Detroit, Michigan, USA

The Boys: 3x07 Here Comes a Candle to Light You to Bed

Butcher Scenes: Man, I've lived a fucked up life and I regret so much...
Frenchie and Kimiko scenes:UwU I want to be on radioactive drugs again
Homelander Scenes: Mommy Milky I just want boobie juice and a son.... ;_;
Noire scenes: O_O
Hughie scenes: IGNORE MY COCK! Help me and I'll help you.
Soldier Boy scenes: Sex with old ladies, Drugs, and killing people for fun :D
Starlight Scenes: Doing some dumb social media bullshit and walking away unscathed somehow

Fantastic episode.

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House of the Dragon: 1x05 We Light the Way

Starts out as a high quality romantic adventure show, slowly degenerates into soft core porn, then into torture porn, then gay torture porn, and that's when I stopped watching

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne
Boardwalk Empire

Honestly the best series of all time. I have yet to watch the Sopranos so this may be premature but it is absolutely better than all of the other shows that people say are GOAT. It's better than The Wire, Breaking Bad, House of Cards, and Mad Men combined. The acting, writing, directing, thematic value, sound editing, and historical relevance (as well as modern relevance) are strung together impossibly well in this masterpiece of a show. The only way I can see someone not liking this show is either if they have no understanding of film techniques or they just do not pay attention. Word to the wise though, pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to the first episode if you just begin watching it. The first episode is the most complicated episode of all time, it's practically its own movie, literally every single scene has relevance to the larger story.

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

Why are you rating movies that haven't even been made yet?

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The Witcher: 2x08 Family

Wait... People actually didn't like this episode? It's literally the best episode of any show put out this year.

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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night
Marco Polo: 2x09 Heirs

The beginning fight is one of the best in the series (one small step behind the fights with Thousand Eyes and Jia Sidao last season) and the rest of the episode isn't bad, it's just not as spectacular as many of the other episodes in this season.

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Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks is indisputably one o the greatest shows ever, however you have to watch it at the right time and recognize a few things.

First off, if you get to the end of the 3rd episode and you still don't like it, then it may not be your type of a show. That third episode is really the point where you find out if you'll like the rest or not.

Secondly, if you watch it and don't like it, then wait a couple years then come back. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have liked it if I watched it a few years ago.

Thirdly there is a noticeable drop in quality about halfway through the second season. Hammer your way through these episodes, do not skip them. I know they are painful to watch but the payoff is worth it. The show eventually does get itself back on track just in time for the final episode to be the greatest episode of any television show ever.

I recommend this show to everyone but that doesn't mean it's for everyone. Give it a shot though, it's really fucking good

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House of the Dragon: 1x06 The Princess and the Queen
House of the Dragon: 1x03 Second of His Name
Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells
Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks
Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter
Game of Thrones: 6x09 Battle of the Bastards

Shout by SeanMSU
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-06-20T02:21:06Z— updated 2023-02-03T12:05:54Z

Action-9/10, having a logical plot- 5/10. Literally "Fan Service the Episode"

+Really cool battle scenes in the North
+Negotiations and planning in the North
+Dragons burning the slave fleet
+Satisfying ending

*Negotiations with Asha and Theon. Interesting in some aspects, though it really went against the flow of the episode.

-Meereen story tried to make it seem like it isn't an obvious choice to burn the fleet but not entire cities. also the Dothraki action was really fucking retarded looking and the way Emilia Clarke portrays Dany continues to make her look like a total condescending bitch. It's going to be hilarious when Euron steals her dragons and sinks her fleet.
-The way the battle started off in the North was idiotic. Sansa told Jon already that he was going to kill Rickon and Jon isn't a retard. Also the general disregard for tactics throughout a majority of the fight was dumb.

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The Legend of Korra

In my opinion this show is better than the original Avatar. You will notice that it is supposed to act as a sort of opposite to the original in many ways. Instead of a pussy vegan hippy boy who always stays positive as the Avatar we get a fiery, angry, and disobedient teenage girl (which sounds bad when I say it here but she's actually pretty great). Where the original starts out with the whole world closing in around the avatar, LoK begins peaceful and these smaller, more focused plots come into the fold as it progresses. The show is deeper and stays more focused to the central plot than TLA which could be a positive or a negative thing depending on how you like your shows. The only big problems I have are the shameless fan pandering that goes on every once in a while but that can easily be ignored.
Season rankings: 3>2>1>4

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Game of Thrones: 5x03 High Sparrow

+ Tyrion Getting kidnapped by Jorah
+ Jon and Stannis material
+ Cersei, High Septon, and Margaery stuff

-- Littlefinger's plan is the dumbest thing they could have come up with
- Arya's training is feeling rushed already
-- Very little actually happens in this episode

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Game of Thrones: 5x01 The Wars to Come

What a terrible episode. There was really no point in watching this. No real action, the shots were bland and had no artistic value, and practically no political value apart from what was already known. You really might as well skip this one.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Game of Thrones: 7x06 Beyond the Wall

Shout by SeanMSU

+The Expeditionary Force had some top notch dialogue and interesting interaction. The Hound, as always, shines with his blunt wit.
+Brisk pace
+WHAT A FUCKING THROW! Dragons BTFO, Night's King proves he's a better bully than the Dragon Queen.
+Tyrion parts were above average

*Wasn't crazy about Arya being a total fucking asshole but it didn't take anything away from the show.
*Needs more Jaime and Euron

-Too much Walking Dead type action. Do any of the writers remember when you had to kill the Wights with fire? It's kind of a big reason why that army is such a pain in the ass to fight? Any normal army could beat an army of zombies if you just had to re-kill them normally.... you know... before the whole dragon thing...

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The White Queen: Season 1

Am I supposed to think the White Queen is a total bitch who is unnecessarily disrespecting all of her husband's closest advisors and family members? It really feels like that's what they are trying to convince me.

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Game of Thrones: 6x02 Home
Game of Thrones: 6x01 The Red Woman
High Plains Drifter

Interesting movie, there are a good amount of cheesy bits, as it is with most spaghetti westerns, but they are all good in that familiar campy way. It has a version of the High Noon plot, where a guy is supposed to save a town from a group of guys with a grudge. However it differs in a key aspect, the guy being hired also have a sort of grudge against most of the townsfolk. The action is good, the way they put the flashbacks in was well done, the acting was solid, and the villains are great.

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Arrested Development: Season 4

You have to be a little careful with judging this season because the episodes are split up by character. So you'll get the GOB and Tobias episodes which are the best of the entire show and will have you on your side laughing the entire time, and then you'll get the Maeby and George Sr. episodes which are pretty bad.

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The Imitation Game