

Kyiv, Ukraine

Yes, God, Yes

WARNING: This is not a Christian movie! Do not watch this with your family and kids. The people who made this should be sued for using such a misleading title.

I'd only recommend this movie to people who are completely OK with going to hell, because that's all this movie teaches.

Terribly disappointed. 2/10

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@colorthekid lol, your comment is very funny

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The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window: 1x02 Episode 2

It seemed exaggerated to me: who in their right mind takes a little girl to a prison with serial killers? wasn't it better to take her to a normal office?

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@silent_hunter I doubt she would be allowed there by prison guards. They made it very tragical but also stupid

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Supernatural: 15x12 Galaxy Brain

What is with these long ass breaks between episodes?

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Well, due to Covid-19, the waiting for the finale will be longer than any other

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Hawkeye: 1x03 Echoes

I've never saw a episode so humanized. You can feel the pain from the villain and the heroes. And the long take (car scene) was the best of MCU until now - I didn't remember any long take, just saying.

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@charlesnandes yep, I agree, it's a great scene, feels like you're trapped.

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Hawkeye: 1x03 Echoes

I've never saw a episode so humanized. You can feel the pain from the villain and the heroes. And the long take (car scene) was the best of MCU until now - I didn't remember any long take, just saying.

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@charlesnandes okay, it's up to you to decide. And if we don't consider Marvel Netflix as a part of MCU. Though I beileve Loki had a long take. Also Eternals: https://www.indiewire.com/2021/10/chloe-zhao-eternals-longest-shot-length-mcu-1234670815/

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Hawkeye: 1x03 Echoes

I've never saw a episode so humanized. You can feel the pain from the villain and the heroes. And the long take (car scene) was the best of MCU until now - I didn't remember any long take, just saying.

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@charlesnandes a long take? Have you seen the Avengers?

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Fear the Walking Dead: 6x10 Handle with Care

What's the point of all this???

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@onlime the point is money

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x01 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five (V)

What is wrong with Trakt? Now it's saying that this episode airs on January 21 2020 at 9:00pm (tomorrow) when it actually already aired when Trakt originally said on January 14 2020 at 10:00pm. Why does S05E02 have the same name as S05E01? Is someone screwing the pooch? Or is it a technical error?

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@thenightwolf someone thinks the Crisis episode was special, not the part of season 5. Although Netflix thinks otherwise

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The Americans: 5x01 Amber Waves

An okay start to the final season, but a bit disappointing. In particular, I have to question why they spent over 12 minutes on digging up William's grave there at the end. It's obvious what the goal was, but did we have to see all of that? Dig, dig, dig. Shovel, shovel, shovel. Not the sort of thing that puts the "thrill" in "thriller."

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@jimgysin Season 6 will be final.

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The Man in the High Castle: 2x02 The Road Less Traveled

where exactly is the Japan/Germany border?
i thought there was a neutral zone between them.

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@mokins I think it was the German embassy

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American Gigolo: 1x03 Rapture

Reply by Ivan

Says airs September 25th, I’m watching it on the 23rd right now.

Finger prints all over the motel room from Michelle lol

Good deal for Mr. Shannonhouse if i do say so myself.

“Where’s waldo of fucking crime scenes” lol

Does this rich man not have cameras at his house to know when lets say. The guy your wife was banging shows up or the damn cops?

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@j_345 where do you watch it?

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Mayans M.C.: 4x10 When the Breakdown Hit at Midnight

Reply by Ivan

ezzy taking over like a WWE character turning heel, i enjoyed this season, and Full Throttle easter egg was a nice touch

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@tcb86 I missed Full Throttle easter egg, what was that?

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Good Will Hunting

Reply by Ivan

RIP Robin Williams. Amazing movie. I can't believe myself I didn't watch it until this time...

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@selcukermaya I watched this film yesterday, can't believe myself I hadn't done it before.

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Enough Said

Reply by Ivan

Gandolfini's last film. I really enjoyed this movie. What was really different about the film is that it was written by a woman and you can see the difference in the dialog. It also did a great job of showing how we are all counterparts (the same, but different) to each other in our various relationships.

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@adammorgan @adammorgan The Drop is his last. The nice one as well

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Reply by Ivan

Jon Voight is killing it in this terrible movie.

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@nmahoney416 the death of his character is so funny

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The Last Days on Mars

Reply by Ivan

Cross between Red Planet (2000) and Aliens (1986). Time better spent watching both those movies instead (even with Red Planet's sappiness). Well-constructed movie - good effects, average acting, below-average plot, and very poor execution of the plot.

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@jchaven-deleted-1465750726 Liev Schreiber acted well enough though

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Destiny, My Love: Second Song

Reply by Ivan

Where to watch this moviw

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@veron1234 still nowhere I'm afraid

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Human Capital

Reply by Ivan

i kept waiting for Ray to appear with a Bat and fix all problems, but it never happened. He´s so soft now.

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@pedro his life changed after he got cancelled

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 5

Reply by Ivan

Season 5A is awefull, 5B things get better

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@pedrobritohd I hope. Watching 5A now, such a mess

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x01 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five (V)

Reply by Ivan

What is wrong with Trakt? Now it's saying that this episode airs on January 21 2020 at 9:00pm (tomorrow) when it actually already aired when Trakt originally said on January 14 2020 at 10:00pm. Why does S05E02 have the same name as S05E01? Is someone screwing the pooch? Or is it a technical error?

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@thenightwolf yeah it definitely will be wrong. On Wikipedia the Crisis episode appears as 0500, on Netflix as 0501. Meet the Legends episode appears as 0501 and 0502... So all next episodes will have different numbers too, what causes a mess.

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Ray Donovan: 7x09 Bugs

Reply by Ivan

  • I like that Bunchy is working for Ray now. He does a better job than Bridget and Smitty.

  • The female cop is so dumb and naive, of course the chief is corrupt. Also, how can she continue to just handcuff people without zero reasoning?

  • I know this is fiction but Daryll ridding with a dead body next to him and doesn't get pulled over? And then walking away in plain sight with blood all over him? That was too much.

  • I enjoy these flashbacks of Ray and his siblings when they were young.

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@cutecruel I enjoyed flashbacks too, but young Ray looks nothing like the old one, at least for me.

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Ray Donovan: 6x01 Staten Island (1)

Reply by Ivan

Man, this shit is too depressing. But I still appreciate it because the casting is good and the acting is great.

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@pato22 It's, but also I think this season will be about coming back to life.

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The X-Files: 11x03 Plus One

Reply by Ivan

So, how about doing just normal x-files episodes and forget about the big mystery ?

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@finfan there is no big mystery any more.

Mulder and Scully are together again.
Aliens are out, it's been told in s11 premiere.
One question is what happened with that girl in the end of s10 premiere.
Also I hope that Smoking Man lied about William.
That new syndicate isn't interesting for me, so I almost don't care.

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