

Omicron Persei 8

Life on the Line


Very close to an even lower grade thanks to the last 15 minutes.

On the plus side it makes me extremely glad to be working in Sweden with this kind of stuff if this movie for real reflects how this kind of work is done in the US.

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A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

If you have a connection to or at least know who Fred Rogers is (was?) this will probably make much more sense than it did to me.
Nice acting but an incredibly dull story that takes you no where.

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The Last Padawan: A Short Star Wars Story

Nah, this one didn't fly. Might have to do with that everyone sounds like evil nazis from an old Mel Brooks film. :D
That and that the story is kind of unclear and that it tries to cram a whole Star Wars movie into 15 minutes whereas five of them is a light saber fight.

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Little Women

Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2020-01-26T09:08:05Z— updated 2020-03-22T14:21:23Z

I'm allergic to time jumps back and forth, back and forth and this movie has a lot of it and it ruins the movie completely, and they really have removed a lot of story. Especially noticeable after having watched the 3h miniseries and the movie from 1994 in the last month.

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The story is incredibly predictable and kind of boring so I don't see it winning the Oscar for best picture. Instead it should get two Oscars for best cinematography cause wow, just wow. It's a pure pleasure to watch and could as well been a silent movie as far as I care.

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First time I've ever seen CGI tears, or at least noticed that they wasn't real, the vomit scene was also a class act of poorly made CGI and the scene itself was completely unnecessary and kind of took the movie to an OK one (6) to a not so OK one (4) since it went downhill from there.
Liked Geraldine Viswanathan, so gonna have to take a look at what else she has done.

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Shameless: 10x12 "Gallavich!"

First season finale where I immediately didn't feel the need for a new episode. Weakest finale of the weakest season.

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Shameless: Season 10

Emmy Rossums character was the glue to this show and it very much fell apart when she quit and it now feels like they are trying to do a pure comedy show. The rollercoaster realism and darkness are all gone even though they try to keep it up with the story of Lip but it never really takes off.

I almost called it quits during the low grade farcical episodes that centered around Frank and Mikey that has to be one of the low marks for this show.

And why didn't they just re-shoot the whole opening scene instead of this mishmash?

Hope they can snap it up a bit and give this show the funeral it deserves in the next and final season.

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In the sixth episode the characters, and story, walked away from me and I lost the connection with both of them.
Norton is a decent actor in other productions but here he never manage to build his character to someone you either like or dislike or is able to bond to in any way, he just is. And that's a problem when you have the lead role. The cast in all is interesting and performs well and I think I would've been able to really like this show but without a proper lead character it all falls flat.

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Suits: 7x09 Shame

Feels kind of forced and ridiculous that when Donna get her partnership Gretchen all of a sudden transforms into a Donna but in a sassy Afro-american body.

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Rig 45

Amateur hour got funding?
Only managed to watch half of the first episode.
It starts with every character gets the buildup as a suspect, bam bam bam, without any finesse at all. Then follows the "burglary in the medics office where a truckload of sedatives were stolen but I didn't report it, because "Meh"-part and I just laughed out loud and turned it off.

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Modern Family: 11x10 The Prescott

Ridiculous episode. This is so dated and done before, felt like a filler episode. Only positive thing was Stephen Marchant.

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Ture Sventon

Sventon and Vessla as portrayed by Helge Skoog and Johan Ulvesson are unbeatable and even the first cast from -72 are better than in this one.
Glans is OK but Robert Gustafsson is recycling the same five characters he has been using since he was done with Percy Tårar in -96 and they stopped being funny 20 years ago.
Positively surprised by the kids though, probably have a bright future if they choose to take that path.
The show was OK to kill a couple of hours with, fun story that they manage to tell without hiccups, nice camera work and set, probably a high budget for a Swedish production.

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Seinfeld: 9x14 The Strong Box

It was under a spoon!

Love Kramer in this one.

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Rebecka Martinsson: Season 2

It seldom work when they change the lead actor in a show and this was sadly no exception. Nothing wrong with Saschas performance, except that she fails the dialect, but it just feels wrong. First story and two episodes was enough.

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Homeland: 8x12 Prisoners of War

To bad that when the show after about three sleepy seasons had the potential to become a little more interesting again, they end it. Spin-off or reboot in a couple of years? Well, well... Thanks for the entertainment!

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Ocean's Eight

Surprisingly good. Atleast better than the previously 28 sequels to Oceans 11.

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Men in Black: International

Better than the previous two in the franchise thanks to Will Smith not being in it.

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The 100: 7x01 From the Ashes

Didn't like the turn this show took last season and this one seem to continue the cheesiness with anomalies and stuff like that. At the end of it I bet they have either traveled back in time or in some other way brought all the now dead characters to life once again so they can kill them again and some for the third time.:smile: Maybe they pull of a Dallas and it's all a dream? To bad it couldn't stay on the simple dark apocalyptic sci-fi course it kept for the first five seasons.
Nice to get a few more episode with Raven though, hope she ends on top when it all ends.

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As a gigantic fan of Das Boot I had high hopes for this one and certainly didn't expect it to be a pure action flick. The fight scenes are nicely made but the stuff in between feels forced and the tempo of the whole movie is off. The wife scenes could've been skipped completely since they added nothing and the last 1/5 is way to stressed. Biggest disappointment of the year so far.

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Night Hunter

The acting performances of Brendan Fletcher and Eliana Jones is what I will remember from this movie. Daddario does one of her worst performances so far and I'm not sure if Cavill still knows that he was in this movie, looked like he just got out of bed throughout the entire thing and just read stuff from a sign.

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Bohemian Rhapsody

Malek a 10, the movie as a whole a 4 so 6 it is.

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Fighting with My Family

This one really surprised me. Was expecting something on par with what WWE produce in general, garbage shows for children, but it was so much more.

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Yoga Hosers

I seldom turn off a movie once I've pressed play but 15 minutes of this was enough, and by that Haley Joel Osment, which I've hated since The Sixth Sense, hadn't even appeared on screen yet so I knew the chances of it getting any better was less than zero.

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American Woman

If you just endure the first half of constant shouting it becomes watchable but not much more than that.

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First part is demanding if you are to sugarcoat it, second part is worth the wait though.

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Finding Dory

The "no short time memory"-thing gets old incredible fast.

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The Angry Birds Movie

It was of to a decent start when it was just about the birds but quickly fell apart when the pigs arrived.

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Marvel's Cloak & Dagger: Season 2

I totally understand why this show ended after two seasons. First one was OK but nothing more, this one was just plain boring trying so hard to be "teenage deep" that it fails completely with everything else story wise.

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Interesting and promising beginning but it never left the station, last 2/3 is a total snooze fest.

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