


Sol Levante

Shout by Eric
BlockedParent2020-04-19T05:18:16Z— updated 2020-04-20T18:16:02Z

Beautiful but what? It’s so short I have no idea what happened.

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BoJack Horseman: 5x08 Mr. Peanutbutter's Boos

Only a show like Bojack can toss in the origin meetings of three main characters as throwaway bits all in one episode and have it land and at the same time show how shallow those moments were for Bojack.

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Lost in Space: 2x05 Run

I hate Dr. Smith a lot. Otherwise one of my favorite episodes.

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Bluey: 3x50 Surprise!

Cute episode and we finally see Bluey all grown up. But does this mean the show is over? And who's kid is that??????

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X-Men '97: 1x02 Mutant Liberation Begins

Okay, I was a little blah about the writing of the first episode as I felt things tied up a little too neatly at the end, but this!!! This was great! The writers threw so many things at us, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. They hit hard with the intolerance of "normal" people towards those who are different, and at the end I fully expected Magneto to squash the UN tribunal or at least the assassin, but he pulled back at the last moment (I really did think he was going to drop them from high altitude). Also, Magneto is immune to Rogue's power? That's news to me. Can't blame Gambit for being hurt. Rogue gone? And now the baby Nathan is here and a 2nd Jean? So much going on. What a great show!!

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Carol & the End of the World: 1x09 Saltwater Lullaby: A Surf Odyssey

Shout by Eric
BlockedParent2024-03-09T03:59:45Z— updated 2024-04-29T22:15:37Z

I feel like the rest of the show is just an excuse to allow them to make this episode.

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Carol & the End of the World: 1x07 The Beetle Broach

This episode explained a lot without explaining anything at all. At least this was the first time we are actually getting some backstory on why what is happening is happening so … that’s good.

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Masters of the Universe: Revolution: 1x03 More Things in Heaven and Eternia

The weakest writing of the series so far. Everything is telegraphed a mile away so it makes all these set up episodes quite boring.

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Carol & the End of the World: 1x03 Throuple

Its such a sad and weird show and I almost feel like its purpose is to make people living average lives to feel like they are failures. I'm not mad at the show but it seems like the writer wants to make the mundane things in our life feel like mistakes and I mean, no I don't think they are. I'm not sure I want to do 10 episodes of this.

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Bluey: 3x47 Cricket

This is the single greatest cricket story I have ever watched. Also, I think Rusty has always been my favorite Bluey character.

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Hilda: 3x04 Chapter 4: The Laughing Merman

A charming episode with some good music where the stakes are too high. I liked it and I hope we see more of Louise.

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Star Wars Rebels: 4x03 In the Name of the Rebellion (1)

It was cool to see Kallus as a rebel. It will be interesting to see how his character arc progresses.

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Star Wars Rebels: 3x14 Trials of the Darksaber

Best episode of the entire series.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 5x01 The Phalanx Covenant (1)

I always enjoy episodes centered around Hank.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 3x19 Weapon X, Lies, and Video Tape

A good episode that exposes a little more of Logan’s past but I wonder when that well will run dry. Beast was especially cool this episode.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 4x02 One Man's Worth (2)

This two parter felt like a greatest hit show but I still enjoyed the romance between Logan and Storm. Part of it felt rushed. It might have made more sense to make this a three parter.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 3x18 Nightcrawler

A bit preachy but a good introduction for Nightcrawler. Logan was so angry this episode and even though they set him up as an angry character it would have been nice to set up a reason why. Also, I didn't like how bloodthirsty he was to kill a demon. It all made the episode seem kind of off and different tone.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 4x03 Courage

It was great to bring back the season one Sentinels and also see Trask again although other than the callback they didn’t feed into the story much. I think this probably completes the Morph arc and he finally got to show off what his powers could do. I hate the new sentinel voices however. Just horrible.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 3x17 The Juggernaut Returns

I pretty good episode and lots of great drawings of Juggernaut. I like the Power Rangers reference.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 2x12 Reunion (1)

Goofy plot but great character designs. I like the cliffhanger ending.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 2x07 Time Fugitives (1)

The first scene was quite a terminator ripoff. I love the voice actor for Apocalypse. He really sold those corny lines. And the show ends with him killing all the X-Men at once. Why didn't he just kill them all in the first place?

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What If...?: 1x06 What If… Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?

The scheme went a little too smoothly for Killmonger but overall a pretty cool alternate storyline for Tony Stark. The Wakanda battle was cool.

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Farscape: 1x12 The Flax

Good episode and we got to know the characters better. I enjoyed how Rygel got one over on the pirate.

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Dragon Age: Absolution: 1x06 The Price of Salvation

Great finale. I appreciate how much effort was put into weaving in the great Dragon Age lore but still keep this story simple and personal to the characters. Looking forward to Season 2.

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Dragon Age: Absolution: 1x04 Those Who Falsely Dream

That fight was really awesome.

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Willow: 1x01 The Gales

Hey, this was a super fun sequel to a great movie of my childhood. I also thought the evil monster designs were fun and menacing but not too scary. The reveal that "muffin girl" was the baby from the movie caught me off guard. I thought it would be the redhead night. Yes, its a silly fantasy show and I am glad the writers stuck to that formula instead of turning it into something it wasn't 34 years ago.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x09 Nobody's Listening!

Goodness this is the best that star wars has ever been.

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Glitch: 1x01 Episode 1

I’m a sucker for UFOs and aliens shows but is taking things in a different direction. I like how the episode keeps you guessing what is affecting her.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x06 The Eye

Whew! Those first four episodes of slow burn paid off.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x05 The Axe Forgets

Ah! The tension is so thick. Also, the little true believe is so dead next episode.

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