Phil Devereux



The Lobster

Bizarre but funny and completely original.

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A lot of fun and surprisingly progressive for 1982!

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Almost as good as the book, and that's not a slight!

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Sausage Party

A hell of a lot smarter and funnier than I expected.

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Westworld: 1x07 Trompe L'Oeil

Sidseeeeee! Nooooooooo! Why?? Why not her replacement!?

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I loved this. Taking an appropriately bleak view of how our current governments would approach this type of encounter. But shining a light on a more enlightened scientific and thoughtful approach. Also, Amy Adams is terrific as always.

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Chelsea: 1x77 Do Not Despair About Our Country

Wonderful to have Senator Barbara Boxer on for such a necessary conversation today. ❤️

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The Crown

I had the privilege of seeing the first two episodes at an advance screening event in Australia and have to say they are truly excellent. The writing, acting and direction are sublime and it, appropriately, looks like a million bucks (pounds?). There is just the right amount of humour and I was surprisingly moved by the story due to the stellar performances from the entire cast.

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Transparent: 3x02 When the Battle is Over

These characters are the absolute worst. With the possible exception of the rabbi and Shelley, they are all selfish, self-absorbed, completely unlikeable assholes. Officially giving up on this show.

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The Case of: JonBenét Ramsey

It was no 'Making a Murderer' that's for sure.

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Child 44

Unfortunately this felt really rushed. It would have made a great limited or mini-series. There was just too much ground to cover from the excellent book.

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Alive Inside

Music is magic and so is this film.

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Comedy Central Roast of Rob Lowe

Jimmy Carr and Jewel were brilliant and it was wonderful to see the disgusting and truly despicable Ann Coulter finally being treated the way she deserves.

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Ordinary People

Amazing performances all round but Donald Sutherland broke my heart.

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Into Eternity: A Film for the Future

I found this documentary completely fascinating. Scientists and engineers discussing the building of a nuclear waste storage facility deep underground in Finland which must remain intact for 100,000 years and grappling with the impossibility of planning for every possible eventuality (war, earthquakes..) and what technological and scientific capabilities future humans may or may not possess.

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Mr. Holmes

Effective and affecting. A three-hander where all are truly excellent.

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Where to Invade Next

A powerful and truly global documentary.

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Utterly fascinating experiments and the conclusions about human nature they reveal.

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Grace and Frankie

After a lot of meandering this show really seems to have found its feet in the excellent penultimate and final episodes of season 2. Fonda and Tomlin are always a joy to watch despite the often lacklustre jokes and uneven tone, and Tomlin is surprisingly adept at bringing pathos to the more emotionally resonant material.

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Mr. Robot: 2x05 eps2.3_logic-b0mb.hc

Sweet merciful christ! Wtf just happened?!

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Rust and Bone

This movie was hard because I have no patience for people who are wilfully irresponsible so Schoenaerts' character's eventual redemption was just fundamentally unearned. There's no denying the performances aren't powerful, especially Cotillard's, and I understand it is their respective traumas that bind the two together in the end but I feel like it makes Cotillard's otherwise intelligent and capable character seem almost pathetic for taking him back. Nevertheless a strong film.

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Run: 1x01 Carol

Colman is predictably excellent in this bleak but realistic show.

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The Duke of Burgundy

Bizarre, funny and incredibly stylish. Sidse Babett Knudsen is in gorgeous form and perfectly cast in this delightfully odd little film.

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A magnificent indictment on warmongering politicians from any period.

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The Graham Norton Show: 19x13 Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Charlie Sheen, Christine and the Queens

9.5/10. 10 for those wonderful Ghostbusters and the amazing Christine and the Queens. Minus 0.5 for the disgusting and despicable Charlie Sheen.

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1864: 1x04 Episode 4

This episode was particularly powerful in showing the horrors of war and how the disgusting political class are out of touch and send millions of people to needless deaths.

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Samantha Bee is so much sharper than anyone else in late night. Gloriously biased towards facts and common sense.

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Rarely is a documentary so delightfully unpredictable and just straight up bizarre.

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California Suite

Jane Fonda is excellent and Maggie Smith is hilarious but the Walter Matthau and Cosby/Pryor storylines are just silly and seem totally out of place.

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Stardust Memories

Not my favourite of Allen's films. The brief alien encounter provides the most coherent and funniest moment. The rest felt a bit too all over the place.

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