


Durarara!!: 2x13 Love Thy Enemy

Reply by sp1ti

Shout by ManiacB

Might just be me, but that felt like a much better "first" episode back than last time. Hopefully things will stay engaging and good this time.

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I found found last season entertaining. You didn't then? (Disclaimer: DRRR1 was a dissapointing title for me given that it's quite well regarded.)

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Nisekoi: 2x04 Mother

Reply by sp1ti

Never thought I'd say this, but I think I might have to defect to #TeamChitoge. Sorry Onodera, you're still lovely but Chitoge is destroying everyone right now.

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Best faces anyways. Onodera is just boring.

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Seraph of the End: 1x07 Mitsuba's Squad

Reply by sp1ti

The episode flow kinda reminds me of Tokyo Ghoul - massively dropping story elements. Can someone confirm this?

I like the overall setup though.

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I don't think so. It's just the age old school setting almost every show somehow has to have. The series could just have started after all that w/o a huge loss.

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Seraph of the End: 1x07 Mitsuba's Squad

Reply by sp1ti

So gewd. So lewd. Need mo' Shinoa, however, that shower scene was just... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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IDK... that shower scene was really pushing it. showershower/traumatic flashback/booooooooobies

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Guardians of the Galaxy

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

I'm inclined to only give it a "meh". Feels like a movie I would have liked if I was a little kid. There were a bunch of characters that hardly had any lines and if they spoke they described their archetype, seriously? Marvel has a tendency to shoehorn in horrible dialogue for their "universe" but that was just especially low. And whatever the romance in this is supposed to be: not buying it^2.
The production values of the movie are high so it works as a popcorn movie but all the raving comments the movie had in advance had me hoping for a good movie.
(Baby Groot is one of the worst things I ever saw on screen btw.)

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@ManiacB @deanzel I admit that I have the tendency to shit on things but that scene really annoyed the fuck out of me. There is a reason why I avoid things like Pixar movies because I know they are not for me but Marvel is a tricky beast and they certainly want to sell toys too. Even better that the cool dads are going to see the same movies.

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Guardians of the Galaxy

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

I'm inclined to only give it a "meh". Feels like a movie I would have liked if I was a little kid. There were a bunch of characters that hardly had any lines and if they spoke they described their archetype, seriously? Marvel has a tendency to shoehorn in horrible dialogue for their "universe" but that was just especially low. And whatever the romance in this is supposed to be: not buying it^2.
The production values of the movie are high so it works as a popcorn movie but all the raving comments the movie had in advance had me hoping for a good movie.
(Baby Groot is one of the worst things I ever saw on screen btw.)

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@deanzel ♡^▽^♡ http://i.imgur.com/abO7tug.jpg

/1 0 c h a r

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The Houses October Built

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

Consider me slightly pissed at this movie... I wish I would have neglected for the "FROM THE PRODUCERS OF" blurp like I usually would but the internet PR never sleeps.
The premise of the movie is cool and timely but it is really freaking boring for like the whole run time. They don't do much other than search for the edgiest "haunt" all movie long while stopping by at like 8 of them. Half of them would already have been enough because I wouldn't even call the people here characters so little interaction/time they had with each other.
Once they seem to get to the "place" it throws away it's main idea and comes along with the most generic baddies around and pulls an anticlimactic shitty ending.
Just like many other found footage movies this one is extremely guilty of idiotic and illogical camera recordings. The main story points make hardly any sense and are a cheap plot device.
At least it wasn't that predictable and had a few OK scenes at the "haunts".

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@Pedro I sorta like em too and I didn't flat out hate the movie... it just ruined it for me because they could have done something good. The scenes with the girl on the poster were cool but could have done w/o the misleading camera distortions. There is some good footage there from some of the haunted houses so you'll probably enjoy it too but I'm not sure if you end up liking it very much because the movie makes some severe mistakes imho (there are glowing reviews to be found for this anyways).

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Obvious Child

Reply by sp1ti

Am I the only one that didn't laugh a single time during this movie? :/

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I guess she came on a bit strong with all the farting but I found it enjoyable ;).

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Reply by sp1ti

Should I watch this now, or wait until the director's cut? I hear it is way better, but I cannot find it.

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Initially it was planned to be released as a 20 minutes shorter cut in the US but that decision got reversed so there is only one (with the director's cut meaning the original Korean runtime here).

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Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

You're better of watching Feast again than this one... if only I've gotten the memo that this was a made for TV flick produced by Drew Barrymore beforehand.
Terribly boring, uninteresting characters, insufficient acting and nothing new to add. Just some unknown beast that just happens to chill near a cabin DEEEEEEEP in the woods.

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@PedroPT You didn't listen did you :)!

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anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day - The Movie

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

As much as I like the series (despite it's somewhat cheesy conclusion) this is merely a cash grab. It doesn't work as a standalone movie but also adds too little to the story or the characters even. In addition the story-telling here is messy and jumps all over the place and just swirls around the impending ending we know from the show.

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@ManiacB Well it's been a while for me but the character designs are updated I think but it feels rather lame just doing some dwelling in the past or about it and then go over to the tear-fest. I was personally bored up to that point because there was no flow to it. The Menma perspective is also over exaggerated because it's not like we learn anything interesting about her or it's many scenes (we see her thinking about what to write on the letters though (but not http://abload.de/img/130905785060iesxc.gif :)). Most of the people who watched it liked it so who knows :)...

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American Hustle

Reply by sp1ti

Shout by Deleted

dear all pls i need help
i install XBMC and i signed in trakt.tv i install the add on and sign in my id but it give me" you need to open context-menu" / i dont find it plsssssssssssssssss help

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You did enter your credentials in the settings already?

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The Garden of Sinners: Future Gospel

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by ManiacB

It's described as a side story but it really felt like 3 side stories, 2 of them may as well have been completely unrelated. It was nice to see another Kara no Kyoukai movie but it felt a bit underwhelming and disappointing overall.

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It adds about as much as the first one to the overall series but is missing a good fight [✓] Underwhelming.

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American Hustle

Reply by sp1ti

What on earth is wrong with the shouts on this movie? Just saw it, quite possibly Christian Bales finest role. It's early 2014 but I'm gonna call it - my movie of the year. This is how you make a film. Full star cast, everyone amazing, perfect pace. So dense yet easy to follow. Perfect and undeniably a MUST WATCH. These don't come along often. 10/10

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I would have loved to have seen that movie.

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In Fear

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

The first third of the movie has a great claustrophobic vibe in setting and direction but once the "story" progresses it gets too unrealistic to the point where I didn't really get the antagonists motivations or scope of his doings. Could have been great if only they went a different direction and left out some of the clichés.

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@PedroPT so I checked out Dead End. While it had a more original story I didn't like it all that much and when it comes to making sense of it it's not far beyond In Fear (for example the note, the presence of Death, etc). I didn't get the twist early though due to the comparison to this movie :)...

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In Fear

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

The first third of the movie has a great claustrophobic vibe in setting and direction but once the "story" progresses it gets too unrealistic to the point where I didn't really get the antagonists motivations or scope of his doings. Could have been great if only they went a different direction and left out some of the clichés.

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@PedroPT Yeah I figured it wasn't worth trying to make sense of the whole thing. The opening sequence shows a car spinning of the road (although that wouldn't necessarly happen when crashing a human) so that is either the guys past or what then happened to her. The sequence also shows the process of faking the map, etc. which had me thinking he did that quite often because there is also a car graveyard at the hotel. But if that is so this seems all rather silly. He also had to be at multiple places at once and the ending would make even less sense. This whole setup to time for exactly those two seems unreasonable. Seriously, if you scare the shit out of people they will fucking kill you so that would again point at this being a single incident...

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Millennium Actress

Reply by sp1ti

Millennium Actress, which is directed by Satoshi Kon (Perfect Blue, Paprika, Paranoia Agent), is without a doubt his defining masterpiece in my opinion. This movie is a complete directorial tour de force and Kon literally blew my mind away with the editing, style and art that he displays in almost every scene. This is ultimately a biographical story about a young girl chasing after her first true love while becoming a popular Japanese movie actress but it morphs into something much more.

Millennium Actress probably had one of the most unique forms of story telling that I've ever seen in a movie. I loved how Chiyoko's story had a dualistic perspective as Kon seamlessly melds together images and scenes from the story of Chiyoko's own real life and from her famous films (which vary wildly from taking place in the Sengoku period to post-WW2 Japan to outer space). These transitions really add to the feeling and intensity of Chiyoko desperately chasing after and searching for her lost love. And you can't help but fall in love with the passion shown by both the main characters, Chiyoko and Genya. Just as Chiyoko says at the end, it was the "chase" that she truly loved and, by god, this film was one hell of a thrilling chase. This is an absolute must-watch for fans of Kon's other works.

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It's less entry level than his other works but it should still make for a superb movie for nonfans. Much of the story is similar to the life of Setsuko Hara aswell as the movies portrayed within and according to Wikipedia also Takamine Hideko but I don't much about her life or career (only saw her first movie). I recommend you to watch Tokyo Story and you will totaly get why Kon did that.

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The After

Reply by sp1ti

It's too soon to tell what the show will be like.
The pilot episode was both, good'n'bad.
I watched the 60 minutes pilot and I've no idea what's going on- 60 minutes are more than enought to picture the story.

The first episode didn't tell me anything about the protagonists and their fate.
You don't know who they are, because nobody tells you anything about their character and traits.
I expected much more from the pilot; the scene( no spoiler) in the car park was !long!, like really long.
You've a group of unnamed people trapped inside a car park, wasting precious TV air-time! You have off topic settings, which do NOT help the story go on. In fact you don't get to know anything about who the protagonists are, how/who they were before, very important, the dawn/apocalypse and what's their life story... we get nothing. One might say, that we don't need to know that. Well, tell it to Chris! He came up with the glorious idea of an apocalyptic setting. The show starts a few minutes before the apocalypse where- metaphorically speaking- the sun is still shining. The protagonists, actually one protagonist, lives her life and... nope, i don't want anyone to scream: spoiler alarm!
It's only her! What about the others? Deco? I don't think so! Let's just wait for episode 1.

The plot- We know there's an apocalypse and that's basically it! Yep! That's it! Nothing less and nothing more.
I expected an introduction into the series, something more than running, yelling and pointless conversations( off-topic settings).
The show's worth watching. Chris Carter's a known name; yea, it's true, you shouldn't judge the book by its cover-, but I still think the story has potential. After all it's a pilot and the ending was... Huh!? I didn't see that coming!

The show is drawing me in for its mystery!
Again, the pilot could have been better without the long-long-long car park scene.

I'm definitely gonna keep watching "The After"!
I sense a great or at least a double-good show! Some fresh air and that's what the TV industry needs. The apocalyptic setting is nothing new, but I love the idea of having a bunch of people tied together- especially the old lady draws my attention. Nowadays, most shows are all about sexy, juicy and young actors/actresses. A mix of young and old creates a nice & realistic atmosphere.

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[...] especially the old lady draws my attention. Nowadays, most shows are all about sexy, juicy and young actors/actresses.
Too bad her acting was terrible and she couldn't even keep the "I'm feeling sick" up for a minute. There is also the naked swimming scene of the hooker - it's not like that is still a thing in this show.

I'll agree that there weren't any real plot outlines so far but the traits can be read from their cookie-cuter genericness. The thing is, Post-Apocalyptic scenarios are nothing new and having something set up this large scale and have it be caused by some pseudo Book of Revelation alien-demons thing is not a good choice. Add to that the bad direction and I'm certain Amazon will not produce more episodes given the lackluster feedback.

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Berserk: The Golden Age Arc III - The Advent

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

I guess it was alright? The third movie in the series improved on the CGI which is great but it still had many scenes where it felt like three different art styles thrown together in bad taste... The "Berserk Saga" Project seems game so I'll be looking forward for more of these. If they wouldn't have greenlit these movies it would all have been rather pointless. They didn't really improve on the first adaptation so at least getting some new stuff animated will be cool. Not recommended if you have not read the manga and want to experience "Berserk". There is too much back story missing for it to make an impact so these are more fan-service (unless you're just looking for some violence).

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You can only choose one. I think we might get of the boat now soon as he should resume the series after he is done with his mini-story. I figure his motivation isn't the same as it once was (it better not end like Gantz did).

It's been awfully quiet around the project so I hope it's not dead yet. Maybe they joined Miura on a playsession on Idolm@ster...

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Berserk: The Golden Age Arc II - The Battle for Doldrey

Reply by sp1ti

Gnaahh~ here we wait again.. the third movie should be fun with the Eclipse finally happening. I even went back to see if there have been some more manga chapters released since I last read up only to realise that in the last 5 months only three new ones came out. I sure hope we don't have to wait another 20 years for it to complete >_>.

As for the movie itself: While I still enjoyed it overall there are plenty of issues. The CGI is still present but it feels like they amped up the use. While sometimes this works, there are many scenes where it looks choppy and ugly as hell. This is rather unfortunate since Berserk is known for Miura's awesome visuals. The other major drawback is the pacing/adaptation. The movie is too short given that the 25-episode anime for the same arc wasn't enough.. how are three movies supposed to work? They skip a lot but still have some scenes running longer which results in a weird pace. The biggest drawback because of that is the lack of character development. Their connection to the Band of the Hawk isn't really there as they hardly get any screentime (which lessens the impact the Eclipse will have), Griffith's determination is played down and Gut's just the muscle. For people new to the franchise it'll just be a medieval action story without much depth...

It would be great if it actually sold well in Japan but that doesn't seem to be the case. It would have been awesome to get the other arcs animated aswell although they would have to make improvement's to their CGI (I don't dare to imagine how the battle versus Ganishka would look).

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@deanzel I never watched the first adaptation due to the cliffhanger because I felt that would just suck even more. Maybe I should do that at some point.

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Time of EVE: The Movie

Reply by sp1ti

Science-fiction authors (and the Japanese) have always been interested in relations between humans and androids. This movie looks at this in a great setup: Having a café with one simple rule; No discrimination between humans and robots. Inside, human looking androids are indistinguishable by appearance (they are forced to have indicators on their heads outside) and can act independently from their owners. Since I'm a sucker for the kinds of stories where the line between man and machine is blurred I enjoyed this a lot and I think it's a strong sci-fi movie even outside the medium of anime (if you're not just an action guy).
(FYI: The movie is an extended version of an OVA series by the same name.)

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@ManiacB - I wasn't impressed by Pale Cocoon to be honest. It has it's idea but that alone isn't that satisfying. Just watch it though given it's short runtime.

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Time of EVE: The Movie

Reply by sp1ti

Science-fiction authors (and the Japanese) have always been interested in relations between humans and androids. This movie looks at this in a great setup: Having a café with one simple rule; No discrimination between humans and robots. Inside, human looking androids are indistinguishable by appearance (they are forced to have indicators on their heads outside) and can act independently from their owners. Since I'm a sucker for the kinds of stories where the line between man and machine is blurred I enjoyed this a lot and I think it's a strong sci-fi movie even outside the medium of anime (if you're not just an action guy).
(FYI: The movie is an extended version of an OVA series by the same name.)

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@ManiacB - Yeah, I avoided it in the beginning because it looked like a stupid otaku-meets-his-dream-girl thing from the poster but pleasant suprises are great :)!
As for a continuation that would be a prequel if I got the ending right (the guy being the father of the waitress)? I doubt that will happen anytime soon. Did his movie "Patema Inverted" do well in Japan? Maybe that increases the chances :O.

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Golden Time

Reply by sp1ti

This show has been fantastic so far and by far the best Rom-Com/drama of the fall. The LN was written by the author of Toradora and you can definitely see some of the similarities. At last, we get a Rom-Com with college students instead of high schoolers who are more "mature" (at least when not with the legendary Tea Club) and we finally get different scenarios than all those standard high school events. The characters are well developed so far and you can clearly see a lot of development that is coming for all of them. However, what is going to happen seems pretty difficult to predict IMO which is refreshing in the Rom-Com genre for me. I also like a lot of the plot mechanisms and situations they used even though the show does get heavy on the flashbacks at times (but kind of necessary as you'll see). This seems like the must watch show of the fall (Monogatari Second Series started in the summer!) and I look forward to it every week. Watch it.

Oh and one more thing. Linda x Banri all the way.

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@ManiacB don't tempt me ;(. Cliché storm doesn't increase my interest to be honest (despite not really having seen much romance stuff). How is that second episode? It just screamed melo-drama and gold-head seemed really annoying. Given that almost every episode-cap used to be of her I take it she is still very much the focus? All I've seen otherwise are Banri hype threads on /a/ and some mixed takes on it.

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The Complex

Reply by sp1ti

hard to belive this came from the same director that brought us masterpieces like "Dark Water" and Ringo/The Ring ...

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They were based on books so he had something to work from :)!

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Reply by sp1ti


Shout by sp1ti

That wasn't very interesting and kinda messy for just an hour. They should have actually developed something between the two instead of relying on a gimmick and wasting time with that (and the dumb storyline involving Ryuu).
Animation wise it's OK but the music wasn't really great and utilized awkwardly imho.

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@ManiacB: I grabbed the rip earlier this morning but we were visiting relatives the whole day I guess that matched up with your day plans!

The twist was indeed very odd including the last 15 minutes in general. I also hated that they went with the name HAL (in all caps) to further mislead the viewers.

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The Act of Killing

Reply by sp1ti

A truely unique documentary. Not only does the director talk to some of the people responsible for mass murders of commies in Indonesia but he also enlists them in a project to make a movie about their experiences. They then go on and even mix together diffrent genres (musicals, ganster film, etc.) for their story. This gives it a rather surreal vibe but it underlines the thinking of the perpetrators. The way they openly - without regret - talk about their past actions is disturbing. Needless to say there is a climax to the movie and it's all captured with just the camera rolling. I now might also know how "sick to the stomach" sounds like. Well worth for some astonishing scenes and it only occasionally drags on.
As of now, there seem to be three different versions: a 115 minute cut for the festival release, a directors cut of 159 minutes (the one I watched and belive is really the real one (matches RT)) and another one that is unfinished and apperantly is shared in Indonesia (official screenings are not permitted there). The last one has some credits/scenes in it which were removed for the "proper" release for security reasons (many credits have been listed as anon).

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You totally should! Despite being one of the most common denominators on many critics top 2013 lists hardly anyone here actually watched it :( (going by scrobbles/plays).

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Steins;Gate: The Movie - Load Region of Déjà Vu

Reply by sp1ti

"El Psy Kongroo" has finally returned for one last finale (this is the official end to the series) and boy was it worth the wait. As an absolute lover of Steins;Gate (I'm possibly biased), this was a very fulfilling and emotional conclusion to the series and really did a good job of tying up loose ends and plot holes that still existed. As the original Steins;Gate was a story about the journey, struggles and decisions of Okabe through time, this movie gives Makise (one of my favorite tsunderes) a turn to shine and really emphasizes the feelings and conflicts of love that the current Steins;Gate world-line Makise was facing that were only touched upon in the OVA.

The continued development of the romance and the true revealing of feelings between the two time-crossed lovers were a treat, and the creators were able to give a more in-depth explanation of the reading Steiner ability and deja vu effect. I and, more importantly, Makise could also finally understand the pain that the current Okabe was still going through even though he had "saved" everyone which was a critical development in my eyes. I also really liked the difficult struggle between the "scientist" Kurisu and the "woman" Kurisu on the decision of whether to risk saving Okabe against his "wishes". The movie could have maybe touched a bit more on the other characters, but in 90 minutes, the resolution of the story between Makise and Okabe is the most important thing to nail down (and they definitely accomplished that).

It starts a bit slow (as do all Steins;Gate related things) but the emotional pay-off is well worth it in the end. You definitely have to have seen the series and OVA in order to get any of this. I loved the movie and it's a must watch for anyone who has seen Steins;Gate. This is the end that we have all been waiting for so don't delay and watch this immediately. Here's to one final goodbye and "tuturuuuu".

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You should convert your longer shouts to reviews else they just plop of the site in no time :).

The movie indeed does it's job to give the romance a proper ending.

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Golden Time

Reply by sp1ti

This show has been fantastic so far and by far the best Rom-Com/drama of the fall. The LN was written by the author of Toradora and you can definitely see some of the similarities. At last, we get a Rom-Com with college students instead of high schoolers who are more "mature" (at least when not with the legendary Tea Club) and we finally get different scenarios than all those standard high school events. The characters are well developed so far and you can clearly see a lot of development that is coming for all of them. However, what is going to happen seems pretty difficult to predict IMO which is refreshing in the Rom-Com genre for me. I also like a lot of the plot mechanisms and situations they used even though the show does get heavy on the flashbacks at times (but kind of necessary as you'll see). This seems like the must watch show of the fall (Monogatari Second Series started in the summer!) and I look forward to it every week. Watch it.

Oh and one more thing. Linda x Banri all the way.

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I hated the first episode a lot and I don't think I'll pick it up again. The must watch show is no doubt Kyousougiga imho which is the only show that has been consistently great. As for romance, White Album 2 feels more mature where even one of the girls can drive (like we ever see that in anime lol). The MC is a bit too naive and one of the girls a bit gullible but it works. If you need melodrama there is always Nagi no Asukara where the couplings are still uncertain and a lot of crying is involved.

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The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Reply by sp1ti


Review by lira

Just perfect. Kept to the storyline of the book to an impressive level. In some parts, specially near the end, it was clearer than the book. When the uprising in the arena began, we knew pretty well who was on Katniss's side.
One thing to love: everything. If you had any reservations concerning Jena Malone or Sam Claflin, just don't. They were perfect for their characters. The SFX are just something else. The poisonous mist had an eerie Stephen King-ish look to it. The training center was pretty good, and I don't even have words to describe the areena. Hollywood mastered action tracks eons ago, so I don't know why I'm mentioning it.
One thing to hate: fangirls. Bitches screamed and squeaked through half the fucking movie. “Omigod Sam Claflin.” “Hahaha Peeta and Finnick are kissing.” “I want Johanna Mason to murder my vagina.” Ugh, please, I didn't pay to listen to that. (Maybe I thought one or two of these things but at least I kept it to myself.) But maybe you're like me and you, too, feel a sadistic pleasure in telling people to STFU.
And if you're wondering how a mortal watched the movie one week before premiere: I'm from Brazil suckers ;-)

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"Murder my vagina" - that's a good one :).

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Reply by sp1ti


Review by Joy Kehrer

Very disappointed. GdT is my favourite director and I simply adore Pan's Labyrinth, so I was really excited when I heard about him going into this darker direction once again.

I am not scared easily, so maybe it is my fault that I found this movie not scary at all.
The antagonist, Mama, got my sympathies, for showing that she is a good being, caring for the children and playing with them, if even she had fits of jealousy later on.
Plus, since we humans are generally afraid of the Unknown, we saw her face way too often to be scared of it - frankly, her long fingers and abrupt movements were a little cliché as well, as was the ending in general.

While I did enjoy the change of Annabeth, a character I disliked in the beginning, to get closer to the children, this movie had so much potential that hasn't been acted upon.

The theme of Mama being/hiding in rot was interesting, could have been a hint that her body was rotting somewhere in the woods. Her whole backstory was interesting, nun gets pregnant, baby taken away from her, but how, a little bit more there was something I wished for. Or the father - obviously a ghost/leftover emotion as well, only had one scene.

All in all a watchable movie, but nothing close to scary with a very disappointing end.

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This actually was only produced by GDT. He saw Andrés Muschietti's short film (who directed this) by the same title and got on board. Have a look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRqS6pBC42w

I don't think it was intended to be scary but more of a supernatural story with a bit of creepy to it (much like The Orphanage which GDT also produced suprise). A lot better than other movies that try to be scary and just rail up jump scares and show you short glimpses of the monster only.

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