

Omicron Persei 8

Marvel's Luke Cage: Season 2

The writers and directors of this season is to uneven making this season fly all over the place, the story line feels more like a blurry S-curve than a straight line.

And which of the producers are Alfre Woodard related to? That has to be the explanation to how she landed this role cause it sure can't be because of her acting. Ruins every scene she's in.

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 2x09 For Pete's Sake

Alfre Woodards performance and the story with her character is ruining this show completely. The what felt as a lifetime long scene with her and her "daughter" in this episode almost made me turn the TV off. Amateur hour....

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Partisan: 1x05 Ashes to ashes, dust to dust

47 minutes of listening to Fares Fares gasping for air.

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The most over hyped show from Viasat so far.
Five episodes that tries to tell a story but fails completely and just leaves the viewer with more questions than answers what it was all about. Could aswell been cut down to a three episodes mini series and with out problems delivered the same so called story.
The script and dialogue is a joke and the directing/editing/filmography a complete mess.
Fares and Rehborg did OK considering what they had to work with.
225 wasted minutes.

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The 100: 7x13 Blood Giant

Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2020-09-14T19:25:31Z— updated 2022-02-19T15:32:49Z

The writer(s) and director(s) of this show have lost it completely, the story line is all over the place and I basically lost interest a few episodes back with the prequel episode as a tipping point.
Will only watch it til the end to find out if Raven finally will get the cred she deserves or not.

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Fullt Hus: 1x03 Episode 3

Nope, this is where this shit fest ends for me...

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Fullt Hus

Couldn't take more than three episodes.
One of the worst scripts I've seen in years, the dialogues and "jokes" is on the level of a high school play , and the directing......
Take a look at one of the shows it tries to copy instead like Solsidan, Ack Värmeland, Sommaren med släkten or Helt perfekt cause this is a complete waste of time.

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Like a bad copy of Booksmart spiced with an infomercial about abortions.
Except the message it's made to deliver and decent acting in some parts it's terrible in every aspect.
I know I'm not part of the target audience but I atleast expected some kind of entertainment.

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Enola Holmes

I'm so torn about this. Hated it when I read about it, like "WTF? Another classic character turned into anything-goes-as-long-as-it's-not-a white-man-just-because-we-are-so-woke-now for no reason at all than just that?" Turns out that Holmes is still allowed to be a white man, but then I don't get why they had to involve him at all. As a S. Holmes movie it sucks since she's not as him at all, just like 007 died when Daniel Craig arrived, but it's still an OK flick I guess. So the rating is a hard one but landed on rating it as a Sherlock Holmes movie since they try to kidnap the name so a four it is since I can't encourage a behavior like this.

They should have given her a background and character of her own instead. Now they just counteract themself by showing that they once again have to take a piggy back ride on an old male character to feel safe for it to fly. Just like the hideous Ghostbusters remake....

Just create something new instead of fiddling with stuff like this, it's just counterproductive to the cause they are out to support.

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Svenska nyheter: 6x02 Episode 2

Best episode for a long time. Looking forward to the Chinese cryfest that once again will follow :smile:

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A massive F1 fan but this thing was boring. Only things I'll remember with this is the presence of Olivia Wilde and to some extent Daniel Brühls acting. The rest will be completely forgotten within a day...

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Ramy: Season 2

Didn't like this season at all, the comedy part is almost completely gone.

Will not return for a third season if there'll be one.

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White Wall: 1x08 The end is near

W hat a crappy ending....

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White Wall

Don't waste your time, an endless snooze fest that leads up to an unresolving ending. Just a lot of nothing.
Only thing I'll remember from this is Mattias Nordström, impeccable once again.

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Violet & Daisy

Great cast wasted on a script that doesn't make any sense.

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Alla mot alla med Filip och Fredrik: 4x28 Episode 28

Claes and Lina is the worst fing team ever in this show and I so hoped that this would be their last episode. They try so hard to be PC and appear woke it just becomes ridiculous.

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Love and Monsters

Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2020-10-17T23:52:01Z— updated 2021-03-25T12:46:39Z

Clyde and Minnow feels like two characters copied straight from Zoombieland, to bad they didn't make better use of them.
This was an 8 up until the fight scenes begun when it quickly degraded it self to a weak 6.
Feels like the writers came up blank on how to end it all or ran out of time and just scribbled something down that would kind of close it.
A great idea but it fails completely in the last 1/3.

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The Glorias

What probably could have been a great movie is molested and completely destroyed by ill performed time jumps and dream scenes, it made me loose interest about half way in.

Such a terrible waste of story and talent.

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68 Whiskey

Compared to other shows that get renewed for a second season and even season after season this deserved a second chance.
It sure has its flaws and could've been done better but was very surprised to see that it already was cancelled.

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Official Secrets

Knightley does one of her better performances in this one but it gets a little boring at points and would probably been more enjoyable if had been released and watched closer to the actual events.

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Daniel di Grado should stick to directing stuff and leave the writing to others. A dull story taken forward by a badly written dialogue delivered by a cast that's not exactly top of the line.

It just another VOD assembly line production.

Not my cup of tea...

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My expectations wasn't exactly high going in to this, but come on!

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First 1/4 was very promising, after 2/4 Tuva Novotnys character is killed off which was a big downer. The third 1/4 was just confusing and the last part was more of an art installation disconnected from the first 3/4.

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First of, who was the genius that decided that some nu-metal influenced music would be a good fit for something taking place 1880-1920? Kind of ruins the mood and feel completely.
And this should've been a miniseries of 6x45min or something, this format feels kind of rushed.

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The best executed "covid 19 lockdown"-movie I've seen so far with surprisingly good acting. But as a movie story wise it's kind of ordinary, nothing that excite me.
Still looking forward to whatever project Bornebusch is up to next though, like her style both as a writer and even more so as a director.

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Season one was refreshing and fun but the second season really is a second season, more of the same stuff without adding anything new and feels repetitive and kind of dated.

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Top Dog: 1x08 Episode 8

Had hoped for a more exiting ending....

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Weddings, Funerals and Baptisms

Season one was "fun" but season two was completely colorless, plain boring, so skip the second season since it adds nothing to the story.

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Better than expected and if it hadn't been for the moral lesson that got thrown in our face in the end it would've gotten a higher grade.

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Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2020-11-25T19:12:04Z— updated 2020-12-30T13:50:16Z

As much as I disliked the character Joseph I disliked his portrayals writing of this show. Watched the first and a half episodes and the rest just played on while I began doing something more interesting and fun, cleaning my house.
I like Schwimmer but he had the script against him this time. I also liked Gana Bayarsaikhan character but the rest was just so misplaced they even were beyond the point of misplaced in a fun way.
Please don't give this a second season.

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