

Omicron Persei 8

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 4x01 Water War

For me - this is one of the lowest points of the series (not counting Jar-Jar staring episodes). As season opening they obviously tried to make something different, setting the story underwater, but they didn't succeed. I've seen Clone wars series at least 3 times and the first 3 episodes of season 4 are certainly most boring in my view.

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: 1x01 Life and Death

This was horrible. So, when Ashoka is 1 year old, her mother takes her hunting... I wonder what could go wrong... Ashoka's mother tells her that whole life is sacred, then - bang! She kills a giant kangaroo that she obviously can't carry home for the meat, but it's ok, because she says she'll take only what she needs. Then a saber-tooth attacks them and kidnaps Ashoka... I liked the animation and colors, but the writing is abysmal and stupid.

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Ahsoka: 1x08 Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord

I started watching the season yesterday thinking I'll do it at one time - one episode after another. After episode 7, just before the climax, I went to bed. This is how intriguing Ahsoka is.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x05 Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian

Directed by Bryce Dallas Howard - the queen of filler.

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: 1x02 Justice

I liked this episode much more than the first one, albeit it's corny and somewhat cliche. Mostly I liked the resemblance of Dooku and Qui-gon's models to that of the real actors who plays them in the motion pictures.

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The Beatles: Get Back: 1x02 Part 2: Days 8-16

Does this guy Jackson have some fetish with 3 hour long trilogies? It's sooo boring.

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The Beatles: Get Back: 1x01 Part 1: Days 1-7

Loved the Beatles. Peter Jackson, you cunt!

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x04 An Obol for Charon

Shout by Pongo

They make a hole in the head of the most annoying ensign Tilly. With a drill. Unfortunately she survives. Suru also survives after dying for most of the episode. Thus, for the viewer enduring one and a half hour of boring cheesy farewell dialog is pointless and painful.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 2x03 Point of Light

So, the most annoying ensign Tilly, who btw weights about 80 kg., wins the marathon of the ship. It happens before opening credits, so I'd not mark it as spoiler, but yes - this is how believable the entire show is.

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Perry Mason: 1x01 Chapter 1
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 3x16 Altar of Mortis

Not typical Star wars stuff, rather reminds me of Star trek.

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Queen of the South: 3x03 Reina de Oros

I'm done. Now it sucks. Teresa Mendosa is now like Russia - the only cocaine cartel leader with a heart of gold, who got at the top with only good attitude and being polite. Sucks a lot

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