


Cosmos Laundromat

Interesting little movie I found on netflix but visiting the website for it it looks like this first "cycle" is all that will ever be produced. Too bad because it looked interesting. I hope Frank enjoys his time as a caterpillar.

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045: 1x03 MAVERICK - MIA

I guess I will look up a wikipedia page because I can't figure out why LA looks like a warzone and there are no cars or people anywhere except for that one section. I think I'd prefer a little more backstory or a prologue intro.

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Interviews with Monster Girls: 1x05 Snow Woman-chan Is Cold

The long part about what names to call each other just went over my head but it was interesting to try to follow.

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Voltron: Legendary Defender: 8x12 The Zenith

Shout by Eric

Kind of a gut punch to have your child not accept you.

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Jumanji: 2x03 Brantford, the Game

The concept of a Brandfort game within Jumanji is great but unfortunately it is much more then a Picasso mirror universe of the real Brandfort. It would have been a lot more fun if the writers had made an multi episode arc of it but I guess that works against the episodic nature of the show. We will see if there is a return to Brandfort the game but I doubt it.

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Jumanji: 2x02 Eye of the Sea

A pirate episode. Nothing special.

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Jumanji: 1x08 The Law of Jumanji

I was surprised to find out the show’s sound is in stereo.

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Kiss Me First: 1x03 Off the Rails

I'm trying hard to follow along with the plot but maybe I am just over thinking it. All the characters are super broken and unhappy so the guy pulling the strings seems so obviously creepy I have to wonder why the other characters don't see it other than the lead.

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Invader ZIM: 1x28 Abducted

I liked the music when Zim was trying to escape the ship.

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The Hollow: 2x08 Fang

Shout by Eric

Not sure I like the twist that the players are just clones of the real life people but think they are real and that all the other clones are just sims for people to mess with.

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The Lost World: 1x03 More Than Human

This show gets more like Land of The Lost each episode. This one even included a whirlpool, lizard men and a run in with a T-Rex to open the show.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 5x11 Old Soldiers

I expected a better story involving Captain America but it was just an average WWII story with Logan thrown in. Again, the animation is horrible.

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Glitch: 1x06 Episode 6

Was kind of hard to keep up with the irrationality of this episode.

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Saturday Morning All Star Hits!

It ain't good but I'm still watching.

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Masters of the Universe: Revolution: 1x03 More Things in Heaven and Eternia

The weakest writing of the series so far. Everything is telegraphed a mile away so it makes all these set up episodes quite boring.

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Ulysses 31: 1x06 Guardian of the Cosmic Winds

It was just wrapped up too neatly.

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Farzar: 1x01 Welcome to Farzar

Meh. I think I’d rather watch ATHF instead. I hope it gets better.

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Voltron: Legendary Defender: 8x08 Clear Day

The shows is pretty much 75% fluff now.

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Saul of the Mole Men: 1x06 Moustache Ride

This episode was mostly just a music video to show off Folopia.

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Willow: 1x05 Wildwood

Grayson's evil backstory where he killed his brother resolved in one short conversation? That's it and were done? UGH! My least favorite episode of the season. This little jaunt into the Wildwood lasted forever and didn't really advance the plot at all.

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The Whiz Kid and the Carnival Caper

I have childhood memories of watching this Disney made for TV movie but I sort of mixed it up in my mind with Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park which was just as bad but had a better budget and well ... KISS.

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October Faction: 1x09 Bonds of Blood

This show just gets harder and harder to watch. I know the writers want there to be a main storyline to follow but the sh*tty behavior from the twins and the parent's self-hatred is the highlight of this episode and I just don't care. Exposing everyone's flaws and secrets doesn't make you a good guy. I think it is important to expose entitled assholes but they just beat you over the head with it. I applaud the message but its so poorly forced into the story that it ends up turning viewers like me off. Instead of possibly having some impacting storyline it just came off preachy and arrogant.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x05 Darkside Tango

OMG! New Faye is salty and funny. I love her. Too bad the main story was so obvious. I prayed and prayed it wasn't the obvious that the bad cop was Jet's partner. Otherwise the episode looked really great.

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Inside Job: 1x03 Blue Bloods

I feel like the show started to grow on me in this episode.

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045: 1x12 NOSTALGIA - All Will Become N

I felt really bad for the young girl and the the post-human boy. I'm still not sure how he is connected with all the other post-humans but it seems he is patient zero. Pretty good cliffhanger so looking forward to the next season.

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045: 1x11 EDGELORD - The Revolution of the 14-year-olds

A slow episode but I could feel the pain of the mother for her child.

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045: 1x10 NET PEOPLE - Reasons Leading to Flameout

It seems like this should be a good world building GITS episode but I have a problem with how easily everyone can be hacked in this world. Its just feels like lazy writing.

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045: 1x09 IDENTITY THEFT - The Lonely Struggle

Shout by Eric

Cool episode but why was the Major and Batou able to see the Posthuman even though no one else could? I wish there had been a bit more explanation of that. Seemed a little too easy to defeat this posthuman after how intense the two battles were.

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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 5x04 Stranded

I loved the little nod to the Star Wars swing scene.

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