

Omicron Persei 8

Schitt's Creek: 1x05 The Cabin

The last scene brings me the first true laugh for this show.
Find it a bit odd that this got such a following and success with such a slow and, for a comedy, not funny start.
Hope it pick up in the coming episodes.

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The Dead Don't Die

What a terrible way to waste a cast like that.

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Pretty Smart

Don't know how to describe whatever this type of "acting" is called, but how on earth can anyone listen to and watch this for +40 minutes? East Asian over acting feels like an easy watch compared to this.
I feel sick after just hearing the first line being delivered in the trailer.

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

So for what reason is this nominated for an Oscar except Boseman and its 97% non-white cast? Because this movie is bad even compared with just other movies in the MCU universe. Boring story that goes on for an hour to long.
If this wins, the Oscar's as a measurement for good film making is dead.

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Suits: 6x06 Spain

I agree about the story going extremely slow, but Louis talking about his wood with Jenna is one of the best scenes for a long time in this show. But maybe that's just me being drunk while watching ;)

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The 100: 6x11 Ashes to Ashes

So far the worst episode in the worst season. This was terrible.
If nothing interesting happens in the last remaining episodes this will be my last season with this show. And I guess for everyone else too cause can't see how this can be renewed.

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Killing Eve: Season 3

Only good thing about this season is Konstantin getting scared and his laugh when asked about if his job is stressful.

Other than that it's a snooze fest where the wheel just keep on turning. Not even the actors seem to enjoy them self.

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Way to much illogic and plot holes, stuff that just happens, stuff that the lead for no apparent reason or explanation just knows. Another attempt of a time travel movie down the drains.

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Modern Family: 11x10 The Prescott

Ridiculous episode. This is so dated and done before, felt like a filler episode. Only positive thing was Stephen Marchant.

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Licorice Pizza

Liked the opening scene then I got lost in the story line, pointless scenes and weird dialogue. Can't believe this got Oscar nominated.
Alana Haims performane is probably the only thing I'll remember from this in the long run.

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American Housewife

This is so terrible I don't know where to start.
It's like a very very weak copy of The Middle, a very loud, tomfoolish, without finesse kind of copy.
Managed to watch the pilot and half of the second episode before I binned it.

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The Simpsons in Plusaversary

Well that was four wasted minutes.

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The 100: Season 6

How the F can this season have such a high rating? They've completely molested the show with all this cult of "immortals", supernatural/magical anomaly gibberish and resurrecting of dead characters. When Kane came back in a new body in episode nine just to die a second time I lost hope...
This show deserved a better faith...

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The 100: 7x13 Blood Giant

Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2020-09-14T19:25:31Z— updated 2022-02-19T15:32:49Z

The writer(s) and director(s) of this show have lost it completely, the story line is all over the place and I basically lost interest a few episodes back with the prequel episode as a tipping point.
Will only watch it til the end to find out if Raven finally will get the cred she deserves or not.

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Godzilla vs. Kong

To what purpose for the storyline was the part with Millie Bobby Brown in this movie? Completely pointless.

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Love and Monsters

Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2020-10-17T23:52:01Z— updated 2021-03-25T12:46:39Z

Clyde and Minnow feels like two characters copied straight from Zoombieland, to bad they didn't make better use of them.
This was an 8 up until the fight scenes begun when it quickly degraded it self to a weak 6.
Feels like the writers came up blank on how to end it all or ran out of time and just scribbled something down that would kind of close it.
A great idea but it fails completely in the last 1/3.

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White Wall

Don't waste your time, an endless snooze fest that leads up to an unresolving ending. Just a lot of nothing.
Only thing I'll remember from this is Mattias Nordström, impeccable once again.

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Black Widow

Had such a high hope for this one and while Scarlett and Florence deliver the story, directing and editing does not. This is sadly at the very bottom on my list of Marvel movies.

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