Gossip Girl: 3x16 The Empire Strikes Jack

Chuck calling his friends over when he found out the truth was such a nice moment- he's finally opening up.

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The Legend of Korra: 3x09 The Stakeout

I really like Zaheer and the Red Lotus as villains.

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Gossip Girl: 3x08 The Grandfather: Part II

I like that Chuck called Serena and Blair out for being childish, and that he even talked to Serena privately. I wish he talked with Blair too though. And Blair's short conversation with Brandais at the end was such a good moment, but the stuff Blair said during her pillow talk with Chuck ruined that.

Dan and Olivia'a storyline was cute but the secrets were so underwhelming. We got some really sweet Rufus and Lily exchanges too.

Nate and Vanessa's storyline was interesting too because the "we're no longer in high school" thing was highlighted again. Vanessa saying Nate had a moral compass was quite funny because even if he was the least devious among the four upper east siders, he seemed mostly apathetic at best and opportunistic at worst. The twist was unexpected too, but I'm not really interested in seeing more of Tripp's wife (I don't even know her name and I wouldn't want to actually have to).

Good episode!! Not on the same level as the previous two though.

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The Legend of Korra: 3x06 Old Wounds

I have an immense dislike for the creators showing Korra catching Lin when she fainted instead of just having the screen black out as she totally lost consciousness.

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Gossip Girl: 3x05 Rufus Getting Married

incoherent rambling
Seeing Nate and Chuck being so done with Blair's antics was funny. And Chuck's expressions!!

I'm hoping Scott would be less creepy from here on out.

THIS EPISODE !!! I CRIED !!!! we leap huhu

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The Dragon Prince: 1x04 Bloodthirsty

General Amaya!!!! I would love to see more sign language and representation in animation and other media.

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The Dragon Prince: 1x03 Moonrise

That was sad :(
I really loved the scene where Claudia tried using her hand as a light source. The other dark magic scenes were so cool too! Wondering whether they would unshroud more about dark magic because I'm excited.

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The Dragon Prince: 1x02 What Is Done

A little too predictable, slow, and black-and-white for my taste, but I really love the character designs. I laugh every thime the egg is brought up.

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Gossip Girl: 2x21 Seder Anything

Cons: Serena telling her mother she's sorry for hurting friends and family, but she misses her careless and reckless lifestyle.

Pros: Dan being a cater waiter, Eleanor being stressed and desperate for company, Cyrus trying to share his traditions and just giving up, Nate having another public outburst, and Chuck just being horny.

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Gossip Girl: 2x20 Remains of the J

WHY DOES SERENA WANT TO BE THE VICTIM SO BAD ???????????? She already admitted to throwing the party for herself, but then she paints Lily and Jenny as the ones pinning the blame on her?????

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Gossip Girl: 2x19 The Grandfather

I surprisingly like Chuck and Serena's relationship dynamics. I am amused by how Blair doesn't become self-destructive but even nastier to other people

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Gossip Girl: 2x03 The Dark Night

That scene with the creepy teenagers in the park was so funny I could forgive it for being stupid. Also strange seeing adults and teens portraying people within a small age range together.

I love Blair for being real. She, along with Chuck, are so manipulative and really take advantage of their privilege, but at the very least, they are not self-righteous or victim-y about it- unlike Serena "Do you still think I get special treatment?" "You should have mentioned my name" van der Woodsen. That argument she and Dan had in the elevator really brought out her hypocrisy and general asshole-ness. I cannot stand her so much.

I also still do not understand what happened with Nate and Vanessa, and how Catherine came into the picture. Also do not understand why Vanessa is so pushy on Nate; they might be friends or whatever, but it's up to him to open up about his personal life when he wants to whom he wants.

Jenny's storyline was predictable but still cute and makes you root for her.

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Gossip Girl: 1x18 Much 'I Do' About Nothing

Kind of scattered and all over the place, but a fun ride. Seeing Dan scheming with Blair was a treat.

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Adventure Time: 10x13 Come Along With Me

An adventure of epic proportions that isn't too epic. The war and whatever happened after feel so forced. I also feel like the creators were trying too hard to convey some deep message along with the use of the surreal visuals. Them poking fun at themselves ("you were supposed to have an epiphany") got too old really fast too. I was kinda underwhelmed, but the tragedy of Simon and Betty and the songs salvaged the episode for me.

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Gossip Girl: 1x13 The Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate

I feel Bryn, Bex, and Lily.

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Gossip Girl: 1x11 Roman Holiday

Love Blair for smoking Vanessa out and love Eleanor for really knowing her daughter.

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Gossip Girl: 1x10 Hi, Society

I did not really like this episode as much as I liked the others. I love Serena's development so far though. I am not a big fan of Alison, but her line at the end regarding how your decisions help define you was a real gold nugget.

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Gossip Girl: 1x07 Victor, Victrola

It really messes me up that some adults wrote about this 16 year old kid who loves booze, partying, and having sex with adult women. Anyway, this is the first time that I am actually intrigued by the identity of Gossip Girl. How did she witness the two different exchanges between Nate and Chuck and their respective dads.

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Gossip Girl: 1x04 Bad News Blair

Blair is so terrible, but she is a sympathetic character. I fully understand Dan's disdain for her and his confusion about Serena. The boys and their storyline were so meh (for once though, the trashy Chuck is more sensible than Nate). Great ending!

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Gossip Girl: 1x01 Pilot

looking for some drama to invest in right after binge watching cartoons from my childhood, and this really scratched the itch! I cannot figure out how old the characters are supposed to be and so far they are all kind of just blending in together. Really good pilot that can hook you right in.

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The Legend of Korra: 3x02 Rebirth

Shout by peachy peachy
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-07-18T09:54:47Z— updated 2020-08-08T22:07:55Z

Things I love about this episode: Tenzin's failed attempts at recruiting the new airbenders, the apathetic 22 year old, the villains, and Zuko and his dragon. As someone who's only watching The Legend of Korra for Aang's family at this point, seeing that this season will be about rebuilding the air nation excites me!

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Adventure Time: 6x39 Be Sweet

Honestly cannot stand Treetrunks, Mr. Pig, and Sweet P, but LSP more than made up for their presence with hers.

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The Legend of Korra: 2x06 The Sting

I really enjoyed the action and lack of Korra here. Fun seeing Mako sleuthing and messing up and not being taken seriously, but not so much fun seeing him and Asami cozying up to each other again.

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The Legend of Korra: 2x04 Civil Wars (2)

Some of the frames are so weird and wonky

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The Legend of Korra: 2x02 The Southern Lights

Too Ben 10 for my taste. Loving Unalaq and his children!

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The Legend of Korra: 1x10 Turning the Tides

the visuals are so stunning. I am already put off by how easily the equalists could overpower the benders, so having Tenzin's kids easily beat them up was quite corny. Also weirded out by General Iroh having Zuko's voice.

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The Legend of Korra: 1x08 When Extremes Meet

Korra and the councilman calling each other out on their hypocrisy was satisfying !

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The Legend of Korra: 1x07 The Aftermath

Quite predictable but amazing nonetheless

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The Legend of Korra: 1x05 The Spirit of Competition

not into this whole love triangle thing at all.

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The Golden Girls: 1x03 Rose the Prude

this is so nice, cute, and sweet. I love Rose!

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