


American Dad!

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

Trakt gets it's episode information from TVDB and there it's according to FOX (http://www.fox.com/americandad/recaps/season-9/episode-19) and not the scene naming. You would have to name them like this: http://thexem.de/xem/show/93.

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@BrutuZ Certain information already comes from TVRage but they are missing alot of shows so it wouldn't make sense to take the listings from there. Another comon complaint are the ones for anime since long running shows get split at TVDB to their actual seasons. That said, fixes for this should come with the new TVDB site but it's been quiet on that front (except for one mod hinting at it recently). I'm just a user but feel free to voice it @http://support.trakt.tv though.

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

I'm certainly late to the party but still in time for the third arc that is starting next month.
The on-going JoJo manga started publishing when I wasn't even born and had an anime adaptation once before in the 90's. JoJo is rather popular in Japan thanks to the fabulous art style and poses the character's strike (which get referenced quite often in other works).
The show is well done style over substance and riddled with shonen antics so you either go with the flow or stay away from it. That said, the members of the Joestar family are actually not that dumb and often win thanks to their wit.
Here is hoping we get to see a lot more arcs in the future!

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@ManiacB From what I heard and the media that exist around JoJo it should be the best arc they have to offer. S1 was two arcs covering 44 and 69 chapters and S2 will be that arc lone with 152 chapters as a source so it might even be 3-cour?
As for the art, they should have used the experimental coloring a bit more often imho.

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Comedy Bang! Bang!

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

I never quite understood why Comedy Bang! Bang! was such a popular Podcast (same goes for Paul F. Tompkins). The time investment in relation to actual funny things never quite worked for me. The TV show is kind similar... the main motiviation comes from his guests but I have to give him credit for actually doing some original things that justify it being a TV show and not just talking silly things.

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I upgraded my rating. It's getting better all the time!

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Sword Art Online

Reply by sp1ti

Sword Art Online (Season 1) - 7/10

Despite what many users and critics would have you believe, I advise anyone interested by the prospect of the series give it a chance before writing it off entirely. In fact, I was planning on doing just that after reading a few of the reviews posted by members on here. I started watching anime on a fan level at the very start of this past Fall 2013 season, and like many was dragged in by the momentum of Attack on Titan. A coworker tried to get me to watch SAO and I kinda feigned interest and said I'd get around to it. I had already made up my mind not to watch the series because of the criticism it's received. A few months later (or last week for me) a few friends attempted to get me to watch the show, and so I started. And watched some more. I downed the entire first season in a week, and I can honestly admit happily that I enjoyed it much more than I hated it. It seems as though there are two types of people who review here: the guys who think everything is awesome, and the guys that'll nitpick each episode for inconsistencies. It seems the more popular a show gets the more it needs to be scrutinized. If this were merely some underground fan favorite I doubt people would take it as seriously. I'm going to try and be the in-between guy who chooses to stay unbiased, and will review the series for all it's merits and all it's downfalls, and I'll stay away from determining whether it's worth the praise it receives or not. That being said this first season was FAR from perfect, but I've yet to watch a perfect television series. And seriously, at the end of the day, this is a cartoon. If you've yet to see the season, spoilers follow.

Part 1: Aincrad Saga

The year is 2022. Ten thousand individuals login to the just released VRMMORPG (virtual reality massively multiplayer online role playing game) Sword Art Online, and then the worst possible scenario for anyone with a fear of virtual reality becomes their new reality: they can no longer logout. Nor can they remove their Nervegear helmets, or else the system will kill them. And worse yet, if they die in the game, they die in reality. Their goal is to reach the 100th floor and after defeating the endgame boss, they can all be set free. 2 years later and 40% of the players have lost their virtual and literal lives.

I will admit that I am an avid fan of MMO's and love the idea of just leveling up your character, getting him stronger and stronger ad infinitum. There was a time where I was more than addicted to World of Warcraft. Had a character that had a play time of over two months! But SAO is a very different beast. The approach of having 100 floors was interesting and new. It felt like a classic game with 100 stages, but stuffed into a futuristic MMO. But I had two problems with this setup. 1) The show never explained how big each floor was. You just assumed each floor had special stuff only located there, like towns and forests, and lakes... And 2) they skipped so much of the game within the first few episodes of the show. This was particularly upsetting to me, because I'm all about the linear storytelling going on from battle to battle. I eat up all that filler stuff. Instead they skipped from the boss of the first floor to two years later when they're on floor 74... What?! I understand the purpose of this however, and that's because the story they wanted to tell took place primarily at that last month that SAO was still active. I feel they really could've delved deeper into the lore of the world instead of focusing so much on character woes. This saga should have lasted the entire 25 episode run so as to iron out certain potential plot holes and encourage character development with some of the tertiary characters. Another strange case about this MMO is the lack of character class. An RPG without magic?!?

I'm surprised that so many were upset by the love story that blossomed between Kirito and Asuna. It felt extremely natural and I felt they spent an appropriate amount of time on their tale. It didn't fall short for me. Much of what they as characters were experiencing by the second year was surprisingly relatable. Although the primary objective was to free themselves from Aincrad, they had become so accustomed to living in this world that they considered it more real than reality itself. It's only natural then to find yourself in love with another that you party with on a daily basis. I found their relationship occasionally very touching to be honest, and was fully invested. I wasn't a huge fan however of their "daughter" Yui. That was a plot point I just could not stand.

I was constantly amazed at Kirito's blatantly overpowered stats. I was sure that it would become old soon, but the more it was showcased the more I digged it. The mysterious way in which he was given the special ability to dual wield... Excellent. Knowing in retrospect that it was actually just the GM granting him special rights simply to spice things up a bit and have a bit of fun is amusing, and a satisfying reason in my opinion. From the beginning I didn't consider the GM a villain, because it didn't seem as if he had much of a motive other than the fact that he could just do it. It struck me more so as the work of an eccentric visionary, who's bored and lonely. When Kirito lost that duel, due to what appeared to be a glitch or hack in the system, I thought for sure it must be the GM or someone in cahoots with him. I'm surprised it took so long to realize it.

That last battle was interesting to say the very least. I can understand why many didn't care for it. The way I see it is that these guys are stuck in this virtual world for two years, getting brain-fed data constantly. After that long you'd expect there to begin to be strange anomalies when the game interferes with heightened levels of emotions. Yes, "the power of love" strikes again, but I think it's more than that. I think it's the will to beat the system, and nobody had more will than Kirito. I'm surprised this was one of the first moments where glitches were realized on screen. You'd expect them to be just slightly more commonplace. And as to why they weren't dead at the end... Well the GM congratulated them on jointly beating the game. Enough said really.

Part 2: Fairy Dance Saga

An RPG with magic!!! Finally. But now it's full of fairies... Interesting. The premise of the second half of the season begins with Kirito waking up, but somehow Asuna didn't. We find out that somewhere near 300 players from SAO didn't make it out for whatever reason. And worse yet, some creepy dude wants to marry Asuna while she's in a coma! Kirito soon finds out there is a new VRMMORPG called Alfheim out and he gets a tip that Asuna is trapped inside this world. He goes in, gets the unknowing help of his busty step-sister, and attempts a rescue mission.

As an MMO, Alfheim feels far more organic than Sword Art Online did. Perhaps it was the ability to log off. Perhaps it was the racial choices and magic capabilities. I'm not sure. But because it felt more organic didn't necessarily mean the show benefitted from it. Where my issue with the first half of the season was that they sped through over a year and a half of story, this second half of the season takes place in, what, 3 days? The tone becomes drastically different, and in many ways it feels like a completely different show. This threw me off balance quite a bit. I liked the idea, but not the execution and I'm sure others felt the same. If this is the true source of people hating the series then I can't argue with you there. It angered me too. But I didn't let it affect my view of the overall arc too much.

The stakes are far different in this half of the series. In the first half the big issues were not being able to log out, and if you die you die. But in this half you CAN log out AND you get to respawn. You just lose all your gear (or something?). This wasn't fully explained, or maybe I missed it. Instead the real stake only existed for Kirito and Asuna. She was trapped by some horny maniac, and he was determined to save her before she got married off. Because the story didn't have enough breathing room it all felt more unrealistic despite the more realistic game. Again, this could have been fleshed out far better over a full season.

One thing I really did like was that Kirito's stats carried over into this game from SAO. Basically he was the best before he even began. Makes sense he'd be far stronger than the strongest player in this game due to the fact that Alfheim had only been going strong for about a year. And you know what, despite not liking Yui's character in the first half of the season, she was ridiculously cute throughout the second half. Seriously. She slept in his pocket.

The second half of the series, although inherently not as violent, had far more fan service, and weird sexual stuff all around. I don't consider Sugu's strange love for her adoptive brother to be incestual, but it's definitely... strange. Regardless, although the subject matter was out there, it felt organic and natural, and the resolution with the real world confrontation was probably the most emotional scene the anime offered. You couldn't help but feel bad for her. And yet she still aided him in his flight to victory. (See what I did there?)

The rape scene was particularly unsettling, and I didn't care for a second of it. I hope that's what the creators of the series intended because that's how it came across for me personally, and hopefully for other viewers. It was disgusting. But that's when the original GM intervened, becoming the god in the machine, allowing Kirito admin access, and the ability to beat the system. Perhaps I'm a sap, but I'm not used to watching stuff with happy endings. The season was given a nice ending.

Part 3: Sword Art Online Extra Edition & beyond

I won't get too caught up in the Extra Edition synopsis, because there's not all that much to it seeing as how it's mostly a synopsis of the entire first season with swimsuits in-between clips. But if it tells me anything, it's that the first and second half of the season were two very different storiess, with many differing strengths and weaknesses. It may not be a popular opinion, but I do believe it would be a far stronger series if the two arcs were each given a full 25 episode season. I'm sure that would lead to criticism of filler episodes, but if it would make the series a stronger one in the long run, I'm all for it. And it wouldn't feel like such a weird switch right there in the middle of the story.

I was very confused with the resolution of the world seed. Essentially everyone has access to this world seed, so everyone can make their own world with their own rules? I don't see how that's a good thing, seeing as how the first two worlds were run by madmen. And there was an interesting tease to the future of the series. But hopefully they explain better in season 2, which was snazzily introduced earlier yesterday. The Phantom Bullet saga eh? I hope this one gets a full run of episodes as well. Space out the story a little bit. In conclusion. It's a flawed series, but it's by no means unwatchable or bad.

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I might belong to the hater camp but there was really no need to scrutinize the whole thing because the faults and lazy writing are quite obvious so you will either have to accept (and ignore) those or like me scratch your head about the amount of fanboys the show has. It's really more frustration than anything. The show got (and is) hyped to the heavens but other, far superior works are balantly ignored but this is the same in every medium (for example Blockbusters and Pop music). Unlike you most of the fans have not really tried to write something positive on here but their main demographic is still on the MAL forums and not here ;)!

Since the 2nd season annoucement there has been a resurgence of SAO threads on /a/ and while they might be autistic manchildren they share my opinion on the whole thing, one from today; https://archive.foolz.us/a/thread/99525118/.

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Sword Art Online

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

S2 has been confirmed... maybe trap Kirito won't be as bad but I'm sure that will probably not be the case.

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I'll have to see. The first cour is supposedly the best the series got but falls apart later again (watching train-wrecks can be fun). Looking at the PV and some caps from the special doesn't make me want to see it more though http://i.imgur.com/dB4574u.gif.

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Sword Art Online

Reply by sp1ti


Review by sp1ti

Don't get fooled by the first episode. This show is pretty bad (at least if you expect quality writing out of it).
The main problem for me was the lack of story. They setup a life or death siutation but instead of showing the players coping with it we get a timeskip and a chronological adaptation of the source material (light novels) which means lots of irrelevant side stories. The stakes are mainly ignored and hardly anyone works toward the goal of completing the game (clearing all 100 floors). When the SOA story arc comes to an end it is abrupt and makes no sense at all due plotarmor. The second arc is still airing but luckily it'll be over soon. All changes have been for the worse.
Another issue are the characters; cardboard cutouts and personality changes on demand. Most of the women (or better girls) tend to exist to form a harem for our MC. Speaking of which, this show goes full-shonen as far as his powers go. It is ridiculous what he can pull off (getting his own skills in an mmo, hacking, highest leveled player in the game when all you see is him idlying and helping lowlevel players.. it get's even worse in the second arc).
Given that it is an action show you would at least expect the fights to be good. Unfortunatly these are a letdown. The bossfights usually look rather bad. Not only because of the CGI but the way they animated it. There is hardly a battle choreography and they overuse still frames. You can literally see that the only things animated are the flashing lights which are supposed to represent sword strikes.
Add to this the ever increasing fan-service, silly dialogue, unbelievable romance and countless things that make no sense.

Due to reasons I cannot understand this show is popular and sells really well so a second season could happen.

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You're right - I watched the whole thing. Why? Because I kind of liked the idea and the first 1 1/2 episodes. But from there on it all got worse and not only that - the second arc was just horrible. Dropping it would have been an option but for some reason there were people seeing genius in this but I figure they're from a different demographic. I can't like something that mainly consists of easy character designs and animation, shizophrenic characters, bad plotting and pacing aswell as dumb resolutions including multiple deus ex machinas.


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Veronica Mars

Reply by sp1ti

Veronica Mars film is finally happening! (google 'Veronica Mars' + 'kickstarter')

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Yep, this is good news :D! They even set some records:

By the way, yesterday we set a few records.

We were the fastest Kickstarter project to hit $1M. We were the fastest Kickstarter project to hit $2M. We set the record for highest goal ever achieved. (Other KS projects have done better than us -- so far -- but none set a goal as high as our $2M goal.) We're also the largest film project in Kickstarter history.

Cannot thank everyone enough.

It was over it's goal before I even heard about it and given that the rewards were mainly for US residents there weren't even big donations from outside the US :O!

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Attack on Titan

Reply by sp1ti


Review by sp1ti

Attack on Titan (aka Shingeki no Kyojin in romaji) has proven to be one of the rare shows that sparks the attention from people who don't regulary watch seasonal anime. I mean, just look at the numbers on trakt alone: Two of the other more popular shows that started at the same time, Maou-sama and Gargantia don't even come close (less than a 100 watchers on the last episode). But not only that - even in the anime community itself it gained immense popularity and currently is still in the Top 10 on Myanimelist (kind of the western Facebook of anime). What is to take away from this is certainly that it seems to make for a good entry-level show but it's not one without flaws and I can't frankly understand why it gets that much praise (oh hello SAO!).

I first came into contact with it's manga because it ranked extremly high on Mangaupdates with some of the genre tags I browse. After reading the first 15 or so chapters I deceided to put it on hold. It didn't impress me and the art was everything but pretty (given that it was the authors first series and he didn't draw much before this). So when the show came around I saw potential for improvement given that the art could only get better plus action never suffers from being animated. This also means I had certain expectations and some of the early tension had been lost on me due to knowing some twists.

Now the story itself has plenty of shortcomings but is still entertaining. It starts out like your grimdark show about the struggle of mankind (in this case versus the titans) but it falls into the usual shonen trappings further down the road. I also find most of it's characters kind of stagnant in terms of developments and it's everything but subtle. The source material is still being published and is probably not even at the midpoint of which thr first season maybe adapted half of. This also means there isn't an ending yet. There is plenty of padding going around in the show and they added some filler to end it before the start of a new arc. I don't think the filler was all that bad but the padding put it's toll on it. Some episodes are extremly tedious to the point that nothing at all happened.

One the shows biggest problem for me comes in terms of animation quality. There are good looking scenes and the 3D rendered high-speed slides through the city on their 3DMG always looked great... it's just that it was inconsistent to the max. Quite early you begin to notice copy pasta and the worst possible use of stillframes with narration or dialogue over it. This is done a lot in the industry and it isn't necessarily a bad thing but the way they do it in this is so in your face and frequent you just can't help it. There was some talk about them lacking animators and that they were apparently looking for more but that couldn't have been the only issue. Around the episodes that relied on it the most a new OP hit the show with plenty of quality animation so yeah... The level of detail also decreased towards the end whenever it wasn't a closeup or something in the focus.

I guess this sounds really negative but I still gave the show a 7... it is just frustrating to see this hyped to the heavens when it really is far from perfect. If you're looking for an action show, sure - give it a go. It's just nothing great. I'm sure there will be more coming down the road (there have been spin-off stories already) and I cannot wait to see the train-wreck the live action movie planned for 2014 will be.

R.I.P. Moe titan.

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@slyazx I think so, yeah. While the time between cours isn't doing the show any favors when it drags there were still some strong episodes in there. Not entirely sure if I'm on board with the direction they're heading with some of the titan "revelations" though but compared to other seasonal hype titles AoT still manages to stand it's ground.

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Reply by sp1ti

The worst thing about this show is that it is not absolutely terrible. It is sometimes pretty good.

If it sucked, then it might get cancelled and we could all stop watching. Instead this show is a stark blend of good and bad elements.
It has some pretty decent noir detective style stories, where the main character, Gordon, is the only honest cop in a totally corrupt town. Then a guy called Penguin eats sandwiches after he randomly stabs people. Gordon is a cop so committed to doing the right thing he will literally sort through the shit to find the truth (evidence in the sewer). But later a guy asks a bunch of Riddles and everyone says he Riddles too much.
The other main cop, Bullock, is an interesting mix of corrupt cop but still has decent sense of justice. Then a young rich orphan is sad a bunch, while people tell him he will do great things one day (that we will never see).

Even though the "Gordon cleans up police alone" is the best part of the show it also has contradictions, for instance there is already another whole department of honest cops. And he also has a super successful, rich, and supportive fiancé who could completely take care of him if he quit being a cop. So he isn't really struggling with his life in any way. It makes him copping about look more like a whimsey, as opposed to a duty.

This show has a pretty decent core narrative, it's all the auxiliary stuff dragging it down. It also does a good job of not being entirely episodic. Often minor plot points from previous episodes will impact the next one.

For a show based on Batman, the worst parts of the show are the Batman bits. Like when young Bruce Wayne, or Selina Kyle ("Cat"), or the Penguin or the Riddler show up. If they cut out all the Batman things in this show, it would be much better.

I want to either love this show, or stop watching. But I can't do either. Instead I keep watching a mediocre series and hoping it improves.

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Well put. They should have just done a subtle hint at the Batman backstory instead of giving it so much attention but I'm certain they had to do it for the network/marketing.

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The Legend of Korra

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by Deleted

BORING ! the last airbender is way much better !!!!!

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Uh... I felt the other way around. Not that it was bad but Korra is a lot more mature compared to the original. And rating it a 1, really :o?

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Reply by sp1ti

This is the most emotional anime that I've ever seen in my life. Probably my favorite anime ever so do what ever you can to watch this ASAP.

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Alright (and I really didn't check :p)! I'm happy I saw it through but it's a bit too uneven for me to consider watching it again. Tora! doesn't come close though, dat resolution was too full of teenage-drama ;).

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Reply by sp1ti

This is the most emotional anime that I've ever seen in my life. Probably my favorite anime ever so do what ever you can to watch this ASAP.

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What made you change your mind about it :)? I've seen your list but most titles you rank before are the ones you've seen before Clannad (I did not go and stalk but I assume so).

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The Following

Reply by sp1ti

Easily the worst show I have seen in a long time. Gave up after 6 episodes. Couldn't tolerate it anymore.

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@Palmer11 how profound. You got all that from an opinion of a legitimately bad show?

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Seraph of the End

Reply by sp1ti

Beautiful anime!!! great story, really amazing characters! i finished the two seasons under 24 hours and i have no regrets!! totally worth it!

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I think you posted this a week early.

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Higurashi: When They Cry - NEW

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

WARNING: Looks like the Higurashi New marketed as a remake was bait all along.
This is a sequel* to the original series https://trakt.tv/shows/when-they-cry-higurashi.

Since it's based on a visual novel with different routes repeating events are expected which is why they were able to mislead with the premiere but the second episode reveals a twist of the series and references being set after the events of Higurashi. They also changed the title from "New" to "Gou" 業...

*What exactly it is we cannot say for sure right now but you are definitely not getting a fresh start.

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@timbercompal This is not really a spoiler but a warning for people going into this thinking it's a remake when it's not. I think ignoring that fact does more harm and after episode two it's not a secret anymore --> new title, new key visual. Just spelling things out.

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Miss Monochrome - The Animation

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

This show is way better than you would expect from a promotion tool for someone's 3D avatar. Except for one episode the gags are fun and Miss Monochrome has to go through quite some suffering but get's a wonderful christmas miracle in the end.

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I downed my overall rating btw. S1 was great, S2 and S3 and a lot less fun with a lot more focus on idol stuff that is lacking the randomness the others sometime had.

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Miss Monochrome - The Animation

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

This show is way better than you would expect from a promotion tool for someone's 3D avatar. Except for one episode the gags are fun and Miss Monochrome has to go through quite some suffering but get's a wonderful christmas miracle in the end.

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Miss Monochrome - The Animation

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

This show is way better than you would expect from a promotion tool for someone's 3D avatar. Except for one episode the gags are fun and Miss Monochrome has to go through quite some suffering but get's a wonderful christmas miracle in the end.

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Np! I don't really follow seiyuu's so I have no clue who she is. Next season will have another one of these but I doubt it will turn out anything like this :/.

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Reply by sp1ti

This show really sucks - especially if you compare it to an intelligent show like The Following. Already quit...

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Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

Reply by sp1ti

Awesome series. Some people accuse it of getting stale and repetitive but I never found that to be the case. A great mixture of dark humour, unusual art style (of which studio SHAFT is well known for) and social commentary - some of it only really applies to Japanese/Otaku culture but there are still a lot of things that ring true no matter where you live.

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The artstyle took a nosedive in season two somehow which is odd (but it was probably the most experimental around then). Maybe the budget was just alot worse? I would agree that it is rather repetitive or at least everything is built up in the same pattern. The characters also mainly show up to do their one stick. Doesn't mean that that is necessarily bad though. Also, Tarou is best girl.

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Fate/Stay Night

Reply by sp1ti

They should really put up 1 page for Fate/Stay Night and 1 for Fate Zero
The difference is so Big

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There are multiple threads about this on TVDB. In the end they deceided to put them together (fate/zero is a prequel after all). http://trakt.tv/show/fatekaleid-liner-prisma-illya will be seperate though.

As for the big difference, I have to agree. S1 is not that great where as fate/zero really stepped up it's game.

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Reply by sp1ti

Really great show.
Though some moments make you feel sad or disgusted, I can say I enjoyed every minute of every episode.
Hopefully this series gets renewed for a second season!

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2014 :).

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Reply by sp1ti

Is there any where I can watch this good sub's or dubs? The once I found has the worst sub titles ever.

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Besides the very first few the subs they have been okey (even those based on the manga). Underwater has a joint with µtw for the TV version now though so go with them. Netflix will release an official version down the road if you want to wait.

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Reply by sp1ti

Do I have to watch the movie to understand the anime tv series ?

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By the looks of the PV not really. It's going to be an extended version of the first movie or something similar (the second one won't be out until May 2016).

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Reply by sp1ti

Horrendous. Stupid plot, stupid lines, good actors being destroyed by a cheesy POS show. Sorry but I'm amazed that they renewed this for a second season. Crazy.

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Listen to this guy. Trakt ratings always lie :o...

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Vash the Stampede, the wanted man of 60,000,000,000$$

If you are a die-hard anime fan than no doubt you have already seen this one. If you haven't already, shame on you! Go download/buy/borrow it right now! Trust me, you will not be disappointed.

Trigun is a very traditional anime, but at the same time very good. Traditional in the animation techniques used (it was made in 1998 and computers were back than not yet such an integral part of animation as they are right now), which are definitely not bad, visual speaking this anime does even now after 15 years still look amazing. If you have seen a lot of anime than you will definitely recognize some of the visual art tropes this anime has that are unique to anime (For more information about those take a look here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JapaneseVisualArtsTropes ).

What makes this anime stand out from the crowd is the story. The mood you get from this anime during the first half of series is that Vash the Stampede is really on a desert planet in the distant future. It is definitely a cool mix of the old American western culture and a distant future with cool technology where human colonists set out to colonize other planets. The first half of the series is without a doubt a hilarious, action-packed, phenomenal and awesome piece of artwork you will not soon forget. The stories are really of a fantastic quality.

The second half of the series is where it gets serious and where (in my opinion) the anime loses some of its quality story-wise. Its still good, but the fact that Vash is portrayed as some kind of Messiah that walks the earth trying to undo his errors from the past and who's life-motto is to do no harm under any circumstance gets to a point where it becomes annoying and makes him look like a pathetic douchebag not worthy of the enormous bounty on his head (For example, at one point in the anime in an attempt to save someones life he strips naked and barks like a dog in front of a group of thugs he can easily take down).

Nevertheless, This together with Cowboy bebop (http://trakt.tv/show/cowboy-bebop), Neon Genesis Evangelion (http://trakt.tv/show/neon-genesis-evangelion) and to a lesser extent Berserk (http://trakt.tv/show/berserk) are the anime series from the Nineties that every fan of anime should see at least once in their life time. Without these on your watched history pages here on Trakt the term Anime Otaku does not apply to you ;)

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I agree that Trigun is a fun anime but I'm not sure if I would call it an essential. Sure does no harm to watch it at least once.

I've only read Berserk ;( - the anime is just a part of one arc so apart from the eclipse I've not watched it :p. NGE & Bebop are sure winners though.

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Knights of Sidonia

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

Season 2 has been confirmed as per last episode. That is good news!

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@deanzel Well, like drinking pee? JK! There is a third gender though and the BD has CG nipples if that's your thing http://seventhstyle.com/2014/05/28/knights-of-sidonia-removes-clothes-adds-nipples/

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Star Blazers 2199

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

Space Battleship Yamato 2199 is a remake of an now almost 30 year old show that got a quite the unusual release. Multiple episodes a-piece were first shown in the cinema with physical releases and a TV broadcast later on. In addition to that they also marketed to the english market themselves which they hardly ever do (and releasing awkward videos like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR71MSl3vIs).
The show itself is a straight space opera. Almost all episodes are self-contained and play out on their travels to a remote galaxy where they hope to save planet earth with the help of an alien race. Except for three episodes I enjoyed them all quite a bit and there are some great space battles to be seen. It might all have been a touch too romantic for my taste but it's oldschool in that regard.
The presentation itself is good throughout and the show carries retro sound-design and music (with the intro recreated by Hideaki Anno).
The original aired in the US under the title Star Blazers which gives it that now quite "uncool" name but if you havn't seen it then you now have the chance to do so with the updated version.

Thanks @ManiacB for the rec. I would never have looked into it otherwise.

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@deanzel There is a new movie coming at the end of the year so you'll see it sooner again ;)

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Space Dandy

Reply by sp1ti

Seriously hope Crunchyroll picks up this simulcast. Don't even care if it's the English dub, cause that looks impressive too.

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That won't happen. It's being shown in the US on TV by AdultSwim's Toonami (dubbed) as well as streamed on the Funimation site (dub or sub) and in AUS by Madman. It was already the same for a couple show last seasons with Monogatari being on Daisuki, Bloodlad on Hulu/Funimation etc.

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Reply by sp1ti

The second season of Noragami has just finished and it surpassed the first in every way. I remember really enjoying the first season but finding the final few episodes and confrontation a bit underwhelming. Well, the second season doesn't have that problem. It hits the ground running and remains consistently good throughout. Deciding to animate two arcs back-to-back with little-to-no filler in between was definitely a wise decision by Bones.

As others have already said, this series really does stand out from other more generic action/comedy shows, thanks to a likable and well-developed cast, good quality animation and of course a godly soundtrack by Iwasaki Taku (also responsible for the soundtrack in Katanagatari).

All in all I have really enjoyed Noragami thus far and I hope we get more in the future.

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I was a bit worried that after the Bishamon arc that the rest of the season would be a lot less interesting but they managed to get it up for the ending again (phew)!

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