

Omicron Persei 8

Country Comfort

I first thought it would be the laugh box or the terrible acting that would make me turn this off after a few minutes but decided to battle through it. Then the whole gang grabbed their instruments and I called it quits.

This is so terrible in every single component that makes a TV show.

Did I mention the terrible acting? It's on a completely new level of over acting for something made in the West.

I would've guessed that this was produced by Hallmark or something like that, not Netflix.

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Impressive that they managed to cast a complete cast, including extras, that doesn't talk the dialect of the area that this is supposed to take place in. An area with a very strong and pronounced dialect. Even the lead, born and raised in the area, sounds like she's misplaced by 500km. Credibility = 0

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Don't waste your time.
First four episodes are a whole lot of nothing, with a story line going everywhere but nowhere, and the remaining four could've been cut down to two one hour episodes
On top of that it's not exactly the top tier actors you get to watch and they doesn't get much help from the director and script.

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Delete Me

This backwards timeline thing might have looked as a good idea in the pitch but it's very poorly executed and accompanied by bad directing in general.
Yet another Viaplay Original flop.

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Pretty Smart

Don't know how to describe whatever this type of "acting" is called, but how on earth can anyone listen to and watch this for +40 minutes? East Asian over acting feels like an easy watch compared to this.
I feel sick after just hearing the first line being delivered in the trailer.

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Friday Night Dinner

I hate Jim, ruins the show every single time he shows his face...

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One of very few times I've actually liked the breach of the forth wall, they really manage to pull it off in a great way.
Nicola Walker is brilliant, her part alone make it worth the watch but it's a great show overall.
So with that said it will probably not get a second season as with most shows I really like...

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Only managed to watch two episodes and I absolutely get why they canceled this and it's a wonder it got picked up from the beginning. Utter crap.

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