Futurama: 6x04 Proposition Infinity

Futurama got woke, who the hell wrote this episode? With season 6 it's getting worse and worse. It used to be harmless comedy show without taking political sides but now it's just becoming an agenda driven show. My comedy show about science is ruined, thank you hulu

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This episode is 13 years old.

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8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown: 26x02 Sarah Millican, Tom Allen, Joe Wilkinson, Rosie Jones, Mr Swallow

Reply by Phil

Ruined by Rosie Jones again...

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You like your people with disabilities to be unseen and unheard?

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Velma: 2x01 The Mystery of Teen Romance

Reply by Phil

oh Jesus here we go again

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So why are you still watching?

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The Changeling: 1x01 First Comes Love

Reply by Phil

the man is unbearable. just annoying beyond belief. the woman isn’t written to be much better but that’s mostly due to her not having as much screentime. also why would he cut it (and without even asking!)? the instructions couldn’t have been clearer. his attitude just really bothered me. i want to continue but the smug, try hard vibe is a lot to take. also the friend sucks. like, girl shut up.

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I was bothered by him cutting it too, then I was wondering if I was superstitious when I'd say I wasn't.

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Black Mirror: 6x05 Demon 79

Reply by Phil

Definitely overhyped in the press, I honestly forgot I was watching Black Mirror.
This has been the worst season of the show.

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I avoid any hype if possible, once trakt reminds me when it's back I'm happy. It's always best to go in as blind as possible.

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Miracle Workers: 3x05 Meet the Noonans

Reply by Phil

This was the least enjoyable episode so far. But, as usual, there were at least a few enjoyable moments, those being: the first scene, the scene of Prudence's "speech" to Ezekiel, and the ending scene. Overall, besides those three moments, the episode itself was very boring.

I don't care about Trig or the relationship between her and Benny. I don't care about Karan Soni's character. And Ezekiel was lowkey a little annoying in this episode. The only characters I seem to like are Benny, Todd, and Prudence.

The halfway point of the season is this episode, and I gotta say: this season has been more underwhelming than anything. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of enjoyable moments so far, but the last few episodes, especially this one, haven't had as many. I still think this season's plot, setting, and characters are the best out of all three seasons; the season itself, though, hasn't been super enjoyable.

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@legendaryfang56 you watched it 3 times and didn't like it?

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Our Cartoon President: 3x10 Coronavirus

This episoide never aired on March 29, 2020, and still has a TBD date, as seen at:

Trakt, please correct this.

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@powersheetexcelbi I think it's airing this week.

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The Circle: 1x08 The Player I'm Saving Is ...

Reply by Phil

woww ed is a douchebag. this dude needs to get a grip.

also, sean should have been honest from the start but im glad she opened up. better late than never. i mean, her decision to catfish didnt make a lot of sense since her whole career is about being proud of being plus size or whatever body type you have so catfishing as some skinny chick doesnt make a lot of sense then. these cliffhangers are really getting to me though. i never thought reality tv would be so entertaining

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@volcaniddanvers the UK series perfected these cliffhangers, I love & hate haha.

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The Circle: 1x08 The Player I'm Saving Is ...

Reply by Phil

I'm feeling a bit tricked by this episode, cause when Sean chose her propic the first time, you can see for a second that she also has pictures of her real self, so I'm a bit suspicious as none of the other catfishes have the realself album pics.

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@nathanthenerd I'd wonder if she wasn't feeling well playing a catfish. They each have a producer visit each day that we never see so she may have raised it then.

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The Circle: 1x08 The Player I'm Saving Is ...

I'm feeling a bit tricked by this episode, cause when Sean chose her propic the first time, you can see for a second that she also has pictures of her real self, so I'm a bit suspicious as none of the other catfishes have the realself album pics.

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@lepricano Adam/Alex has pictures of his real self in a folder too. I noticed it earlier but thought he'd reveal, not Sean.

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Saturday Night Live: 45x16 SNL At Home: Tom Hanks

Reply by Phil

I don't believe this is going to be airing. Production of SNL has been put on an indefinite hold due to COVID-19.

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@jsalari it aired with the cast working from home

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South Park: 22x01 Dead Kids

Reply by Phil

Definitely the series has already lost its original humor, it only focuses on parody the current events putting Cartman and Randy as the main characters of the story, see Kenny, Stan and Kyle involved in the development of the episodes of the last seasons at the same time on screen is now very irregular. Matt and Trey just keep doing the series only for sucking money from Comedy Central.

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@johniixx and BBT and iCarly aren't "so repetitive and monotonous" ?

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South Park: 22x01 Dead Kids

Reply by Phil

Definitely the series has already lost its original humor, it only focuses on parody the current events putting Cartman and Randy as the main characters of the story, see Kenny, Stan and Kyle involved in the development of the episodes of the last seasons at the same time on screen is now very irregular. Matt and Trey just keep doing the series only for sucking money from Comedy Central.

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@johniixx on the same day you gave this a 3, you gave Big Bang Theory an 8 and an episode of iCarly an 8. I don't think your 3 has to do with South Park changing if I'm honest.

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South Park: 22x01 Dead Kids

Reply by Phil

Definitely the series has already lost its original humor, it only focuses on parody the current events putting Cartman and Randy as the main characters of the story, see Kenny, Stan and Kyle involved in the development of the episodes of the last seasons at the same time on screen is now very irregular. Matt and Trey just keep doing the series only for sucking money from Comedy Central.

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@johniixx but Big Bang Theory is an 8/10 here: https://trakt.tv/comments/192614 ?

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Attack on Titan: 3x01 Smoke Signal

We waited so long for season 2... and now we have to wait another year for season 3. This is torture

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@veronica-osaki only a year wait at least and now we're coming up to air time!

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Archer: 9x01 Strange Pilot

Reply by Phil

Wow. Did not feel this premiere at all, downright mediocre. These last seasons are really going downhill unfortunately.

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@r_lewis agreed. I think now is time I quit this show.

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Stranger Things: 2x02 Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak

Nancy attempting to speak when she's drunk off her ass was probably the worst thing i've seen all day.

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@ameliashepherd that was so bad, like she was in slow motion

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Review: 3x03 Cryogenics, Lightning, Last Review

Reply by Phil

Shout by Rohan

Was it really cancelled? 3 episodes? :\

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@rohanwesz not cancelled, it ends perfectly for the show

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Westworld: 1x10 The Bicameral Mind

I hope Ford faked his death with a Host version of himself.

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@konvar I hope he's making the sacrifice just like Arnold did and will be reborn as a host. That way Dolores kills his human body to be reborn in code.

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Westworld: 1x03 The Stray

Reply by Phil

The people that rate the episode before it's even out, I think should be deprived from their voting rights for some finite period. This is a joke. I don't understand why do they do it, is it fun or something?
The episodie page is reporting 75%, 38 watchers, 60 plays, 217 collected - and it has not been released yet...
I don't understand people anymore. I understand that there are apps an people click everything... but rating it, that must done on purpose, not by accident and it must have an intention don't know why they do it with unaired episodes -more weight to game the whole series or season ratings- I don't know but it's extremely annoying.

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@metalcoholicfreak to play devil's advocate, that would stop early voting when episodes leak early or released early like episode 2 was.

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Lip Sync Battle: 3x01 Sir Ben Kingsley vs. John Cho

Reply by Phil


Shout by Deleted

This is wrong, first episode is the all stars live.

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@mromsoe that's a special episode, data is based off of thetvdb: https://thetvdb.com/?tab=season&seriesid=293322&seasonid=680729&lid=7

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Atlanta: 1x07 B.A.N.

Reply by Phil

"The price is on the can, though."
A conversation between two people who understand their roles (i.e., customer and cashier), but don't understand the world they live in... now that's a statement!

This show's saying things most are scared of saying but need to hear... let's have conversations about the difficult stuff guys. But most importantly let's laugh about it.

Oh--and the premise for this episode? Creative, a little heavy-handed at times, but ultimately really fun to watch.

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@tehmarvelman "The price is on the can, though"

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Westworld: 1x01 The Original

Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2016-10-03T02:57:39Z— updated 2016-10-04T14:19:16Z

Just 25 minutes in and I think Westworld could be the next Battlestar Galactica. It's more dark than the movie from the 70's. Just not sure why the engineers don't see all the crazy shit Ed Harris has been up to though. If they are always watching the robots.
Still, as a fan of the original movie, this show is pretty kick ass and I can't wait for more. The movie is pretty outdated and this show makes a great insanely awesome update. Even if all of it doesn't make complete sense so far.

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@jim222001 maybe engineers don't monitor human acts for privacy. Humans would be killing and sleeping with the hosts. Would allow users to act freely. Just a quick thought

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 1x22 Latinos for Trump

Reply by Phil

Well, I gave this one another shot, and it's just not for me. The biggest thing is that I just didn't laugh, which hey, is fine for most advocacy, but it's not what Full Frontal is pitching itself as, and the easy insults as humor bit doesn't really work. I didn't always love Jon Stewart, but one of the things I appreciated about him is that he at least took pains to point out the deterioration of political discourse (even if he too was guilty of that at times and brushed it off as him just being a comedian and not a pundit). Full Frontal feels like it's contributing to that rather than fighting it. Maybe Samantha Bee is just responding to the times, but there's a lot of punching down, superiority, and mudslinging going on that isn't my cup of tea or something that really tickles my funny bone.

There's also not much nuance to the points made, independently of the comedy. There's plenty to take the media to task over in its coverage of the presidential race and the importance of putting candidates and their statements into context. But Bee doesn't even bother to take the idea of journalistic objectivity or the divide between coverage and editorial seriously, and making fun of Matt Lauer's admittedly ridiculous morning show antics feels like a cheap shot in service of her point. A strident tone is fine, especially when there's a lot to be angry about these days, but just being a dick about your point without engaging in the complexity of the issues (admittedly difficult in a 7-minute segment) is no substitute for real insight.

This was worth a try, and I'm glad to see some more diversity in the late night world, but I wish the results were better. I'll stick with John Oliver.

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@andrewbloom Sorry to hear that, I'm still loving it for anyone reading. Try it yourself and make a choice

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Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: 1x21 Democratic National Convention

Reply by Phil

First episode of the show I've seen, and it wasn't really my cup of tea. Many of the articles I've seen recommending this show compare it to Last Week Tonight, and I don't think the comparison is a favorable one. At his best, Oliver walks a nice line between information and advocacy, while throwing in some quality humor (that may be related to the topic at hand or may just be a fun flight of fancy) to help the medicine go down. In this episode, Bee seemed much more interested in scoring political points and getting in the usual digs than achieving anything like that. Even the non-political humorous asides felt flatter compared to Oliver's. (Though the description of Hillary "breaking out of the phantom zone" in the video package for her acceptance speech tickled my funny bone.)

For better or worse, I think Bee is a more direct inheritor of Jon Stewart than Oliver, Stephen Colbert, or Trevor Noah. She has his political snark and his "look at this asshole" qualities down pat, at least in this episode. Her rhythm and delivery don't seem quite as natural as Stewart's yet, though I expect that will come with more time. But more than that, there's the same smugness and sanctimoniousness that always kind of bothered me when it came to The Daily Show, particularly as compared to its sister show, The Colbert Report, which offered the same political perspective through the lens of satire rather than sanctimony. Bee certainly has a perspective, and that's vital to standing out in the crowded Late Night landscape, but I've heard this song and dance before, and I'm ready for some new notes and new steps. Colbert offered that with his satirical, goofier bent; Oliver brings it with his eclectic focuses and self-effacing comic energy, and by comparison, Bee just feels like Stewart mk. II.

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@andrewbloom I wouldn't use this episode as a standard of her or the show's quality. This with the RNC and Cleveland episodes were campaign specials. I'd recommend you check out the others that more fit the format.

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Gravity Falls: 2x18 Weirdmageddon Part I

Reply by Phil

great episode, can't wait for more!

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yeah, feels like the beginning of something big, they destroyed all three books!

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