


Assassination Classroom

Shout by sp1ti

A "safe" adaptation of the manga with so-so visuals. I found much of it to be pretty boring due to the simple fact that it isn't the most exciting series there is (especially if you know the story already). The second season is announced for 2016 so I'm going to keep it at a 6 otherwise it would have been a lackluster commercial only.

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The Following

Shout by sp1ti

"Classic Poe"... this is not.

A steady downward spiral of awful writing is all I can credit this show to. The more Followers followed the Followers the worse it all got. Unfortunately it also doesn't hold up as an unintentional comedy ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

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Unlimited Fafnir

Shout by sp1ti

Meh, no idea why I even watched 9 episodes of this. I got a week behind and couldn't bring myself to continue. Low quality battle harem with Playstation 1 era graphics monsters. Fear not, everyone needs the MCs D here.

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Gourmet Girl Graffiti

Shout by sp1ti

Let's get it straight: This is a pure slice of life starring moeblobs. I could just post this screencap here and be done because it sums up the show really well http://i.imgur.com/4lQrV8u.jpg.
I was slightly pissed that Shaft is just doing a girls-eating-food-and-making-orgasmic-faces-show but with tuned back expectations I was okey with the turnout... it's just really unsubstantial.

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Gourmet Girl Graffiti

Shout by sp1ti

Let's get it straight: This is a pure slice of life starring moeblobs. I could just post this screencap here and be done because it sums up the show really well http://i.imgur.com/4lQrV8u.jpg.
I was slightly pissed that Shaft is just doing a girls-eating-food-and-making-orgasmic-faces-show but with tuned back expectations I was okey with the turnout... it's just not something forgettable.

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Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!

Shout by sp1ti

A bishi parody of the "Magical Girl" genre. Not even a bad one.

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Shout by sp1ti

I laughted once... It's short and pointless.

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The Rolling Girls

Shout by sp1ti

Diving into the show with an open mind after a playful first episode I ended up quite disappointed.
Much of that can be attributed to the shows decision to drop the leading girl to follow her sidekick and her group of airheaded moeblobs. Following along with them are rather mundane stories that take place in various countries they visit.
The presentation is whats sets the show apart from others this season as they sport a colorful palette with varied backgrounds for the places they're at. Too bad that this also makes quality drops also more apparent.
WIT Studio took a risk with an original anime which is great but I won't applaud them for believing that throwing in cute girls on bikes will cut it.

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Absolute Duo

Shout by sp1ti

Probably "the best" fantasy battle harem released this season but still really awful. It combines pretty much all the bad things you can say about Light Novels and their adaptations with the exception that it is probably a little better looking than the others (this season) and not as fanservice heavy.

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Tokyo Ghoul

So... the show got it's second season. Was it worth it? Totally not. It turned to utter trash (from an already messy adaptation).
S2 further diverts from the actual story it adapts (not that I've read it nor do I want to) but it's all with the supposed consent and input of the author - which is cool.. if it made any sense. They throw in so many characters we're supposed to give a shit only to involve them in things we know jack about. The show does in no way stand on it's own feet. Heck, the MC by this point is even harder to grasp. How great is it to have edgy fights with boring choreography and constant spasm of god awful animation! I'm floored how some people seriously liked the season. The only slightly redeeming thing was the anticlimactic last episode but it's by no means good.
Downgraded my overall rating from a "5" to a "4" (S2 is a 2/10).

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Ninja Slayer From Animation

Based Boris is doing the ED. Fuck yeah!

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Celestial Method

Shout by sp1ti

Celestial Method marks the debut show for Studio 3Hz and will hopefully be overshadowed soon for something better the studio does. Apart from the actual content the show was well done.
If there is one word that describes to show it would be: M E L O D R A M AAAAAAA. I mean what else can you expect from drama around little kids. They already pull that card with the first episode! The dynamics are weird and the saucer loli doesn't help that at all. The story is predictable and they are not even trying to spice up the slice of life. If it weren't for weekly episodes I would not have made it through this.

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Detective Opera Milky Holmes

Shout by sp1ti

What a harsh rating the show has on here (it's only three votes though)...

Milky Holmes is about four aspiring detectives in Detective Academy. With the help of special abilities called "Toys" they're out to catch the bad guys. They also happen to be the most successful team at their school. That is until the faithful day where they loose their "Toys". As it turns out the ladies are actually kinda... doofuses.

For most of it's runtime the show is a pure comedy and not a mystery show. There are tons of reaction faces and silly humor. The cast features plenty of whack jobs but is mostly one notes characters. Towards the final episodes they however always pack out the animation budget and deliver with some action packed finale (at least twice).
I genuinely enjoyed the show - up until the third season. That season introduced a new set of protagonist and antagonists. The original MH cast is still there but since the girls look up to them they try their hardest to be "serious detectives", at least in front of them. This really kills the spirit because the goofiness is what made the show fun in the first place.
Here is hoping that the upcoming season will be more like the first two.

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Yuki Yuna Is a Hero

Shout by sp1ti

This show starts out as a slice of life + girl in a wheel chair and then suddenly turns into a magical girls show... Being penned by Akame ga Kill's writer and heavily inspired by Madoka you can expect some suffering for these girls even though they complete their apparent goal with by Episode 5. The rushed approach is however not one I would consider good. After that episode the pacing is rather slow and there is little progression. The final episode (who doesn't have a writing credit by the original author) manages to invalidate all that has come before it and is worthy of the title "asspull".
If it wasn't for the suffering I would have dropped the show by Episode 6 and I would certainly not recommend the show to anyone. There are however people who champion this as an underdog so who knows ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

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I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying

Shout by sp1ti

I'm just going to say that the first two episodes were really terrible but then it luckily turns around to less obnoxious otaku humor. I think it works best when it's just about the couple's relationship. With just three minutes per episode it's not much of a commitment anyways.

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Gugure! Kokkuri-san

Shout by sp1ti

"Gugure! Kokkuri-san" is a bit of a mixed bag for me. The comedy style isn't exactly consistent and heavy on the reaction faces but it's still fun most of the time. The colorful cast has a certain charm to them and the show can be cute too. There is a certain Japanese weirdness to it which you just have to put up with.

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I was ready for a SyFy tier story and thus skipping it. Some decent ratings and early reviews led me to believe it might be just mediocre instead of bad.
It's a messy story with bad acting and dialogue to say the least - add to that being boring too. They also decided to go with the biggest BS they got to get people to ?vote? for more episodes of it. What you are going to get at the end of these too long episodes is not going to make you satisfied. "The most important project for mankind" (hahaha) is a waste of time.

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Shout by sp1ti

I honestly thought this show is going to be terrible. The designs are odd and well... everyone is always blushing?! While it remains totally skipable it has it's moments. If you're looking for something with a lot of jokes about the lewd part of the industry and some shipping it would fit the bill. Would have enjoyed it more if the character focus has been more balanced though (half of them were about Sensei).

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JINSEI - Life Consulting

Shout by sp1ti

A rather generic SoL based around a "Life Advice Club". Most of the fun comes from the fact that the girls either forgot their daily dose of adderall or mentally challanged. It's not light on fanservice but hey, it's all based on a manga drawn by a woman so that is probably alright.

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This is a show about traps. What is a trap? Try something like this:
A pre-op transwoman who is both passable and hot. The kind that, when you find she's packing heat, you just don't care.
"How was I supposed to know she was a trap? Well, of course I banged her. She was hot."
by Brian X September 17, 2010
It all boils down to a series of semi molestations for the lulz. Since it's a 4 minute show that's totally fine to watch... right? The show also has the highest ratio of traps ever shown on television and likes to remind you that the girls, ehr boys are indeed packing. I also recommend checking out "&"'s trollsubs for double the fun (EP9 in wake of the NYAA disaster was glorious).

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Tokyo ESP

Shout by sp1ti

It wouldn't be a lie to say this show heavily inspired by X-Men but way worse. Weak characters, bad story telling (starting in the future and then working it's way back there but throwing in tons of "will they survive it?" moments anyways), inadequate animation and random music choices. I didn't flat out hate the show but it had weird moments from the get go however they earned it with bad antagonists, stalling and then loosing any kind of pace. I was seriously blown away by it's final episode which is a horribly rushed piece of paint-by-numbers... it was too funny.

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Baby Steps

Shout by sp1ti

If I had to guess the show's title comes from the romance aspect of the show then the progression of the main character's tennis skills is rather quick (there are hints of asperger's which can be an explanation). While I found most of it not to be very engaging due to the wrap around being a cliché and kid friendly romance there have been some intense tennis matches to enjoy.
A second season has been greenlit and is coming next year. If you're into tennis it's well worth checking out.

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Rail Wars!

Shout by sp1ti

There is little war among these rails... except for all the girls fighting for the beloved MC. Unlike other shows this season I can't call this one disappointing because it did what they set out to do: Deliver pantyhose and ass service with a bit of trains on the side. The little plot there is it's all basic with few minor missteps. I doubt anyone wants to seek this out. If anything it can serve as a promo for JR but they don't really need that anyways.

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Love Stage!!

If you are looking for a gay anime, this is probably it. While it's not terrible and mixes in some humor but the yaoi still prevails (including pseudo rape). The last episodes are rushed and almost had me believing I was watching a recap and that is with only 10 episodes based on a still ongoing manga...

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Shout by sp1ti

FX has had it's fair share of great Dramas recently but I won't count Tyrant to those.

Since we follow the brother of a Dictator and it's set in the Middle East it obviously wants to focus on the politics... but common, how was that going to work anyways? The protagonist returning from America stands on the moral high ground and wants to change the ways of his brother - which he has plenty of chances to do. You know, that social media thing? You don't want to clean that plaza violently... Always treading the same ground is also not very interesting nor was it done in any realistic manner. As the series progresses and brings US politics into the mix it only gets worse. Much of the screen time was also wasted with really pointless and never followed up on story lines for the family (and the sister for example was just added for god damn nothing). The acting was lackluster as well and Justin Kirk was a total miscast (working with ever so flat characters to be fair).
The show would have been much more enjoyable if the Dictator was consistently insane and not craving for his brother's 'love' and opinions (which he afterwards ignores anyways).
Maybe it improves once S2 comes around but for now I would not recommend the show.

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Robot Girls Z

Shout by sp1ti

Robot Girls Z boils down to cute girls bullying each other. There is that tendency that they get sexualised a tad bit too much but the cuteness prevails. It's an easy and short watch if you're bored.

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Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories

Shout by sp1ti

You can get the gist of the show by it's title: Yami Shibai - Japanese Ghost Stories. The episodes are no longer than four minutes and always self contained. Most of them come down to your typical J-horror setup/sequences. Like many short shows the budget for these is small. The way they handle it here is employing a picture-story style with little animation which works for me.
Horror seems to be one of the hardest things to do in animation or at least I don't really know of something scary in the field (that is not going the cruel/gore route à la Corpse Party). Some of the episodes are fun to watch for the creepy vibe but there are also weak ones among them. I'd say if you like J-horror and got some minutes to spare you will enjoy it.
(The two ED's so far have been great btw., I really like the dark/distorted vocaloid songs.)

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Li'l Quinquin

Shout by sp1ti

P'tit Quinquin is a mini series from Bruno Dumont who is usually busy making arthouse movies. Can't say I've seen any of his films but I certainly thought about giving one a go in the past. Having been a bit reluctant to watching all four episodes in one sitting I found myself surprised of how fun this thing actually is.
There is plenty of dark humor and the vibe is almost goofy at times. The characters are also everything but standard with (?)most of the cast actually being non actors and also involving people with physical or mental disabilities (which makes it sometimes hard to guess if some scenes are played for the laughs). The look of the show is also quite nice and the rural village makes for a good setting.
Be warned that not every mystery is resolved so if you need that closure you might not want to watch this. For everyone else I can only recommend to check it out once it airs on ARTE.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii2BzMaUr3M

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Insufficient Direction

Shout by sp1ti

A short and innocent show. Interestingly enough you get a wall of text after each episode explaining every single reference... It's supposedly about Hideaki Anno but how much of him really is in here is up for debate but it's about the only selling point here. Did I mention his wife is a baby?
Despite my "6" rating I recommend skipping this as it's appeal is really niche.

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Is the Order a Rabbit?

Shout by sp1ti

Cute girls doing cute things - this time set in an European city with the girls working in a coffeehouse. It's rather uneventful and the only unique feature is that the grandpa of one of the girls is a rabbit and mostly sits on her head. The designs look like they're straight out of Kiniro Mosaic with Rize looking like Aya and even sharing the same seiyuu...
It's well made for what it is, just don't look for creativity!

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