


Love or Spend: 1x03 Episode 3

Well then, that took a really awkward and sexist turn. Maybe Taiwanese TV drama producers need to take notes from Canada and be all, "Because it's 2015." Also, I advise everyone to skip all the dumb sibling scenes because they really add nothing to the main plot, and they're just there as distractions.

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Taste of Love: 1x01 Episode 1

The Cantonese accents of these Mandarin-speaking actors are sooo bad! Also, an eight-pack abs contest held in the middle of a supermarket? That's yet another unrealistic thing about Taiwanese dramas.

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I Am Sorry, I Love You: 1x03 Episode 3

Man, the more I watch this drama, the more impressed I am with Ray Chang's acting. The way he handles the dual environments with the ghost and reality is just really amazing coming from a Taiwanese idol actor. I mean, he's not technically an "idol actor" since he has won a Golden Horse, but his acting is just so natural, genuine, and altogether charismatic, it's just really refreshing to watch a Taiwanese actor show this sort of performance, when typically most idol actors in Taiwan tend to overact in these TV dramas.

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Taste of Love: 1x02 Episode 2

Annnd this is when the show gets cliché. It's only the second episode, and already we get scenes where: ugly siblings freak out over handsome guys; locals freak out over handsome guys; handsome guys lie to their parents; and handsome guys argue with ex-girlfriends without giving the audience any context beforehand.

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I Am Sorry, I Love You: 1x06 Episode 6

Pivotal episode, where Hongpei finally discovers the truth of what transpired during the six years when he was dead. So sad.

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I Am Sorry, I Love You: 1x11 Episode 11

Shuhai deserves a best friend that's actually human and isn't a manipulative two-sided ghost all the damn time. Mystic Dragon needs to step his game up and solve the mystery already!

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I Am Sorry, I Love You: 1x13 Episode 13

The bromance is strong in this one. Also, FYI, the TV version of this drama only has 13 episodes, whereas the Line TV version aired the full 35 episodes.

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War and Peace: 1x03 Episode 3

Poor Pierre. He deserves all the happiness in the world. I mean, I'm super happy for Prince Andrei too, but gosh, poor Pierre :( I hope this love triangle doesn't end up being this crazy intense murderous thing because I really like the other two characters too.

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War and Peace: 1x05 Episode 5

Shout by Arianne

Poor Pierre, poor Andrei, and poor Natasha. When will they ever find their happiness? At least Maria seems to finally find herself. Hope she gets to marry Natasha's brother at the end, because they all deserve better. Except for Anatole. Hope that prick dies. I don't think his leg getting chopped off is enough.

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War and Peace: 1x06 Episode 6

My God, that ending was bittersweet. It sucks that Pierre and Natasha had to go through all that just to be happy. But I suppose that's reflective of life in general - one needs to suffer to appreciate happiness that much more.

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Downton Abbey: Special 6 A Moorland Holiday

Shout by Arianne

Matthew Goode is the best part of this Christmas special episode. Also, I'm getting real tired of the Spratt/Denker conflict. Does anyone actually care about those two? The Carson and Mrs. Hughes romance is kinda boring too.

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Into the Badlands: 2x06 Leopard Stalks in Snow

Shout by Arianne
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-05-13T21:13:54Z— updated 2017-05-19T03:40:58Z

That kiss between Tilda and the other Butterfly came out of nowhere. WTF. I'm all for showing diversity in TV shows and movies, but it's gotta be weaved into the story line better; this one just plopped in without any lead-up. The show has some killer choreography, but damn, the overall story needs some drastic improvement. Ditto with line delivery. The inexperience of actors like Ally Ioannides (Tilda), Aramis Knight (M.K.), and Eve Connolly (Ava) really shows whenever they have a long scene.

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Into the Badlands: 2x07 Black Heart, White Mountain

Shout by Arianne

I'm so confused, what's the difference between the purple Abbotts and the regular Abbotts? I must have missed this detail... Glad to see Sunny back alive though. They could have fleshed out Sunny's memory/flashback a bit more, imho. It felt a little rushed, especially when there were so many other side stories to tell (e.g. Jade's capture).

EDIT: OK, found out the difference. Purple are apprentices, while orange ones are trained, which makes sense, since cutting the purple ones would make them go out of control and attack.

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Tiny Times: 1x23 Episode 23

Shout by Arianne

Nan Xiang's ex-boyfriend is a monster. Why didn't the girls go to the police? Instead, the audience is forced to watch the aftermath of a rape scene. WTF. That is utterly disgusting. I hope this psycho goes to jail. Gu Li does not deserve this; getting raped and getting shamed in front of all her friends for getting raped. What the fuck. What the fuck is this plot device. This is absolutely disgusting. So much for friendship, eh. Instead of standing up for your friends, like Gu Li did, they all embarrass her for cheating on her relationships. We spent so much time in this series discovering that Nan Xiang doesn't care for Xi Cheng anymore, so why on Earth was she angry that Gu Li "slept" with Xi Cheng? Chicks before dicks, man! WTF.

What in the world were the scriptwriters thinking? "Let's take the strongest character out of the four girls, and throw some shitty plotlines at her." This episode completely contradicts the entire goal of this drama series; this episode is completely and utterly misogynistic. Gross.

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Tiny Times: 1x28 Episode 28

I have waited so long for that scene between the two brothers. Kimi Qiao's line delivery was absolutely perfect when his character confronts Gong Ming. That scene and its follow-up show how strong the chemistry is between the three actors (e.g. Ivy Chen, Kimi Qiao, and Peter Ho). They honestly have the best chemistry among all the male-female relationships on this show. Their scenes always seem organic, and never forced. I mean, compared to the male-female relationships for Gu Li, Nan Xiang, and Wanru, the relationships Lin Xiao has with the two brothers always seem much more natural.

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Love Catharsis: 1x09 Episode 9

The wife Yuka has some serious mental health issues. No one healthy and normal throws temper tantrums like that, throwing wine glasses and dinner plates around, and then wakes up the next morning happy and cheerful as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. What a piece of shit.

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The Many Faces of Ito: 1x06 C: The Lonely Woman, Part 2

Satoko is 100% gay for Miki. Wish they had written that in instead of Satoko wanting to be Miki. It'd make a lot more sense.

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The Many Faces of Ito: 1x08 D: The Educated Novice, Part 2

Shout by Arianne

I really didn't expect Masaki Okada to show up in this. I don't think I've ever seen him in a crazy villainous role like this show's Ito. He's very convincing though.

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13 Reasons Why: 2x06 The Smile at the End of the Dock

Dylan Minnette (Clay), Brandon Flynn (Justin), and Alisha Boe (Jessica) are easily the best actors among the "teen" cast members.

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Love Me If You Dare: 1x01 Episode 1

My main complaint about this first episode is the way they've introduced the two leads together for the first time. Their first face-to-face interaction was addressing Jenny's Maslow's hierarchy of needs - survival during a thunderstorm, and then their second face-to-face interaction was about the flavour and quality of homemade fried fish. That's one hell of a jump. I get that the show implied that Jenny had been in the house for weeks before these interactions, but to the audience, she had only been in that house for a couple of days. Their interaction with each other about the homemade fish was far too casual and far too genial for a relationship that's had only a couple of face-to-face moments so far. It also really took away from the mysterious aura around Simon the first episode had been trying to suggest with the torture scene cuts.

Anyway, I think this show isn't doing a good job so far at balancing the "love cute" vibe of Chinese idol dramas with the mysterious crime drama vibe they're also trying to implement. I'll still continue watching for the time being just to see if this show turns around.

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Love Me If You Dare: 1x02 Episode 2

Slightly better than the first episode because they've finally finished setting up the characters - yes, it took them 1.5 episodes to introduce the characters and their relationships - and they're finally moving forward with solving mysteries and saving their community. Let's see how the rest of the show turns out.

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Love Me If You Dare: 1x07 Episode 7

I'm going to take a guess here and say that his best friend Fu Ziyu is actually the Flower Cannibal imposter.

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I Don't Love You Yet: 1x01 The One Whom I Decided to Never Love

The two leads have great chemistry with each other! Similar to Ariel Lin and Bolin Chen in the original Taiwanese drama. My only complaint though is that I wish they styled Jin Shiarsu's when he's acting as an adult just so he would look a bit more mature. His high school appearance and his adult appearance are too similar.

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Love Me If You Dare: 1x08 Episode 8

Man, this is such a slow-paced drama, especially for the mystery/crime genre. Not sure how much more I can sit through. The two leads have good chemistry, but it's not enough to sit through scenes that could be edited to be way shorter.

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I Don't Love You Yet: 1x03 The Seed of Love Is Planted

Ishida Ren needs more scenes where he's wearing eye glasses. He looks so much better with them on!

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I Don't Love You Yet: 1x07 The Return of the Worst Ever Ex-boyfriend

Maki's New York City cousin is hilarious omfg. The way he went out of his way to pronounce all the English terms in this clear American accent. "I SUE YOU!" What a joke, bwahahahah.

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I Don't Love You Yet: 1x09 Birthday is the Time to Confess Your Feeling

Damn, they've really dialed up the love triangle in this episode. Those angsty looks from Ren...

I can't believe Maki is back in the picture again though. Ugh. When will she leave the main story line?! Also -- I've said this previously -- the actor for Ren is infinitely better looking with glasses on.

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I Don't Love You Yet: 1x14 Episode 14

Shout by Arianne

The amount of time it took for Yo to teleport from Tokyo, Japan to Suzhou, China is worthy to be in the last two seasons of Game of Thrones.

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I Don't Love You Yet: 1x15 Episode 15

Shout by Arianne
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-09-02T13:28:41Z— updated 2019-12-12T05:22:42Z

Maki making an appearance in Shanghai was really unnecessary. Her flying all the way to China added nothing to the overall story line.

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I Don't Love You Yet: 1x16 Episode 16

Shout by Arianne

I feel like they tried to work far too many plot points into this last episode. It goes from Yo breaking up her engagement with Ryusei to Yo and Ren moving out together -- all within 45 minutes. There's also a few awkward fade-to-black frames inserted in that felt really unnecessary. The two leads have great chemistry together, so I think they could have extended this one more episode. I mean, we spent eight or so episodes in "conflict mode" (with Ryusei as the perpetrator), so having just one episode as the "conflict resolution" makes the series finale feel really unsatisfying.

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