrong siblings are so adorable !

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x31 The 520 Cens Promise

I want Knocs to get every bit of happiness he deserves. Also astounded by Roy Mustang's connections. Also cannot get over how he called some guy his pawn and Risa Hawkeye his queen shfhrje.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x16 Footsteps of a Comrade-in-Arms

You have to keep moving forward in a way that is acceptable to you.

This episode really broke my heart. I hope this wouldn't be the last that we would see of Gracia and Elicia.

I personally find it hard to keep track of who is where and who knows what. I also love how you can see the stuff coming just as they are unfolding because the writers really know how to drop enough hints that would lead up to the reveal.

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Death Note: 1x36 1.28

I cannot believe that Mikami's flair for dramatics is even greater than that of Light's.

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Adventure Time: 6x06 Breezy

Did Finn and LSP just go to Tier 15?

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