


Love, Death & Robots: 3x06 Swarm

That was just plain creepy.

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Mickey's Service Station

Pretty fun but was hard getting used to Donald Duck with black legs.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x05 Kill Team Kill

I enjoyed the Honey Badger joke.

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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Just the right mix of goofy, magical, action and world building with a good family story. I liked it.

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The Venture Bros.: 4x02 Handsome Ransom

Holy Plot Hole! The Monarch figures out Capt. Sunshine's weakness is he has no powers at night and in the next breath blasts him with sunshine. While incredibly funny they didn't set up the rationale for why Monarch did this. Otherwise one of the best VB shows of the series.

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Tiger & Bunny: 2x04 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Kind of disappointed in this season so far. Every episode is about the two buddy heros getting along then there is a misunderstanding, then they are afraid to talk to each other and then by the end they find out it was just a big misunderstanding. I realize they are trying to build to a big crisis coming up but these filler episodes are pretty dull.

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Stranger Things: 3x08 Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt

How does this show make the night sky look so good?

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Cosmos Laundromat

Interesting little movie I found on netflix but visiting the website for it it looks like this first "cycle" is all that will ever be produced. Too bad because it looked interesting. I hope Frank enjoys his time as a caterpillar.

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The Venture Bros.: 4x01 Blood of the Father, Heart of Steel

I just figured out the money counter was the time stamp for the episode where the value of the comic is dropping as soon as Dean opens the package.

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045: 1x10 NET PEOPLE - Reasons Leading to Flameout

It seems like this should be a good world building GITS episode but I have a problem with how easily everyone can be hacked in this world. Its just feels like lazy writing.

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045: 1x09 IDENTITY THEFT - The Lonely Struggle

Shout by Eric

Cool episode but why was the Major and Batou able to see the Posthuman even though no one else could? I wish there had been a bit more explanation of that. Seemed a little too easy to defeat this posthuman after how intense the two battles were.

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Zathura: A Space Adventure

Shout by Eric

Zathura is a black hole!!

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045: 1x05 PATRICK HUGE - Gift from God

Good action and some very weird stuff going on.

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045: 1x04 SACRIFICIAL PAWN - Emissary from the Divide

Good set up episode for setting the stakes of the next mission. Finally some backstory on what is going on in LA. An american civil war called the "sustainable war"? I guess that doesn't seem so far fetched after the last four years. I kind of like the car chase.

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045: 1x03 MAVERICK - MIA

I guess I will look up a wikipedia page because I can't figure out why LA looks like a warzone and there are no cars or people anywhere except for that one section. I think I'd prefer a little more backstory or a prologue intro.

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045: 1x02 AT YOUR OWN RISK - Divided by a Wall

Shout by Eric

The action was much better in the 2nd episode but I can’t accept the major would not disable the last missile on the drone. A bit of lazy writing.

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The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes: 1x26 A Day Unlike Any Other

Great episode but after Cap’s shield was destroyed by Loki he was shown holding it confronting Loki after he was beat right before Oden showed up. Pretty glaring mistake.

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Interviews with Monster Girls: 1x05 Snow Woman-chan Is Cold

The long part about what names to call each other just went over my head but it was interesting to try to follow.

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Interviews with Monster Girls: 1x04 Takahashi Tetsuo Wants to Protect

I really liked Hikari speech to the gossip girls.

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Mobile Suit Gundam I

I’ve never seen this movie before and I was surprised that even with the sci-fi angle how anti-war this movies’s perspective is. As battle after battle takes place the movie takes the time to show the immense human cost of mothers killed in front of their children and refugees having to fight to protect both the young and old who can’t protect themselves. The main character suffers many breakdowns and his mother laments a children who wouldn’t hurt a fly now killing a solider in front of her. Deep and painful stuff. I wish today more movies took the time to show the painful costs of war.

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Love, Death & Robots: 2x03 Pop Squad

This is a good episode but I hate it also because I can't contemplate a without children or one where they are killed to allow others to live. Even seeing one child killed makes me sick to my stomach. All I can see are that boy's eyes. I guess I just do not like the subject matter.

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No Game No Life: 1x08 Fake End

Nice little twist ending there.

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The Tick: 1x02 The Tick vs. Chairface Chippendale

A ton of funny villains to battle the Tick in this episode. Pacing was a bit stiff by today's standards and no musical background made the episode feel empty.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x21 The Return

Shout by Eric

When Fitz realized that Hydra Fitz was just real world Fitz .... wow. That is some really great writing, acting and character development. And the angry ex meltdown. Nice job Fitz.

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October Faction: 1x09 Bonds of Blood

This show just gets harder and harder to watch. I know the writers want there to be a main storyline to follow but the sh*tty behavior from the twins and the parent's self-hatred is the highlight of this episode and I just don't care. Exposing everyone's flaws and secrets doesn't make you a good guy. I think it is important to expose entitled assholes but they just beat you over the head with it. I applaud the message but its so poorly forced into the story that it ends up turning viewers like me off. Instead of possibly having some impacting storyline it just came off preachy and arrogant.

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The Venture Bros.: 3x05 The Buddy System

Bonkers episode and one of the best overall. It really leans into the main concept of the show.

Jesus...Action Johnny. Thats some dark stuff.

Quote of the episode, "Maybe when there is a cartoon called The Venture Brothers things will be different." LOL.

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Jumanji: 3x14 Good Bye Jumanji

Shout by Eric

Too bad the final episode was a sort of “Best Of” episode but it nice to finally see Allen’s clue and see him finally escape. The clue was very specific to that situation. Not a very clever ending.

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Jumanji: 3x09 The Ultimate Weapon

Its cool that brought back all the villians from the series. I would have liked to see the Stalker as well.

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Jumanji: 3x06 Armageddon

It was pretty neat watching the game start to fall apart.

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Jumanji: 3x05 Return of Squint

Very cool deep sea adventure. I like how Squint got what was coming to him.

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