


My Love from Another Star

The second half of the show kinda drags a bit - the way Korean shows add scenes that don't add much to the story, and you can tell the scriptwriter changed things to accommodate the TV ratings - but the first half of the story, and some of the side story lines (e.g. Lee Jaekyung conspiracy, and the detectives) make the show worth finishing to the end.

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Summer's Desire

The premise is simple enough, but everything else is like an overly melodramatic soap opera. The script, the direction, the sounding editing, the soundtrack usage... Everything is bad. More often than not, scenes cut in and out without much connection between each other, and when the drama emphasizes important plot devices, the plot device doesn't end up being too featured or too talked about in the aftermath. It's a horribly cheesy, horribly melodramatic Taiwanese drama. I skipped 8 episodes in between (out of 14 total episodes - I watched the Taiwanese version, and not the Mainland version), and I still give this review. So all in all, watch at your own risk of wasting your precious time, lol.

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Lost in Austen
Bad Guys
Best Time

This drama had a lot of potential in the first half of the show, but it takes absolutely forever in getting down to the romance triangle. But when it does, the show becomes all sorts of melodramatic - hospital scenes start happening, people become super close to dying, parents disown children, people get fired at work, people get pregnant, etc. You know, the atypical Asian drama requirements. To top it all off, the TV direction becomes super lazy in the second half of the show. It's as if the director sort of gave up too. Wallace Chung does what he can with the script near the end, but even then, the show is still super tacky.

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Game of Thrones: 5x04 Sons of the Harpy

Keisha Castle-Hughes is amazing as one of the Sand Snakes. I can't wait to see her in action!

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Game of Thrones: 5x05 Kill the Boy

This season has been a lot slower than previous season, and I'm not sure if I like it. On one hand, character development is more intricate, but on the other hand, some scenes are completely unnecessary. Ser Barristan did not need to die though. It's as if he died just so the writers could keep the Grey Worm and Missandei romance side-plot alive. Ugh.

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Orphan Black: 3x03 Formalized, Complex, and Costly

The first season is still the best season. Now, everything is far too complicated, with way too many characters to keep track of. I hope they don't add more clones, and just continue to kill people off instead.

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True Detective: 2x06 Church in Ruins

Holy crap. Rachel McAdams just continues to impress in this series. That entire sketchy pimp house scene is absolutely intense.

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I Am Sorry, I Love You

This TV drama really shows how talented Bryant Chang (now Ray Chang) is, and how deserving he is of the Best Newcomer award he received some years ago at the Golden Horse Awards. It kinda sucks that his career didn't take off after that award win, because he's one of the few "idol" actors in Taiwan right now who can pull off such a geeky character so genuinely.

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Love or Spend: 1x03 Episode 3

Well then, that took a really awkward and sexist turn. Maybe Taiwanese TV drama producers need to take notes from Canada and be all, "Because it's 2015." Also, I advise everyone to skip all the dumb sibling scenes because they really add nothing to the main plot, and they're just there as distractions.

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Taste of Love: 1x01 Episode 1

The Cantonese accents of these Mandarin-speaking actors are sooo bad! Also, an eight-pack abs contest held in the middle of a supermarket? That's yet another unrealistic thing about Taiwanese dramas.

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I Am Sorry, I Love You: 1x03 Episode 3

Man, the more I watch this drama, the more impressed I am with Ray Chang's acting. The way he handles the dual environments with the ghost and reality is just really amazing coming from a Taiwanese idol actor. I mean, he's not technically an "idol actor" since he has won a Golden Horse, but his acting is just so natural, genuine, and altogether charismatic, it's just really refreshing to watch a Taiwanese actor show this sort of performance, when typically most idol actors in Taiwan tend to overact in these TV dramas.

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Taste of Love: 1x02 Episode 2

Annnd this is when the show gets cliché. It's only the second episode, and already we get scenes where: ugly siblings freak out over handsome guys; locals freak out over handsome guys; handsome guys lie to their parents; and handsome guys argue with ex-girlfriends without giving the audience any context beforehand.

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I Am Sorry, I Love You: 1x06 Episode 6

Pivotal episode, where Hongpei finally discovers the truth of what transpired during the six years when he was dead. So sad.

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I Am Sorry, I Love You: 1x11 Episode 11

Shuhai deserves a best friend that's actually human and isn't a manipulative two-sided ghost all the damn time. Mystic Dragon needs to step his game up and solve the mystery already!

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I Am Sorry, I Love You: 1x13 Episode 13

The bromance is strong in this one. Also, FYI, the TV version of this drama only has 13 episodes, whereas the Line TV version aired the full 35 episodes.

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Downton Abbey: 3x03 Episode 3

I can't believe any scriptwriter would have the gall to write poor Lady Edith such a devastating plot twist. I mean, you'd think she has suffered enough.

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Downton Abbey: Special 3 A Journey to the Highlands

The ending is completely wonderful yet completely horrid all at the same time. Also, Edna is a stupid plot device that shouldn't have happened because Tom Branson is a sad character as it is. Watching him cry is just depressing.

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Orphan Black: 3x06 Certain Agony of the Battlefield

Shout by Arianne

Well, damn, this episode has everything: 1) Alison and Donnie twerking; 2) An amazing flashback dream sequence featuring Beth that was very well-edited; 3) Delphine returns; 4) Felix fucks Rachel up; 5) Paul being an utter gentleman, "It was never Beth I loved" swoon; 6) Paul dying; 7) Helena returns. Holy effing shit.

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Game of Thrones: 6x02 Home

Shout by Arianne

Predictable resurrection, but I appreciate it nevertheless. I'm bummed out about Dorne (episode 1), and I wish Margaery can return to King's Landing soon - the priest guy is an ass - but I'm looking forward to what's gonna happen with Sansa Stark this season. She finally has an exciting story line! Yay!

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Game of Thrones: 6x03 Oathbreaker

So happy to see the Stark family coming to their power now, each in their own individual way: Sansa with Brienne, Arya with her new skills, Jon with his new freedom, Bran with his knowledge, and well, hopefully Rickon gets a lesson of his own too.

I really hope Rickon Stark won't get murdered or tortured by Ramsay Bolton now that he's back in Castle Black, or Osha will protect him until otherwise. Maybe Jon Snow will return and murder people. Also, so happy to see Olenna Tyrell back. I miss that wise old lady.

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Orphan Black: 4x03 The Stigmata of Progress

Allison and Donnie are my favourite TV couple.

"Donnie, my sister has a robot maggot in her face. You tell me what a solid plan is." "Exactly. Now go rent a jackhammer."
"She's a scientist and a lesbian. She's not gonna let it slide."

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Into the Badlands: 1x05 Snake Creeps Down

Daniel Wu is so friggin' talented. It's so refreshing to see an actor who actually has a personal background in the martial arts perform his own stunts! It's just that much more realistic.

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Into the Badlands: 1x06 Hand of Five Poisons

Shout by Arianne

Ugh, who is this stupid River King. He's ruining everything. It was obvious right from the beginning that Quinn was gonna die eventually - and thank goodness too, because his Southern (?) drawl was awful - but god, the River King really fucked this up by splitting up the M.K. and Sunny storylines. How are they going to reunite now?! Although I guess the River King can't really be blamed, wheelchair Waldo is a traitor too.

M.K.'s voiceover at the end is super cheesy. I hope they remove all voiceover lines from the script next season. And I hope we get to see Tilda, M.K., and Veil form an alliance next season.

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War and Peace: 1x03 Episode 3

Poor Pierre. He deserves all the happiness in the world. I mean, I'm super happy for Prince Andrei too, but gosh, poor Pierre :( I hope this love triangle doesn't end up being this crazy intense murderous thing because I really like the other two characters too.

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War and Peace: 1x05 Episode 5

Shout by Arianne

Poor Pierre, poor Andrei, and poor Natasha. When will they ever find their happiness? At least Maria seems to finally find herself. Hope she gets to marry Natasha's brother at the end, because they all deserve better. Except for Anatole. Hope that prick dies. I don't think his leg getting chopped off is enough.

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War and Peace: 1x06 Episode 6

My God, that ending was bittersweet. It sucks that Pierre and Natasha had to go through all that just to be happy. But I suppose that's reflective of life in general - one needs to suffer to appreciate happiness that much more.

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Game of Thrones: 6x07 The Broken Man

Shout by Arianne

Yara Greyjoy's plan to ally with Dany Targaryen was really predictable. How did she hear about the Queen of Dragons anyway? I don't remember anyone telling her that Dany was in Meereen.

Also, I wonder who Sansa wrote to.

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Downton Abbey: Special 6 A Moorland Holiday

Shout by Arianne

Matthew Goode is the best part of this Christmas special episode. Also, I'm getting real tired of the Spratt/Denker conflict. Does anyone actually care about those two? The Carson and Mrs. Hughes romance is kinda boring too.

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