


You're Being Summoned, Azazel-san

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Highly enjoyable but extremely low brow comedy where the overlords of the underworld end up being cute animals once they're summoned to earth. While the episodes themselves are only ten minutes long the stories usually take two of them to complete anyways.

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The Moaning of Life

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At first I was a bit sceptical since it's Karl playing Karl but if you liked "An Idiot Abroad" you will enjoy this aswell.

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Stella Women's Academy, High School Division Class C3

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What is the C³'s club daily order of business? Eating cake, drinking tea, running gun blazing through the forest with airguns and well... having fun.
This marks the only show I picked up late in the season due to it's buzz. Unlike the expected "cute girls-show" Gainax added their own flavor to it. There was the potential of our protagonist Yura having hallucinations or being able to alter time (or create worlds of her own) but this is also one of the shows flaws. It tries to do too many things. The latter never really comes up again after it's been depicted. There is also some plotarmor in place (as far as getting hit goes) and some animation shortcuts (stillframes mostly).
What made me like this show so much was the rather edgy rise and fall of Yura. You just can't help but worry about the steps she takes and the show goes to some pretty dark places for it's style, heck - there could have been some kind shooting at one point. Just look at how much someone typed about her developement; http://tobiichi.wordpress.com/2013/09/20/in-defense-of-yura-yamato/ :o. I hope this isn't considered a spoiler but it all ends happy with everyone having fun again. Oddly enough it seems like they aired a more OVA like episode as number 13 so the true end is actually in the twelfth EP.

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Servant x Service

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I have neither seen nor read Working!! but just from looking at it I belive S×S is a carbon copy of it. I wasn't really impressed by the show but at least they got away from the repetitive jokes they had in the earlier episodes. I would have wished for the Bunny to never been added but welp, there had to be something to make it implausible. Has at least one of the better endings of this season as most others have been dissapointing.

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At it's core Kiniro Mosaic is your typical 4koma adaptation featuring cute girls doing cute things and if you don't like these kind of shows this won't change your mind (I'm usually not too fond of them either). The twist to this are the two blondes Alice and Karen who move to Japan to visit their Childhood friend so you get a good dose of Engrish in every episode. The show also starts and ends in an unique way so that's a plus. It's really too cute as to hate on it.

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Danganronpa: The Animation

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I'm gonna rate this one before the final episode airs next week: This show is really bad and I have no idea why I stuck with it...
The first episode was allright and there seemed to be plenty of people who played the games so it had to have something good. It only got worse. The first apparent flaw is the art and animation: Apart from Monobear the designs are ugly and it looks cheap. It also takes many of the game elements straight into the anime (and these look even worse). The characters are flat since this is basicly a "let's play" with scenes cut out, there are 15 students afterall. There are also no attempts of presenting realistic behaviour among the students. Doesn't matter if they're psychopaths or not they just get along. The classroom trials where they have to deceide on a curlpit after a murder are basicly a twist party. Since you're not playing you get the clues presented which often feels like an asspull (and there are many of those). This weeks episode aswell as the previous one were not even trying anymore. They expect you to accept even more bullshit than the recent Sword Art Online. It's not worth anyones time. If you're remotely interested either check out a playthrough on YouTube or play one of the games but I can't tell you if they're any better.

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Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya

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As ManiacB said: This is very much one of the many ways they milked the Fate-franchise so if you have not seen the previous efforts I'd say check those out first because just watching this will not satisfy you.
The show itself is a weird mix between magical girl comedy, more Fate-style battles and fanservice. The art varies in quality but the fights themselves are done good enough (Silver Link is no Ufotable though) and sometimes they seem to be padding the scenes a bit. It really is a lot better than one would expect but I could have done without the Yuri and the fanservices scenes as these are freaking little girls (there are steamy^2 scenes and imouto). The second part is supposed to be superior to the first so I'll be looking forward to this.

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Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!

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I was avoiding this when it aired because I got the impression this was an Otaku-b8 loli show but dancing gifs of Dekomori somehow got me looking into it again (yup). While it's topic certainly is Otaku friendly it wasn't really exploitive. Instead it's a suprisingly fun story about growing up and keeping your imagination alive. It wades of to melodrama towards the end but that's to be expected. I'm looking forward to the movie and S2.

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Blood Lad

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Being cut short to only 10 episodes this is basically advertisement for the Manga which is slowly progressing itself and not legally up to date or fully scanlated (30/50 chapters). The typcal Shonen-Quest is still at an early stage and we only got hints about the battle for a new king. The show itself is O.K. at best but doesn't bring anything new. I almost dropped it after the first two episodes. The thing is that it can be entertaining and look good but it often has bad designs or even cheap looking "monsters" (kids anime style) and the fanservice was annoying too unless you find huge cans classy... I don't see this being popular outside of it's airtime.

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The Inside

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Too bad this show got the Firefly treatment... canned after six episodes and aired out of order. Sucks for Tim Minear... The show itself might not have been perfect but is surprisingly gruesome, has some interesting characters and is not as "profiling" heavy as Criminal Minds. It does however overuse the stick of Rebecca's past and has a tendency to go a bit over the top so some of the incidents are unintentionally comic.

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Spice and Wolf

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A story about a traveling merchant named Lawrence who one day meets a harvest deity in the form of a "wolf woman" called Holo which travels along with him to the north in search of her former hometown. While I've always heard that it is supposed to be an economics driven show it isn't really that accurate. The plot might be driven by it but the story itself is about the relationship of Lawrence and Holo. Unfortunately they seem to have forgotten about that in the second season which sees them seemingly part ways or meeting a fur trader which steals too much screentime. Since a third season never got made it would have been better to adapt the ending instead of this more filler stuff.
Given the praise I've always heard I was a bit disappointed. These voices might come from the male fans of Holo like this guy http://www.fabricerequin.com/post/category/project-holo/ who visited tons of places with a cardboard cutout of his waifu...

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The Writers' Room

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Looks promising! With writers from hit shows like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Dexter, New Girl, Parks and Rec and American Horror Story seems to me everyone here will be watching :)?

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Birdy the Mighty: Decode

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Never exceeds at anything and has some meh plotting and episodes inbetween. That said, it's not all bad and still entertaining to watch.

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Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet

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Let down of the season! Not recommended.
(I've already posted my thoughts on multiple episode pages if anyone needs more reasoning)

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Pretty entertaining series but is a bit heavy with the melo-drama. You could always foretell that after a certain period of "happy-times" something would come up to get everyone crying.

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Shout by sp1ti

I agree with ManiacB:
The first season is fun to watch. Adapted from novels they did a good job to keep the talking heads interesting. This means lots of weird angles, different art styles, live action sequences and usage of colored text cards (appearing for split seconds only). By the time we get to the second season the direction changes for the show. The flashing text cards only appear occasionally and the direction is rather tame. The pace of the arcs slows down and were left with TONS of fanservice (in dialogue and visuals). It is already present in the first season but it's better mixed in so it's bearable. Every female poses like a slut, a loli vampire bathing with the MC and it doesn't stop at his sisters. Much of it also feels like a dating sim: there is hardly any interaction between the girls and they only appear alone in scenes with the MC. It also hurts the supernatural side of the story, there is hardly an tension built up. Thankfully the Nekomonogatari (Black) arc feels more like the first season but is not that exciting because it is a prequel and the events during "Golden Week" already happend once in the first season.

Since SHAFT will probably animate all the "Monogatari" there will be ten or so more to come so I hope they can keep the level of the first or this will be a painful experience.

Bakemonogatari = 8
Nisemonogatari = 5
Nekomonogatari (Black) = 7

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Attack on Titan

Shout by sp1ti

Arguably better than the show itself are the countless OP mashups:

Attack on Bollywood: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDHCLjuOzXY
Attack on Snuggle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvq0RaaMck8
Attack on Pingu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC2okqCGMg4
Attack on Witch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rDT0bjojZo
Attack on Eva: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XCZoRI0YFw
Attack on Christopher Walken: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGDzKZoh1K8
Attack on Anon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLImJOIl2D8 (which basicly says everything)

There are tons more (hundreds) on Nicovideo (http://goo.gl/OlXbD) but you'll need an account to watch these. Of course potato-girl has her own tribute http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n4TBef0aws.

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Shout by sp1ti

Great, slow-burn series about a man readjusting to life after spending 20 years in prison. With visuals often reminding of Malicks style it's certainly unique next to the other shows airing.

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Ergo Proxy

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For as many things the show did right, there are also some issues that plague it which took away from my overall enjoyment of the show. The biggest one for me were some of the later episodes. We take detours from the main story with the excuse that some proxy is causing it. These episodes hardly offer anything new to the story or are an excuse for some forgotten exposition. In addition to that there is no start or end to it. The following episodes are like these things never happend. The second big thing is it's sometime borderline pretentious philosophical dialogue. Some of these work as a oneliners but that's about it. It's in the same way like everyone on CSI is a smartass about something on demand. Not only that, most people and many locations have been given a name from mythology.
Still, the art is good and there are some fine episodes in there. And let's not forget the best token loli I've seen, Pino :). If you're looking for an action show with the anime Amy Lee shown on the fanart you might want to stay away from it.

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Nathan for You

Shout by sp1ti

This is seriously entertaining. A mix of real and staged "reality tv". The saddest part is probably that his faked "Pig rescues baby goat" Youtube-video got more views than all the episodes together. Looking forward to Season 2!

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Shout by sp1ti

I guess you watched http://trakt.tv/show/delocated/specials/episode/1
-> http://splitsider.com/2013/02/adult-swims-delocated-is-ending-its-run-with-a-special-series-finale-episode-march-7th/

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Gurren Lagann

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Well said @jumpingforcoins! I had initially watched some episodes but they have left me rather unsatisfied (for being a Gainax show). Now that I've finished the show I gotta say, the levels of awesome they reach in later episodes is a joy to watch!

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If you're still unsure if you should watch the show, the A.V. Club wrote an article to get you to do so :):
Enlightened is TV’s best show right now—and it needs more viewers http://www.avclub.com/articles/enlightened-is-tvs-best-show-right-nowand-it-needs,92934/

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Eden of the East

Shout by sp1ti

I was looking forward to watching this but it's been a big let down. Perfect example of a concept that sounded good on paper but the execution failed big time. Not that it is that innovative.. it's basically a Future Diary rip-off.
At first I was impressed they didn't fail with Engrish and I enjoyed the Taxi Driver reference but from there on there on not much happend to build some kind of suspense. The story goes nowhere and it only runs for 11 episodes (and two movies later on). The writing is unsatisfactory and lazy including tons of things that make no sense AT ALL (!!). It doesn't help that I could have cared less about the "characters". I get the feeling that the target audience is the lower end of teenagers despite having enough things in there to not warrant that (has somebody counted how often the word "Johnnys" falls?). The art itself was nice but I hated the sporadic use of the "gag-style" which ruined the mood and some of the character designs are somehow weird aswell.
Not sure if I'm going to watch the movies.. looks like the first one is set in NYC? Does not seem like these are going to be much better :I?

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Shout by sp1ti

It has a Gantz vibe to it.. violence, t&a. Not sure where they're gonna take it.
The protagonist doesn't seem too bright, it took him forever to figure out how to use the bomb (even thought he is the country's top player). At least he has godmode as far as Bombs-Exploiding-In-Your-Face goes.. The perv outro and episode preview for the second one have my expectations set low - the busty female has of course been raped...

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Shout by sp1ti

I watched up to episode 3 with the fitting name "Wasting Time" - Seriously, all those titles would reflect my opinion if I'd keep on watching :).
The show is just far too generic and doesn't excel at anything. It's saving grace is that most shows had their season finale when this one started. There are better ways to waste your time imho :)!

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