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Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Echo: Season 1

I really wonder what the whole plan was with this season. It looks like they had some specific story in mind, recorded everything. Probably some scenes were not done yet during the whole writers and actors strikes
And then in post-editing someone totally re-wrote the story.
There are loads of flashbacks or supporting scenes that seem to be more about native americans and their roots and customs as a sort of documentary, which in some ways is better developed than the main story itself.
Frankly I dont like the Maya character. I dont like several of the other characters either. And a lot of what we see just doesnt make sense.
You dont go driving hundred of kilometers/miles with a bullet still stuck in your chest.
Maya her endless frowning / angry face gets old quickly. I found myself fast-forwarding most of episode 2. Then I was wondering why I was even bothering with this.

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The Mandalorian: Season 3

Season 3 is a few steps down in quality from the previous seasons. ITs not bad, but just not as superb as before.

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Reacher: Season 2

I really miss Roscoe (Willa Fitzgerald).
The love interest 'tension' that is supposed to exist between Reacher and Dixon, is not so convincing.
Overal I find Season 2 less interesting unfortunately than Season 1. There are so many more people in the team involved now, it's no longer the lone wolf taking care of things.

Probably one of my most favorite moments was T-1000, uh, I mean Robert Partrick saying that he doesnt care who Sarah Conner is :)

It's not bad, just a bit less cool than season 1.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith: Season 1

I'm 4 episodes in and actually..... positive surprised. I expected some off-the-charts woke crap. Aside one racism-conversation which turned out ok, I've actually not really felt annoyed about woke virus shit. So.... all in all, pretty good. This is how Tue Lies series could have been!
Donald Glover is great in this role. Quite convincing as the modern retro weak not-very-manly-man. I'm not a huge fan of Maya Erksine, her whole character is rather bland. But together they have decent chemistry.
This series is absolutely nothing like the original movie... but pretty decent. Well above average.

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The Time Traveler's Wife: Season 1

It's a bit more drama then I expected, I thought it was going to be a bit more action.
I'm about 6 episodes into the first season. Do really like it though. Rose Leslie is superb, Theo James is 100 times better in this role then when he was in Divergent.

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Star Trek: Discovery: Season 5

This was the most cringe season of the worst ever Star Trek series.
the Academy series sounded so - potentially - interesting, until I heard it would be made as a spin-off from Discovery. So probably the same woke shit and drama cringe crap as this.
Probably it means we'll get pestered by the absolute worst of these actors with likely Tilly and Dr Culber and Adira. I'm soooo looking forward to this new series as a spin-off from Discovery. Not.

Thanx God at least Strange New Worlds is a lot less crap.

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Detective Forst: Season 1

The first few episodes started out quite interesting, but from end of episode 3 and basically most of episode 4 the story went off the rails. Not sure if I enjoy it too much. There's also a lot of nudity and sex, nearly every episode again and again. Though I am not complaining about that, pretty Polish ladies ;) But it seems more like a goal than supporting the story.

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Fool Me Once: Season 1

This series is not perfect. It has some weird scenes that are not realistic or plain simple stupid. Motivations why some characters do something, or dont do something does not always make sense.
It is a bit over-hyped.
It does not have a great ending.
It has proper dialogues, good acting, interesting(mostly ;) ) plot twists and it keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting more.
I completely binged it and am feeling a bit of simply wanting more. And a different ending.
To fill the gap I started watching The Stranger...

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The Continental: From the World of John Wick: Season 1

Huge disappointment. A lot of the series feels like it is just a bunch of random scenes that have been shot at some random time and then got added together asif you're watching a playlist of youtube clips. They may have something to do with oneanother. They may not.
A lot of this has the same kind of feeling as the Gotham series. Which I also didnt like at all. But I guess if you do like Gotham you might like this series too.

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Rabbit Hole: Season 1

This season is a bit like a confusing 24-storyline with less action scenes. More psychological warfare, difficult to follow plot twists. And just an outright strange general plot which seems to be aimed at warning us for our dwindling digital/online privacy.

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The Tourist: Season 1

This series was a real surprise. It's not perfect. It has some naiveness to it that's mindblowing. But somehow it captivates. I binged this in 3 nights in a row and find myself looking for if there's a second season.
This series is one big mindf**k with the weirdest plottwists.

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Star Trek: Picard: Season 3

Season 3 is like 1 long epic Star Trek movie. And then like... the best ST movie ever made.

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Once Upon a Time: Season 5

"5x09 The Bear King" the worst episode by far of this entire series. I hope we do not ever see the DunBroch storyline again.

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The Tower: Season 1

Way too much woke shite, of course every single white guy is a bad guy in one form or another.
If to ignore that, it is a very decent police series.
Season 1 is pretty good, not sure why people vote it so low

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Broadchurch: Season 2

season 1 was great, season 2 is total shite with endless courtroom sessions where that annoying defense lawyer keeps pulling aggressive angry shit. and the rest is endless drama.
totally hate this season.

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Broadchurch: Season 1

Season 1 was absolutely stunning.
A totally amazing cast. I totally binged this season.

I started suspecting the bad guy after episode 5 or 6, but it was at some point a matter of everyone becoming a realistic suspect.

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Da Vinci's Demons: Season 3

Way too much psychological blabla. Season 1 was superb and simply amazing.
Season 2 with the mind games, sort of alternate reality and time travel-wannebee was a huge disappointment
Season 3 was just bullcrap.

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Da Vinci's Demons: Season 1

Very weird is that Disney+ has deleted nearly all female full frontal (bush) nudity scenes, though theres still a lot of boobs.
Penisses however are shown all over the place.

This first season was pretty good, binged it during just one week. Even in 2024 it's still very watchable and I am surprised I never saw it before.

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A Murder at the End of the World: Season 1
Loki: Season 2

The humor was good.
General storyline perhaps better than season 1...
But again multiverse timetravel etc.
Too bad Loki was used as set up for this story line.
Plus it means that Avengers are also setup to go for time travel again. Sigh.
So done with Marvel.

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The White Lotus: Season 2

based on all the super negative reviews I didnt start to watch 2nd season. however - I actually enjoyed this second season. jennifer coolidge remains just as annoying as in season 1.

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Poker Face: Season 1

There were 2 dreadfully bad episodes, but mostly all others were 7 or 8 out of 10, the odd one out even a 9.
So all in all I'm quite happy with this first season and curious it will survive to go into a second season.

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The Resort: Season 1

This series is intriguing. I kind of expected a stupid and maybe even annoying comedy because of William Jackson - but it's not really a comedy at all. This is mostly a crime investigation mystery kind of series.

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The Border: Season 3

Probably season 3 is the best, better at least than season 2. Too bad this ends the series entirely, but at least there's a proper ending.

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Only Murders in the Building: Season 2

I know Selena had been ill for a while, but omg what happened to her? Did she eat Bunny and then some? :o not healthy.

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Only Murders in the Building: Season 1

I have been honestly surprised with how much I enjoyed this.
It's slow paced, but.... wow, quite amazing. Steve Martin is less Steve and Selena is a whole lot less Selena. Superb!
The chemistry between the unlikely partners in crime is superb.
Only saw first 8 episodes so far, hope they will be able to keep up the quality.

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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: Season 4

Happy to see doctor Cathy is back and that they seem to be moving back to the general story line of the books (saw 2 episodes of season 4). Funny to hear the reference of Jack going into politics. Curious what this season will bring.

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Reacher: Season 1

This series is seriously superb. The chemistry between the main characters is superb and I am totally in love with Willa Fitzgerald her character. Great action series. Not too woke either, refreshing.

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Strike: Season 5

The chemistry between Cormoran&Robin is great. Most seasons are a simple who-dunn-it scenario, but very enjoyable.

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Leverage: Redemption: Season 1

Season 1 was pretty decent. Season 2 is stupid and childish.
I very much doubt there will be a season 3 like this.

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