Peter J. Mello


Fort Bragg, CA, USA

The Americans: 6x09 Jennings, Elizabeth

Hi, I was hoping to make it home for dinner, but things are very topsy-turvy at the office.

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I'm sorry to hear that.

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Manifest: 2x13 Icing Conditions
A Teacher: 1x04 Episode 4

I don't see the fucking point of this show yet.

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@aya-bakr I could be completely wrong, but from what I can see the point of it is, in fact, the fucking.

An even more pressing question is: Who at FX greenlit this series, what were they smoking, and is there any left? :wink:

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Star Trek: Voyager: 1x06 The Cloud

Oh no, we lost 11% of our energy reserves! Janeway's gotta give up coffee to save power, but using the holodeck is totally fine? (And apparently even more fine when that figure doubles.)

Convenient that Chakotay happens to have his medicine bundle even though his ship was destroyed in Caretaker, isn't it? I don't remember the Maquis crew members exactly getting a chance to salvage their belongings before that Kazon ship took their shuttle in the flank…

Based on the deck layout in Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force, Neelix turns left out of the mess hall right into a dead-end when he's heading off to argue with Janeway. Turning left got him out of the shot faster, I guess.

Someone in effects should have checked the script. Those nucleonic beams were very much not parallel to the ship's central axis.

OK, nitpicks aside, I'm of two minds on this episode.

On the one hand, it does a lot of great work establishing elements of the series that I really do love (if only for nostalgic reasons, in some cases). We get a hint of the Doctor becoming more independent ("A hologram that programs himself…"). We get jokes about Neelix's cooking. Tom is already establishing himself as a holodeck wizard of sorts (even if he does write his female characters like a chauvinist).

But we also get some of the bullshit. The whole premise is just a bit hokey, and the Neelix/Kes relationship is all the more awkward when you start the series already knowing that she's two years old and will be dead by age ten. (That kiss? So uncomfortable.)

Still, Voyager was my first Trek show. I can't help but like it despite myself.

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@dgw Voyager was your first Trek show? Someone, I wish I knew who, owes you a serious apology, were done dirty.

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Away: 1x02 Negative Return

The music is still too intense in this one.

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@kcador Van Morrison is too intense? Where's your musical comfort zone, then? Tiny Bubbles by Don Ho? :champagne: :laughing:

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The Good Doctor: 1x13 Seven Reasons

Only seven reasons?

Good episode. Odd that Sean’s patient wasn’t more forthcoming up front.

If a wife refuses to give a concession for life saving surgery; couldn’t that be manslaughter?

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@danio1972 I don't see how it could be, manslaughter being homicide without intent. Either the state produces a witness who heard the husband tell the wife he'd want surgery, in which case you've got murder II, or the husband survives without the treatment, and has a soon-to-be ex-wife. I seriously doubt they would have even been able to get a judge to appoint a guardian ad litem with just Claire's affadavit. They bluffed and won because most people naturally acquiesce to authority figures, even when they're operating outside their domain.

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1883: 1x02 Behind Us, A Cliff
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x09 Subspace Rhapsody

I'm disappointed that all of Paul Wesley's singing moments weren't done as spoken word, as a tribute.

So, this was a mixed bag for me - It's very difficult to overcome my negative feelings towards musicals. I found parts of this quite entertaining, and there was also parts where I was cringing in embarrassment. I'm not sure it's going to have any rewatch value for me. I appreciated that they at least incorporated the songs into the storyline as a mystery that needed to be solved, but am never a fan of when they lean into the music as a way to dwell on a character's emotional state. Just move the damn story forward instead of sitting in a single moment for three minutes!

Some musical parts were definitely better than others, but this was always going to be a difficult one for me. There were just too many songs here, and they were too much in the musical theatre style. I didn't like the "finale" at all (the Klingon moment should have been hilarious but literally made me cry out "oh GOD NO").

At the same time, I really appreciate that Strange New Worlds is taking risks and experimenting. This is a thousand times more interesting than the super safe Berman-Trek, even when the results don't completely work for me. The problem is that we are only getting 10 episodes per season, so episodes like this can feel like a monumental waste of storytelling time.

The best stuff here was everything that dealt with character relationships - Chapel/Spock, Pike/Batel and La'an/Kirk.

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@vwfringe Oh, even though he's my favorite character of all-time, you can't leave Brent Spiner out of that crowd. Let this be a standing invite to all my Trakt peeps to stop by for a listening party; I could always use some company for the next time I roast a blunt and bust my eardrums with an ice pick while listening to the Ol' Yellow Eyes Is Back CD I paid $25 for in junior high, LOL!

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Bodies: 1x01 'You're Dead Already'
MacGyver: 1x08 Hellfire
Star Trek: Discovery: 5x10 Life, Itself
Manifest: 1x13 Cleared for Approach


Who cleans glass or in this case a glass door with a scrub brush?

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@datbabyaintmine Yeah a razor blade would work for the glass itself, but the wrought iron over it definitely calls for a solvent of some kind. This show defies logic in a lot of memorable ways, not the least of which is having their "smart guy" character routinely behave dumber than a box of rocks. Really dumb rocks.

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MacGyver: 1x18 Ugly Duckling

MacGyver fat-fingered that file name. "GUIDANCE,PGM" would probably throw an error on a computer of that era. Filenames were meant to be no more than 8 characters with a 3-character extension, separated by a dot. Not a comma.

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@dgw Unless the underlying CLI framework was POSIX-based, in which case the character limit is 14 and the extension is optional. Though honestly it didn't resemble any interface I've run across, and considering how ill-suited they all are to TV storytelling, my money is on it being nothing more than a bitmap mockup that wasn't even interactive.

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House of Cards: 5x03 Chapter 55

What movie are they watching the Underwoods in this episode?

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@khaled-123 Don't mean to sharpshoot you on an obvious typo, but for the sake of those who have yet to read this thread, the movie came out in 1944, not '94, obviously. Fred McMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, both punching above their weight classes, honestly, under direction from Billy Wilder.

It's honestly not one of my favorites from the era or the genre, but I love its selection here because it is 10,000% certain that it's the kind of movie Frank and Claire would both enjoy enough to want to turn into an Election Day tradition. With the naked avarice on display and the fast-paced dialogue that demands your attention, it's essentially a reflection of their own characters, plus who doesn't like a supporting performance by Edward G. Robinson? Beau Willimon can be kind of clunky with inauthentic dialogue at times, but when it comes to selecting little touchstones like this one and the mandala from last season, I struggle to think of anyone better.

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The Good Doctor: 4x15 Waiting
Game of Thrones: 7x02 Stormborn

They should just rename this season, "No one is taking Littlefinger's shit anymore." Also, I'm pretty sure Game of Thrones just ruined chicken pot pie for me forever...

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@yngtadpole @millie_akers SOAB! Actually no, some of us managed to sidestep that mental association somehow...that is, until some people on Trakt had to talk about it and now it's ruined for me forever too. FML. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

That said, I was impressed with how Sam just dived right into that shit. With all the gagging over the chamber pots I expected it to be a pretty tortured affair for them both. I couldn't have attempted something like that with even a tenth of his aplomb.

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House: 3x13 Needle in a Haystack
Young Sheldon: 4x08 An Existential Crisis and a Bear That Makes Bubbles

seems like George is falling apart rapidly

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@goutham3113 We've known all along that his fate was to die young, per TBBT, though I can't recall if a cause was ever canonicalized. Honestly, the way they've written the character lately, my money would be on suicide at the moment.

I feel for the guy, too: if I was married to Mary I expect I'd end up in the same headspace. Looking past the fact that her life is wholly consumed with motherhood and religion, that whole Goody Two-Shoes routine gets old quick, and at her age it's bordering on pathetic. He's got it doubly bad too considering how often he's around his mother-in-law who's got orders of magnitude more sex appeal than her daughter, despite needing to borrow Sheldon's telescope to glimpse her best years in the rear-view mirror.

Honestly, with the humor continuing to ebb from this series, I'd love for them to intentionally pivot into a full-on dysfunctional family drama rather than the current method of doing so only tacitly.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x10 The Galactic Barrier
The Handmaid's Tale: 4x05 Chicago

The "Behind Enemy Lines" slow motion explosions scene was so ridiculous. We all know nothing will happen to June. She has plot armor! And worst of all was the cover song of a Coldplay song. barf

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@the_argentinian Hey now, say what you will about the narrative shortcomings, but leave Coldplay out of it. The world can never have enough covers of Fix You, and thus one was really good! I was actually on my way to identify and pirate it when I saw your shout and felt duty-bound to respond.

For what it's worth, I liked the ending of this one. I thought the juxtaposition of the naked avarice of Aunt Lydia and Commander Lawrence with June's obvious relief at Jeanine's return was poignant and worked well, leaving a lot of empty space on the Etch-a-Sketch for the rest of the season.

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Manifest: 2x02 Grounded

I'm not too sure how I feel about Olive's storyline. It seems like pointless filler that will hold no importance other than to potentially hook her up with Maxine and as a tool to have her do something, to have some focus on her as she is one of the main characters, all because she's now the only one in the family who doesn't have Callings. I hope it has some sort of positive, worthwhile pay-off, in the end, preferably resulting in her having Callings too. I don't see any other significant, worthwhile conclusion to whatever's going on with her. Now that Grace is having them, for whatever reason, Olive is being left out, and I hope the main purpose of her storyline is to result in that no longer being the case. Simply used as a plot device to give her a romantic partner would be immensely disappointing. I hope that route of things won't be taken. At the very least, I hope that won't be the only reason for this storyline of hers.

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@legendaryfang56 @Jim222001 Did I miss something? I don't remember any scenes where Olive laid down any foundation for being attracted to women. What little we've seen of her dynamic with Maxine so far struck me as animated by a desire to covertly manipulate much more than out of a nascent romantic/sexual attraction. That pamphlet she gave Olive felt like unsubtle messaging that the group was at least partly cult-like; who else but cults and the government spends their budget on glossy printed messaging like that?

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x06 The Impossible Box

WTF, there’s smoking in space??? Nonsense.

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@d0ndada I don't think that's even the most bizarre element of the very front-and-center placement of smoking in this series. Did anyone else have to retrieve their jaw from the floor during the first episode when we see Raffi refill her "e-cigarette" device? Because what I plainly saw was a crystalline substance being stuffed inside a transparent glass tube and heated to its vapor point in what seemed like an unambiguous reference to 24th century crack/methamphetamine. I still don't know whether it was intentional, emphasizing how deep of a hole Raffi's living in or just a writing staff too green and homogenous to have anyone who could recognize how the scene would play to a wide audience...

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Devs: 1x08 Episode 8

Tbh this didn't tread any ground that hasn't been covered before. It just sprinkled some religion in there too and was about 4 episodes too long. Still think the acting and dialogue was poor too.

When you get into simulation theory I think Root said it best:
"Schrödinger said, at its base level, the universe isn't made up of physical matter, just shapes. A shape, you know, nothing firm. What it means is that the real world is essentially a simulation anyway. I like that idea-that even if we're not real that we represent a dynamic. A tiny finger tracing a line in the infinite-a shape. And, then we're gone. Listen, all l'm saying, is that if we're just information, just noise in the system, then we might as well be a symphony."

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@reiko_lj Man, you totally left me guessing with that quote. I kept asking myself, "Root? Root who? The only 'Root' I know is that nutbag Wayne Allyn Root who was on the Libertarian presidential ticket back in the day." Except I knew it couldn't be him that you were quoting; it was way too thoughtful and reflective.

For those who find themselves similarly confused, go here:

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The West Wing: 6x16 Drought Conditions

9.5/10. It's a crime that Richard Schiff didn't win an Emmy for this episode. It's a powerhouse performance as Toby, and it's kind of amazing that he's still finding new notes to play for this character six seasons into the show.

But it’s not just Schiff’s performance that wows in this episode; it’s the way the character is written. Toby has not only lost his brother, but he’s lost his brother to suicide, a fact he doesn’t share with anyone in the episode by CJ. It’s shameful in Toby’s eyes, that someone would give up like that, they would leave the fight before it was over, before the loss was truly set in stone. It’s cowardly, and that devastates him, mixed with the grief of losing someone close to him. It fits with what we know about Toby, that he hates compromise, that he hates doing anything but fighting the good fight til the bitter end. Suicide, giving up, is something that he just doesn’t understand, and so it means he doesn’t understand his brother, and is hurt and bewildered and angry all at the same time.

So he takes it out on Josh, because Josh his brother too. They never say it, and I’m glad they don’t, but the row between Toby and Josh isn’t just a professional one, it’s personal, it’s a betrayal. Toby and Josh, for all their various disagreements over the years, are close, in a way that makes their argument feel like a schism within the family. Toby is angry because two brothers have given up the fight, two brothers didn’t ask him for help; two brothers left him all to his lonesome to keep going and pick up all the pieces, be they children or government projects, that were dropped. But Toby can only express his frustrations to one of them. So he retaliates against Josh in the most Toby way possible, but passing his ideological tidbits onto one of Josh’s candidates opponents.
The reveal that that opponent, Senator Rafferty, is the woman Toby is talking to the bar from the beginning of the episode in a conversation we get interspersed throughout, is a brilliant move. I love the device, keeping the intrigue up by having the audience guess who this woman is, what her connection to Toby is, and what their conversation means. (Mrs. Bloom and I guessed: Brother’s mistress, prostitute, Rafferty staffer, but never guessed it would be Rafferty herself.) The reveal that what sounds like a romantic conversation is actually a professional one, and the little breadcrumbs dropped throughout the episode work really well to keep things flowing.

But that fight. There’s so much mutual disappointment. Josh already feels like he’s been quickly forgotten by his own people, when he can’t get in the door, can’t see the President, and his best friend is feeding lines to the other side in a way that makes the press think Bartlet is “channeling” support. Both of them are sublimating, and it’s a charged scene that leaves bruises and hurt feelings all around.
And then it’s followed up with a quiet scene, where Toby admits his lack of understanding of what his brother did, he confides in CJ, the sibling who’s stayed with him, and he breaks down, trying not to abandon the fight himself despite being at wits end. (And his scene with Leo—where the old hand explains that he’s Goliath, not David now—is superb too.) In the end, he wants to stay in the fight, and he asks Rafferty to back down, trying to make peace with all of this. It’s a great performance and a great character story.

As usual, there’s a lot more going on in the episode. In addition to dealing with Toby, CJ deals with Donna annoying former beau Cliff Calley, realizing that as pestersome as he is, Josh was equally irksome and they share an effectiveness despite (or perhaps because) of their ability to rankle. Kate puts herself back on the market after Charlie confuses what he thinks is a set up for an ex-husband checking up on Kate, but then she and Will check each other out and the show seems to be trying to setting up on that front. And Anna Beth feels like she should be on a different show, giving a broadly comedic performance after Will praises her.

But really, the heart of the episode is Toby dealing with multiple kinds of losses, and rolling them up into one big ball of misery that threatens to steamroll him. The show uses its cinematography to sell it, contrasting the slow, luxurious pace and almost sensual lighting of his scenes with Rafferty with the spinning cameras of the DNC gala covered with brightly twinkling lights. There’s a world out there, and Toby feels apart from it, but as frustrated as he is, he hangs onto his brother’s glasses, and tries to hold Rafferty off. Try as he might, he can’t let go of his brothers, either one of them.

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@andrewbloom You know how you can love something, really love it in a way you think can't increase, and yet find that love expand to fill new dimensions of itself after hearing someone artfully describe why they love it too? That's what I just felt after reading your review. It's not the first time either; the depth of your insights and the artful way you express them are among the best reasons to be on Trakt.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with all of us.

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