TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard

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It's a Disaster

Shout by sp1ti

Good indie comedy that had some great lines and dark humor. If you want some laughts to the end of the world pick this one instead of the unfunny "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World".

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Escape Room: Tournament of Champions

Shout by sp1ti

Honestly the best thing they probably did with this is having two different cuts...
None of the rooms in the sequel felt particularly exciting with the beach one being especially terrible and the solutions were not very rewarding either (constantly running after single clues as a group or solving things randomly).
I saw people mentioning a better ensemble cast but honestly it was all very stiff and Zoey became ultimately annoying with her Mary Sue stick.
The backstory also didn't really make sense to me alongside a lot of contrived elements in the movie... I hope the next part puts more effort into the rooms/puzzles again.
Also did I miss something? Like... just... go under the taxi girls? Or how about you enter the code to get out of your own game? And if you forgot - the solution is still on the glass you know? :rolling_eyes:

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The Wretched

As others have stated this isn't the worst effort but is also far from being something new. The way it unwraps ended up being quite unsatisfactory to me leaving a lot to be desired from the scenario.
Why is the only keyword on IMDB "male rear nudity" though...

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Bad Trip

The skits don't really work that well as a narrative (nor is that one very interesting)... Sacha Baron Cohen did this a lot better imho. Add to that that they are often just not very funny, going on too long or appear a bit more staged than they should. Sure there are funny moments but Eric can do a lot better.

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My Valentine

Shout by sp1ti

Dud ratio iNtEnSiVeS

Another boring, stale and predictable entry Into The Dark... and that's even with it's padded runtime of 80mins (last 10 mins being a music video and bloopers...).

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Since this is coming up I thought I'd leave a comment about this. To be honest I wasn't sure where to place this rating wise but I generally enjoyed this - despite it's millennial VS boomer theme not really working out so well (which I didn't know about having only read the title and seen some stills). It's not a scary movie by any means even if they like to juxtapose the genre elements in the cuts; the primary angle is the comedy which is also why it can get away with being so messy imho.

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Girls with Balls

You don't really have to read anything into the movie as it presents it's intent crystal clear not only on the poster but also with a little song at the begging in the movie; it's just here to have fun and does this in a bloody goofy way which is why I have little problem looking past it's flaws. Now why this got snagged by Netflix I don't know.. :volleyball::anger::dizzy_face:

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All That We Destroy

This already gave me terribad vibes from minute two... doesn't improve over the 90 minutes at all. Underdeveloped concept without any tension, proper characterization, a clunky backstory and just plain boring storytelling. Anyone giving this episode credit for tackling the "complexity of motherhood" or even "misogyny" has in very low standards in my book (yes; this one is for mother's day).

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You Might Be the Killer

I like meta horror, I like Franz Kranz and Alyson Hannigan but I also like to see something besides a "funny" concept for 90 minutes.

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Shout by sp1ti

This barely passed in my book... It's utterly generic for most of it's runtime and wastes a lot of time just racking up some kills until it comes around to the main attraction. David Gordon Green adds very little flavor to it but that is also not surprising with four writers on this. What is however is all the elaborate stupidity that made it into the script.
The multi-generational element of the story was the saving grace for me and the theme song never gets old either :).

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Shout by sp1ti

Really disappointed by this... While there is a decent thriller in here and a good performance from Brewer, it failed to get much into her life as a camgirl and the identity theft is not played out very realistically (my issue isn't really with the twist but how the whole thing is approached).

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What a dumpster fire... had to aboard ship early. Slowly paced with a shitty script and some really wooden acting in the mix. Whenever there is a baby in the crib, do not forget to walk towards it slowly, and very afraid... IT'S FUKN BABIES MAN!!!

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Starts out really baller but cannot really keep it up. Still not bad (esp. considering how cheap the poster looks).

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VHS Massacre: Cult Films and the Decline of Physical Media

Shout by sp1ti

This "documentary" is a co-product of the filmmakers radio show called "VHS Massacre". In that regard the title is a bit misleading. While it has some semi-interesting interviews here it really doesn't offer much insight. It's structured very poorly and is quite amateurish at times (bad mic, wrong facts, segments with no relevancy, stats with seemingly no real basis). There is also some meta advertisement going on for their other films (even a trailer is shown). If you want to watch a doc about VHS go check out "Rewind This!".

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Tragedy Girls

Shout by sp1ti

While Tragedy Girls was funny at times it failed to really connect the opening act to the rest of the story for which I was waiting on... Could also have done without the obligatory #teenagedrama BS.

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Dead Shack

Shout by sp1ti

"Dead Shack" clearly sets out to be "your" midnight movie... it just frequently falls flat. I'm not sure if the movie operates on multiple layers of irony as the script is sometimes so bad that it couldn't be anything but intentional. While there is fun to be had I just cannot rate this neutral based on some scenes.

- The drunken dad checking out the place is just pushing it too hard...
- Of course there is a shack with "cool gear" and weapons to stock up... I could have looked past this if the follow-up scenes weren't so anti-climatic (the gang vs. the zombie doggies).
- There are a lot of "stiff" character scenes in it but no one reacting immediatley to their dead dad? wtf
- Ending the movie with a call from Jason's mom when this topic was already only shoehorned in previously and completly undermining the "family drama" of Colin and Summer...
- Oh... and the synth OST did not fit into most scenes :(.

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Small Crimes

Shout by sp1ti

I feel like the choice of poster is going to mislead quite a lot of people about what kind of movie they're going to watch ;). Anyways, not bad but it was a bit contrived and had mediocre payoff.

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Shout by sp1ti

OKish all female horror anthology that shows that regardless of gender they're always a rocky ride.

The Box is easily the best of the bunch but is based on a Jack Ketchum story so it's sort of a cheat when the selection criteria was a female director, lead and writer ;).
The Birthday Cake as the followup was mostly bad. While the final scene is great, everything building up to it is a tired formula spliced with an unfunny comedy. The standout was the terrible music editing which tried really hard to make things more interesting than they really were. Picking St. Vincent as one of the directors seems to have been a marketing decision primarily.
Don't Fall was the most straightforward "horror" of the four but doesn't have much to set it apart besides some stylish shots.
Her Only Living Son as the closer didn't offer any innovation either but was competently directed.

(If you were confused like me: the movie had initially planned segments by Jennifer Lynch and the Soska Sisters but they dropped out)

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Don't Hang Up

The recent batch of "horrorish" VOD releases I checked out were all quite lackluster. In a way this one is too but it was at least for the most part entertaining to watch. Still lots of dumb decisions, predictable events (couldn't the mask be more obviously different(?)), questionable acting and an antagonist who doesn't seem to have a lot of logic in his revenge.

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Shout by sp1ti

Unless you're into explosion heavy action films like... any current Hollywood production... this can be skipped. Gareth Edwards certainly can shoot large scale action decent but whoever handed him the script had little regard for much else. While it's understandable that they didn't want to put their "best" characters into this they could have at least bothered with a bit more story than what uninspiring Felicity Jones is supposed to deliver (her childhood arc isn't even remotely adding anything to it but a "hey it's drama dude"). But it isn't just the characters like the autistic mode K-2SO, the plot isn't very engaging either and has lots of dumb shit in it. I also find it ridiculous that this is supposed to be a standalone entry into the franchise... the things most people are liking in it are the fanservice that would just confuse the hell out of anyone unfamiliar with Star Wars. Just embrace the "standalone" instead of adding in CG characters of previous movies to it and do something different than X-Wings, Tie Fighers and Storm Troopers otherwise I really hope that everyone stops handing over money to Disney after maybe the 20thiest installment.

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I Am a Hero

"I am a Hero" makes for a fun adaptation of the manga by the same name. Leaving out most of the elements that would make it less generic and just following it from the beginning might not put it it into anyone's favorite list but hey; plenty of zombie shotgun action can also suffice (with a lot of gore).

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HK: Hentai Kamen 2 - Abnormal Crisis

Shout by sp1ti

I really loved the first Hentai Kamen movie so it saddens me to get an inferior sequel. There are still some funny scenes here but it's the same old jokes but in a more boring framework that could have used some tightening up.

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Portal to Hell!!!

By this point I hoped everyone agreed that it's not worth showing the "Great Old Ones" without the proper ressources but I guess this was merely gunned for comedy. I get what this should be but it's just not funny enough.

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High Kick Girl!

An awful and unimaginative karate flick. The 81 minute runtime features almost no plot and every god damn blow gets repeated in either slow-mo, a different angle or just straight up the same shot. They're mostly not impressive and the sound design is not something to show off here.
Looks like this was remade into for obvious reasons!

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Shout by sp1ti

Another fun movie from Quentin Dupieux. He did an awesome job at interweaving all the story threads.

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The Killing Room

This is just plain stupid.

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Schoolgirl Complex

A slow-paced and sometimes a bit too Otaku bait-y live-action yuri movie. The girl's crush is actually not that well depicted but the addition of the "loosing girl" helps to drive the movie thankfully.

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In Darkness We Fall

A fun found footage movie inside a cave. Unlike "The Decent" the horror here is human. While it doesn't seem very plausible that you'd get lost in a cave (especially if you filmed the way in) this is what they went with. For what it's worth they captured their desperation and it features some intense scenes. The ending however is where they lost me because it made no sense (contradicting earlier scenes inside the cave).
According to the bonus features this is based on a true story the locals are trying to keep secret but Formentera is not exactly the place where that would happen: lame marketing.

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Shout by sp1ti

So... we live in an age where Nolan now has THREE movies in the IMDB Top 20. Figures the word masterpiece is thrown around. I'm not exactly sure anymore what the requirement to achieve that is but I fail to see how Interstellar can be one by objective means anyways.
The movie to it's credit is ambitious and has some visually impressive scenes in there but the it isn't really that much about interstellar travels but is loaded with very simple 'mainstream' american themes which lead to the excessive runtime.
The problem the people on earth have to overcome and leads to everything happening is actually interesting but is handled very poorly, painting mankind as rather stupid in progress but whatever your excuse is for having to make plot happen... right?
I don't want to get spoiler-y so lets just say that after an hour it gets to magic land and is riddled with exposition, dumb scientists and predictable waste of screentime. The whole thing stands on such a weak foundation it is sad really. No matter the scale, I don't think I recently saw something as full of plotholes as this.
I'm not calling the movie terrible but it's a flawed mixture of things other movies did better.

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